Chapter 19 4 страница" Stay here a moment, " he said, disentangling himself gently from her small arms. " I – I need to talk to someone. " Turning, Jamie suddenly found his path blocked by a figure in black. " Hells, " he gasped, taking a half-step back as he instantly grasped ahold of the hilt of his sword, only to pause as he realized the object blocking his path was none other than the sorcerer himself. 'By the gods…How long has he been standing there? ' " Sorcerer…Anyone ever tell you it's not polite to sneak up on people like that? Especially when they are capable of running you through? " Even though he couldn't see the man's eyes beyond the cloth covering his face, he could feel his eyes upon him. " If it was so simple to end me, Ser Jamie, then I would've died a long time ago. " Leaving him with that cryptic comment, the sorcerer's head turned from Jamie and down towards the little girl, who was staring up at the sorcerer with unabashed awe. " Hello, little lady. " The look on the young girl's face was one of one who'd just had their dreams come true. " A–Are you real–really the sorcerer from the North? " A smile broke out on the sorcerer's face as he squatted down in front of Anna. " That I am, young one. And what is your name? " " Anna, " the young girl beamed, still staring at the sorcerer in adoration. " Did – Did you make all the bad men go away? They – They won't hurt me again…will they? " " Yes, I made them all go away. And don't worry, little one, I will not let anyone else harm you while I am near. " 'He knows, ' Jamie thought as he could practically feel the sorcerer's attention shift off the girl and back to him. 'Somehow, he knows… But then…Why let me get this close to her? What – What was the point of this if he knew what I was about to do? ' " Sorcerer, I would have a word with you…in private. " The sorcerer didn't say anything in response as he rose back to his full height. " Wait outside a moment, little lady. There is an old man named Davos, he'll take care of you for now. I believe he might even have some sweets that you can have. I can't promise you what your future will hold, little lady. But I can promise you that you will not suffer this place for another moment. " Anna didn't look like she wanted to leave them, but whether it was because she could sense the tension between Jamie and the sorcerer, or more likely the temptation of having something sweet, she pulled a blanket around her shoulders and made a quick exit, leaving Jamie alone with Nox. " Sorcerer, " Jamie began, unsure of just how to word it without giving too much away. His brother was so much better at this. " I need you to take that girl back with you to the North. " Honestly, it was the last thing Jamie wanted to do, sending his…his niece off with the bloody wolves of all families. But he really didn't have much of an option. And it wasn't like it would be a permanent placement either. Just until he could talk to Tyrion and let him know the truth, both of his wife's true nature and his daughter's existence. Then his brother would be able to figure out what to do with her. And as much as he loathed to admit it, the Starks were perhaps one of the few families who wouldn't hold the girl over House Lannister's heads should they discover her true parentage before Tyrion figured out what to do with her. " Is that so? " the sorcerer asked, his head tilted slightly to the side as if he were studying him. " Yes, " Jamie nodded, gritting his teeth and despising what he was about to say. " Name your price, sorcerer. A Lannister always pays his debts. And I would have this paid before you leave King's Landing with her. " The sorcerer didn't say anything, instead the blasted man just stood there, staring at him without staring. " There's desperation in you, Ser Jamie. Anxiety. Fear. Unc-" " Enough, " Jamie growled, hand going to his hilt, though in truth he doubted his chances against the man in these tight corridors. " Will you take her, or no? " " I will, " the sorcerer replied, the corners of his lips turning slightly upwards. Breathing out a sigh of relief, Jamie let his hand fall away from his sword. " And the price? " " A trifle thing, " Nox said, making Jamie wince. It was his experience that whenever someone said a price was 'trifle', it was anything but. " You were appointed to the Kingsguard under the rule of the Mad King, sworn to defend the king. Yet you stabbed him in the back. " Huffing, Jamie shook his head as he could begin predicting the insults that man was more than likely to hurl at him. " What of it? Would it have been more honorable if I'd stabbed him in the front? " Smirking, the sorcerer shook his head. " I don't care about how you killed him, or even that you did. What I care about is the why? Why did you kill not only the Mad King that day, but the often overlooked pyromancer as well? And why then? The battle was over. Your father's army had breached the city walls and the Stark forces were less than a day's ride out. So, why kill him? His fate was already sealed. Answer the question, Ser Jamie Lannister. And I will accept the debt for Anna's life in the North paid in full. " From her proper place of honor at the high table, Queen Cersei Lannister observed the hall laid out before her with a critical eye, taking careful note of the sycophants that were doing nothing more than trying to earn favor with the royal family and her husband's 'dear' friend Eddard Stark in return for some meager illusion of power. Fools, the lot of them. The wolves were just a mere flavor of the moment, a nuisance that held no real power when compared to the true rulers of Westeros. But one that she was forced to endure for the night as she was forced to watch her 'beloved husband' fawn over his friend from the North and his two sons. The bastard and the trueborn. 'If only he showed such attention to my children, ' she thought, her gaze passing along the table and spying her three perfect little lions sitting close by. 'On the other hand, it is a good thing he has so little to do with them. I don't want his filthy rot corrupting my perfect lions. ' Her eldest and perfect son Joffrey had already clearly dismissed the Starks. Which was good. He was understanding how useless and unimportant the North was, unlike her husband. Her youngest son Tommen however, he was going back and forth between staring at the Stark boys in adoration and awe at the filthy wolf bitch and her spawn that were lying next to the high table. Honestly, why anyone thought keeping such beasts around unchained was beyond her. She wanted them thrown in the kennels, or perhaps even disposed of, but her husband would not hear of it and instead called for a fresh deer to be brought in and given to the wolves as a reward for catching Pycelle when the fool tried to flee. And lastly, there was her daughter. Her precious golden lioness who was just a few short years away from the cusps of womanhood. And it was with her that Cersei felt her ire for the damned wolves of the North increase tenfold. For her daughter was making eyes at not only the Stark heir, but the recently legitimized bastard as well. Part of her could understand her daughters look. Despite their origins, both boys were rather appealing to the eye. The heir favored his Tully mother with his thick red-brown hair and blue eyes, yet he maintained the build of a northerner. The bastard, he was all Stark in his hair, eyes and coloring, yet he had a slimmer build than his true-born brother. Perhaps the tales of his mother being Lady Ashara Dayne were true. Such a relation would shed light on just how the boy had become so skilled with the sword, though she was confident that he was still no match for her brother. In fact, now that she thought about it, perhaps it would be for the best if her brother taught the bastard some humility before he began thinking he was better than he really was. But despite their mildly appealing looks, neither were even close to being worthy enough for her daughter. One was a bastard, legitimized or not he was still just a bastard. And the other, while an heir to a Great House, was the heir to the Starks. And she would be damned to the Seven hells and back if she ever allowed any filthy wolf to lay their hands on her precious daughter. She would have to act immediately it seemed, as she watched her daughter smile brightly as she caught the eye of the bastard, who at least had enough sense to recognize his betters by giving her daughter a polite look before averting his gaze. If her husband got it in his head that he wanted to join their houses, something he frequently lamented about during his drunken ramblings, then all he would need to do would be to see her daughter making eyes at either Stark boy and they would be betrothed before the wolves left the city. That was something she could not and would not allow. She'd have to make sure that her children were kept far away from the Starks during their stay just to make sure her husband didn't get any idiotic ideas in his head. And she would have to make sure that the sorcerer certainly did not get his hands on her children. Gods only knew what he would do with them. The man had been a mainstay conversation ever since he first appeared in the north just before the Greyjoy Rebellion. Upon first learning about the man, she did as many did. Simply wrote him off as another charlatan who used some sort of trick during the squid's rebellion to win the favor of the Starks. But then she heard from her father that the man was no charlatan. That his power was real. And that he used said power to crush a man to death and to bring down the walls of the Pyke. And if there was one man who would not be taken in by any charlatan 'sorcerer' it was her father. As time wore on, more and more stories of just what he was doing started trickling into court. Many were simply assuming he was being a good vassal to his new Lord and Warden, but Cersei knew different. She knew the man had no loyalty to the wolves of the North. He was simply using the Northern fool to increase his standing, and the Stark fool was too blind to see it. A new place of learning in the North? A means to undercut the Maesters of the Citadel. New food stuffs and the means to produce them through the glass gardens? A means to stop the Northerner's dependence on southern food during the winter years. The glass trade with the South and Essos? A means to increase the financial wealth of the North but not the crown. His expedition to Valyria? A means of acquiring lost knowledge and Valyrian steel not for the crown, as he should have, but rather for himself and for the North only. Taking the Stark children under his wing and teaching them his magic? A means of wresting control of the North away from Ned Stark. The removal of Pycelle, a Lannister man through and through, and Meryn Trant, one of her own useful tools? A means to weaken the crown and House Lannister. It all led to one obvious conclusion. The man was planning to rebel. To cut the North away from the Seven Kingdoms and install himself as King of a new land. And then eventually he would turn his attention south and march on the rest of the Seven Kingdoms. The problem was no one else seemed to be able to see it. And she would not stand to have her son's future kingdom severed in any way. She knew that her father was working on something to keep the North, and by extension the sorcerer, in line. But she could not wait for whatever plans he had in place. The quickest and most effective way would just be to eliminate the man. But that option had been wasted by those incompetent northern fools who tried and failed to assassinate him. Now the man would be on guard for years and getting an assassin in position to strike would be next to impossible. So, no, eliminating him was out of the question. She could use the one weapon all women possessed. A weapon she wielded far greater than any other, and a weapon she had used to ensure the loyalty or obedience of a few here at court that she deemed useful. And looking at the sorcerer, it wouldn't be all that hard of a task either. His platinum hair and strong facial features…yes. It would not be a chore at all to take him to her bed to ensure she had him in the palm of her hand. But that solution had a few problems as well. Most namely was her brother, who did not know of the times she had used this method in the past. And for good reason as well. Her and Jamie were two-halves of a whole. They came into the world together and belonged together. But Jamie didn't understand that sometimes she needed to use her body to ensure their survival and the survival of their beautiful children. She would have to wait until a time when he was out of the capital or not guarding her to make her move on the sorcerer. The other problem, though significantly less so of one in her mind, was the fact that the sorcerer was a man wed. Not that that was much of an issue. Men often sought the warmth of a woman's bed, even if said woman was not their wife. And the sorcerer was a man in the end. Besides, his wife was of the North. Sure, there were songs that sung of the woman's apparent beauty and skill that captured the sorcerer's heart, but Cersei knew better. The woman was of the North. She could be nothing other than plain and boring. The only reason that up jumped serving girl even became the man's wife was because she was perhaps the first one in this land to wrap her cunt around his cock and get with child. She was a noble hunter. Nothing more, nothing less. Whereas she was the queen and the most beautiful woman in the realm. Men fell over themselves just praying to receive a single glance from her. It would be but a trivial task to make the man forget about his northern whore for a night. And while the idea of making the sorcerer lose himself in her bed and fall under her power was warming her in the most exciting of ways, she knew that she couldn't be hasty about inviting the man to her bed. There was still the chance that the man was one of the few who knew where to stick his cock when he was married. Perhaps arranging a few whores to tempt him first to see if he was even open to the idea? Yes, that would work. And it wouldn't even be all that difficult to arrange. Her husband often had whores around the Red Keep for his entertainment. It would be nothing to divert one of the prettier ones his way. And once he'd had his fill of her, she could use what knowledge she could gleam from the encounter into ensnaring the sorcerer in her bed and ensuring his allegiance to – " Haha! You're shitting me, boy! " her husband laughed uproariously, drawing the attention of the entire hall as he slammed his fist against the table. " You jumped up on the dragon's head and fucked it right in its skull with the sorcerer's own blade?! Ha! Tell it again, boy! What sound did the beast make when you ended its miserable existence? Nothing better than a good kill. Well…Maybe a warm woman afterwards. But gods… What I wouldn't have given to be right there with you lot to watch the beast die or to even bury my hammer into its skull and cave it in just like I did before to that silver-haired fucker. Tell the story again, lad. " Grimacing, Cersei delicately took a bit of her roasted chicken that was on her plate while her husband demanded that the bastard tell him again of his 'encounter' with the dragon. A tall tale if she'd ever heard one. The boy might've been skilled enough to defeat Trant, though she attributed his victory to the strange weapon he and the sorcerer carried, but there was simply no way this boy could've killed a fully-grown dragon on foot or even at all. Fully intending to ignore the story, Cersei picked up her wine glass an – The glass nearly jumped out of her hand, the fine Arbor Red splashing onto the cuffs of her dress as the doors to the great hall were thrown open with such force that the heavy doors rebounded off the wall and nearly closed again. And striding into the hall, dragging something, was none other than the sorcerer himself. His face completely devoid of all emotion, though given the cloth he wore around his eyes, that wasn't necessarily surprising. Her oaf of a husband made to stand, but whatever he'd been about to say was cut off as Cersei felt a scream rise from her throat as she saw just what – or rather who – the sorcerer was dragging into the great hall. Her brother, her beloved Jamie, was bent over at the waist, his face twisted in obvious pain as the sorcerer dragged him through the hall by his ear. " How dare you! " Cersei found herself screaming, rising to her feet as the sorcerer threw Jaime into a heap before the high table. " Guards! Kill this wretched man for daring to lay a hand on my—! " Her words died in her throat as the sorcerer turned his sightless gaze on her. She didn't know how she knew, but she could feel his eyes, or something like his eyes, on her. Her breath froze in her lungs as it felt as if her entire body had been plunged into a river covered in ice. Light faded from her vision as darkness started to claim her as if she were staring down a narrow corridor whose torches were being extinguished one by one. Her body refused to move. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't talk. She – She couldn't move. All she knew was darkness. Darkness and…and fear. She'd never…never felt this fear before. This bone chilling, heart clenching all-encompassing fear tha – As quick as it came, the darkness and the fear passed, leaving her gasping for breath and falling back into her seat. Breathing rapidly, Cersei looked around desperately for help. Yet, no one, not even her children, had moved to help her. In fact, it looked as if no one had even moved from their seats. 'What? How? It – Whatever he did lasted for – for so long! Why? Why did no one help me? ' " Your grace, " the sorcerer's low voice cut through the silence of the hall like a knife. " We have a very, very serious problem. " Stepping off the ship that'd carried him across the Narrow Sea, Domeric Bolton, formerly of the North, took a moment to gain his bearings as he stared at the foreign city of Pentos, the very city that would serve as the birth to his new life away from the North and the Dreadfort. The first thing Domeric noted about his new home was the heat. It wasn't unbearable, but a lifetime spent between the North and the Vale had not prepared him for the constant sun beating down upon his skin nor the heat which caused a constant layer of sweat to cover his skin. Wiping the sweat from his brow, Domeric took a quick moment to categorize what he could of Pentos. There were massive high walls that surrounded the city on all sides save the harbor, but to the trained eye they looked more for show than anything else. The true defense of the city was within the walls in the shape of squared towers that rose up high over the roofs of the houses. He'd also heard from the sailors that there were many walled estates, almost like small keeps, that housed the richest and most influential of the city. Perhaps one day, he himself might find himself in such an estate. But that day was not today. For all he had of value to him was the clothes on his back, a bag of gold, his sword and the strange chest the sorcerer had entrusted him to deliver to this city in exchange for his help in setting Domeric up with a new life outside of Westeros. " Well lad, this is where we part ways, " the captain of the ship that'd taken him from White Harbor to Pentos said as the man joined him on the dock while a few ship hands unloaded the torso-sized chest Nox had given him. " For what it's worth, milord…I'm sorry it ended this way. You're a right sort ya are. Not…well…" " Not like my father, " Domeric said, finishing the captain's thought for him, " I know very well who my father was captain. And believe me when I say I harbor no ill will towards what happened to him in the end. He betrayed the laws of gods and men in a desperate and ill-conceived grab for power. His fate was…well earned. " " Aye, " the captain nodded and motioned for two of the crewmen carrying the chest to step up. " These boys here will follow ya to where you want to lay your head down for the night. If I might, there's a nice place just down the docks here called the 'Sailor's Wife'. Soft beds and warm women aplenty. And not too hard on the purse either. " " I'll take your advice, " Domeric nodded, thinking of the instructions Nox had given him to stay at any inn along the docks of Pentos and wait for contact from someone under the sorcerer's employ. " Fare well, captain. " " Aye, fare well, lad. May the gods show their mercy upon ya, " the captain replied kindly, offering out his hand, which Domeric took in a tight grip before making his way down the docks with the two sailors carrying his chest right behind him. It didn't take him long to find the 'Sailor's Wife', and true to the captain's word it looked like a slightly higher end location rather than a few of the obviously cheaper inn's he could see along the docks. Entering the inn, he saw that the patrons were all well dressed and a few of the men had women draped over their backs or on their laps, for a price no doubt. Walking up to a bar, he waited as an elderly woman stopped what she was doing and came over to him. " Westerosi? " " Aye, " Domeric nodded, reaching to his coin purse and pulling out two dragons. " A room and food for myself. Privacy is appreciated. And I have no need for…company. How long will these last me? " The woman picked up the two coins and examined them for a moment before tucking them into a small purse hanging on her belt. " One sennight. " The innkeeper stated before turning her head and barking out what were clearly orders in a language he did not understand. A young woman with bronze skin who could stir the blood of any man, if it wasn't for the strange small brand on her cheek, came forward and took a key from the innkeeper before motioned for him to follow her up the stairs. Reaching the topmost level of the inn, the young lady led Domeric a short distance down the hall before stopping and using the key that'd been given to her to unlock one of the rooms. After opening the room and giving him the key, the young girl made a quick retreat, leaving Domeric and the two men that were carrying his chest alone in the hall. " Just set the chest in the room, " Domeric ordered, walking into the room that'd been provided for him. " And you two can head back to the ship with my thanks. " The two men did as he asked, dropping the heavy chest off at the foot of the bed before quickly leaving him alone in his new home for now. The room was…fine. Almost too fine. The bed was soft, and the sheets looked to be made of velvet with freshly stuffed pillows. A brass pitcher filled with a pale white wine along with a set of glass cups sat on one of the bedside tables. The room even had a small desk and chair for him to work at. No doubt this was one of the finer rooms in this place. And he was sure that the innkeeper had given it to him on purpose to make sure that the two gold dragons didn't keep him here too long. 'Lesson one learned, ' he thought sullenly, sitting down on the soft bed and burying his head in his hands. 'I don't have a lot of coin. And until I find this person the sorcerer said will find me shows up, I need to make what I have last. Perhaps I can sell my services as a sellsword? Or maybe the old crone downstairs would be willing to let me earn my keep by playing the harp. I guess there's really not much to do but wait here until I'm found. ' Hearing a light knocking on his door, Domeric lifted his head from his hands and walked the short distance across the room to open the door. On the other side, he found a stunningly beautiful woman. She was wearing plainer clothes than the innkeeper had been, yet they were still modest in comparison to some of the other dresses he'd seen some of the women wearing along the docks. Her long dark hair was pulled back into a tight braid and she was staring at him with a look he couldn't quite decipher. But one thing he did know was that she was no native to Pentos. " Apologies…lady, " Domeric said, not quite sure just how to address the woman standing on the other side of his door. " I do not require company this night. You will have to find someone else to earn your co-" " You are from Westeros, no? The North, in specific? " The woman asked, or rather stated, surprising Domeric not only with the question but with her accent that he couldn't quite place. " Did Nox send you? " Domeric was stunned. Was…Was it possible that this was who he was supposed to meet here in Pentos? If so…then how did she know he was already here? Or – Or was she waiting for any ship from the North to arrive? But then, how did Nox get a message to her so quickly? " Aye, " Domeric nodded, looking down the hall before ushering the woman into his room and shutting the door. " I am Domeric Bolton. May I have the pleasure of knowing your name, my lady? " At the mention of his name, the woman's eyes widened momentarily in recognition before she reset her face into a blank mask. " Bolton? As in House Bolton of the North? How did Nox manage to convince you to enter his service? And won't your father object? I doubt you will be setting foot back in Westeros for some years. " " I didn't have much of a choice, " Domeric huffed, a dull ache forming in his chest as he thought about his fate. " I was forced to decide between either exile or the Wall. And complaining is a bit beyond my father's current ability. " The woman's head tilted to the side. " I'm sensing a tale here. One that I think needs to be shared before we continue on with this partnership. " Nodding, Domeric motioned for her to take a seat on the bed while he took up the only chair in the room. Once both were seated, Domeric proceeded to tell her everything about the failed coup that his father had taken part in. He left nothing out from those who betrayed the North to those who died. And throughout it all, the woman just sat there with an impassive look on her face. " I see, " she said simply once he was done. " I always thought those grey rats were not to be trusted. Far too engrained in the landscape of the great game to not be players themselves. " " Aye, it's an oversight that many have made, " Domeric agreed. " But now that you know my tale, my lady, I would know yours. What is your name and how have you come to enter the sorcerer's service? " For the first time, he could see a moment of unease appear on the woman. " Nox found me in Volantis and…helped me with a difficult situation. He promised his aid in a future problem I might face. In return, I am to help him set up various operations here in Essos and perhaps beyond. As for my name…I have discarded it for now. Perhaps one day I will take it up again. But not today. Today, I am simply known as Voice. And you, Domeric Bolton, will be known as Hand to those in the know. " " Voice and Hand, " Domeric echoed, thinking over the implications in his head. " Nox is creating a spy network in Essos? And we are to be his Voice and Hands? " " Yes, " Voice nodded. " Though we will be doing much more than that. But we can go over the details another time. I take it that is the chest that Nox sent with you? The one that you were to deliver to me? " " Aye, " Domeric nodded as Voice got to her feet and started running her hands around the wooden surface of the chest. " I hope you have a key or something. Because I have not been able to figure out how to unlock the bloody thing ev–" His words were cut off as something clicked on the chest as a piece of the metal ring surrounding it gave way, revealing a small hidden compartment underneath. Reaching with two fingers, Voice pulled a small key and used it to unlock the chest. As she opened the lid, Domeric felt his eyes widen as he beheld the contents within. Gold dragons, jewels, a strange cloth covered object the size of a man's head, Valyrian steel daggers and what looked like a large partially melted candle made of black glass. " Excellent, " Voice nodded, shutting the lid on the chest and locking it once more. " This will allow us to start our operations here in Essos. " " And what operations are we speaking of, my lady? " Domeric asked, still trying to wrap his mind around the fortune he'd dragged across the Narrow Sea. Sitting down atop the chest, Voice delicately folded her hands and placed them in her lap. " You will spearhead the advancement of the Northern glass trade here in Pentos and make inroads to the rest of Essos. There will be quite a bit of competition with Myr, and you will more than likely need to hire guards to protect yourself from their assassins eventually. But do this right, and you could potentially elevate yourself to the position of magister in the city and have a say in its rule. "