Exclusion criteria. Subgroup analysesExclusion criteria Age < 18 years Consent declined by patient or next of kin. Chronic mesenteric ischaemia without an acute event. Subgroup analyses Subgroup analysis based on different forms of mesenteric ischaemia (arterial occlusion, venous occlusion, occlusion due to compression, non-occlusive mesenteric ischaemia) will be performed for all outcomes. Subgroup analysis in confirmed vs suspected ischaemia will be performed for demographic, clinical and laboratory data at baseline, and for outcomes. To cover the patients in whom occlusion of a splanchnic vessel is diagnosed radiologically, revascularized by an interventional radiologist and in whom clinically obvious bowel ischaemia never occurs or is not confirmed (endoscopy or operation not performed or not confirming presence of ischaemia after successful endovascular intervention), and patients in whom non-occlusive ischaemia was suspected but never confirmed, we aim to collect images (contrast-enhanced CT scan, angiography and endoscopy images with patient identification data replaced by study ID) for core-lab evaluation. We will then ask a radiologist, blinded to the final diagnosis and outcome data, to re-evaluate the initial images of inconclusive cases. In patients undergoing bowel resection, results of histological investigation will be collected if performed locally to investigate the magnitude of tissue damage caused by ischaemia (and reperfusion, if this applies) in relation to the ischaemia time. Due to the high risk of bleeding, biopsies will not be recommended in patients undergoing endoscopy.