1. We must preserve natural resources. 2. Some plants can live in desert region. 3. One may know the age of a tree by its annual rings. 4. We have to take measures against waste of water and pollution of water. 5. You should control the temperature of mixture.
IV. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные значения глаголов to be, to have, to do.
1. It is true, that some reptiles are dangerous, but most of them do more good than harm. 2. He had ten minutes before he had to leave for work. 3. Our plant is to increase the output of consumer goods. 4. They have got a nice house in the country. 5. The students are working now.
V. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные значения слов it, that, one . 1. It is clear that she will do it. 2. This season was a good one. 3. The sable is one of the most valuable furs bearing species of the taiga.
VI. Перепишите следующие предложения в переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на герундий и его функцию.
1. He entered the room without noticing her. 2. There are different ways of solving this problem. 3. I am fond of fishing. 4. Moving water from clouds to land is a never-ending cycle.
VII. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива.
1. Measures to protect and to control biological resources have already produced results. 2. Much moisture is necessary for plants to grow well. 3. To hunt some valuable species one must get a special hunting license. 4. To survive, every species must modify its environment.
VIII. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 2, 3, 4,6 абзацы
Wild Boar 1. The Wild Boar, which is actually a wild pig, is still found in thick forests and reedy places. Its body, which is rather long, rests on short legs. The head is pointed towards the snout. These features help the animal to run with ease through the densest thickets. 2. The skin is thick and covered with bristle-like hair, which never gets entangled in branches, and never gets wet. However, such a “coat” is a poor protection against cold. The temperature of the body is kept even by a thick layer of fat right beneath the skin. 3. There is plenty of food for Wild Boars in the forest. Unlike other hoofed mammals, they eat everything: grass, acorns, roots, insects and insect grubs, and mice. They find part of their food on the surface, but also root up the ground with their long snouts, which have a small round, cartilaginous coin-shaped tip. The head is heavy and supported by powerful neck muscles. 4. The teeth are adapted for dealing with all kinds of food. They use their big tusks to get out roots of plants found in the earth. In the males, these are long, formidable, curved, project beyond the mouth, and are used for defence and attack. The incisors are rather large and bent forward, and serve to bite off food or pick it up from the ground. The cheek teeth are serrated and can grind vegetable and animal matter. 5. The stomach is simple. Food is not regurgitated back into the mouth. The Wild Boar belongs to even-toed hoofed, non-ruminants. 6. The sow gives birth to a litter of 4—6 young a year. The domestic pigs of today have descended from Wild Boars.
IX. Прочтите 5 абзац текста и ответьте на вопрос:
1. How is it different from ruminant?
1. Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык. В разделе (б) обратите внимание на перевод пассивных конструкций.
a) 1.Our country has saved a number of valuable commercial species which were near extinction. 2. Next Monday we shall be working only five hours. 3. He wanted to go to the Far East, as he had never been there.
б) 1. The mountains are covered with wood. 2. In winter, birds should be taken care of and fed.
II. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните Participle I и Participle II и установите функции каждого из них, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола- сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. It is important to have laws regulating the hunting of animals. 2. Working at this problem, they had to read many journals on biology.many jonproblem they den.the balanceof 3. When given the book read the article about environment protection. 4. The work done by the young specialist gave good results. 5. Well-known all over the world the Russian book on biology was translated into English.
III. Переведите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. We are to do this experiment today. 2. Among the inhabitants of the Arctic region, one can find the red wolf. 3. One must remember that trees grow slower in cold weather. 4. How can one determine the age of a tree. 5. You should have asked permission before you came in.
IV. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные значения глаголов to be, to have, to do.
1. The frog feeds on insect and does much good by destroying garden pests. 2. He had ten minutes before he had to leave for work. 3. Our plant is to increase the output of consumer goods. 4. They have got a nice cottage in the country. 5. The problem of nature conservation is of special importance. V. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные значения слов it, that, one.
1. We know that polluted air, land and water are harmful to plant, animals and people. 2. To preserve animal population it is necessary to strictly obey laws on nature conservation. 3. To hunt some valuable species one must get a special hunting license.
VI. Перепишите следующие предложения в переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на герундий и его функцию.
1. He improved his report by changing the end. 2. There are different ways of solving this problem. 3. Moving water from clouds to land is a never-ending cycle 4. Smoking is not allowed in this room.
VII. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива.
1. The people all over the world do everything to protect their nature. 2. Much moisture is necessary for plants to grow well. 3. The work to be done is difficult. 4. To solve ecological problems biologists, economists, geologist, foresters, engineers are coordinating their work.
VIII. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 2, 4 абзацы
1. The Order Primates, the highest order in the animal kingdom, includes the monkeys. Most monkeys live in the tropical Jungles of Africa, Asia and America. They include many species, but we shall study only two families—Long-tailed African Monkeys and Apes. 2. Long-tailed African Monkeys. The particular characteristics of monkeys are clearly shown in the Long-tailed African Monkeys. 3. They live in tropical forests, close to rivers and lakes. They spend most of their lives in the trees moving with great agility on all four limbs from one branch to another. The “thumbs” are opposed to the “fingers” (as in a man’s hand). 4. It is not without reason that monkeys are sometimes said to have four arms. Their agility is exciting to observe. On the ground they walk on all fours, on the soles of their feet and the palms of their hands. The fingers and toes have nails, like a man’s. The body is covered with fur, except for patches of hard, bare skin on the buttocks. The tail is long. 5. Food consists of fruit, young sprouts, birds’ eggs, and insects. They use their hands to place it in their mouths, and store some of the food they find in their cheek pouches, to eat at their leisure. Long- tailed African Monkeys have the same kind and number of teeth as man, except for the canines, which are a little bigger. 6. They live in troops, each with its own leader. They are very destructive to maize and plantation crops, invading them in great parties and spoiling more than they can eat. Living in troops offers advantages in providing food and repulsing enemy attacks. 7. They can easily be taught many amusing tricks. They readily develop conditioned reflexes. These capabilities are connected with highly-developed cortex of the frontal hemispheres of brain where numerous convolutions can be observed. They usually give birth to a single baby. “Twins” are rare.
IX. Прочтите 6-й абзац текста и ответьте на вопрос:
1. What can you write about monkeys’ mode of life?
1. Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык. В разделе (б) обратите внимание на перевод пассивных конструкций.
a) 1. Since the earliest day, furs have played an important part in the economy of Canada. 2. What was he doing at that moment? 3. He wanted to go to Paris, as he had never been there.
б) 1.Special reservation have been established, where game-shooting is banned. 2. The Barguzin reserve was established in Baikal area in 1919. II. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните Participle I и Participle II и установите функции каждого из них, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола- сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Reading this book, I did not use a dictionary. 2. Lake Baikal, known to be the deepest in the world. 3. When given the book read the article about environment protection. 4. The work done by the young specialist gave good results. 5. The working man is his father.
III. Переведите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. We are to do this experiment today. 2. Amphibian can be of different sizes. 3. In winter, birds should be taken care of and fed. 4. The turtle is able to protrude its head some distance to investigate the outside world. 5. To hunt some valuable species one must get a special hunting license.
IV. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные значения глаголов to be, to have, to do.
1. An amoeba does everything-eats, grows, moves with just one cell. 2. He had ten minutes before he had to leave for work. 3. She is a second-year student. 4. They have got a nice house in the country. 5. The students are writing test now.
V. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные значения слов it, that, one.
1. More than 300 rivers discharge their water into Lake Baikal and only one river flows out of it. 2. The territory of Moscow is larger than that of London. 3. The problem of reforestation is an important one.
VI. Перепишите следующие предложения в переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на герундий и его функцию.
1. She felt satisfaction in helping him. 2. There are different ways of solving this problem. 3. I am fond of resting in the forest. 4. After obtaining good results he reported on his work.
VII. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива.
1. In winter, it is advisable to establish feeding places for birds and animals in gardens, parks and forests. 2. The dog was the first to feel danger. 3. To become good biologist one has to know biology well. 4. To solve this complex problem co-operation of specialists in different spheres is needed.
VIII. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 абзацы
1. In comparison with most vertebrates, snakes have amazing capabilities. Having no legs they can crawl rapidly, swim, and many can even climb trees. Most snakes can swallow objects several times the diameter of their head. 2. Most snakes lay eggs and they usually find safe spots for them. The eggs are longer in relation to their diameter than hens’ eggs, and usually smaller. 3. The most dangerous snake in the world is considered to be the king cobra of India and China. Some specialists even say the king cobra is also the most lethal wild animal in existence. This conclusion is based upon the large size of the snake, the potency of its venom, and the fact that these snakes are often extremely aggressive. People bitten by a king cobra die in less than an hour. 4. There are about 2400 different species of snakes and of this number, only some 200 are dangerously poisonous to man. In most areas, the kinds of poisonous snakes are a very small percentage of the snake population. 5. One of the most striking methods of defence that snakes have developed is found in a few cobras. They actually spit their venom at their enemies. If the venom gets into the eyes, it causes intense pain, and if it is not washed out, temporary or even permanent, blindness may result. 6. The two chief competitors for the title of the world’s largest snake are the anaconda of tropical South America and the python of the Far East. Some anaconda species are up to 10, 5 to 12 metres in length, while pythons may grow up to 10 to 10, 5 metres. There is very little information about the weight of anacondas over 6 metres in length. But most specialists agree that these snakes are considerably heavier than pythons of the same length. A 6-metre anaconda was found to weight 107 kilograms, but it was later found that this snake has “cheated”: she later gave birth to 72 youngsters!
IX. Прочтите 5 абзац текста и ответьте на вопрос:
1. Is the venom of cobras dangerous?
Все тексты данного раздела необходимо перевести на русский язык письменно.
Turtles may be found in sea-water, on land and in fresh water. The land or fresh water turtle is called a tortoise. Turtles are entirely toothless, but they have sharp bony jaws which they use efficiently. These jaws are well adapted to the diet and manner of eating of the animals, since they do not chew but bite off pieces of food, which they swallow whole. The leaves and flowers of plants are often eaten and together with insects make up the food of the smaller tortoises. Some of the larger ones, especially the sea-water turtles, will eat almost any kind of animal that they can capture. A female turtle usually constructs a nest of some kind, which normally consists of a hole dug in the sand, or decaying vegetation. The hole is dugged by the hind legs and, after a batch of eggs is deposited, they are covered and left to their fate by the female. The number of eggs laid by a single turtle at one time varies with the kinds of turtles and even with individuals of the same species. Nests with more than 100 eggs have been discovered, and some scientists believe that large sea-water turtles are capable of laying between 280 and 300 eggs. Turtle eggs are good to eat and in some places, they are even preferred to hen’s eggs. Both man and beast hunt enthusiastically for turtles’ eggs. As in all reptiles, the body temperature of turtles varies with the temperature of air or water: if they did not hibernate during cold weather, they wou1d die. Turtles that live in water bury themselves in the mud at the bottom. Some of the present-day turtles are very large, but they are small in comparison with some extinct species. There is a skeleton of sea turtle at Yale University in the United States, whose shell is over 12 feet long. Specialists have estimated that the living turtle weighed about 6000 pounds. Another species was a huge tortoise that lived in India. It had a shell 7 feet long and weighed more than 2000 pounds. The largest turtle still in existence is a huge sea turtle. The maximum weight for this species is close to 2000 pounds. It is known that giant tortoises live longer than any other vertebrate animals. Biologists, who have studied the matter, believe that some tortoises live more than 100 years.
There are more than 25 000 species of fishes in the world — more than all different kinds that all other vertebrates combined. The largest fish is the whale shark; its weight of more than 13 tons has been reported. At the other extreme, some fishes as adults are less than an inch in length. Some fishes build nests and even guard them. Others carry the eggs in their mouths until they are developed. And even the young in time of danger may hide in the parent’s wide-open mouth. Some kinds of fish found along the coast of California 1ay their eggs on land. During the spring and summer, these fish swim rapidly on the beach. The female makes a small hole in the sand and lays the eggs there. Papa and mama fish then return back to the sea and forget about the whole affair. Two weeks later the eggs are washed out of the sand and the young fishes swim happily away. Some sea fish enter fresh water to breed, for instance salmon. After the eggs hatch the young swim to the ocean. They become adult and return to the same river or stream, in which they were hatched. Until recently, one of the greatest animal mysteries was how the fish could find their way back to the stream of their birth several years later. Careful studies now indicate that the fish do this by their well-developed sense of smell. There are probably more stories told about sharks than about any other group of fishes and most discussions have dealt with whether or not they will attack human beings. Although it is definitely known that some sharks are dangerous, many shark stories have been considerably exaggerated. There are about 150 different kinds of shark, and only few are dangerous. These are the white shark or man-eater, the tiger shark, the blue shark and the hammer head shark. But even they attack man only rarely. Nevertheless, it is a wise person who follows the warning, ”Never trust any species of shark.” None of the shark can be compared in ferocity to small fresh-water fish of South America. These fishes, called piranha, have large mouth and each jaw is armed with razor-sharp triangular shaped teeth, which seem too large for such a small fish. The piranha fastens their razor-sharp teeth upon its pray and may continue its attack even out of water. One of the most interesting experiences of an ocean voyage is seeing flying fish. The “wings’’ of flying fish are variants of the normal front fins, greatly enlarged. In flight, these fins are spread and held at an angle to the body. It is said that flying fish fly at speeds from 35 to 45 miles per hour. The angler fish attracts small fish by filaments like long threads attached to its head and mouth. That is why it is called the angler fish. When it catches a fish it swallows it whole. Angler fish regularly and successfully swallow objects larger than their own bodies. Their teeth are so arranged that once they have seized a victim they can not turn it loose. The angler must finish any meal it begins. Carp are common in the ponds and streams of Europe and America that it is hard to believe that they are not natives on either continent. Asia is the original home of this fish. In China, men have cultivated them for food for more than 1500 years. Carp was introduced into Europe several hundreds of years ago and into the United States before 1900. Carp are so hardy that they are capable of living under conditions that would kill most other species. This, plus the fact that they gain their weight rapidly with a minimum of attention, probably explains their popularity as a cultured fish. The well-known gold-fish is actually the kind of carp. It was developed by selective breeding many years ago. As long as gold-fish are kept in a small amount of water, such as an aquarium, they do not grow excessively. If they are placed in a larger body of water, they often grow to a tremendous size, lose their gold colour and look very much like carp.
Silver Fox (Part 1)
The silver fox is a colour phase of the widespread red fox, Vulpes vulpes, differing from it in having black pigment. There are two types of silver fox, the Canadian (or Standard) and the Alaskan; in the latter the hair is brown in the ears, on the shoulder blades and at the root of the tail. In Canada, the Alaskan type is commoner in British Columbia and the Standard in Quebec. There used also to be a few silver foxes in the wild in Eurasia; these were of the Alaskan type. Only the Canadian type is bred on farms. The black pigment develops under the control of one or other of two independently-inherited incompletely-dominant genes: Alaskan and Canadian. Matings between the Alaskan and red fox in the first generation and crosses between the Canadian black and the red fox produce so-called ‘bastards’. The cross-fox is reddish brown; black hairs extending up the legs and across the shoulders meet a spinal extension of the black hairs from the tail to give the ‘cross’. The bastards are closer to the red fox in their colour, but have an admixture of black hairs on their extremities. Silver foxes have a white band on their guard hairs, which is especially visible on the black background. The concentration of silver hairs on one or other part of the body, the body area covered by the silver hair and the size of the silver band are positively correlated. All these characters are under polygenic control and inherited quantitatively.
Silver Fox (Part II)
Under breeding conditions in cages, the fox has maintained the same seasonal rhythm as in nature. Reproduction is strictly seasonal; the mating season, irrespective of geographical latitude, begins usually not earlier than the second half of January, and ends in the second half of March. The gestation lasts 51–52 days so the whelping season is from the middle of May. The mean litter size is 5–5, 5 cubs, but cases of 13–14 cubs are known. The female’s potential fertility, i.e. the number of eggs ovulated, varies between 1 and 15, being 6.3 on the average. Males on farms mate, on the average, with 5–6 females in one season, but this number is variable. Characteristic of foxes is the strict seasonal rhythm of fur formation and moulting. The fur becomes mature by the end of November and remains good during December and January. In February or March, moulting begins and lasts until the autumn. From the second half of summer, at the same time as the loss of the old hair, the hair forming new winter fur grows. The reproduction and moulting rhythm is controlled by the photoperiod, i.e. seasonal changes in length of daylight.
Fur Bearing Animal in Russia
Polar bear. The Arctic Zone — the islands and coast of the Arctic Ocean — is the home of the Polar bear. This huge beast, which had also diminished in number, is now under observation and protection. As a result of the complete prohibition of hunting the polar bear, there are now twice as many of these northern beasts as there were ten years ago. On Wrangel Island, situated between the East Siberian and Chukotsk Seas, where the Polar bear a permanently close zone has been set up.
Marten. The Marten, whose fur is very beautiful, is hunted in old pine and mixed forests of the northern and central zones of the European part of the USSR, in the Caucasus, and in Siberia. But to hunt it one must have a special license. It is interesting to note that wherever the forest marten meet the sable, hunters find a strange little animal resembling both species. This cross between two animals is called the kidus.
Mink. Much in demand among the export furs is the wild mink. This little animal of semiaquatic habits keeps to the remote forest streams with steep banks. The European mink breeds in the European part of the USSR and in the south of Western Siberia. Upon being brought to the Soviet Union, the American mink has adapted itself well to its new house. Larger in size than the European species, with smooth dark brown fur, this animal is chiefly bred in cages.
The Ermine and Glutton. Among the fur-bearing animals prized for their valuable fur is the tiny agile ermine, which can be found in almost every part of the Soviet Union. At the Leningrad Auctions the fur of the glutton is also in demand. This clumsy animal has long shaggy fur. An inhabitant of the taiga and wood and tundra parts, it feeds on ungulate and kills the young of the musk deer, the roe deer and the northern reindeer. Since the glutton destroys valuable animals, glutton hunting is allowed all year round.
The fur of the sable is very beautiful, fluffy and varicolored. The Black sable roams the Barguzin Mountains off the shores of Lake Baikal, and the lighter species inhabit the Ural Mountains. Sable hunting was prohibited, and the animals trapped alive and delivered by plane to other districts of Siberia. Now, at the price of great efforts, the Sable breeds in a sufficient number to become the object of the fur trade again. Sable hunting is an interesting but difficult art. The taiga- hunters use a small-bore gun and take a dog along. But when the deep snow of midwinter obstructs movement, the dog becomes virtually useless. At such times the hunters move to their winter lodges in the forests and set traps with food bait. Sables are bred on fur farms as well. For a long time it was believed that, this valuable animal was incapable of having its young in captivity. Credit for discovering the <<secret>> of the sable’s propagation in cages goes to Professor Pyotr Manteifel, former Director of the Moscow Zoo. Here is what he said about his observations :< How grateful we were when, on April 3, 1929, the Ural she-sable, Crooked Tooth, produced her young (in captivity for the first time in the world) at the Moscow Zoo. She divulged to us all the secrets of sable breeding. We learned that sables couple not in spring as we had thought, but in July; that the term of the she-sable’s pregnancy lasts not 40 days but nine months; that it is a rare sable which can have young before the age three years; that sables are born white with short fur turns dark within two or three hours>. Since then, the young of this valuable animal are born every spring on fur farms. The breeding of sables on fur farms is based on scientific methods, with the aid of especial food rations.
The mink belongs to the family Mustelidae, which also include weasels, otters, skunks, and wolverines. Within the group Mustela, which includes all mink, there are probably 11 sub-species, all of which have contributed in some degree to the development of the ranch mink. Since the first color phase (Platinum or Silverblue) from the Standard Dark, ranchers have endeavored to produce all possible color variations in mink. During the past decades hey have been successful in obtaining practically every shade from black through blue-gray and pale gray to white; and through all degrees of brown and tan to neutral to white Genetic material is no available to make the maximum color variations in this species. The color in the fur arises from tiny pigment-granules within each hair. These pigment-granules vary among color phases in size, number, shape, arrangement and intensity of color.