Chapter 20 1 страницаPressing his hands against the table dominating the center of the small council chambers within the Red Keep, Nox used his force sight to stare down at the large and incredibly detailed map of King's Landing that'd been laid out across the entire surface of the table. The map was littered with small flags, nearly a dozen in total. One was atop the Red Keep, another sitting on the Dragon Pit while a third rested on the Great Sept of Baelor. The other nine were scattered strategically around King's Landing, primarily residing in places with dense populations or those which held the city's food stores. Directly across the table from him, sitting in a highbacked chair with his head in his hands was King Robert. The King was amazingly sober as he stared down at the map with no small amount of fear. Standing next to Robert was Ned Stark, the Quiet Wolf living up to his name as he remained completely silent while he too stared down at the map. Behind Ned and the King stood Barristan Selmy, the Lord Commander of the Kingsgaurd, as well as Jon and Robb. Even Queen Cersei was in attendance, though she too remained silent. Whether that was from fear of what was going on or the fear that Nox had instilled in her the night before he wasn't sure. He was just glad for her silence. The remaining members of the Small Council; Jon Arryn, Petyr Baelish, and Renly Baratheon all stared along in silence as Stannis Baratheon picked up yet another small flag and set it down on a spot near the harbor. " Davos just confirmed another deposit at the harbor near the Mud Gate as well, " Stannis informed them all, his voice like iron. " That makes thirteen stores of wildfire. And those are just the ones that we have found so far. Each store has somewhere between fifty to one hundred barrels. However, the greatest stores are the ones under the Red Keep, the Great Sept of Baelor, and the Dragon Pit. Each of which have perhaps two hundred barrels or more. And those are just the stores that we've been able to find so far. There is still the possibility that there are more scattered throughout the city. " " Fucking hells, " Robert groaned as he stared down at the map. " The fucker's madness was well known… But this…gods. This is beyond fucking madness. And that dumb fucking Kingslayer knew this entire time! " Cersei, clearly displeased with having her brother slandered, sat up straighter. " My brother saved this city from this plot from the Mad King. And in the confusion of the aftermath, it is understand—" " Don't try and justify your brother's fuck up, Cersei! " Robert roared, rising from his seat in an instant and towering over his clearly frightened wife. " Jamie Lannister can be dealt with later, " Nox said, drawing attention away from the royal couple. " For now, we have a much bigger problem to worry about. " " Aye, that is true, " Ned said, placing a hand on Robert's shoulder, which visibly calmed the man down enough for him to once again take his seat. " The question we have to focus on is how to deal with the wildfire. Does anyone know? " No one spoke, though Nox could feel several sets of eyes turn to him. " Don't look at me, " Nox said, feeling more than a slight bit of frustration creeping up within him. Being relied on was nice. But at times, it was a nuisance as people stopped trying to think for themselves. " Never even heard of this stuff until I arrived in the North. And since then I've only ever read about it. But what I've read is…concerning to say the least. Mostly that it grows more potent and unstable as it ages. To put that into words everyone here might understand, a single barrel of wildfire aged for ten years has the same destructive capabilities as five freshly made barrels. And we are dealing with perhaps several thousand barrels of wildfire that could potentially be approaching two decades in age. " " Perhaps, seeing as how we are currently lacking in the knowledge of wildfire, it would behoove us to bring Pycelle up from the black cells? " the Master of Coin, Baelish, suggested. " He did serve the Mad King. Surely, he mi—" " I wouldn't trust Pycelle to wipe my own ass, let alone give prudent advice on how to deal with the wildfire, " Robert growled. " Pycelle can stay rotting in the black cells until I have Payne take his fucking head off. What of the pyromancers that made this shit in the first place? Where are they? We didn't kill all of them after we put the dragons down. " " I've already sent the Commander Slynt and some of his best amongst the City Watch to collect the three Wisdoms of the Alchemist Guild this morning after I sent out the search parties for the wildfire caches, " Stannis stated. " They should be arriving here soon. " The council chambers settled into an uneasy silence as those within the room could do little more than wait for the arrival of the pyromancers and hope they would bring some sort of solution to the problem. It took nearly an hour, but eventually a group of five elderly men reeking of strange chemicals and a general lack of proper hygiene were escorted into the room by a group of the City Watch. All of them were clearly afraid, one was just a hair's breadth from pissing himself. But it was the two in the lead that truly drew Nox's attention. For both men were surrounded by the dark side of the Force. " I'm going to cut straight to it, " Robert growled, rising to his feet as he faced the members of the Alchemist Guild. " All of you were alive and part of the Alchemist Guild during the Mad King's reign. So, I'm sure at least one of you recognizes what is laid out before you. What I want is answers, now. Specifically, how the fuck can we dispose of thousands of barrels of wildfire without turning all of King's Landing into an inferno to rival the Seven Hells? " The feel of the dark side that was hanging off the two Wisdoms that stood in the front intensified as both men stood straight. " For the true King! King Aerys Targaryen! " For the first time in a long time, Nox felt next to helpless as he watched in almost slow motion as a glass flask filled with a green liquid dropped from the lead Wisdom's sleeve and into his waiting hand. Wildfire. Acting on pure instinct, Nox lashed out with the Force not to attack, but rather to contain. The lead Wisdom froze in place as Nox wrapped him in bindings made of the Force. The container of wildfire still in his hand less than a few inches from the man's chest. But in his haste to catch the man, Nox made a mistake. He only grabbed one of the Wisdoms. And while his attention was fixated on the one in the lead, one of the other Wisdom's managed to smash the vial of wildfire against his chest before snapping his fingers and creating a small spark. The spark was all that was needed to ignite the wildfire covering the Wisdom. In a fraction of a heartbeat the Wisdom that'd smashed the vial against his chest was engulfed in a bright green flame, the ignition forced Nox to take a step back and shield himself from the heat. But in doing so, his attention slipped, and the heat of the flames reached the second vial of wildfire, igniting the substance and setting the lead Wisdom aflame. Forgetting about the Wisdoms, or even the others that were screaming in the room, Nox shifted his focus as he pulled heavily on the Force trying to contain the raging wildfire inferno before him. Using the Force to create a sphere around the flames, Nox felt sweat coat his face as he struggled to contain the flames. Even through the Force shield holding the flames in place, the heat of the flames was so intense he could feel his skin starting to burn. 'This is no ordinary chemical substance! ' Nox thought quickly as he felt the green flames battering relentlessly against the shield he held around them. 'I can feel the Force within these flames…This shit is more akin to Sith Alchemy than it is to any naturally occurring or synthesized chemical compound. ' " Jon! Robb! " Nox yelled over the noise of the burning flames just beyond his outstretched hands. " Containment shielding now! " He could feel two other Force shields being hastily formed over his own: one far more powerful than the other. 'Good, Jon still has the armlet on him. Otherwise, I doubt we'll be able to contain this shit for long. ' " Follow my lead! " Nox yelled, fighting through the pain in his arms as he felt the sleeves of his robes begin to char as his skin began blistering from the heat. Moving slowly to allow Jon and Robb to keep their hold on their Force shields, Nox led them over towards a large window that overlooked one of the many courtyards within the Red Keep. Pushing hard and fighting against the pain racing through his arms as the heat of the flames began to char the sleeves of his robes, the three of them managed to force the containment sphere filled with the burning wildfire out of the Small Council chambers and out into the courtyard. Once he felt the flames were far enough away, Nox released his hold on the containment sphere, prompting Jon and Robb to follow suit. The flames spread across the courtyard, immediately setting nearly a third of the surface area alight in green flames that refused to go down. " Keep everyone out of that courtyard until the wildfire burns itself out, " Nox said, his breath coming out in heavy pants as he quickly discarded his still smoldering outer robe. " Master, " Jon called out tentatively. " Your…Your arms ar –" " Burned to hell, I know, " Nox winced, holding up his arms. The skin on both his arms were red and glistening and even black in parts. But while they both hurt like hell, he took solace in the fact that they did still hurt. Which meant that the burns were still just superficial and there wasn't any long-term nerve damage in his arms. He'd be able to heal them soon enough, but it would still take days and they would undoubtedly hurt like hell until they were fully healed. Leaving the wildfire to burn itself out in the courtyard, Nox took stock of the small council chambers. The two Wisdoms who'd ignited the blaze were both gone, leaving nothing more than ashes behind. One of the other Wisdoms had died as well in the inferno, but unlike the two who set the blaze, his chard corpse remained. A fate that was shared by at least two of the City Watch, judging by the still smoldering remains covered in armor that were on the floor beside the dead pyromancer. The last two Wisdoms were both still alive and cowering in the corners of the room, no doubt hoping that they would be forgotten in the aftermath of the blaze. Outside of the two idiots who suicided themselves, the unlucky bastards who were too close, and his own robe, there were no other casualties as the rest of the Small Council and others who were in the room began filtering back in. Snapping his fingers, and ignoring the pain that the action caused, Nox used the Force to drag the last remaining Wisdoms screaming across the floor. Twisting his wrist so his palms was facing upwards, Nox lifted the screaming men off the floor and threw them hard against the ceiling before holding them there. " You two stay there for a moment, " Nox hissed through the pain as he turned his attention to the City Watch who'd escorted the pyromancers into the Red Keep. Almost all of whom looked none the worse for wear. " Which one of you dumbasses is in charge? " The members of the City Watch all glanced at one another before one of them stepped forward, a stout frog-faced balding man who looked far too full of himself. His armor was highly polished and a large pendant hanging from a heavy golden chain around his neck. " I am Janos Slynt, head of House Slynt and Commander of the C –" " So you were the one in charge of escorting these men into the Red Keep to speak with the King and the Small Council, " Nox said, cutting the man off and taking a step towards him. " Yes, " Slynt replied nervously. " Had we any indication that such a – a – ack – ahh –" Slynt's eyes bulged as he began clutching at his throat. A completely useless gesture as Nox raised his hand, his fingers held like a vice as he used the Force to choke the Commander of the City Watch. " Then it was your responsibility to search these men before they were brought before the king, " Nox growled, tightening his grip as Slynt's face began turning red and the man started clawing at his throat in a desperate bid to breathe. " Yet either because of your incompetence or pure stupidity, these men were able to bring not one, but two vials of wildfire into the Small Council chambers along with the means to ignite them! Men who were near fanatical in their devotion to the Mad King! Did it not cross your pathetic mind even once to think that they might have ill will towards the King or the Small Council? " Falling to his knees, Slynt's nails started leaving small cuts in his neck as he continued trying to pry off whatever force was holding onto him. " Sorcerer. Wait. " Slynt's eyes shined with hope as Robert stepped past Nox, who'd released his hold just enough to allow the slightest bit of air to enter the man's lungs. The light of hope that was in Slynt's eyes though quickly disappeared as Robert unceremoniously yanked the necklace off that was hanging around Slynt's neck. " Renly, " Robert growled, tossing the pendant to Renly, who couldn't catch the heavy gold pendant before it struck him hard in the chest, doubling him over. " Learn how to fucking catch…Then, find me a new, competent, Commander of the City Watch. Nox…kill him. Slowly. " " As you wish, " Nox smirked, tightening his hold once more on Slynt. Gurgling, Slynt reached out desperately for the King as the pressure on his throat increased once more. But Robert had already turned his back on him and walked away. Closing his hand, Nox took the time to crush each vertebra in the man's neck one at time while making sure to leave his spinal column undamaged so as not to kill him too fast. Once the last of the bones was turned to near dust, Nox snapped his fingers closed and twisted his wrist. Slynt's head rocked back with a loud breaking sound as the back of his head touched the space between his shoulder blades. " This doesn't happen again, " Nox growled, letting the now deceased man fall to the ground dead next to the other members of the City Watch. " The next example I make will not be as quick or pleasant. Now get the fuck out. " The City Watch were all but tripping over themselves in their haste to leave the Small Council chambers, lest they too be made an example of. Once the room was free of the Watch, Nox flicked a finger down, dropping the two men from the ceiling and catching them only just before they went face first into the tiled floor. " Now, you two, " Nox said, using the force to lift both men up before slamming them both face first onto the table next to the map. " You two are going to explain to us exactly how to neutralize the wildfire in the city without accidently setting it off and you are going to tell us now. Or I will start rearranging your bodies into abstract pieces of art. And trust me…I can be very, very creative when I want to be. Now talk. " Sweat dripping heavily from his brow, Robb Stark, eldest son of Lord Eddard Stark and heir to Winterfell forced himself to fight through the pain racing through his arms and the heat of King's Landing beating down on him as he raised the weighted training blade above his head before bringing it down again in an overhead strike. Gritting his teeth, he raised the blade again and again as he strengthened his body with the Force so he could press on even when he wanted to do nothing more than fall over and die. He'd been a fool in neglecting his training during Master Nox's and Jon's expedition. Granted, he hadn't skipped any days in the yard, but he hadn't been training as hard as he should have. And now Jon, his brother by blood and choice, was years ahead of him. Hells, his brother had faced down a member of the Kingsguard in a Trial by Combat without flinching and came out victorious. He knew that Jon was good, very good. But to see now just how far ahead Jon was in terms of skill…and Robb knew that he had a lot of ground to make up if he were to continue pressing his brother. It wasn't that he was jealous of his brother's skill… Well, maybe he was a bit. But what drove him was more the thought of being left behind. Of being helpless. He'd felt that way once already when he held his mother in his arms while she died and when his youngest brother died. He'd vowed that he would never feel that powerless again. And he'd had a lot of free time as it were. After the discovery of the wildfire caches beneath the city, Lord Nox and Robb's own father had spent nearly every night overseeing the removal of the casks of the damned stuff from the city. Jon and Robb helped where they could but, in all honesty, there wasn't much that the two of them could do. Their father, even if he and Jon didn't share a father by blood Eddard Stark was their father, insisted that the two of them could not even be within eye shot of the casks while they were being moved. And after seeing the destruction caused by even a single vial of the stuff…gods. All he could think was that the Mad King had truly earned his name. Finishing the last down strike with a cry, Robb dropped to a knee as he felt his hold on the Force faulter as his body gave out. 'Not enough, ' Robb cursed, gritting his teeth and burying the tip of the training blade into the ground to keep himself from falling over. 'I need to press myself harder! I won't feel powerless again! ' Hearing a light wine and feeling something press on the edges of his mind, Robb gave up trying to start again and instead made his way over to the stone bench that was within a shaded section of the training grounds and sat down heavily. Letting his hand fall, he blindly scratched at the top of Grey Wind's head, his young wolf pup raising his head and licking his hand in response to the affection. " Sorry boy, " Robb said breathlessly as he continued to scratch at Grey Wind's head. " I haven't had much time for you. But…you saw Jon. I can't afford to slack off like I have been. I need to keep up. I can't let myself fall behind our pack. " He could feel affection emanating from his wolf as well as…understanding almost. Followed up by a quick flash of Grey Wind and Ghost running side by side. The fleeting image was, strange and new. Ever since they'd claimed the wolves and their mother after the Wildling attack Robb, and the rest of his siblings, had felt a connection to the wolves. A beast bond, Master Nox called it. A simple trait that most Force sensitives could develop to bind a beast to themselves. But Robb thought that was under simplifying things and that in this one rare instance, Master Nox wasn't entirely correct. He truly believed that he, and more than likely his siblings, were what Old Nan described as wargs, skinchangers. Individuals who could slip into the minds of animals and become one with them. It was an amazing ability. Amazing and…terrifying. For Old Nan's stories of the wargs of old almost spoke of those same wargs losing themselves in the minds of their beasts. Hearing Grey Wind whine again, Robb resumed petting his head. " That's right boy, " Robb smiled, sensing that his wolf understood his inner turmoil. " I need to keep up with Jon. Just like you need to keep up with Ghost. So that we can stay by their sides. And if I can do this…warg thing. Then don't worry, boy. I won't ever push you aside. You and I…we'll always be together, boy. " Without warning, Grey Wind suddenly went still as his little body tensed and a sense of foreboding flooded into Robb's mind. Hearing a light clapping noise, Robb followed his wolf's line of sight and spotted a slim man in elegant robes with a neatly trimmed mustache walking into the training grounds. 'Lord Baelish, Master of Coin of the Small Council, ' Robb thought, recognizing the man as he'd seen him several times during their stay in King's Landing but had yet to have spoken with him. " An impressive display, Lord Stark. In the yard since before the sun has risen and now it is well past midday with nary a break to rest. A true credit to your House. " " I'm not Lord Stark. Not yet at least, Lord Baelish, " Robb said. Grey Wind's ill-ease of the man's presence and his tired state affecting his manners. " That title is reserved for my father. Lord Eddard Stark. " The Master of Coin stopped a good ten paces or so away from Robb, his face set with what seemed like a comforting smile, but there was something…off about the man. Grey Wind didn't seem to care for him. And something about him just…oozed wrongness. Like an infested wound, though for the life of him Robb couldn't figure out why. " Of course, I meant no offense, " Lord Baelish said politely. " I was merely following proper court protocol in addressing the heir of the North as per his proper title. " " Courtly courtesies of the South mean little in the North, save for guest rights, " Robb countered. " So, I have heard from your mother on many occasions. " That brought Robb up short and made him look at the man. " Oh, did your mother not mention me at all? We grew up together in Riverrun until just before the start of the Rebellion. And we have stayed in contact with one another ever since. Not very frequently, I'm afraid, but we did often exchange ravens with one another discussing various subjects. I was most…distraught when I learned of her death. Your mother was…She was a woman amongst women. One to be aspired to and worshiped. " The pain in his voice when he spoke of Robb's mother was real. Thinking back, Robb tried to think of any stories his mother had told him of her childhood that might allow him to corroborate the tale this man was spinning. " I remember…she did speak of you, " Robb said, finally placing the man. " She said that you fought against my father for the right to her hand. " Lord Baelish smiled, a cunning smile that was very different from the comforting one he'd worn earlier. " Smart, young wolf. Very smart. It was not your father that I faced that day to ensure that Catelyn's future husband was a suitable match, but rather your Uncle Brandon. In hindsight, not my smartest move. Your Uncle was a demon with a blade. And it was only because of your mother's mercy that I managed to escape with only a token of your Uncle's esteem that I still carry from my collar bone to my hip. It was smart of you to test me, young wolf. King's Landing, and the court especially, is full of liars and cheats that will do and say whatever they can to gain a scrap of power. " " And you are not one of them? " Robb asked, narrowing his eyes. The comforting smile returning, Baelish shook his head. " Some of us realize that there is a ceiling to power young wolf. I am a member of the Small Council and the Master of Coin and I control sixty percent of the brothels here in King's Landing and the surrounding lands. As it stands, I have climbed as high as I can. But I did not come here to talk boring politics with you, but rather to offer my condolences on the loss of perhaps the best woman to grace this Realm in all of its history. " Robb appreciated the sentiment, but at the same time it felt almost, well, much. His mother was a good woman to be sure and his mother. But she was not without her faults. " You have my thanks, Lord Baelish, " Robb said, still trying to figure out if this man had some ulterior motive behind this talk, which every part of him was screaming to be the case. " Your mother told me a great many things about you and your siblings, young wolf. So much so that I feel as if I am an uncle you have never met. " The smile was back, and though it appeared comforting, Robb could find nothing of the sort while being next to the man. " She told me of the time you hid in the crypts covered in flour waiting to surprise your sister, Sansa. Quite the scare you gave her. And while she had to scold you for scaring your sister so, she said that it reminded her greatly of some of the antics herself, Lysa, and I got up to while we were growing up in Riverrun. " Robb couldn't help himself as he smiled fondly at the memory. " Aye… Mother certainly took Jon and I to task for that one. " Something changed in Baelish. His face didn't twitch a muscle, but something about him changed. " Ah yes…your newly legitimized brother. Quite the swordsman there. Apprentice to the Northern Sorcerer and now a full-fledged Stark who is your age. I can see now why you are here in the yard practicing so fiercely. Best not to let your 'brother' get too far ahead of himself, or else he and others might start thinking that…well… History speaks for itself in this matter. " Without thought, Robb lunged to his feet and found himself before the Master of Coin in the span of a heartbeat. " Jon is my brother, by blood and choice, " Robb growled with Grey Wind behind him adding his own low growl to his words. " I know what people think of him because of his former status. But I know my brother. Better than anyone else alive. We grew up together. We took our first meals together. Our first steps were with each other. Or first time in the yard was with one another. Jon would never, never, do anything to put any of his brothers or sisters at risk. Unlike some, in the North a family is a pack. And packs stick together. Or die. And I will not stand to hear another ill word spoken about my brother or about his former status. Friend of my mother or no. " The Master of Coin held his ground throughout Robb's tirade, the light smile never once falling from his face. " I have given offense, and that was not my intent, young Stark. Your mother told me of the bond you held with your brother. I hope that his devotion to you is equal to your devotion to him. " Robb was so blindsided that he was unable to formulate a response as the Master of Coin turned and started to walk out of the yard, only to stop and turn back towards Robb. " I merely wished to express my condolences for the loss of your mother, young Stark. And I have done so. But let me leave you with one last piece of wisdom so that history will not repeat itself upon the children of Catelyn Tully. It is the knife in the dark, the one you never expect to come, that goes the deepest. " Alone once more with Grey Wind, Robb could do little more than just stare where Baelish had once been standing while trying to figure out what exactly had just happened. " Any ideas, boy? " he asked, turning towards Grey Wind, who looked just as confused as he felt. " Yeah boy, me either. " Resisting the urge to drum his fingers against the table dominating the center of the Small Council Chambers, Nox was doing everything in his power to keep himself from simply bashing Renly Baratheon's head against the table as the man went on and on about the 'accomplishments' he and his squire, Loras Tyrell, had achieved in ending the reign of the slavers that'd taken root in the city while said squire stood beside him beaming. And he wasn't the only one who was clearly annoyed with how Renly was drawing this out. Sitting next to him, Ned was clearly trying to keep his impatience from showing while across the table from the two of them Stannis was openly ignoring everything his brother was saying as he stared straight ahead. The only one of the Small Council who actually seemed to be paying attention at all was King Robert, though Nox was fairly sure that that was only because Renly's tale was quite vivid on the details of Loras's 'slaughtering of the wretched slavers'. " -Loras managed to track the rest of the slavers down to their hide out and without any need for aid proceeded to cut down every slaver within their holdfast. Clearing our city of their filth once and for all. " Sighing, Nox scratched lightly at his close-cut beard as he tried to keep his irritation from showing. Ideally, Nox had wanted to handle the situation with the slavers personally, but unfortunately he'd been forced to hand that responsibility off in favor of dealing with the fact that the city was sitting atop a bomb just waiting for some idiot to set it off. Now though, he wished that he had split his attention. Renly and Loras had managed to kill the slavers, but their inexperience was showing in spades. " Well done Lord Renly, Loras, " the Hand of the King, Jon Arryn, congratulated the two, causing both to puff out their chests. " You've both done Westeros and King's Landing a great deed in removing the slavers from our shores. I will be sure to send mine, and the crown's, complements to your family Loras. " Unable to take it any longer, Nox slowly and mockingly clapped for the two young men. " Yes…well done the both of you, " he said, making both men smile as neither recognized his tone. " Tell me. How many 'slavers' were killed during the raid of their hiding place? "