Listening Practice 2. Listening Practice 3. Listening Practice 4Listening Practice 2 1. My name is Brad, and my biggest worry is trying to fit in at school. I am not good at making friends, so I never have anyone to eat lunch with or hang out with on the weekends. 2. My name is Theresa, and my biggest fear is getting pimples. Last year I had a lot of pimples on my face, and everyone made fun of me. 3. My name is Jenny, and my biggest worry is my appearance. Some girls at school are so pretty, and every day I just feel uglier. 4. My name is Chris, and my biggest fear is my future. I have no idea what I want to do when I get older, and I worry I never will. Listening Practice 3 Hello, students! For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Mr. Mackenzie. I am the school’s principal. Thank you for coming. I want to talk to you today about an increasing problem at our school: peer pressure. For those of you who don’t know, peer pressure is when your friends or classmates pressure you to do something that is bad. Unfortunately, friends and classmates often pressure each other to do things like skip class, cheat on tests, or be mean to other students. I know that it can be very tempting to do something just because other people are doing it, but it is important to learn how to say no. You don’t want to get caught doing something you aren’t supposed to do. It will cause you a lot of problems – trust me. Also, if any of you are ever having trouble and need help, or you just need to talk to someone, please visit me in my office. My door is always open to students in need. Listening Practice 4 Jody: Hey, Daryl! How are you? Daryl: Hey, Jody. Not well actually. I am pretty stressed out. Jody: What is the problem? Daryl: I just finished taking my math test, and I know I failed it. Jody: Did you study? Daryl: Actually, I studied for a whole week. I am just terrible at math. My parents are going to kill me! Jody: Why don’t you get a math tutor? Daryl: I don’t know where to get one. Jody: Just go to the Student Services Center. They have a list of tutors, and you just sign up for a time. I go there twice a week for science tutoring. Daryl: Sounds like a good idea. I will go today after school.