


Случайная статья



Test 1. The most frequent reason of botulism is the use of canned products of home preparations:

A. Meat

B. Apples

C. Mushrooms

D. Cucumbers

E. fruit and vegetable juices


Test 2. The basic clinical symptoms of toxicoinfection are:

A. nausea, repeated vomiting

B. pain in abdomen

C. liquid plentiful stools

D. vomiting precedes liquid stools

E. all listed


Test 3. What conditions promote the development of toxicoinfection?

A. separate storage and cooking of raw meat products

B. purulent diseases of skin in the personnel

C. long storage of products with following temperature regime

D. storage of products at high temperature, non-observance of terms for realization of food, infringement of rules of personal hygiene

E. storage of incompatible products


Test 4. Pathogenesis of botulism:

A. violation of digestive tract

B. violation of cardiac-vascular system

C. violation of peripheral nervous system

D. violation of medulla oblongata

E. violation of kidneys and liver


Test 5. What is necessary to send to laboratory for acknowledgement of diagnosis of food poisoning?

A. sputum, lavage water

B. all products, consumed for the last day

C. feces, vomiting masses, blood, lavage water

D. smear from nasopharynx

E. feces of worm ova


Test 6. Clinical symptoms of poisoning due to toadstool mushroom are characterized with:

A. affection of the organ of vision

B. disorder of speech

C. methemoglobinemia

D. difficulty in breathing

E. hemolitic jaundice, choleroid diarrhea


Test 7. What substances can cause poisoning with compositions transitory from utensils to food?

A. nitrogen substances

B. molybdenum, chrome, cobalt

C. arsenic, iron

D. lead, cooper, zinc E. fluorine


Test 8. What symptoms are characterized for fusariosis?

A. renal diseases

B. disorder of digestive and CNS

C. disorder of CVS

D. violation of haemopoetic organs

E. malfunction of liver


Test 9. Ulcers in oral vestibule and on the mucous layer of bowel were revealed in the patient. What product causes this pathology?

A. products of dissociation of hemoglobin

B. salt of heavy metals

C. urea

D. acetone

E. metabolites


Test 10. After use of canned meat the following symptoms have appeared: twinkle in eyes, strong headache, disorder of swallowing, palpitation, muscular weakness. What is diagnosis?

A. insult

B. gastroenteritis

C. botulism

D. typhoid fever

E. tetanus




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