Topic: Rhabdoviruses. Laboratory diagnosis of rabies. Arboviruses. Laboratory diagnosis of toga-, flavi-, and bunyavirus infections.
Date ____________ Class 11 Topic: Rhabdoviruses. Laboratory diagnosis of rabies. Arboviruses. Laboratory diagnosis of toga-, flavi-, and bunyavirus infections. Questions to be discussed:
Questions to be discussed: 1. Label the main structures of the rabies virus:
2. Complete a scheme of the rabies virus replication and label the main stages: 3. Label the Babes-Negris’ inclusion bodies’ seen under the light microscope in image-smears of the brain tissues:
4. Complete a scheme of the laboratory diagnosis of rabies:
5. Describe anti-rabies immunobiological preparations used for treatment and prophylaxis: Anti-rabies immunoglobulin: ________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Rabies vaccines: _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Compare the structure of the virions from different taxonomic groups, that are classified as arbovituses, and give brief descriptions of each group structure..