Data collection. Data collection detailsData collection Overview of data collection is presented in Figure 2. Only admission data, results of diagnostic methods, final diagnosis and hospital survival will be collected for patients in whom AMI was suspected but not confirmed.
Figure 2. Data collection
Data collection details Baseline data Demographics Ethnicity Gender (M/F) Age (y) Weight (kg) Height (cm) BMI (kg/m2) Chronic health conditions Disability (no need of assistance/needs/No information(NI)) Smoking (yes/no/NI) Atrial Fibrillation (yes/no/NI) Atherosclerotic disease (prevalent ischaemic heart disease, stroke, peripheral arterial disease (carotid artery stenosis, lower extremity arterial disease such as claudication or chronic limb-threatening ischaemia/critical limb ischaemia) (yes/no/NI) Arterial hypertension (yes/no/NI) Previous myocardial infarction (yes/no/NI) Previous arterial thromboembolic events (yes/no/NI) Artificial heart valve (yes/no/NI) Medications at home Anticoagulant drugs (yes/no/NI) Antiplatelet drugs (yes/no/NI) Statins (yes/no/NI) Emergency Department (ED) data Means of arrival to the hospital (by self, ambulance) Time to arrival at the hospital from the beginning of symptoms (hours (h)/unclear) Initial diagnosis leading to hospital admission Type of ED where the patient was initially admitted (surgical/non-surgical/mixed = no separated surgical/non-surgical) Acute health condition at admission or immediately before the diagnosis of AMI (if AMI suspected/diagnosed later during the hospital stay) Charlson co-morbidity index with a link to respective calculator APACHE II (only if patient is hospitalized to the ICU) with a link to respective calculator New (previously not documented) atrial fibrillation Cardiac arrest (yes/no, prehospital setting/emergency room/in-hospital) Mechanical ventilation (initiated in prehospital setting/emergency room) Vasopressors with maximum dosage within 72h before the diagnosis of AMI Maximum intra-abdominal pressure within 72h before the diagnosis of AMI Main symptoms Symptoms causing hospital admission Symptoms supporting suspicion of AMI acute abdominal pain diarrhoea bloody stools shock other (specify) Acute conditions (during this hospitalisation) with known risk of AMI cardiac surgery aortic surgery embolisation of mesenteric arteries/branches (e. g. due to bleeding) shock with high-dose vasopressors (document max dose) Laboratory tests on hospital admission day or at the time suspicion of AMI arises (if taken) Lactate (mmol/l/NI) · highest during 48-72h before the diagnosis of AMI (if applicable) · highest during 24-48h before the diagnosis of AMI (if applicable) · highest during 12-24h before the diagnosis of AMI (if applicable) · highest during 0-12h before the diagnosis of AMI WBC (x 10E9/L/NI), maximal or minimal (most pathologic) within 72 hours before the diagnosis of AMI, if several measurements performed Creatinine (mcmol/l/NI), maximal within 72 hours before the diagnosis of AMI, if several measurements performed eGFR (mL/min/1, 73m27/NI), minimal within 72 hours before the diagnosis of AMI, if several measurements performed pH, minimal within 72 hours before the diagnosis of AMI, if several measurements performed BE (mmol/l/NI), worstwithin 72 hours before the diagnosis of AMI, if several measurements performed ASAT (U/L/NI), maximal within 72 hours before the diagnosis of AMI, if several measurements performed Amylase (U/L/NI), maximal within 72 hours before the diagnosis of AMI, if several measurements performed C-reactive protein (mg/L) D-dimers (mg/L/NI), maximal within 72 hours before the diagnosis of AMI, if several measurements performed Troponin T (ng/L/NI), maximum within 72 hours before the diagnosis of AMI, if several measurements performed
AMI event data AMI occurred during hospital treatment (Y/N) If YES here, answer specific questions: Location in the hospital (medical ward, surgical ward, HDU, ICU, other) Time from hospital admission until suspicion of AMI (days, h if < 24h) Time from hospital admission (from suspicion of AMI if AMI occurred during the hospital stay) to CT-scan (h) Time from beginning of symptoms to diagnosis of AMI (h) Specialty of physician performing the first evaluation after beginning of symptoms (surgery, medicine, emergency medicine, critical care, other) Time from arrival to the hospital to diagnosis of AMI (in ED patients)(h) AMI was admission diagnosis in case of referral from another hospital (patient referred for treatment) (Y/N) Surgery during the hospital stay before diagnosis of AMI Factors leading to delay in diagnosis (high workload, nonspecific symptoms, normal lactate value, insufficient experience regarding AMI of the first specialist, no predisposing factors identified, other (specify))
Radiological imaging What was the first radiographic study (x-ray, US, CT, other, none) Was AMI suspected in the referral for first radiographic study? Was a CT-scan performed (yes/no) Phases of enhancement in CT-scan (no contrast media, portal venous, arterial, delayed phase) Radiologist diagnosed AMI (yes/no/uncertain) Time between CT-scan and the response by radiologist (min) Type of AMI arterial embolism (localization) arterial thrombosis (localization) arterial non-specified (localization) venous (localization) NOMI (localization) Mechanical compression Other/Unclear (localization)
Management data Treatment options NOT available at the time of diagnosis endovascular revascularisation intra-arterial vasodilation other (specify) Treatment options discussed within the team (multiple options possible) exploratory laparotomy endovascular revascularisation endovascular revascularisation followed by open visceral surgery open surgical revascularisation with or without intestinal resection Intestinal resection without revascularisation intra-arterial vasodilation palliation other (specify) Treatment options discussed with patient and family exploratory laparotomy endovascular approach open surgery endovascular approach plus surgery palliation
Initial treatment of AMI Time from beginning of symptoms to each specific treatment of AMI (h) Time from presentation (arrival at the hospital) to treatment (h) Time from diagnosis to treatment (h) Surgical management (explorative laparoscopy, explorative laparotomy, therapeutic laparotomy, damage control) Surgical revascularization (embolectomy, thrombectomy, endarterectomy, aortomesenteric shunt, ROMS, other) Endovascular treatment (aspiration of thrombus/embolism, balloon dilatation, stenting, thrombolysis, intraarterial vasodilation, other, combined) Gastrointestinal tract surgical management (no need, resection with primary anastomosis, resectionwith stoma formation, resection without anastomosis and planned second look) Small intestinal resection (cm/NI) Length of residual small intestine (cm/> 200cm/NI) Resection of colon (no need, right hemicolectomy, left hemicolectomy or sigmoid resection subtotal or total colectomy, other) Open abdomen (yes/no) Conservative treatment (yes/no) End-of-life care Later surgical treatment Pre-planned second-look laparotomy Number of re-operations Number of other interventions (specify) Time to closure if open abdomen Systemic treatment after diagnosis/treatment of AMI (after treatment of AMI, or diagnosis of AMI if no specific intervention was applied (e. g. NOMI without mesenteric infarction)) SOFA score with all subscores separately (only if patient is hospitalized to the ICU) Vasopressors (maximum dosage during 48h) Fluids(total i/v fluids and maximum positive fluid balance during 48h after treatment of AMI) Mechanical ventilation (yes/no, days) Renal replacement therapy (yes/no, days) Nutrition (oral/enteral/parenteral/combined/none, total calories within 48h) Anticoagulation(specific medication and maximal target dosage within 48h) Antiplatelet therapy (specific medications)
Histology data on (if available) Sample from initial operation/reoperation transmural necrosis present only mucosal necrosis present other (specify)
Outcome data Only hospital survival and no other outcomes will be documented for patients with suspected but not confirmed AMI. For patients with confirmed AMI, the following outcome data will be collected: · at hospital discharge: hospital survival, hospital stay, ICU stay, duration of parenteral nutrition (PN) in hospital, home PN initiated, stoma · at 30 days: survival · at 90 days: survival, home PN, stoma · at 1 year: survival, physical independency/quality of life (EQ-5D-5L) (11).