Listening Practice 2. Listening Practice 3Listening Practice 2 1. In ancient Rome, there was a special wedding tradition where guests threw rice over the bride and groom. The rice was a symbol of fertility and abundance. 2. In South Korea, there is a special wedding tradition where the groom gives a pair of wooden ducks to the bride on the night before the wedding. The ducks symbolize fidelity and a long, happy marriage. 3. In the United States, there is a wedding tradition where the bride throws a bouquet of flowers to all her single girl friends. The girl who catches the bouquet is supposed to be the next one to be married. 4. In Spain, grooms give their brides a bag or box filled with thirteen gold coins. The coins are a symbol of the groom’s commitment to support and care for his bride. Listening Practice 3 Hello, everybody. Good afternoon. Today, I want to talk about a very interesting wedding tradition in America. It is common in many other Western cultures too. The tradition is that every bride is supposed to wear “something old,” “something new,” “something borrowed,” and “something blue” on her wedding day. The saying comes from an old English nursery rhyme. “Something old” helps the bride remember her family history. It is often a piece of jewelry from the bride’s grandmother. “Something new” is a symbol of the couple’s new life. It is usually the bride’s shoes, but it could be anything. “Something borrowed” represents the importance of friends in a marriage. It can be anything given to the bride by her closest married friend. Finally, “something blue” is worn because the color blue symbolizes purity and loyalty. It can be anything from a piece of clothing to a flower. This tradition has been around for many years and is still very common.