The main body of the paper. Figures and Tables. Referencing published research within textThe main body of the paper Two categories of heading are defined: ‘Heading’ ( Bold, Left, 12 pt ) with 10 point space before paragraph for the first level headings and ‘Subheading’ (Italic, Left) for the subsidiary level. The main body of the paper, 10 pt time New Roman, can include titles and subtitles followed by discussion to address: literature review, research question, research design and methodology, result, discussion, study limitations and conclusion. Figures and Tables Include figures and tables within the body of your paper. DO NOT design your figures using Microsoft word in bits and pieces. This will cause the figure to be distorted during formatting and production. You have to use a drawing tool and import the figure to word.
Fig 1. Internet Usage & E-government access
Table 1: table title here
Figures’ titles should be under the figure. Tables’ titles should be above the table. Make sure you have permission of any previously published figure or table from publishers and/or authors. This is the sole responsibility of the author(s). Acknowledgment Referencing published research within text References to previously published research studies must in Harvard style. Author(s) should make every effort to ensure completeness, accuracy and consistency of each reference. Please submit the final camera Ready paper on via e-mail to: Conference Chair, Khalid S. Soliman e-mail: ksoliman@ibima. org