Given below is the text of the 100th dasaka wherein Bhattatiri has a glorious, enthralling vision of the Lord of Guruvayoor and the ecstatic outpourings of the devotee who is, as it were, submerged in an ocean of supreme bliss.
अग्रे पश्यामि तेजो निबिडतरकलायावलीलोभनीयं पीयूषाप्लावितोऽहं तदनु तदुदरे दिव्यकैशोरवेषम् । तारुण्यारम्भरम्यं परमसुखरसास्वादरोमाञ्चिताङ्गै- रावीतं नारदाद्यैर्विलसदुपनिषद्सुन्दरीमण्डलैश्च ॥१॥ Before me, I see an effulgence, as enthralling as a thick blossom of (dark blue) kalaya flowers. I feel as if I am bathed in an ocean of nectar. Then, in the heart of the effulgence I see a divine teenage boy enchanting in his budding youth, surrounded by sages like Naarada whose hairs stand on end by the thrilling experience of Supreme Bliss, and by Upanishads taking the form of beautiful women. नीलाभं कुञ्चिताग्रं घनममलतरं संयतं चारुभङ्ग्या रत्नोत्तंसाभिरामं वलयितमुदयच्चन्द्रकैः पिञ्छजालैः । मन्दारस्रङ्निवीतं तव पृथुकबरीभारमालोकयेऽहं स्निग्द्धश्वेतोर्ध्वपुण्ड्रामपि च सुललितां फालबालेन्दुवीथीम् ॥२॥ I see your tresses of dark and curly hair, thick and clean, beautifully held together, bejewelled and surrounded by a plume of peacock feathers having shining eyes and encircled by a garland of mandara flowers. I also see your pretty forehead resembling the crescent moon, adorned with smooth white sandal paste mark pointing upwards. हृद्यं पूर्णानुकंपार्णवमृदुलहरी चञ्चलभ्रूविलासैः आनीलस्निग्द्धपक्ष्मावलि परिलसितं नेत्रयुग्मं विभो ते । सान्द्रच्छायं विशालारुणकमलदलाकारमामुग्धतारं कारुण्यालोकलीला शिशिरितभुवनं क्षिप्यतां मय्यनाथे ॥३॥ O Lord! The soft waves from the ocean of compassion in the pair of Your eyes create playful movements in your eyebrows and these, coupled with the soft blue eye lashes, captivate every heart. Densely lustrous, shaped like large red lotus petals and having beautiful pupils, they cool the world by their playful glances full of mercy. May those glances be cast on me who is without any other refuge. उत्तुङ्गोल्लासिनासं हरिमणिमुकुरप्रोल्लसद्गण्डपाली- व्यालोलत् कर्णपाशाञ्चितमकरमणी कुण्डलद्वन्द्वदीप्रम् । उन्मीलद्दन्तपङ्क्तिः स्फुरदरुणतरच्छायबिम्बाधरान्तः प्रीतिप्रस्यन्दिमन्दस्मितमधुरतरं वक्त्रमुद्भासतां मे ॥४॥ O Lord! your face, having a prominent pretty nose, lighted up witha pair of oscillating fish-shaped gem-studded ear globes reflected on the cheeks resembling mirrors of blue sapphire, with shining white teeth between parted lips red as the bimba fruit and with a sweet smile dripping love and affection – May that face of yours clearly shine before my eyes. बाहुद्वन्द्वेन रत्नाङ्गुलिवलयभृता शोणपाणिप्रवाले- नोपात्तां वेणुनालीं प्रसृतनखमयूखाङ्गुलीसङ्गशाराम् । कृत्वा वक्त्रारविन्दे सुमधुरविकसद्रागमुद्भाव्यमानैः शब्दब्रह्मामृतैस्त्वं शिशिरितभुवनैः सिञ्च मे कर्णवीथीम् ॥५॥ May you saturate the path of my ears with divine music, Brahman itself in sweet sound form, cooling the whole universe, freely flowing from the flute placed at Your lotus mouth. The flute is held in your hands adorned with gem-studded bracelets and it takes on multiple colours from the rays from Your finger nails (which play on it.) उत्सर्पत्कौस्तुभश्रीततिभिररुणितं कोमलं कण्ठदेशं वक्षः श्रीवत्सरम्यं तरलतरसमुद्दीप्तहारप्रतानम् । नानावर्णप्रसूनावलिकिसलयिनीं वन्यमालां विलोल- ल्लोलम्बां लम्बमानामुरसि तव तथा भावये रत्नमालाम् ॥६॥ O Lord! I meditate upon Your handsome neck coloured purple by the radiating lustre of Your Kaustubha jewel; on Your chest adorned by the the Srivatsa mark and clusters of swinging radiant necklaces; and also on garlands of forest flowers, tender leaf buds and bunches of multicoloured blossoms, with bees hovering around them, and necklaces of precious stones adorning your chest. अंगे पंचांगरागैरतिशयविकसत्सौरभाकृष्टलोकं लीनानेकत्रिलोकीविततिमपि कृशां बिभ्रतं मध्यवल्लीम् । शक्राश्मन्यस्त तप्तोज्ज्वलकनकनिभं पीतचेलं दधानं ध्यायामो दीप्तरश्मि स्फुटमणिरशनाकिङ्किणी मण्डितं त्वाम् ॥७ ॥ O Lord! We meditate upon You who attracts the whole world by the spreading fragrances of sandal paste and four other perfumes, whose middle is slender like a creeper though carrying within itself the whole of the three worlds, who is attired in a yellow silk which resembles molten gold placed on blue sapphire and who wears a radiant girdle studded with gems and having tiny bells attached to it. ऊरू चारू तवोरू घनमसृणरुचौ चित्तचोरौ रमायाः विश्वक्षोभं विशङ्क्य ध्रुवमनिशमुभौ पीतचेलावृताङ्गौ । आनम्राणां पुरस्तान्न्यसनधृतस्मस्तार्थपालीसमुद्ग- च्छायं जानुद्वयं च क्रमपृथुलमनोज्ञे च जङ्घे निषेवे ॥८॥ I worship Your two thighs , fleshy and smooth, which steal the heart of Lakshmi and which are always covered with yellow silk cloth for fear of exciting the whole world, Your knees which are like two caskets holding all the desired objects for Your devotees and Your forelegs which are beautifully tapered and fleshy. मञ्जीरं मञ्जुनादैरिव पदभजनं श्रेय इत्यालपन्तं पादाग्रं भ्रान्तिमज्जत् प्रणतजनमनोमन्दरोद्धारकूर्मम् । उत्तुङ्गाताम्रराजन्नखरहिमकरज्योत्स्नया चाश्रितानाम् संताप ध्वान्तहन्त्रीं ततिमनुकलये मङ्गलामङ्गुलीनाम् ॥९ ॥ I meditate on Your anklets which announce, in their sweet tinkling sound, that your worship confers everything auspicious, on the upper part of your feet shaped like tortoise which lifts up the mind of devotees who prostrate before You (in the same way the Lord, in his Koorma incarnation, lifted up the Mandara mountain which was sinking during the churning of the Milky ocean for amrit) and on the auspicious rows of your toes which are slightly raised, very red and shining like the moon light expelling the darkness of the sorrows of Your devotees. योगीन्द्राणां त्वदङ्गेष्वधिकसुमधुरं मुक्तिभाजां निवासो भाक्तानां कामवर्षद्युतरुकिसलयं नाथ ते पादमूलम् । नित्यं चित्तस्थितं मे पवनपुरपते कृष्ण कारुण्यसिन्धो हृत्वा निश्शेषतापान् प्रदिशतु परमानन्दसन्दोहलक्ष्मीम् ॥१० ॥ O God! O Lord of Guruvayur! O Krishna ! O Ocean of mercy! the soles of your feet which are the sweetest part of your body for the great sages. The liberated ones reside there. They are like the leaf buds of the celestial tree (Kalpa Vriksha), raining all the desires of your devotees. O Lord of Guruvaayur! May those feet always rest in my heart. O Ocean of Compassion! destroy all my sorrows and confer a full abundant flow of Supreme Bliss. अज्ञात्वा ते महत्वं यदिह निगदितं विश्वनाथ क्षमेथा: स्तोत्रं चैतत्सहस्रोत्तरमधिकतरं त्वत्प्रसादाय भूयात् । द्वेधा नारायणीयं श्रुतिषु च जनुषा स्तुत्यता वर्णनेन स्फीतं लीलावतारैरिदमिह कुरुतामायुरारोग्यसौख्यम् ॥११॥ Oh Lord of the universe , please forgive me for what I have said here, not knowing fully Thy greatness. This hymn consisting of more than a thousand verses should be blessed by you with all your grace as this which is called Narayaneeyam, is both about Narayana as well that which is written by Narayana. May this hymn which describes in accordance with the Vedas, Your creative actions and Your playful incarnations (leelavataras), bestow long life, good health and happiness on one and all in this world.