VARIANT 1. A.Vegetable canned food . B. Vegetable, fruit. D. Cakes. E. BreadVARIANT 1 Test 1. What products cause toxicoinfections? A.Vegetable canned food B. Vegetable, fruit C. Meat D. Cakes E. Bread
Test 2. Signs have appeared: fog before eyes, diplopia, headache, husky voice, disorder of swallowing, palpitation after the use of meat canned food. What is diagnosis? A. Insult B. B. Gastroenteritis C. C. Botulism D. D. Typhoid fever E. E. Tetanus
Test 3. What enumerated poisoning are mycotoxicosis? A. Ergotism B. Salmonellosis C. Botulism D. Fusariosis E. Staphylococcal toxicosis
Test 4. What path of spreading infection is impossible in salmonellosis? A. Through skin B. Through air C. Through nutrition D. Through water E. Through insects bites
Test 5. What should the doctor do in revealing an alimentary poisoning: A. Fist aid and hospitalization (in severe cases) B. Taking samples of products for test C. Emergency notice in SES D. Making preliminary diagnosis
Test 6. What happens in poisoning with Cl.botulini? A. Excitation B. Redness of skin C. Ptosis D. Diplopia E. Mydriasis
Test 7. What sign is not characteristic for botulism: A. “Fog” before eyes B. Disorder of swallowing C. Ptosis D. Psychomotor excitement E. Hallucinations
Test 8. What microorganisms cause toxicoinfections? A. Staphylococci B. Shigellae C. Proteus D. Salmonellae E. Vira
Test 9. In the country 15 persons got ill. They had weakness, headache, necrotic tonsillitis, burning sensation and pharyngalgia. Blood test: decrease of haemoglobin content, RBC, neutrophils, platelets. What is diagnosis? A. Aphlotoxicosis B. Alimentary-toxic aleikia C. Ergotism D. Poisoning with mushrooms E. Poisoning with nitrates
Test 10. What are groups of non-microbic alimentary poisoning: A. Mycotoxicosis B. Poisoning by toxic mushrooms C. Poisoning by salts of heavy metals D. Unknown etiology E. Poisoning with toxic plants
Test 1. What signs are characteristic for a poisoning by “drunk bread”? A. affection of CNS B. affection of digestive tract C. affection of heart D. affection of vessels E. affection of liver
Test 2. Call alimentary poisoning accompanied by constipation: A. salt of heavy metals B. mushroom Amanita palloides C. botulism D. staphylococcal toxicosis E. fungus Fusarium sporotrichoides
Test 3. What the doctor should do in revealing alimentary poisoning? A. inspection of conditions and methods of production, storage of suspected food B. clearing of suspected food and its excluding from eating C. clearing of clinical signs, characteristic for this outbreak D. compilation of the act of investigation laboratory tests E. delivery of patient’s excreta for research, tests of suspicious products to laboratory
Test 4. What symptoms are characteristic for fusariosis? A. renal diseases B. disorder of digestive tract and CNS C. disorder of CVS D. violation of haemopoetic organs D. violation of liver
Test 5. The patient complains of ptosis. The doctor has revealed strabismus. What nerve is violated? A. n. oculomotorius B. n. facialis C. n. trigeminus D. n. olfactorius E. n. opticus
Test 6. What the diagnostic and medical measures in salmonellosis are not necessary: A. research of feces and gastric lavage waters B. blood test C. gastric lavage and enteroclysis D. parenteral infusion of saline solutions E. antibacterial drugs
Test 7. The proof of poisoning with toxin of Cl. Botulini is revealing these microbes in: A. suspected food B. water after gastric lavage C. urine D. feces E. blood
Test 8. Pathogenesis of botulism? A. affection of digestive tract B. disorder of CVS C. disorder of peripheral nervous system D. affection of medulla oblongata E. affection of kidneys and liver
Test 9. What changes happen in organs of vision in poisoning with fly-agaric? A. miosis B. anisocaria C. ptosis D. diplopia E. mydriasis
Test 10. What product is a source of solanine: A. beans B. potatoes C. beet D. carrot E. tomatoes