STUDY OBJECTIVESPrimary objective: To identifythe incidence of AMI and its different forms in hospitalized adult patients Secondary objectives: To identify the outcomes of AMI and its different forms To clarify the differences in patient characteristics at baseline (demographic, clinical and laboratory data at the time point of suspicion of AMI) in different forms of AMI To compare patient characteristics at baseline in confirmed AMI vs suspected but eventually not confirmed AMI To compare outcomes of patients with confirmed AMI vs suspected but eventually not confirmed AMI To identify the key factors causing delays in the process of care from onset of symptoms to ultimate management of AMI in its different forms To identify the time from onset of symptoms to diagnosis of AMI in its different forms To identify the time from hospital admission to diagnosis of AMI (not applicable for cases of AMI developing during the hospital stay which were not the cause for hospital admission).
Tertiary objectives: To identify which chronic and acute medical conditions are common in patients with AMI To describe patterns and pathways of reaching a diagnosis of AMI and its different forms To describe management of AMI in its different forms (chronological order and time to intervention/decision against an intervention) To describe the decision-making process (which management options were available, which were discussed within the clinical team, and which with patient/family).