


Случайная статья




Test 1. What should the doctor do in revealing food poisoning:

A. Detoxicating therapy

B. Fist aid and hospitalization (in severe cases)

C. Taking samples of products for test

D. Emergency notice in SES

E.  Making preliminary diagnosis


Test 2. What happens in poisoning with Belladonna?

A. excitement

B. redness of skin

C. ptosis

D. diplopia

E. depression of nervous system


Test 3. What food causes toxicoinfection more often?

A. canned vegetables of home preparation

B. vegetables, fruits, cakes

C. meat products

D. fish products

E. bread products


Test 4. The most frequent reason of botulism is:

A. canned meat

B. apples

C. canned mushroom 

D. cucumbers E. fruit juices


Test 5. The patient has necrotic tonsillitis, leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia. What food poisoning can be accompanied with such signs?

A. Salmonellosis

B. Mycotoxicosis

C. Botulism

D. Poisoning with heavy metals

E. Poisoning of unknown etiology


Test 6. Call main groups of food poisoning:

A. microbic etiology

B. non-microbic etiology

C. mycotoxicosis

D. unknown etiology

E. acute intestinal etiology


Test 7. What is the earliest sign of botulism?

A. convulsions

B. disorder of vision

C. metal smack in mouth

D. increase of arterial pressure

E. frequent vomiting


Test 8. Call a characteristic sign of alimentary poisoning with salts of heavy metals:

A. affection of liver

B. metal smack in mouth

C. choleroid diarrhea

D. high temperature

E. constipation


Test 9. What products can cause mycotoxicosis?

A. Meat

B. Smoked fish

C. Dairy products

D. Bread, corn

E. Eggs


Test 10. What are groups of non microbic alimentary poisoning:

A. Mycotoxicosis

B. Poisoning by poisonous mushrooms

C. Poisoning by heavy metals

D. Botulism

E. Poisoning by toxic plants




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