Chapter 18 5 страница" These men betrayed not only the North, but the entirety of Westeros as well, " Ned stated, his voice as cold as the coldest of winter nights. " An example must be made. " As dusk neared, a large crowd had gathered upon the wall of Oldtown facing towards the north as they watched the spectacle unfold on the side of the Roseroad. The sound of the steady beating of hammers on nails and the screams of agony and pleas for mercy drowning out almost all other sounds. Along the Roseroad at equal intervals thick posts nearly twice as tall as a man had been secured into the ground while a second post roughly a quarter the length of the first had been set aside. One by one, the Maesters who'd been part of the Order of the Guiding hand were led to each post and stripped down until they were in nothing more than their small clothes. They were then forced onto the ground with their legs spaced out upon the smaller beam on the ground. Their legs were then secured to the beams with large nails driven through their ankles and then further secured with leather straps to ensure their weight would not pull them down. Once a Maester was secured, a team of men would lift the beam and set it atop and secure it to the standing post, leaving the Maesters to hang upside down with blood running down their legs from where the nails had pierced their flesh. Then, to ensure that there was no mistake as to what their crimes were, a writ of their crimes and guilt was then nailed into their chests, taking care to make sure the nails avoided their hearts lest their suffering end too soon. And as a last act, to make sure that their identities were known to all, their Maester chains were wrapped around their hands and attached to the posts holding them upside down. And to make sure that the message stuck, all of the surviving Maesters and Acolytes of the Citadel had not only been forced to come out and watch alongside the road as their fellows were strung up, but they were also required to write out the writs of condemnation and prepare the posts and beams to which the Maesters would be executed upon. By the time the last of the Maesters were strung up, the line of still suffering men stretched for nearly a quarter of a mile beyond the walls of Oldtown. And through it all, Nox, Ned, Lord Hightower, Marwyn, Robb and Jon all stood and watched as each man was strung up. Ned and Lord Hightower never once faltered; their faces set in stone as they watched the executions take place. The boys though, he could feel their unease as easy as one could feel the cold during a blizzard. But both boys impressed him as, while they might be uneasy on the inside, both remained just as stoic as the rest of them. But as the last of the bodies were strung up and the group started the slow walk down the line of the condemned back to the city, Nox could feel the boys' strength start to waver as the sheer brutality of what they were witnessing began to wear down on their young minds. " I take it that you will be making your way to King's Landing next, Lord Stark, to explain what happened here to the King in person, " Lord Hightower half-stated, half-asked as they made their way down the line of still-suffering Maesters. " Aye, " Ned nodded. " Robert will need to be informed of this. And despite my history with his grace, this will require my presence to explain. " Lord Hightower nodded in understanding. " I will have a team of horses prepared for the journey. And I will add my voice to your own in explaining this, Lord Stark. I will also speak with the Septons at the Starry Sept and gain their approval as well to help quell any dissent that might come. All I ask is one day to set things in motion before we head out to speak with his grace about what happened here today. " Nox was surprised that the old Lord of Oldtown was willing to make the trip to King's Landing. Though, he supposed given what he had allowed to happen with the Maesters he would need to present himself to the King to explain what happened and how he had no knowledge of their plots. " In your absence, my Lord, I would like to request the service of some of your riders to deliver messages, " Marwyn said as the city gates drew closer. " Why? " Hightower asked, his tone, much like Ned's, completely ice when addressing the Archmaester. " Because there are still many scattered across Westeros that are part of this 'Order of the Guiding Hand', " Marwyn explained as they crossed under the archway leading into the city. " And while normally I would send such messages by raven, I fear that in this instance the ones who would be receiving the ravens first would be those who are guilty of treason. And would thereby escape justice from those they have wronged. " Lord Hightower pondered Marwyn's words for only a moment before giving his consent. " Very well. I'll send the orders out tonight and the men will report to you first thing in the morning for instructions. Lord Stark, Lord Nox. I invite you both to the Hightower. I shall have rooms prepared for you and your men until we depart. " " The offer is appreciated, Lord Hightower, but you need not spare the expense on my part, " Nox stated, earning a look from both Ned and the Lord of Oldtown. " We are only spending a single day here. And I intend to spend every moment of it going through as much of the Citadel as I can before we leave. " " I would be more than happy to escort you to the Citadel, my Lord, " Marwyn nearly shouted as whatever lingering fear and anxiety he had quickly became overridden by excitement. " I will have my acolytes prepare a workspace and be ready to assist you in any manner you need. " " Good, " Nox nodded before clapping Jon on the shoulder. " And you won't need to worry about this one either. He'll be joining me as well. As will Robb and Theon, lest they fear falling even further behind my Apprentice here. " " What? " Both Jon and Robb said nearly simultaneously, stopping in their tracks as the four elder men kept marching towards the Citadel with the cries of the condemned fading behind them.