Listening Practice 3. Listening Practice 4Listening Practice 3 Hello, everyone. My name is Peter Desmond. I write children’s stories and fairy tales. The lecture I am going to give today is on animal symbols in fairy tales. Fairy tale writers often use animals as symbols to help tell their story. Three of the most common animal symbols we find in fairy tales are eagles, fish, and snakes. First, I want to talk about the eagle. Eagles are used in many fairy tales as a symbol of change. So if you see an eagle, expect a big change to happen soon. Next, let’s look at the fish. Fish are often used in stories to show personal transformation. So if the main character sees a fish, his behavior will probably change for the better. Finally, let’s examine the snake. Snakes are used very frequently to show that something bad is about to happen. If you see a snake appear in your next story, prepare for the worst. Listening Practice 4 Teacher: OK, class. Did you enjoy reading the different fairy tales today? Students: Yes, Ms. Han! Teacher: Good. Now, remember how I told you fairy tales often try and teach the reader morals or life lessons? Students: Yes, Ms. Han! Teacher: Can one student tell me something they learned? Yes, Jason. Jason: From Beauty and the Beast, I learned not to judge a person by their appearance. Teacher: Excellent. Anyone else? How about you, Mary? Mary: From Pinocchio, I learned that it is bad to tell lies. Teacher: Very good, Mary. Last person? Dennis? Dennis: From A Christmas Carol, I learned it is important to be nice to others. Teacher: Great! Good job, guys. Time to go home!