Given below is the text of the 99th dasaka shows how the Vedas praise the Divine The slokas are based on Veda mantras in praise of Vishnu.
विष्णोर्वीर्याणि को वा कथयतु धरणेः कश्च रेणून् मिमीते यस्यैवाङ्घ्रित्रयेण त्रिजगदभिमितं मोदते पूर्णसंपत् योऽसौ विश्वानि धत्ते प्रियमिह परमं धाम तस्याभियायां त्वद्भक्ता यत्र माद्यन्त्यमृतरसमरन्दस्य यत्र प्रवाहः ॥१॥ Who can describe the magnificent qualities of Vishnu? Can any one count the particles on the Earth? This world was measured by Him by three steps of His and those in the world enjoy, endowed with all the wealth. It is Vishnu who supports all these worlds; may I attain his abode Vaikuntha which is above everything else, which I love very much and where Your devotees experience supreme bless as if nectarine honey flowing. आद्यायाशेषकर्त्रे प्रतिनिमिषनवीनाय भर्त्रे विभूतेर्- भक्तात्मा विष्णवे यः प्रदिशति हविरादीनि यज्ञार्चनादौ। कृष्णाद्यं जन्म यो वा महदिह महतो वर्णयेत् सोऽयमेव प्रीतः पूर्णो यशोभिस्त्वरितमभिसरेत् प्राप्यमन्ते पदं ते ॥२॥ O Lord! You are there before anything else appeared; You are the doer of everthing (creation, sustenance and dissolution of the world etc); you appear to be new (different, fresh) every minute, and you are the repository of all material, psychic and spiritual wealth (vibhutis). Only the faithful devotee who offers you havis etc. in sacrifices and worships and recounts your supreme greatness in your incarnations as Krishna etc. becomes pleased, fulfilled and acclaimed and quickly reaches the goal of attaining your abode of Vaikuntha (वैकुण्ठ). हे स्तोतारः कवीन्द्रास्तमिह खलु यथा चेतयध्वे तथैव व्यक्तं वेदस्य सारं प्रणुवत जननोपात्तलीलाकथाभिः। जानन्तश्चास्य नामान्यखिलसुखकराणीति संकीर्तयध्वं हे विष्णो! कीर्तनाद्यैस्तव खलु महतस्तत्त्वबोधं भजेयम् ॥३॥ O Honoured Poets who praise, glorify or acclaim (kings etc.)! Glorify the very essence of the Vedas (Vishnu), the way you understand it the same way, with stories of His exploits and leelas in different incarnations. Knowing that His names are beneficial and auspicious for every one, do samkirtan i.e. singing his names with love and devotion. O Vishnu! By samkirtan, stuti etc. of your greatness may I gain knowledge of Your True Transcendental form (swarupa). विष्णोः कर्माणि सम्पश्यत मनसि सदा यैः स धर्मानबध्नाद्- यानीन्द्रस्यैष भृत्यः प्रियसख इव च व्यातनोत् क्षेमकारी। वीक्षन्ते योगसिद्धाः परपदमनिशं यस्य सम्यक् प्रकाशम् विप्रेन्द्रा जागरूकाः कृतबहुनुतयो यच्च निर्भासयन्ते ॥४॥ (O Devotees of the Lord!) Always visualize Vishnu’s exploits by which He protected and preserved dharma and what He did for the well-being of Indra as a servant or as a friend. The Yogis always see Your resplendent abode Vaikuntha which is above all the worlds and which the best among Brahmins, who are awakened, illumine with a profusion of praise. नो जातो जायमानोऽपि च समधिगतस्त्वन्महिम्नोऽवसानं देव! श्रेयांसि विद्वान् प्रतिमुहुरपि ते नाम शंसामि विष्णो। तं त्वां संस्तौमि नानाविधनुतिवचनैरस्य लोकत्रयस्या- प्यूर्ध्वं विभ्राजमाने विरचितवसतिं तत्र वैकुण्ठलोके ॥५॥ O Vishnu! No one already born or yet to be born has reached the end your greatness. Knowing that they bestow benefits and are auspicious, I chant Your names again and again. With a variety of words of adulation, I praise You whose abode Vaikuntha is high above the three worlds. आपः सृष्ट्यादिजन्याः प्रथममयि विभो! गर्भदेशेदधुस्त्वां यत्र त्वय्येव जीवा जलशयन! हरे! संगता ऐक्यमापन्। तस्याजस्य प्रभो! ते विनिहितमभवत् पद्ममेकं हि नाभौ दिक्पत्रं यत् किलाहुः कनकधरणिभृत् कर्णिकं लोकरूपम् ॥६॥ O Lord! The primordial water that came into being at the beginning of creation took You into its womb. O Narayana who reclined (on Adishesha) in the primordial water! The souls of all beings together merged in You. O Lord who has no birth! From your navel sprouted a lotus which had the quarters (directions) as the petals and Meru as the whorl. This lotus is said to be the form of the world. हे लोकाः विष्णुरेतद्भुवनमजनयत् तन्न जानीथ यूयं युष्माकं ह्यन्तरस्थं किमपि तदपरं विद्यते विष्णुरूपम् । नीहारप्रख्यमायापरिवृतमनसो मोहिता नामरूपैः प्राणप्रीत्येकतृप्ताश्चरथ मखपरा हन्त नेच्छा मुकुन्दे ॥७॥ O Denizens of the World! Lord Vishnu has created this world. You do not know this. There is another form of Vishnu which is inside you. Your mind is covered by Maya as if by a fog; you are are satisfied only by the enjoyment of objects of the senses; you are interested only in yagna (sacrifices); It is a matter of great concern that You have no love or devotion for Mukunda (Vishnu). मूर्ध्नामक्ष्णां पदानां वहसि खलु सहस्राणि संपूर्य विश्वं तत् प्रोक्रम्यापि तिष्ठन् परिमितविवरे भासि चित्तान्तरेऽपि । भूतं भव्यं च सर्वं परपुरुष! भवान् किञ्च देहेन्द्रियादि- ष्वाविष्टोऽप्युद्गतत्वादमृतसुखरसं चानुभुङ्क्षे त्वमेव ॥८॥ O Lord! With thousands of heads, eyes and feet You fill the whole of this Universe and beyond that. Not only that, You shine inside the heart, in a space like a very small hole. O Parapurusha! You are the past and the future and everything. Though you are immanent in the body and the senses you transcend them and you are the enjoyer of supreme bliss sweet as nectar. यत्तु त्रैलोक्यरूपं दधदपि च ततो निर्गतोऽनन्तशुद्ध- ज्ञानात्मा वर्तसे त्वं, तव खलु महिमा सोऽपि तावान्, किमन्यत् । स्तोकस्ते भाग एवाखिलभुवनतया दृश्यते, त्र्यंशकल्पं भूयिष्ठं सान्द्रमोदात्मकमुपरि ततो भाति, तस्मै नमस्ते ॥९॥ Though You have taken on the form of the three worlds, transcending it, You shine as infinite pure consciousness. Your magnificence is also as great. A small part of You is manifested as the whole world. The major portion, more than Three-fourth, the very embodiment of supreme bliss, shines above all the worlds. अव्यक्तं ते स्वरूपं दुरधिगमतरं तत्तु शुद्धैकसत्त्वं व्यक्तं चाप्येतदेव स्फुटममृतरसांभोधिकल्लोलतुल्यम् । सर्वोत्कृष्टामभीष्टां तदिह गुणरसेनैव चित्तं हरन्तीं मूर्तिं ते संश्रयेऽहं पवनपुरपते पाहि मां कृष्ण रोगात् ॥१०॥ O Lord! Your unmanifest form is very difficult to understand and realise. The purely sattwic form of yours is manifest and it is this form which is like the waves in the ocean of nectar which surpasses everything, which captures the heart by the sweetness of its qualities. I take refuge in this form O Lord of Guruvayur! save me from my ailments.