Chapter 20 3 страница" Good, " Nox nodded, knowing exactly what it was that Jon was sensing seeing as how it was why the two were even out here in the first place. " You're learning. Now watch and learn further as we collect our newest acolyte. " Following one of the many force presences he'd sensed within the city, Nox led the two of them to the last blacksmith shop on the Street of Steel just before the towering Great Sept of Baelor. The shop was massive in comparison to the ones that came before, showing off the wealth and prestige of this smith. The double doors were composed of weirwood and ebony if he had to guess and were carved with an intricate scene depicting a hunt. And on either side of the entrance were two stone knights fully suited in stone armor that were designed to mimic the likeness of a griffon and unicorn. Pushing open the doors, Nox felt the heat of the smithery wash over him as the steady rhythm of a hammer on metal reached his ears. " Welcome, milords, " a young girl who was standing behind a counter spoke up the moment the two entered the shop. " If you are here to request an order, then I – I – by the Seven! You – One moment, milord! " The girl all but bolted from her spot behind the counter and disappeared behind a curtain leading deeper into the shop. " Um, does that happen often, Master? " Jon asked, looking more than slightly confused at the curtain the girl disappeared behind. " Only when one's reputation proceeds them, " Nox answered as he made his way towards one of the display walls were a variety of daggers, short swords and pieces of armor were put up for sale. None of the weapons or armor displayed were of remarkable quality, they were good, but they were clearly not this smith's best work. Those pieces were no doubt kept safe until they could be brought out to be shown off to potential customers who could afford the man's best work. Though, despite the quality of the weapons displayed, there was one that caught his eye, so to speak. On the surface it didn't look special, merely a well-made dagger with a hand-length straight edge and no identifying markers. But it was what couldn't be seen that drew his attention to the dagger. The faintest of traces of the Force laid within the cold metal blade. Echoes of both the light and the dark side of the Force. " Lord Nox, this is a great honor to have one such as yourself as a patron. I am the master of this forge, Tobho Mott. " Turning his attention from the dagger, Nox focused on Tobho Mott. The man was a quintessential blacksmith. A black velvet coat hung over his shoulders and open just enough to reveal the heavy leather underneath that protected him from the heat of the forge. His bald head and face were spotted with sweat and soot while his greying beard was singe in sporadic places from the embers of the steel. " Master armor, " Nox nodded in greeting, " Your reputation proceeds you. And from what I can see so far, it is a reputation that is indeed well earned. " " Thank you, my Lord. Your reputation proceeds you as well, my Lord. King's Landing has been all abuzz since you're and the North's arrival to the Red Keep. But enough flattery, this is a shop, my lord, and I am a busy man. I doubt you have need of a sword, given the tales of the blade you carry. Are you in need of new armor? The people compare you to the Stranger himself… Hmm, I could fashion a set of armor in its likeness for you. Yes, armor so terrifying and realistic that children would run in fear just at the sight of you. " " Tempting, especially seeing some of your work here, " he said, motioning towards a midnight black pair of gauntlets that were covered in red markings and spikes. The offer was tempting. After all, Sith armor was more than just a means of defense. It was also meant to intimidate one's foes. And while the armor he wore upon arriving in this world would not show its age for some time yet, he was interested to see just what this man could create for him. " You know quality when you see it, my lord, " Mott said, picking up the gauntlets and holding them out for Nox to inspect. " I am the only armorer you will find in King's Landing and perhaps all of Westeros who can add such a tint to the metals without using paint. The pigments are infused during the forging process and will never fade until the metal does. But such work does have it's costs my lord. But I can guarantee you that the cost will be well worth my work. " " Good, " Nox nodded as he ushered Jon forward. " This is Jon Stark, newly legitimized son of House Stark and my Apprentice. I want to see what you can do for him on a limited timetable. Gauntlets, vambraces, reembraces and perhaps even shoulder pauldrons so long as he can keep full mobility of his armor movements. And seeing as how he's still young and has room to grow, they'll need to be easily adjustable in the future. " Jon's head snapped towards him. His eyes wide in shock while Tobho merely grinned. " Ah yes, word has spread around the city about Lord Stark's bastard son being recently legitimized by the King himself after defeating a member of the Kingsguard during a Trial by Combat. And he is your Apprentice you say, Lord Nox? I take it that is something akin to a squire then. Hmm, yes…I believe that I can come up with something. Incorporate the wolves of the North and perhaps outlined in your House's colors, Lord Nox…Umm…Forgive me, Lord Nox. But I fear I do not know the colors of your House. " " Red on a field of black. " Nox answered, drawing a quick look from Jon. " Hmm, yes…Yes, that would do the trick. Black tinting with red and white accents…yes. Though I fear I do have many orders currently in process, my Lord. To get your order done quickly, I would have to disappoint a fair number of influential members of court that—" Reaching into the folds of his robes, Nox pulled out a forearm length dagger made of Valyrian steel with a thumb sized ruby imbedded into the crossguard. " I believe that this will be more than enough to pay for the disappointment your other patrons will face when their orders are delayed by a few days. " Taking the offered dagger, Tobho carefully inspected the blade and the ruby in the hilt before giving it an approving nod. " A fine piece. No need to melt it down and re-forge it in order to sell it. No doubt one you collected during your now infamous expedition, Lord Sorcerer. Well, lad, hold your arms out to the sides and let's get some measurements. Girl, bring the length rope. " Standing back, Nox remained silent as he watched Tobho take a length of rope and begin the process of measuring Jon's arms from every conservable angle while the serving girl quickly wrote down each measurement as the master armorer read them off. " There, that is all I require from you, lad, " Tobho said, handing the rope back off to the serving girl who made a hasty retreat. " Give me a few days and your order will be ready. " " Good, " Nox nodded before pointing towards the dagger on the wall that'd caught his eye. " And out of curiosity, this dagger here. It was not forged by your hand, was it? " Tobho hesitated as he saw the dagger Nox was talking about. " You…would be correct, Lord Sorcerer. That blade was forged by one of my apprentices. " Nodding, Nox stood before the dagger, giving it his full attention. " He went through several iterations, each one you thought was sellable, but he scrapped each one because they didn't 'feel' right. " He now had the smith's undivided attention as the man started oozing unease. " Aye…You are correct, Lord Sorcerer…but how—? " " I would like to meet the one who forged this dagger, " Nox stated plainly, turning towards Tobho. " I have no ill intent towards your apprentice nor towards yourself, Mott. He has merely piqued my curiosity, that is all. " Mott still didn't seem to fully trust him, or at least he was suspicious of his motives. But the man showed he had more sense then most as he nodded and moved towards the back of the shop. " Gendry! Get up front now. There's someone who wants to speak with you. " A young boy, perhaps on age with Jon or a year younger at most, came forward from the back of the shop. Just like Mott, the young lad was wearing a thick leather apron and his skin was covered in sweat and soot from the forge. But that was where the similarities ended. Despite being at age or younger than Jon, this new boy was easily a head taller and broader than his Apprentice and was built like a dreadnaught despite his age. And his features were…reminiscent of the King Robert. Though he looked more like the youngest Baratheon, Renly. There was some sort of family relation there. One that he would have to investigate when time permitted. But honestly, that was but a secondary thought to him. His primary thoughts were centered around the fact that the boy before him was quite powerful in the Force. " Master…um…milord, " the boy, Gendry, greeted him awkwardly, seeming to find his shoes and the dirt on the floor quite interesting. " This is Lord Nox, boy, the Northern Sorcerer, " Tobho introduced him, causing the boy, who was on height with Nox, to shrink in a bit on himself. " He wishes to speak with you about your work. " Holding out his hand, Nox wordlessly summoned the dagger through the air without saying a word. " This is your work, is it not? " he asked rhetorically, not waiting for an answer before continuing. " An interesting piece. To the normal eye, it would seem just like any other dagger. But not to mine. You spent quite a lot of time making and remaking this dagger, never quite finding it just right. Until your last attempt your anger started to get the better of you. Frustration over the flaws you saw that no one else could clouded your sight and you hammered without thought or reason. Beating the metal into submission, bending it to your will and forcing it to take the design that you wanted. And then, as if it were by an act of magic, the dagger was finished. And the flaws you saw were gone, though no one else seemed to quite understand why you thought this iteration was better than your previous works. Am I right so far? " The boy's nervous disposition faded, replaced with confusion as his eyes widened as he stared at Nox. " Umm, yes, milord. You're right. " " Of course I am, " Nox said without hesitation. " Tell me, have you ever known that something was going to happen before it happened? Have you ever moved your hand just before a hammer fall could strike it without even seeing the blow coming? And mostly, when you hold this dagger you made, can you feel the life within calling out to you? " Gendry was looking more and more uncomfortable with each word he spoke. " Um, I –" " I'll take that as a 'yes' as well, " Nox nodded, already knowing the answer. " I'm going to be honest, and blunt with you, young man. You can manipulate the Force, just like myself and my apprentice here. Though unlike my apprentice and I, your abilities have manifested in a rather unique way. You use the Force to guide your hands while you work, and in doing so you saturate the metal with the Force creating something that, while not quite to the level of Valyrian steel, is definitely above the grade of normal forged steel. " Gendry looked positively shocked, his mouth hanging open slightly as he stared at Nox. Tohbo however, Nox could see the gears turning in the man's head as he was no doubt working out the best way to use Gendry's gifts to his advantage. " Now then, having said that you have two options, Gendry, " Nox said, pressing on before either Gendry or Tohbo could say anything. " First, you can stay here in King's Landing and continue to work. You'll continue to learn under your Master here and you'll more than likely even start learning how to consciously use the Force in your crafting. And in a decade or so, you will perhaps take his place as the best smith in the city. You're second option is to come with me. I will teach you the ways of the Force, and how to incorporate your powers into your craft. And while I am no smith and cannot help you in that regard, there are others who can help you. And in time you will become both a warrior and a Forge Master, capable of creating weapons and armor that can rival even the best of Valyrian steel and using them with a skill few possess. Make your choice, Gendry. And know that I do not offer my hand twice. " Gendry's mouth hadn't closed, if anything it had only dropped lower by the time Nox had finished speaking. Tobho though was obviously very conflicted. If Gendry stayed with him, he could take credit for training the boy and make quite the profit off him. But if Gendry stayed, his work would be nowhere near where it could be. " Close your damn mouth, boy, " Mott sighed, coming to a decision. " And pack your bags, Gendry. You'll be leaving with the sorcerer to head North with him. " Gendry spun and faced the master armorer. " But – Master Mott, I, what of my appr –" " This man can teach you far more than I can, as much as it pains me to admit, " Mott sighed. " You have a gift, lad. I've always known this. Now we know just what that gift is. And it is a gift that I cannot help you cultivate. Go with the sorcerer, learn what you can. And once he's finished teaching you what he knows, come back and my doors will be open for you to complete your apprenticeship. " The young lad's head snapped back and forth between Nox and Tobho several times as he tried to come to grips with what was being presented to him. " I – Milord, I –" " I have much patience, Gendry, but it is not infinite, " Nox stated, to which he could've sworn he heard Jon scoff silently at. " It's a simple offer requiring a simple response. Will you come North? Yes, or no? " Closing his eyes, Gendry breathed deep, his large chest moving and straining the thick leather covering him. When he opened his eyes again, Nox could see the determination in them and knew that he had his answer. " Yes, milord. I will come with you. But I cannot leave my work half done. " " Of course, you can't, " Nox nodded. " You have until we leave the city. When we leave, you will either be with us, or this offer will be closed to you permanently. " " I will be there, milord, " Gendry said with conviction. " Good, " Nox smirked as he turned to the master armorer, " Master Tobho, Jon and I will be back to collect his armor pieces in a few days' time. " " Of course, my lord, " Tobho said, bowing his head slightly. " I thank you for your patronage, my lord. " With nothing more to be said, Nox turned and made his way quickly out of the shop, leaving Jon hurrying to catch up with him. " Master, " Jon said lowly once the two were out of the shop. " That…That wasn't like you. " " How so? " Nox asked, curious for Jon's supposed insight. " You're not one to leave a potential resource behind, Master. You've told Robb and I that enough and shown it frequently as well, " Jon said factually. " Back there, though…Gendry, he has the Force and you – you were going to let him not join us? That is—was—unlike you, Master. " Shaking his head, Nox begun homing in on the next significant Force presence he could sense in the city. It was faint, but dense. A young one. And a powerful one at that. " If that is the way it seemed to you, my Apprentice, then you were clearly not paying close enough attention. There was no way that Gendry was not going to be joining us. The offer was too good to pass up. And even if he wavered, the armorer Mott would've pushed him out the door after us. " " Why? " Jon questioned as the two resumed walking through the crowded streets. " Because as Gendry gains prestige, so too shall he. Especially if Gendry's skill as a forger grows to the level's I predict they can. " Jon stared off into the crowd, pondering what he'd said. " Tobho Mott, as the first to take Gendry under his tutelage will be able to claim him as his student, even when he is in the North. And if Gendry becomes as skilled as you believe…then the nobles of the land will be seeking out Mott even more then they already do because he can be credited for training Gendry in the art of forging. Which means that the moment you made the offer, you already knew it was going to be accepted. " Smirking, Nox nodded. " As whole, people are simple. Study them carefully, learn what motivates them, and you will be able to correctly guess which actions they will take. Both on the field of battle and in the ring of politics. Now, there is another that I am very, very interested in. Their presence is small, yet dense. Search the city and find the disturbance, then lead the way. " Nodding, Jon gained a far-off look in his eye as he stared straight ahead. Slowly, his Apprentice began turning slightly until he was facing towards the presence Nox had indicated. " This way, " Jon said confidently, leading the two of them through the crowded busy streets. It took the two of them nearly half the day to track the presence down, but as the sun began to set, they finally managed to locate the one they were searching for. Within a brothel of all places. The brothel stood two stories tall with leaded windows to prevent any from peaking inside and getting a free show. The girls that stood just outside the entrance were scantily dressed in flowing silk robes that were cinched at the waist and left very little to the imagination. To his credit, Jon didn't hesitate or blush or even look at the girls twice as the two of them stepped into the brothel, the smell of flowers and perfume so powerful in nearly caused Nox to sneeze. " Well, well, this is a pleasant surprise, " a sultry voice floated towards them almost as soon as the door shut behind the two of them. The speaker was a dark-skinned woman with a thick and sultry ooze whose every move screamed seduction. " We here at Chataya's have serviced many a fine Lord and Lady. Even the King himself has named my home as his favorite in the city. Yet we have never had the…pleasure of having a sorcerer, the sorcerer, in our midst. I can assure you, my lord sorcerer, you have chosen very wisely. My girls will ensure that you and your…young companion here will leave more satisfied then you have ever been in your entire life. And if none meet your expectations, then I shall personally see to your satisfaction. " " A tempting offer, madam. But I fear that should I partake in the pleasures of the flesh without my wife present to do the same, she would serve me my balls on a silver platter. " The madam, he presumed to be Chataya, smiled sensually at him. " I see, that is a pity then. But when you return with your wife, come again and we will see that the both of you are thoroughly satisfied. But if not for you, then perhaps you wish to have one of our girls spend some time with your young companion then? There is, after all, no better gift one can gift another other than an evening with one of my girls. " That caused Jon to stiffen, in more ways than one. " Alas, I fear young Jon Stark here has his heart set on another for his first time. " The name 'Stark' caused Chataya's brows to raise, but when she realized just what he'd said, her friendly demeanor faded slightly. " Then if you are not here to find your relief, then I must ask for you to make way for those who are, my lord sorcerer. Time, even time spent talking, is coin. " Reaching to one of his coin purses he had on his person and tossed the leather pouch to the madam, who caught it with an expert's skill and quickly gave it a shake to verify its contents. " There is a child in this establishment. I would meet with the child and its mother to discuss a few things. " Chataya's eyes narrowed as suspicion flared within her. " Mhaegen! " A young girl wearing a mostly transparent yellow silk dress quickly rose from one of the couches nearby and sauntered over towards them. " Yes madam? Tucking the purse into her own dress, Chataya nodded towards Nox and Jon. " This is the Northern Sorcerer, Lord Nox. And this is Jon Stark…I presume the newly legitimized bastard son of Lord Stark. They wish to have words with you…and your daughter. " Fear spiked within the girl as her eyes widened. " Um, of – of course milord. Please – um…this way. " Keeping a slight distance from the girl as to try and calm her, Nox and Jon followed the young whore into the back portion of the brothel where it looked like a few of the whores lived when they were not applying their trade. Leading them back to one of the rooms, the young woman opened the door and stepped in. The small apartment within was sparsely decorated with only a bed, a dresser, a small cradle near the bed and a rocking chair that was currently being occupied by a second young woman who was holding a bundle in her arms and singing softly. " Thank you for watching her, Yaya, " Mhaegen greeted the other young woman before taking the small bundle from the dark-skinned young woman. " Milord, sorcerer…This is Alayaya, daughter of Chataya. Alayaya this…this is Lord Nox and Lord Jon Stark. They – They wish to see my daughter. " " Ma'am, " Nox greeted the young woman by inclining his head. The young woman rose from the chair, suspicion screaming with each move she took. " My lords, " Alayaya returned their greeting with a crisp accent. Paying the daughter of the madam no further mind, Nox approached the only slightly shaking Mhaegen as she held the young child in her arms. " This – This is my daughter, Barra, " she said, turning just enough so that the child would be in his view. The action wasn't needed though as Nox already knew everything that he needed to know. The dense Force presence he'd felt ever since arriving in this city was coming from this child, who could only be a month old at best. For her to hold such a presence at such a young age…she was something special. It would still take some time for her powers to truly mature. But once they did, he could easily see her as becoming on par with Arya. Perhaps even Jon in terms of raw power. " Interesting, " Nox said quietly as he continued to carefully observe the young child. " In – Interesting…milord? " " Yes, " Nox nodded to the young whore as he took a step towards her and her child, causing her to flinch in an involuntarily protective manner. " There is no reason for you nor your daughter to fear me, girl. I would risk no harm befalling your daughter. She is special, very special. It is still too early to tell the full extent…but there is no doubt in my mind that your daughter is powerful in the Force. Given time and training she could become a powerful Force Adept, a Sorceress. Perhaps even on par with myself. " Mhaegen's fear fled and Alayaya's suspicion vanished as each young woman turned and stared down at the child in wonder. " Are – Are you certain, milord sorcerer? " Mhaegen asked, a desperate sense of hope filling her. A hope that her child would have a better life. " I am, " Nox nodded. " Despite being only a babe, her presence in the Force is incredible. With time and training, she will have few equals. " The young whore's face nearly split as she smiled lovingly down at the young babe in her arms. " I knew she was special, milord. A gift from the gods. After my time with – with her father, I took moon tea but—but the will of the gods would not be denied, and she began growing in my womb and I – I couldn't deny her life. I don't know why but – but I had to bring her into the world. Now I know why. " 'It was not the gods who kept the child alive, but the Living Force, ' Nox thought, his interest in the girl rising. 'There have been a few in the past who have survived the womb when they were not supposed to. And those few have left lasting marks on history. This girl will no doubt be one to do so as well. ' " I have an offer for you then, young Mhaegen, " Nox said, drawing the girl's attention back to himself. " Young Barra here will need to be trained when she comes of age. To that, I extend the invitation to both yourself and your daughter to return North to Winterfell with myself and the Stark contingent when we leave in a few days' time. " " You – me…to the North? " Mhaegen asked incoherently while the young Alayaya watched on from near the back of the room, her eyes narrowing as she took in everything. 'A sharp mind there. ' " Yes, " Nox answered simply. " Your daughter's power, or at least the power she will command when she comes of age, is nothing to scoff at. She has it within her to become one of the more powerful beings I have met since coming to this land. But she must be trained. There are none outside the North who can truly help your daughter reach her full potential. And unlike some Force sensitives that I share a distinct disagreement of philosophy on, I do not believe in separating a child from its mother. Especially a child so young. So, I'm offering you the chance to travel with us and find a new home in the North. It won't be an easy life. Despite your daughter's status, you will still have to work to make your way. But there is a brothel near Winterfell that sees a relatively brisk business. Or if you wish to find another path, I will personally see to your placement wherever you wish. " Mhaegen was struck silent, her mind unable to process just was being presented before her. " Mhaegen, " Alayaya said softly, walking towards her fellow whore. " Take the offer. You may act the part well, but I know you, I know what is in your heart. And this life, this life is not the life for you. Nor do you wish this life for your daughter. So, go. Go North and make a life for yourself and your daughter. " Tears started forming at the corners of the young whore's eyes as she nodded. " I – I accept, milord Sorcerer. " " Very well, " Nox smirked, knowing that he had secured a very powerful future acolyte. " We will leave in a few days' time. Conclude whatever business you have before then. For it is doubtful that you will ever again return to this city. " Ignoring the cries of agony and pleas for mercy, Tywin Lannister watched dispassionately as the old Maester of Casterly Rock and his replacement were both slowly and methodically sliced by a team of butchers he'd brought up to the main keep. Tywin had given implicit instructions to the butchers that the men were to be carved up one piece at a time starting with their limbs and that they were to be kept alive as long as possible. And so far, the butchers had done exactly that. As he watched, one of the butchers finished severing what was left of the younger Maester's right leg from the rest of his body. The butcher then placed the portion of the severed limb onto a platter and handed it off to one of the guards, who then brought it over to a nearby cage where House Lannister had kept a pride of lions. The sigil of House Lannister eagerly licked the muzzles and fought against the bars of their cage as the guards threw the bloody pieces of the Maesters to them. He did feel a slight pang in his chest as he heard the elder Maester cry out to him by name, but he crushed that pain immediately. The man had been a constant in his life ever since he had been but a boy. He had helped teach him and his siblings their letters and numbers. Had provided decent consul over the years. He had even seen to the birth and education of Tywin's own children. But he would not allow his sentiment for the man to overcome the fact that he was a traitor and the murderer of his wife Joanna by making sure that she did not survive the birthing of Tyrion. Confident that the butchers were doing their work per his instructions, Tywin turned his back on the execution of the Maesters and traversed his way back through the halls of his home towards the small meeting chamber he'd had converted to a meeting hall when the small gatherings he'd had with Tyrion, Gerion, and Kevan became more frequent. Entering the small room, he found his son and brothers already seated along with his sister Genna. " Sit, " he said as the four started to rise to their feet while he made his way towards the chair reserved for him at the head of the table. " Tyrion, I assume we have received another raven from King's Landing. " " We have, " Tyrion nodded, who'd taken up the task of dealing with the ravens after the Maesters' treachery had been revealed. Something which almost brought a smile to Tywin's face as he thought of Tyrion's struggle in trying to reach the ravens. " The wolves and the sorcerer have finally left King's Landing after delivering a rather rough paddling to those within the confines of the city. And Cersei is once more demanding that you head for King's Landing immediately to demand retribution for what happened to Jamie. "