Video quiz questions⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 21 из 21 1) Fill the gap: Everyone, please think of your ________________________ personal goal. 2) ______-- you can take a second. · For clear · For real · In truth 3) Fill the gap: Take a ________________________ seconds and think of your personal ________________________ goal, okay? 4) Fill the gap: ________________________ telling ________________________ that you meet today what you're going to do. 5) Fill the gap: Imagine their ________________________, and their high image of you. 6) Fill the gap: Doesn't it feel good to say it out ________________________? 7) Fill the gap: Don't you feel ________________________ closer already, like it's already becoming part of your identity? 8) Fill the gap: you should have kept your mouth shut, because that good feeling now will make you less ________________________ to do it. 9) The repeated ________ tests have proven that telling someone your goal makes it less likely to happen. · psychology · physiology · physicality 10) Fill the gap: Any time you have a goal, there are some steps that need to be ________________________, some work that needs to be done in order to ________________________ it. 11) Fill the gap: Ideally you would not be ________________________ until you ________________________ actually done the work. 12) Fill the gap: But when you tell someone your goal and they acknowledge it, psychologists have found that it's called a " social ________________________. 13) " The mind is kind of _______ feeling that it's already done. · rigged into · tricked into · kicked into 14) Fill the gap: And then because you've ________________________ that satisfaction, you're less motivated to do the actual hard work ________________________ 15) Fill the gap: (Laughter) So this goes ________________________ wisdom that we should tell our friends our goals, right? 16) Fill the gap: Kurt Lewin, ________________________ of social psychology, called this " substitution. 17) Fill the gap: Wera Mahler found when it was ________________________ it felt real in the mind. 18) Fill the gap: 1982, Peter Gollwitzer wrote a whole book about this, and in 2009, he did some new tests that ________________________ 19) Fill the gap: 163 people ________________________ four separate tests. 20) Fill the gap: Then half of them announced their ________________________ to this goal to the room, and half didn't. 21) Fill the gap: Then everyone was given 45 minutes of work that would directly lead them ________________________ their goal, 22) Fill the gap: … those who kept their mouths shut worked the ________________________ 45 minutes on average, 23) Fill the gap: … on average, and when asked afterward, said that they felt much closer to ________________________ their goal. 24) Fill the gap: Well, you could ________________________ the temptation to announce your goal. 25) Fill the gap: You can ________________________ the gratification that the social acknowledgment brings, 26) Fill the gap: … such ________________________, " I really want to run this ________________________ so I need to train five times a week and kick my ass if I don't, okay? 27) Fill the gap: ( ________________________ ) Exactly! 28) Fill the gap: (Laughter) ( ________________________ )