STATISTICSData will be presented as number and proportions (%), means with standard deviation or medians with interquartile ranges where appropriate. Normality will be assessed bythe Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Descriptive statistics will be used to describe the incidence and outcome of AMI and its forms, and the applied diagnostics and treatments of different forms of AMI. For comparison of demographic, clinical and laboratory variables between two groups (e. g. confirmed vs. suspected but not confirmed AMI), Fisher’s exact test, Student’s t-test orMann-Whitney U-test will be used as appropriate. One-way ANOVA will be used for comparison of more than two groups (e. g. different forms of AMI). The log rank test will be used to assess the difference in mortality between the different groups. A two-tailed significance level of P< 0. 05 will be used throughout. SPSS and R statistical packages will be used for analyses. Description of study flow (Figure 1): The number of all admissions in participating hospitals (all acute care admissionsfor patients aged 18 or above, excluding psychiatry wards) during the study period will be documented based on hospital statistics. The number of ICU (intensive care unit) admissions during the study period will be documented based on hospital statistics. All patients with suspected AMI on admission will be included in the study, and admission data and results of chosen diagnostic methods will be collected. If AMI is not confirmed, final diagnosis and minimal outcome data (survival at hospital discharge) will be documented. Data on management will not be collected. All patients in whom AMI is suspected during their hospital stay will be captured independent of their location in the hospital, along with the time of the diagnosis after admission and chosen management strategies, and will be included for full data collection. Data collection begins as soon as possible after suspicion of AMIis raised and according to local ethical requirements.
Figure 1. Study flow.