Given below is the text of the 97th dasaka in which Bhattatiri requests the Lord to bless him with devotion of the highest order. The story of Markandeya, who wanted to see the Maya of the Lord, is also described in this dasaka.
त्रैगुण्याद्भिन्नरूपं भवति हि भुवने हीनमध्योत्तमं यत् ज्ञानं श्रद्धा च कर्ता वसतिरपि सुखं कर्म चाहारभेदा:। त्वत्क्षेत्रत्वन्निषेवादि तु यदिह पुनस्त्वत्परं तत्तु सर्वं प्राहुर्नैर्गुण्यनिष्ठं तदनुभजनतो मङ्क्षु सिद्धो भवेयम् ॥१॥ In this world Knowledge, belief (faith), doer, residence, wellbeing, action, food etc. are all made up of the three modes of prakriti (nature, maya) namely sattwa, rajas and tamas and therefore these are all of different forms and can be graded as uttama (the best), madhyama (medium) and adhama (the worst) respectively. However, it is said that visiting Your places of worship, worshiping or serving You, meditating on Your form are unaffected by the three modes of nature. They are नैर्गुण्यनिष्ठं (not rooted in the three modes of nature). Therfore let me attain mukti or liberation by following this path of bharkti (devotion). त्वय्येवन्यस्तचित्तः सुखमयि विचरन् सर्वचेष्टास्त्वदर्थं त्वद्भक्तैः सेव्यमानानपि चरितचरानाश्रयन् पुण्यदेशान्। दस्यौ विप्रे मृगादिष्वपि च सममतिर्मुच्यमानावमान- स्पर्धासूयादिदोषः सततमखिलभूतेषु संपूजये त्वाम् ॥२॥ O Lord! I shall lead my life happy and carefree with my mind firmly fixed on You, doing everything to please You only, visiting those holy places which are visited by your devotees, seeing with an equal mind, devoid of differentiation a brahmin, a thief or an animal, devoid of the feelings of honour, dishonour, competition, jealousy etc. and worshipping You as the indwelling spirit of all beings. त्वद्भावो यावदेषु स्फुरति न विशदं तावदेवं ह्युपास्तिं कुर्वन्नैकात्म्यबोधे झटिति विकसति त्वन्मयोऽहं चरेयं। त्वद्धर्मस्यास्य तावत् किमपि न भगवन्! प्रस्तुतस्य प्रणाश- स्तस्मात् सर्वात्मनैव प्रदिश मम विभो! भक्तिमार्गं मनोज्ञम् ॥३॥ As long as I am not able to realise You clearly in all these beings I will continue on the path of Bhakti until I become One with you, identify myself with you, realise you within me. This bhagavata dharma, once started, there is no loss. Therefore, in all circumstances, O Lord! bless me with this beautiful path of Bhakti. तं चैनं भक्तियोगं द्रढयितुमयि मे साध्यमारोग्यमायु- र्दिष्ट्या तत्रापि सेव्यं तव चरणमहो! भेषजायेव दुग्धं । मार्कण्डेयो हि पूर्वं गणकनिगदितद्वादशाब्दायुरुच्चैः सेवित्वा वत्सरं त्वां तव भटनिवहैर्द्रावयामास मृत्युम् ॥४॥ In order to strengthen this bhakti yoga I have to achieve good health and longevity and, fortunately, for this also I have to take refuge at your lotus feet which is like drinking milk for curing the disease. Markandeya, who was told by astrologers that his life was only for twelve years, sincerely worshipped you for one year and Your soldiers drove away Yama (saved Markandeya from death). मार्कण्डेयश्चिरायुः स खलु पुनरपि त्वत्परः पुष्पभद्रा- तीरे निन्ये तपस्यन्नतुलसुखरतिः षट्तु मन्वन्तराणि। देवेन्द्रः सप्तमस्तं सुरयुवतिमरुन्मन्मथैर्मोहयिष्यन् योगोष्मप्लुष्यमाणैर्न तु पुनरगमत् त्वज्जनं निर्जयेत् कः? ॥५॥ Markandeya thus became a chiranjeevi. Again, wanting to experience supreme bliss, he spent six manwantaras doing penance on the banks of Pushpabhadra river, fixing his mind on Your captivating form. The seventh Indra sent celestial damsels, cool breeze and Kamadeva (Cupid) to delude and entice him away from his tapas but they were scorched by the heat of the tapas (penance) of Markandeya and abandoned their mission. Who can conquer your staunch devotees? प्रीत्या नारायणाख्यस्त्वमथ नरसखः प्राप्तवानस्य पार्श्वं तुष्ट्या तोष्टूयमानः स तु विविधवरैर्लोभितो नानुमेने । द्रष्टुं मायां त्वदीयां किल पुनरवृणोद्भक्तितृप्तान्तरात्मा मायादुःखानभिज्ञस्तदपि मृगयते नूनमाश्चर्यहेतोः ॥६॥ Once You appeared before him as Narayana accompanied by Nara and Marakandeya, immensely pleased and singing hymns in your praise, was indifferent to any boon though he was tempted by You by the offer of several boons. But he asked for the boon of seeing Your Maya. Certainly, one who has not experienced Maya, may seek to know the effect of Maya just for the wonder of experiencing it. याते त्वय्याशु वाताकुलजलदगलत्तोयपूर्णातिघूर्णत् सप्तार्णोराशिमग्ने जगति स तु जले संभ्रमन् वर्षकोटीः । दीनः प्रैक्षिष्ट दूरे वटदलशयनं कञ्चिदाश्चर्यबालं त्वामेव श्यामलाङ्गं वदनसरसिजन्यस्तपादाङ्गुलीकम्॥७॥ Soon after You left Markandeya there was heavy downpour from dark clouds driven by a hurricane and the world was submerged in the tumultous seven seas flled to the brim. Markandeya was tossed about in the sea for millions of years and was in a pathetic condition when he saw You in the distance as a wonderful child of dark blue complexion lying on a banyan leaf with a toe in his mouth. दृष्ट्वा त्वां हृष्टरोमा त्वरितमुपगतः स्प्रष्टुकामो मुनीन्द्रः श्वासेनान्तर्निविष्टः पुनरिह सकलं दृष्टवान् विष्टपौघम् । भूयोऽपि श्वासवातैर्बहिरनुपतितो वीक्षितस्त्वत्कटाक्षैः मोदादाश्लेष्टुकामस्त्वयि पिहिततनौ स्वाश्रमे प्राग्वदासीत् ॥८॥ Seeing the divine child, Markandeya was overcome with ecstasy with hairs of his body bristling. He, foremost among sages, hurriedly went near the child eager to touch it. But he was sucked inside when the child breathed in. There (within the body of the child) he saw all the worlds. Then he was thrown out with the outgoing breath. The child cast sidelong glances on him. Full of joy, he wanted to embrace the child, but you vanished and Markandeya found himself in his hermitage as before. गौर्या सार्धं तदग्रे पुरभिदथ गतस्त्वत्प्रियप्रेक्षणार्थी सिद्धानेवास्य दत्वा स्वयमयमजरामृत्युतादीन् गतोऽभूत् । एवं त्वत्सेवयैव स्मररिपुरपि संप्रीयते येन तस्मा- न्मूर्तित्रय्यात्मकस्त्वं ननु सकलनियन्तेति सुव्यक्तमासीत् ॥९॥ Lord Siva with his consort Gauri manifested before Markandeya in order to see him, a devotee dear to Your heart. He gave him boons of non-aging(ajara) and not-dying(amrityutaa) of which Markandeya was already in possession. Thus, by devotion to You, Lord Siva is also pleased. From this it is very clear that You are the very Atma of the Trinity (murtitraya) of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva and the Ultimate Authority over everything. त्र्यंशेऽस्मिन् सत्यलोके विधिहरिपुरभिन्मन्दिराण्यूर्ध्वमूर्ध्वं तेभ्योऽप्यूर्ध्वं तु मायाविकृतिविरहितो भाति वैकुण्ठलोकः । तत्र त्वं कारणांभस्यपि पशुपकुले शुद्धसत्त्वैकरूपी सच्चिद्ब्रह्माद्वयात्मा पवनपुरपते! पाहि मां सर्वरोगात् ॥१०॥ In Satyaloka, having three positions for Brahma, Vishnu and Siva respectively, each above the other in the same order. Above these three shines Vaikuntha where Maya does not operate. There in Vaikuntha, in the primordial waters and in Nandagokula You shine in Your pure sattwa aspect undifferentiated from the sachchidananda Brahman. O Lord of Guruvayur! save me from all ailments.