Chapter 18 4 страницаAnd standing tall above everything on an isle all to itself was the impressive Hightower, the seat of House Hightower. The tower, or more accurately an oversized lighthouse, was a structural marvel. It easily stretched well over seven-hundred feet into the air if he had to guess, easily classifying itself as a skyscraper amongst any civilization under the Empire or the Republic. 'Just when I think I have seen all I can of the capabilities of the people of this land, they keep finding new ways of impressing me with their engineering prowess. ' Nox thought as he carefully felt out the Hightower. But as interesting as the massive lighthouse was, Nox quickly set it aside as he felt a peculiar disturbance in the Force. A disturbance emanating from the northern portion of the city. A part of the city that he knew held the Citadel. 'Interesting. There appears to be at least one Force sensitive in the Citadel. Though, they are either incredibly ill trained or too young to have received proper instruction. Either way, given the Maesters' apparent feelings on anything they cannot rationally explain, this individual's presence is…surprising. ' Pushing away from the bow of the ship, Nox turned his attention back to those onboard with him. The men of the North were thirsty for blood. And after weeks of boredom and with their target now so close, the tension on the ship was thick enough to cut with a knife. Unfortunately, he and Ned were of two different minds on how to approach the matter. Ned wanted to approach Lord Hightower and explain their presence before going to the Citadel. And while that option was prudent, it was not in line with what Nox was thinking. Nox was more inclined to go the true Sith route. Which also happened to be the same mindset almost every other man and woman of the North had as well. Simply walk up to the Citadel and start killing anyone who got between himself and this apparently hidden order within the Maesters' ranks. Ned held firm in his belief of less violence for a time, but eventually his own desire for vengeance and the pressure he was getting from his bannermen wore him down and he agreed with Nox's plan of storming the Citadel directly. Though he had insisted that they would not start executing anyone until they had absolute proof of their misdeeds that they could present to Lord Hightower. While Nox was more than confident that he could simply sweep aside any token force the Lord Hightower could muster in retaliation for the attack on the Citadel, he decided to at least humor his friend this time around and follow his lead on dealing with the Maesters. And in return, Ned had promised not to get in his way of raiding the Citadel for whatever lost knowledge he could find within its depths. After all, he was still the former Head of the Pyramid of Ancient Knowledge of the Sith Order. And to him, while there wasn't anything better than destroying those who'd dared to wrong him, raiding a repository of knowledge that was fiercely guarded and coveted was a close second. Making his way towards the helm, he found Ned standing tall with Robb and Jon beside him each with their direwolves beside them. It still amazed Nox slightly just how seamlessly the Starks were able to bond with the wild beasts. Granted, bonding with an animal was something even a novice Force user could do with ease. But in this case, the bond seemed to form with little force or action required. And the effects of the Force on the wolves was already starting to become noticeable. Winter, Ned's direwolf, was nearly the size of a pony when they'd first come across her months ago in the North. Now, her lean frame had filled out slightly as she had grown several inches making her bigger than the average pony, though still not as large as a horse. While the changes in the mother wolf might not necessarily be too noticeable, the changes in the wolf pups were very apparent. Despite being only a few months old at best, both Grey Wind and Ghost look at least a year old if not more. And both had started to mimic their bondmates personalities to a degree. It was a fascinating phenomenon. And one that made him want to investigate the 'skinchanging' that was said to still be alive and well north of the Wall. Taking his place next to Ned and Jon, Nox turned and faced towards the Citadel as the ship they were on slowly started approaching the massive structure that stretched over both banks of the Honeywine and was interconnected with arching stone bridges. Truly, yet another marvel. " There's a set of docks up ahead, Lord Stark, " Theon called out, the young lad had all but refused to leave the helm ever since Oldtown came in sight. No doubt the boy felt a need to prove himself seeing as how his sister had managed to 'raid' Valyria and come back to tell the tale. " The Weeping Dock, " Ned responded emotionlessly. " Bring us in, Theon. " Theon's chest puffed out at the command from Stark as he began issuing commands of his own to the crew of the ship. " Aye, Lord Stark, alright lads! Get your asses moving! Drop all sails and get ready to throw the ropes! " While the others focused on getting the ship ready to dock, Nox turned his attention once more to the strange Force presence he'd sensed. The presence was closer now than before. Much closer. In fact, the presence was on the very dock they were heading towards. Focusing on the dock, Nox felt his brow raise at the tangle of emotions he felt emanating from nearly two dozen or so that were present. Fear. Anxiety. Hope. And an unmistakable air of superiority that could only come from those born of privilege. " It seems that our arrival has been expected, Ned, " Nox said, pointing towards the docks. " It seems at least one Maester and some nobles have decided to throw us a welcoming party. " Taking up the eyeglass that they had onboard, a recent addition to the ever-growing portfolio of the Northern glass trade, Ned stared off towards the dock. " City guards, the guards of House Hightower, and…Lord Hightower himself. Along with a Maester, " Ned counted off, lowering the eye glass. " Are they hostile? " Reaching out once more, Nox made a brief pass over the lot assembled. Though he nearly did a double take as he felt something push back against his probe momentarily. 'Apparently not as ill trained as I first thought. Still has a lot to learn however. ' " No, " Nox said, answering Ned's question. " Plenty of fear and anxiety. But I do not sense any open hostility coming from those waiting to receive us. " " Do they know why we are here? " Robb asked, giving voice to the question no doubt everyone was thinking. " Perhaps, " Ned answered before Nox could. " Either someone else figured out the actions of the Maesters and had them thrown in the cells. Or, more likely, the Maesters responsible learned of our impending arrival and all fled. Either way, Lord Hightower's presence here says that he is hoping to avoid as much bloodshed as possible. And unlike some, we will honor guest rights if they are given. " If he could, Nox would roll his eyes at his friend. Granted, Nox had managed to loosen the stick that'd been firmly jammed up Ned's ass years ago. But it was still stuck up there and held in place by the man's sense of honor. " Oh, very well. Take all the fun out of it, " Nox sighed dramatically. " We'll do this your way Ned. " " Aye, " Ned nodded before sweeping his gaze around all the Northmen on board. " Everyone will keep your weapons sheathed at all times. The first man of the North to bare steel without cause will find himself manning the Wall the moment we step foot back in the North. " The northern men were clearly not pleased with the order, especially the Greatjon and the She-Bear. But their loyalty to House Stark combined with Ned's threat of banishing them to the Wall was more than enough to override their displeasure. As the ship drew ever closer to the docks, the sailors onboard began tossing ropes over the side of the ship and into the waiting hands of the deckhands that quickly went about tying them off. Nox, Ned, Jon, Robb and the wolves were all moving even as the gangplank was still being lowered down onto the deck. Winter, ever the protective mother, jumped in front of Ned and with one move leapt off the ship and down onto the dock, scaring away all of the dock hands and causing more than one blade to be drawn as the she-wolf bared her fangs at anyone who dared approach her. " Winter, enough, " Ned's calm voice was like iron, and the wolf immediately ceased her growling and sat back on her haunches as she waited for the rest of them to disembark from the ship. Stepping off the gangplank, Ned reached and gently scratched between the wolf's ears as if she were nothing more than a house dog, rather than a pony-sized wolf who could easily rip a man's arm clean from its socket. As they approached the end of the dock, the city watch and guardsman finally overcame their shock at seeing a supposedly mythical beast and moved quickly to place themselves between those on shore and the northern contingent. " Put your weapons away, all of you! " a powerful voice ordered from behind the wall of men. Stopping next to Ned near the end of the dock, the two of them waited as two elderly men all but forced their way through the guards. The one on the left had an air of confidence and strength that spoke of years of leadership. While the other made Nox want to immediately reach for his lightsaber as he heard the telltale sound of chain links rattling against one another with each step he took. " Lord Hightower, " Ned greeted the elderly man on the left with a little more than a slight lowering of his head in respect for the man's reputation. The Maester was ignored. " Lord Stark, " Lord Hightower greeted him in return before Nox felt his attention shift over to himself. " And you would be Lord Nox, would you not? Your reputation proceeds you. " Nox merely hummed before turning his attention towards the Maester who was standing just behind Lord Hightower. Strangely enough, the man wasn't afraid. Yes, anxious and cautious, but not afraid. If anything, he felt…excited. An odd emotion to be so dominant all things considered. But now that he was this close, there was no doubt in Nox's mind that it was this man that was giving off the strange Force presence. " I take it that you are the reason that our arrival was not a surprise. " Nox stated, nodding his head towards the Maester. " That I am, Lord Sorcerer, " the Maester said, swallowing hard as he stepped up beside Lord Hightower. " I am Archmaester Marwyn of the Citadel and – and I know why you have come. Why all of you have come. The Citadel, or rather those in charge particularly my fellow Archmaesters. Have wronged you all greatly. I am here to make amends for that wrongdoing. " " 'Amends? '" The Greatjon all but shouted, rushing forward and prompting the city watch and the guards of House Hightower to all drop their hands to their hilts once more as the gigantic man raised his damaged right arm. " You fuckers did this to me! You lot made the North bleed the blood of her own! The last to willingly spill the blood of the North were fucking dragons and look what happened to those cunts! " Jon's wince was thankfully internal as his Apprentice managed to keep his face stoic despite the sharp reminder of just how and why he came into being. The Archmaester, much to his credit, did not back down from the angry giant standing before him. " Let go of your weapons, now! " Lord Hightower demanded, his voice and sheer aura leaving no room for argument as he addressed both his own men and the men of the north. " Lord Stark, there is clearly much that needs to be discussed. I ask you now as a Lord of the realm and a man of the North, will you abide by guest rights once they are offered? " " Aye, we will, " Ned answered immediately, sending a look towards the Greatjon which immediately made the larger man huff and backstep so that he was once again standing behind Stark. " Good, " Lord Hightower nodded. " Bring forth bread and salt. Then we will talk. " A handful of servants weaved their way through the line of soldiers timidly, each carrying a tray of cut bread and small piles of salt needed to complete the guest rites. Taking a small piece, Nox added a pinch of salt and quickly ate his bread as he wanted to get on with this as quickly as possible. Feelings that were reflected in the rest of the Northern contingent as they all did the same as him. " Thank you for your willingness to listen, my lords, " Marwyn said gratefully, a bit of his anxiety leaving him now that the guest rites had been completed. " Please, walk with me to the Citadel. There is much to discuss and none of it pleasant I am afraid. " " The Order of the Guiding Hand, " Ned stated without any sense of tact, something that Nox was still working on with his friend, as they began walking down the cobbled streets of Oldtown. " Who are they? " The spike of anxiety returned full force in the Archmaester as he led the procession through the streets and towards the Citadel. " A group of fools with delusions of grandeur. They believed themselves to be the 'true rulers of Westeros' since before the time of the Targaryens. For centuries they have been hiding in the shadows and manipulating events within Westeros to try and create what they felt was the best future possible. I wish that I could tell you that the atrocity that was committed in Winterfell was the worse of their crimes. But that is not so. " " And how do you know that? " Robb piped up from behind his father, his anger simmering like a low burning fire. " Because, while they're very secretive and selective, even within the halls of the Citadel, they were arrogant. Arrogant enough that they kept immaculate records of their members and every deed they have put into motion since their inception and even some that have not yet been planted. " Marwyn answered, shocking almost everyone present. " They…wrote down what they've done? " Lord Hightower asked, completely flabbergasted at the audacity. " Why? " " I'm afraid I know not, my Lord, " Marwyn sighed. " Arrogance? A desired to gloat? I cannot say. But for the past few days I have had acolytes that I trust, acolytes that have sworn themselves to silence, going over all of their notes and categorizing them based on which Houses or people in Westeros were affected. " " I want to see what you have, " Stark demanded with the chill of winter in his voice. Marwyn nodded as if he expected as much. " And we'll give you what you desire, Lord Stark. However, I fear I can only give to you that which pertains to your House or the North as a whole. Some of what we have found has been quite…personal in nature. Facts and acts that could and will affect the landscape of the nobility of Westeros. And because of the Maesters' oaths to observe, record, and advise only, I cannot simply give you something that would give you leverage over another House. And before you ask me again, Lord Stark, ask yourself this. Would you want all of the Houses in Westeros to know of every secret that House Stark has kept over even the last few centuries? " Nox immediately had to reappraise the man as his words settled in. Apparently, the man was a far better player of the game than he'd originally let on. Giving out information of sins committed against the families of Westeros was all well and good, but he also hid a thinly veiled threat in there as well if you knew what to look for. He said point blank that some of the information in the notes left by the Order of the Guiding Hand could all but destroy the political landscape of Westeros and lead to war. Information that only he and those he trusted most, knew about. And then the question on whether Ned wanted House Stark's secrets to be revealed to the realm. In translation, 'I die and I'm taking as many down as I can with me'. Mercifully, Stark seemed to be taking some of Nox's lessons to heart as he caught onto the hidden meaning behind the Maester's words as well. " Then we shall see if you hold true to your oaths better than your fellow Maesters have. " As they moved through the cobbled streets, Nox could feel hundreds of eyes peering at their group as they made their way down the short distance towards the Citadel. 'Not surprising, ' Nox shrugged, used to being an object of curiosity. 'A contingent of Northmen arrive with a wolf the size of a small horse and are being guided down the streets by an Archmaester and the Lord Hightower. This is probably the most interesting sight these people have seen in their entire lives. ' But where Nox was used to such attention and Ned was able to ignore the pointed looks, Jon and Robb were not. The two boys were constantly looking around as more and more eyes peered out from their homes to try and get a look at what was happening. " Is it always like this, Master? " Jon asked lowly enough so that only the two of them could hear. " Usually, " Nox replied plainly. " Get used to it, Apprentice. As a Sith, you're going to be garnering a lot of attention in your day. Both good and bad. Best you learn now how to block it out. " As they approached the main gate leading into the Citadel, Nox tilted his head as they came across a pair of large stone sphinxes that stood guard on either side of the gate. 'Appropriate, ' Nox mused as their group passed between the large sphinxes. 'Those creatures vary across the galaxy, but they also tend to represent the same thing. Guardians of knowledge. ' As they entered the main yard of the Citadel, their group came to an abrupt stop as they were greeted to an interesting sight. The yard was filled with a combination of Maesters and their acolytes as well as a large group of armed and lightly armored men who were clearly not part of the City Watch or the House guards. 'Sellswords, smart, ' Nox thought, approving of what was no doubt Marwyn's actions in securing the Citadel. 'No doubt some of these men had ties with both the City Watch and House Hightower. Using either would've tipped his hand. So instead he went out and hired outside help. Risky, but smart. ' And in the middle of the yard surrounded by the armed men was a group of over thirty Maesters who were bound and chained and being forced to stay on their knees. " Lord Stark, Lord Hightower, " Marwyn said, coming around so that he was facing them. " I present to you the members of the Order of the Guiding Hand that are here in the Citadel for your judgement. " Whatever careful hold Stark had on his anger left him as he was brought before the very men who'd set in motion the events that led to the death of his wife and son. Without saying a word, Ned's hand dropped to the hilt of Ice as all thoughts of guest rites left his friend's mind. Not that Nox blamed him. Force, he barely had control of his own want to make these men suffer for what they did and what they tried to do. But unlike his friend, Nox had far more experience with this sort of thing. Like Prince Oberyn had once said, revenge was not a cheap drink that you tried to get through quickly. No, revenge was like the finest of wines. One that you sipped and savored. And Nox was fully committed to savoring every moment of what was about to come. " My lord! " one of the Maesters shouted from his position as he tried to rise, only for one of the sellswords to force him back down to his knees. " I – I don't know what they told you! But–But it's all lies! " " Lord Stark! " Lord Hightower all but yelled as a few inches of Ice began to show itself, " I understand your anger my Lord, and you have the right to it. However, the law must still be followed! These men have served the realm and this city for years. And I have yet to see evidence of this treachery you speak of! Before I allow any bloodshed in my city, I must see what evidence you have of their guilt. " Before either Ned or Nox could respond, one of the acolytes of the Maesters stepped forward and handed off two thin books to Marwyn. Cocking his head, Nox observed the acolyte closely, a slight smile coming to him as he saw immediately through the guise they were trying to hide behind. 'Clever. ' " Would you recognize Archmaester Ebrose's own hand my Lord? " Marwyn asked, flipping through one of the books while behind him the Maesters that were on their knees began to tremble in fear. " Yes, " Lord Hightower answered without hesitation. " Then I trust that this passage here will provide you with all the evidence you need, my Lord, pertaining to their actions regarding the attempted coup in the North. With Lord Stark's permission, of course. " After Ned gave a nod of acceptance, Lord Hightower took the book from Marwyn and started reading. The sweet taste of fear and thoughts of impending doom fill the air, acting as an almost aphrodisiac to Nox as a few of the Maesters began to whimper and cry. It'd been so long since he'd been in this position, of holding your enemy's life in your hand and watching them squirm as they waited for the death blow to come. To a Sith, there were few better moments that times like these. " And if their actions against House Stark are not enough, " Marwyn added as he held out the second book for Lord Hightower to take. " Then I believe this will be sufficient. It is in Archmaester Benedict's hand. And it concerns both House Hightower and House Mormont. " Lord Hightower, his anger threatening to boil over, all but threw the book he had been reading towards Ned before snatching the second book out of Marwyn's hands. And he wasn't the only one who was now interested as Maege Mormont came over and stood next to Hightower, her one remaining good eye reading what was within the book just as quickly as Lord Hightower's two. If the two had been angry before reading whatever was in that book, they both were now apocalyptic. And with that change, the fate of the Maesters was sealed. " Is there a way to discern who is a part of this…Order…and who is not? " Lord Hightower asked through clenched teeth, his rage to such a point that the man was visibly shaking as he tried to keep himself in check. A resigned feeling settled in over Marwyn as the elder Maester nodded. " Yes. On top of keeping record of all their misdeeds, they also marked all those involved in the Order. Bronn, bring one of them forward. " One of the sellswords kicked one of the kneeling Maesters away from the rest of the kneeling Maesters. Once they were close, the sellsword put his fist into the Maesters gut, forcing him to bend over before roughly grabbing his hair near his right ear and pulling it back painfully. " They all got this mark here, " the sellsword stated, pointing towards a spot behind the Maester's ear. " And all of these fuckers behind us all go the same thing in the same spot. " Through the Force, Nox was able to see what the sellsword was pointing at. A small black mark reminiscent of a handprint but smaller than a fingernail had been tattooed onto the man's skin near the fold of his ear. A good place to put a mark as no could see it without moving aside the person's hair and folding their ear. And if on the off chance anyone did catch a glimpse of it, it could simply be passed off as a birthmark or a something else. 'Well, this just keeps getting easier and easier, ' Nox thought with a smirk as Ned and Hightower both leaned over to inspect the man's mark. " And there is one more thing Lord Stark. " Marwyn said while motioning for the sellsword to bring the gasping Maester back into line with the others. " Something that I believe you will want to take care of personally. Bronn, bring him forth. " The sellsword, Bronn, frog marched the bound and gasping Maester back to the others before grabbing a hold of a younger Maester by the hair and dragged him forth. While Nox could only sense a vague recollection to the lad, who was more than likely somewhere in his early twenties or so, Ned did recognize him. " Ebbert Whitehill, " Ned hissed, drawing more than a few curses and spits from the northerners. " Son of Ludd Whitehill. " " He is a man of the North, not yet a full Maester. " Marwyn stated, his voice devoid of emotion. " As such, I felt it prudent to single him out should you wish a separate fate for him. " The young Whitehill trembled as his fear spiked and the unmistakable smell of piss permeated the air. " Ah shit, " the sellsword Bronn cursed, cuffing Ebbert on the head hard enough to drop the lad, " fucker pissed himself. If ya got any piss on me, boy, I'll be taken the cleaning out on you. " " There is no need to single him out, " Ned declared, motioning for the sellsword to bring the lad back in line with the others. " The Whitehills are no longer of the North, and this one gave up his family name well before that when he decided to join the Maesters. His fate will be the same as the others. " " One moment, " Nox called out as the sellsword was about to drag the young man back to await his fate with the other Maesters. Walking in close, Nox spoke loud enough so that everyone could hear him. " There's something you should know first. The letter you sent your father, the one where you begged him to trust in the order and their plan to overthrow the Starks, your father didn't burn the letter, he kept it. With the express purpose of using it to leverage his freedom should the need arise. He was more than willing to throw you to the wolves, literally and figuratively, if it meant that he could keep breathing for a few more years. " Ebbert's breath hitched as anguished washed through his fear and took hold. " That's right, boy, " Nox smiled, leaning over so that his cloth covered eyes were pointed towards him, " take heart in the fact that it did no good. Your father sang like a songbird barely a few moments into my questioning of him and willingly gave up both yourself and your letter to make the pain stop. How does it feel, boy? To know that your father was willing to sell you out to save his own life? You tried to get back into your family after leaving for the Maesters, only to fail. You betrayed the North and failed. You betrayed the Order of the Guiding Hand by sending that letter, the same letter which led us right to them. Everything you have done is centered around betrayal and failure. That, boy, that is the legacy you will take to the grave with you. " Ebbert's anguish reached a fevered pitch as the boy collapsed in on himself and began crying, his world destroyed. 'Ah, such a rush! I have missed this sensation! ' Nox smiled, feeling euphoric at having completely destroyed one of those who helped bring about the death of his son. " And now, Ebbert Whitehill, you have my permission to die. " Righting himself, Nox walked back towards Ned and the boys, more than pleased with the way things had been going. Though, he would admit that he had been hoping for some small token of resistance. The fact that the Maesters just rolled over for them was, mildly disappointing. But the fact that it was an Archmaester who ended up selling out his fellow Archmaesters to save himself and most of the other Maesters made the outcome slightly better to his more Sith side. " Fetch a block, " Lord Hightower bellowed, his murderous intent almost as great as Ned's own. " With Lord Stark standing as witness, I, Lord Leyton Hightower, do hereby find you lot guilty of attempted sedition, oath breaking, and hundreds of other crimes that I'm sure we haven't uncovered yet. And I hereby sentence the lot of you to die. " " There will be no need for a block, Lord Hightower. Unless you press the issue. " Ned stated loudly and clearly, his attention shifting towards Nox and his other vassals momentarily before focusing in again on the condemned Maesters. This had been a point of contention between Ned, Nox, and the Northern Lords and Lady since they left port. Ned, originally, had been of the mind to simply take their heads and be done with it. But that did not sit well with the others. It was too quick in their minds. The Greatjon especially had wanted all of the Maesters to suffer the Northern Traitors fate. But that argument was placed aside when Ned pointed out, rightfully, that that form of execution was reserved only for Norther Lords and Ladies who betrayed the North. And while the Maesters had certainly broken their oaths and betrayed the people of the North, they were not of the North. And therefore, by the letter of the law, could not be subject to that form of execution. The idea was then floated around to have them suffer the same fate as Lyn Corbray. And while Nox agreed with the idea, in practicality he had to shoot the idea down. The creation of a single Mind Prison, and an incomplete one at that, took far more out of him than he cared to admit. The idea of creating dozens of them over a short span of time…it was just not feasible. With those two methods of execution ruled out, the Northerners had started to become quite…creative in how they wished to dispatch the Maesters. Some of which had surprised even Nox with their brutality. In the end, a compromise of sorts had been verbally agreed upon. Now it was time to see if Ned truly had started to shed his 'honorable' self and embraced the lineage of the Kings of Winter.