Incidence, diagnosis, management and outcome of Acute MESentericIschaemia: a prospective, multicentreobservational study (AMESI Study)Стр 1 из 10Следующая ⇒ Incidence, diagnosis, management and outcome of Acute MESentericIschaemia: a prospective, multicentreobservational study (AMESI Study) Study protocol Principal investigator: Annika Reintam Blaser Steering committee: Joel Starkopf, Alastair Forbes, Martin Bjö rck, Stefan Acosta, Marko Murruste, Kadri Tamme
Synopsis This is a prospective, multicentre observational study screening all adult patients admitted to a participating hospital over a 6-month studyperiod (may be adjusted to 4-8 months according to recruitment) and including all patients with suspicion of or confirmed acute mesenteric ischaemia (AMI). Only admission data and hospital mortality outcome will be collected for patients in whom suspicion of AMI is not confirmed. For patients with confirmed AMI full data collection regarding diagnostics, management and long-term outcome is required (see Figure 1 and 2). We aim to recruit 40-50 sites and expect a median of 10-20 patients with confirmed AMI per site during the study period (naturally depending on the size of the hospital). The start of the study is planned for Spring 2022. The aim of the study is to identify the incidence of AMI and its different forms in adult hospitalized patients, and to describe patient characteristics (demographic, clinical and laboratory) at baseline, applied diagnostics and management, as well as outcomes in patients with AMI. Additionally we aim to compare the baseline characteristics and outcomes of patients with confirmed AMI to those of patients with suspected AMI in whom the diagnosis was not confirmed.