Topical Vocabulary. Chapter 23. Topical Vocabulary Study the Topical Vocabulary and make use of it when discussing a relevant topic: Chapter 2 a) Headhunting Profession · ARC’s candidate profile coding: LOB=line of business; Product=specialization: equity, M&A, etc. · to build up a database · to arrange/conduct an interview · to make introductions · to search for a candidate · to be appropriate/suitable (of a candidate) · to take a candidate off a shortlist · to keep a candidate on the database · to approach a candidate · to be career-minded/goal-driven b) Investment Banking · investment banking/an investment bank=a merchant bank=a financial institution that performs a variety of services. This includes underwriting (=гарантированное размещение ценных бумаг эмитента=инвестиционный банк покупает ценные бумаги у эмитента, а затем перепродает их инвесторам; все непроданные бумаги банк покупает самостоятельно), acting as an intermediary between an issuer of securities and the investing public, facilitating mergers and other corporate reorganizations, acting as a broker for institutional clients in buying and selling financial instruments and conducting market research for the clients.=инвестиционный банк – это финансовый институт, который специализируется на предоставлении финансовых консультаций, финансировании компаний путем приобретения их акций и последующего размещения акций среди конечных инвесторов, а также на организации слияний и поглощений. Teddy used to work in the corporate finance division at Steinberg Roth (=helping customers raise funds in capital markets and giving advice on mergers and acquisitions). Mike was in charge of the proprietary trading desk=traded in financial markets (mainly Forex) with the bank’s own funds for its profit. From 1933 (Glass–Steagall Act) until 1999 (Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act), the United States maintained a separation between investment banking and commercial banks (=коммерческий банк=принимает депозиты, предоставляет ссуды, производит рассчеты): commercial banks could not issue stocks for companies, while investment banks could not take deposits. Other industrialized countries, including G8 countries, have historically not maintained such a separation. · an investment boutique=a small investment bank that specializes in primarily investment banking. Usually they work on smaller deals, typically less than a billion dollars, and usually assist on the sell-side in M&A transactions. In addition they sometimes specialize in certain industries like media, healthcare, industrials, technology or energy. Some banks may specialize in certain types of transactions or preferred underwriting. Typically, boutique investment banks have one, two, or three offices and may specialize in advisory services for certain geographic regions. · M&A=Mergers and Acquisitions=слияния и поглощения; merger=companies merge by creating a new legal entity to combine their assets and operations, with shareholders of the merging companies offered shares in the new entity; acquisition=a purchase by one company of another, for cash, an exchange of shares, or a combination of both. The process, also known as a takeover, can be friendly and have the agreement of the acquired company or it can be hostile, when the target rejects the approach and tries to resist being acquired.