Please make sure that you submit your registration fee as instructed on the registration form. No paper will be accepted for presentation/published in proceedings unless the registration fee is paid in full.. References. DO NOT arrange references in categPlease make sure that you submit your registration fee as instructed on the registration form. No paper will be accepted for presentation/published in proceedings unless the registration fee is paid in full. References References section should be at the end of the manuscript. References to previously published research studies must in Harvard style. References should be arranged alphabetically without numbers. Keep one black line between each two references. Please follow the examples below. DO NOT arrange references in categories like below. The titles in green are just to show examples. The final list of references should be arranged alphabetically in one category. Journal Articles Last name, initials. (year) ‘Article title with only first letter upper case, ’ Journal name, vol (issue no. ), pages. Example: Articles with one author Ackoff, R L. (1961) ‘Management Misinformation Systems, ’ Management Science, 14 (4), 147-156. Example: Articles with two authors Sabri, EH and Beamon, M. (2000), 'A Multi-Objective Approach to Simultaneous Strategic and Operational Planning in Supply Chain Design, ' Omega: an International Journal of Management Science 28 (1), 581-598. Example: Articles with more than two authors Fox, MS., Barbyceanu, M. and Teigen, R. (2000), 'Agent-oriented Supply Chain Management, ' International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 12 (1), 165-88
Last name, initial(s). (Date published). Title of article. [Online]. Publisher. [Date you accessed the site]. Available: URL. Example: Lorek, L. A., (2003), ''Buyers catch on to online shopping, ' San Antonio Express-News. [Online], [Retrieved December 22, 2003], http: //web. lexis-nexis. com/universe/document