Шаммедова Е.В.. Контрольная работа. Вариант № 1Стр 1 из 10Следующая ⇒ Шаммедова Е. В. 5узМПО Контрольная работа Вариант № 1 Задание № 1. Выберите соответствующее местоимение. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. Who are (that, these, those) people over there? 2. Ann and Peter phone (them, themselves, each other) every day. 3. The building is very high but (his, its, their) windows are small. 4. You are quite ill. You must go (somewhere, anywhere, nowhere) today. Задание № 2. Выберите нужный предлог in, of, for, to, at. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. My boss is not afraid … taking risks. 2. I am very good … mathematics. 3. Our Personnel Manager is responsible … hiring ne w staff. 4. I am interested … buying a new computer. 5. Some of the staff is not very enthusiastic about moving … our new office. Задание № 3. Закончите разделительные вопросыи перепишите их. 1. It gets dark very early in winter, …? 2. He has been in construction for many years, …? 3. Builders construct residential and industrial buildings, …? 4. They sent a message to him yesterday, …? 5. Prefabricated units are delivered to the construction site, …? Задание № 4. Поставьте предложения с модальными глаголами впрошедшем илибудущем времени, используя слова, данные в скобках. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. We have to buy some food for the picnic today (last Saturday). 2. He can speak English (when he was ten). 3. Mr. Smith must be in his office now (two hours agо). Задание № 5. Выберите действительнуюили страдательную форму глагола. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. The power (is switched off, switched off). 2. They (are built, build) a lot of new houses in this district every year. 3. New metro stations (were built, built) in our city. 4. The pump (is made, makes) the water flow.
Задание № 6. Переделайте предложения из действительного залога в страдательный, сохраняя видовременную форму сказуемого. Напишите и переведите полученные предложения на русский язык. 1. Builders use a great variety of materials nowadays. 2. This firm is constantly producing prefab panels. 3. A famous architect has designed these buildings. 4. They built and modernized very many irrigation systems. 5. People will forget it very soon. Задание № 7. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык. Выпишите из каждогоглагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола. 1. Mankind has used metals for centuries in gradually increasing quantities. 2. According to its chemical and mechanical properties steel may be used in different branches of industry. 3. Natural resources and energy are getting more expensive, and air is becoming seriously polluted. 4. The ancient Egyptians discovered how to cut stone for building purposes. 5. The walls and towers of the Moscow Kremlin are protected with special water resistant solution. 6. The modern twenty–five storey hotel has been erected in the center of Moscow. Задание № 8. Выберите нужную формуглагола. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. If you (heat) water to 1000, it (boil). 2. If the ice were thick enough, we (be) able to walk across the river. 3. If they (study), they (pass) the exam. They failed it. 4. If he (go) without her, she never (speak) to him again. Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык. Выпишите причастный (Absolute Participle Construction)или инфинитивный (Complex Object, Complex Subject)оборот и определите его тип. 1. We expect the problem to be solved in the near future. 2. This being done we decided to have a rest. 3. He is supposed to be in his office now. Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст. From the History of Building Man has always been a builder. The first houses in different countries of the world were made of wood. In other regions the most convenient building material was stone. The ancient Egyptians erected temples, palaces. Having dried the bricks in the sun, they put up four walls, and above these they placed a flat roof. The roof was flat because there was very little rain in Egypt. Egyptian builders gave the world the column which has played an important part in the history of building. Most of the buildings of old times were based upon the column and beam method of construction. The Greeks built a slanting roof because there was much rain in their country. The Romans added the arch, thus increasing strength and beauty to their buildings. Since the middle Ages, brickwork has been in constant use everywhere. In our country architecture flourished for the first time in Kiev Russ. The churches of the time were strong buildings with thick walls and small windows. During the last hundred years many new methods of building have been discovered. The use of precast concrete is a very advanced construction technique. Nowadays houses are often built of complete concrete structural units which are factory-made and assembled on the spot. since the middle ages – начиная со средних веков a flat roof – плоская крыша
строительства an arch – арка a brickwork – кирпичная кладка precast concrete – сборный бетон Задание № 11. Закончите предложение, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания. Most of the buildings of old times were based upon … a)concrete structural units b)the use of steel c)the column and beam method of construction Задание № 12. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них. 1. Did ancient people use wood or bricks to build their houses? 2. What kinds of buildings did the ancient Egyptians erect? 3. What method of construction was used for most of the buildings of old times?
4. Why did the Greeks build a slanting roof? 5. What building materials are used nowadays?