Listening Practice 2. Listening Practice 3. Listening Practice 4Listening Practice 2 1. Note-taking in class is a great study skill. It helps you organize the information you need to study. 2. Highlighting key information is an effective study skill for reading comprehension. Highlighting helps students remember important information from the text. 3. Using flash cards when studying for tests is very effective. It helps students learn and remember important words. 4. Studying in groups with classmates is a great way to learn. It helps students save time and is lots of fun! Listening Practice 3 Welcome, students, to our seminar on study skills. I am glad you are here. You obviously all want to become better students. That is a very important first step. Now, I would like to start by asking everyone a very important question: Do you know what kind of learner you are? There are three different types: visual, auditory, and interactive learners. The first type we are going to talk about is visual. Visual learners learn best when information is written, in diagrams, or in picture form. Next, let’s look at auditory learners. Auditory learners learn best when they listen to information in lectures, tapes, or discussions. Finally, we have interactive learners. Interactive learners learn best by actively doing something like building a science experiment or participating in a group discussion. You will take a short test to find out what kind of learner you are. Once you know what type of learner you are, I will tell you which study skills work best for your type. Listening Practice 4 Mrs. Brown: Did everyone enjoy the lecture by Mr. Curty on study skills? Students: Yes, Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Brown: OK, well, I want to hear about the study skills you learned. We will start with you, Bill. Bill: I learned that we should take a ten minute study break for every hour we study. Mrs. Brown: Very good, Bill. How about you, Francis? Francis: I learned we should take notes during class lectures. Oh, and when taking notes, we should always write down the main idea and the details that support it. Mrs. Brown: Excellent, Francis. Euna? Euna: I learned that it is best to remove all possible distractions and study in a nice, quiet place like the library. It will help you concentrate. Mrs. Brown: Yes, that is certainly true. And now we have Tommy, who slept during the entire lecture. Did you learn anything Tommy? Tommy: Huh? Learn anything about what?