


Случайная статья




Test 1. What symptom is not characteristic for botulism:

A. decrease of sight, “fog” before eyes

B. dryness in mouth, disorder of swallowing

C. ptosis, midriasis, absence of reaction of pupils to light

D. psychomotor excitation, hyperaemia of skin, hallucinations

E. paresis of the soft palate


Test 2. What microorganisms cause toxicoinfection?

A. Staphylococcus, Streptococcus

B. Shigella

C. Salmonella, E.coli, Proteus

D. Entherococcus

E. Yersinia


Test 3. What conditions promote the development of toxicoinfection?

A. separate storage and cooking of raw meat products

B. pustular diseases of skin at the personnel

C. long storage of products with observance of temperature mode

D. storage of products at high temperature, non-observance of terms for realisation of food, of rules of personal hygiene

E. storage of incompatible products


Test 4. Pathogenesis of botulism?

A. violation of intestine

B. violation of muscles

C. violation of brain and periferic nervous system

D. violation of medulla oblongata

E. violation of kidneys and liver


Test 5. . What substances can cause poisoning with compositions transitory from utensils to food?

A. nitrogen substances

B. molybdenum, chrome, cobalt 

C. arsenic, iron

D. lead, cooper, zinc

E. fluorine


Test 6. What products can cause mycotoxicosis?

A. meat

B. fish

C. canned food

D. flour and bread product

E. dairy products


Test 7. Which of food poisonings are concerned to mycotoxicosis?





E. toxicosis caused by Staphyllococcus


Test 8. After use of canned meat the following symptoms have appeared: twinkle in eyes, strong headache, disorder of swallowing, palpitation, muscular weakness. What is diagnosis?

A. insult

B. gastro-enteritis

C. botulism

D. typhoid fever

E. tetanus


Test 9. Toxic plant Belladonna contains a poison:

A. Histidine

B. Atropine

C. Arginine

D. Gelvellic acid

E. Cikutotoxin


Test 10. What products cause toxicoinfections?


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