This document illustrates the required style to prepare Camera Ready format for IBIMA Conferences in Microsoft Word document and Rich text format forms.
Author full name, Affiliation, City, Country, and E-mail address (10 pt – times new Roman) (Add one line for each additional author)
Scientific adviser full name, Academic degree, Affiliation, City, Country, and E-mail address (10 pt – times new Roman) (Add one line for each additional author)
Impotent Note: Please make sure you remove any figure, tables, website screenshots, graphics,.. etc., from the paper from any published article unless you have a written permission. You need to obtain written permissions from the publisher to include any copyrighted material in your manuscript. Mentioning only the source with a reference is not enough. This document illustrates the required style to prepare Camera Ready format for IBIMA Conferences in Microsoft Word document and Rich text format forms.
Do Not Footnotes:
Footnotes affect the final formatting of the paper. If you have to, please use endnotes instead right before references section.
All papers must be formatted for A4 paper-One Column. All papers must be submitted in Microsoft Word format. Margins for the whole paper: - Top and Bottom Margins: 33 mm (1. 3 inch) - Left and Right Margins: 33 mm (1. 3 inch). Abstract (10 pt) Use the word “Abstract” as the title for the abstract section. The abstract should be no more than 250 words. It should capture research motivation, research Design/methodology, and main findings and implications. The abstract should provide an excellent summary of the paper. Keywords: 3-4 keywords that highlight the topic in the paper. Introduction