Английский язык с Винни-Пухом 10 страница“Go on,” said Rabbit in a loud whisper behind his paw (продолжай, — сказал Кролик громким шепотом за своей лапой = приложив лапу ко рту). “Talking of Poetry,” said Pooh (говоря о Поэзии, — сказал Пух), “I made up a little piece as I was coming along (я сочинил небольшое произведение по дороге сюда: «когда я шел сюда»). It went like this (оно звучит так). Er—now let me see— (э — сейчас, дай подумать)” “Fancy!” said Kanga (представляю! — сказала Кенга). “Now Roo, dear— (ну, Ру, дорогой)” “You'll like this piece of poetry,” said Rabbit (тебе понравится это стихотворение, — сказал Кролик).
short [SLt], silence ['saIlqns], piece [pJs]
There was a short silence while Roo fell down another mouse-hole. “Go on,” said Rabbit in a loud whisper behind his paw. “Talking of Poetry,” said Pooh, “I made up a little piece as I was coming along. It went like this. Er—now let me see—” “Fancy!” said Kanga. “Now Roo, dear—” “You'll like this piece of poetry,” said Rabbit.
“You'll love it,” said Piglet (ты его полюбишь = тебе это очень понравится, — сказал Пятачок). “You must listen very carefully,” said Rabbit (ты должна слушать очень внимательно, — сказал Кролик). “So as not to miss any of it,” said Piglet (чтобы ничего из него не пропустить, — сказал Пятачок). “Oh, yes,” said Kanga (о, да, — сказала Кенга), but she still looked at Baby Roo (но она все еще смотрела на Крошку Ру). “How did it go, Pooh?” said Rabbit (как оно звучало, Пух? — спросил Кролик). Pooh gave a little cough and began (Пух немножко прокашлялся: «издал маленький кашель» и начал).
gave [geIv], cough [kOf], began [bI'gxn]
“You'll love it,” said Piglet. “You must listen very carefully,” said Rabbit. “So as not to miss any of it,” said Piglet. “Oh, yes,” said Kanga, but she still looked at Baby Roo. “How did it go, Pooh?” said Rabbit. Pooh gave a little cough and began.
LINES WRITTEN BY A BEAR OF VERY LITTLE BRAIN (строки, написанные Мишкой с Очень Маленьким Умишком)
On Monday, when the sun is hot (в понедельник, когда солнце жаркое) I wonder to myself a lot (мне очень интересно): “Now is it true, or is it not (теперь это правда, или нет),” “That what is which and which is what (что то, что которое, а которое что)?” On Tuesday, when it hails and snows (во вторник, когда идет снег и град), The feeling on me grows and grows (чувство во мне растет и растет) That hardly anybody knows (что едва ли кто знает) If those are these or these are those (те ли эти, а эти ли те).
Monday ['mAndI], true [trH], Tuesday ['tjHzdI]
On Monday, when the sun is hot I wonder to myself a lot: “Now is it true, or is it not,” “That what is which and which is what?” On Tuesday, when it hails and snows, The feeling on me grows and grows That hardly anybody knows If those are these or these are those.
On Wednesday, when the sky is blue (в среду, когда небо голубое), And I have nothing else to do (и мне больше нечего делать), I sometimes wonder if it's true (я иногда спрашиваю себя, правда ли) That who is what and what is who (что кто — это что, и что — это кто). On Thursday, when it starts to freeze (в четверг, когда начинает морозить) And hoar-frost twinkles on the trees (и иней сверкает на деревьях), How very readily one sees (как очень легко понять) That these are whose—but whose are these (что эти — это чьи, но чьи /же/ эти)?
On Friday— (в пятницу)
Когда в понедельник солнце в зените[41], Мне так интересно, меня вы поймите. Весь день беспокоит меня мысль одна, Правда ли это, и верна ль она: На что то, что это, и что то, что на?
Во вторник из тучи идут снег и град. Во мне растет чувство, не зная преград, Что вряд ли кто знает на всем белом свете: Эти ли те, и не те ли вон эти?
И в среду, синеет когда небосклон, А я от безделья считаю ворон, Себе задаю я вопрос иногда: Кто тот, что не этот, и кто, если да?
В четверг, когда в двери стучится мороз, Иней сверкает, и мерзнет мой нос, Как можно тогда нам понять без труда, Что это почти не совсем ерунда.
И мне помогите постичь в суете: Коль эти ничьи, то чьи же вон те?
Wednesday ['wenzdI], Thursday [TWzdI], Friday ['fraIdI]
On Wednesday, when the sky is blue, And I have nothing else to do, I sometimes wonder if it's true That who is what and what is who. On Thursday, when it starts to freeze And hoar-frost twinkles on the trees, How very readily one sees That these are whose—but whose are these?
On Friday—
“Yes, it is, isn't it?” said Kanga (да, да, — сказала Кенга), not waiting to hear what happened on Friday (не дожидаясь, чтобы услышать, что произошло в пятницу). “Just one more jump, Roo, dear, (только еще один прыжок, Ру, дорогой) and then we really must be going (и тогда нам действительно нужно идти).” Rabbit gave Pooh a hurrying-up sort of nudge (Кролик толкнул Пуха локтем, чтобы подогнать его; nudge — легкий толчок локтем; to nudge, to give a nudge — слегка подталкивать локтем; to hurry — спешить; to hurry up — подгонять). “Talking of Poetry,” said Pooh quickly (говоря о Поэзии, — сказал Пух быстро) “have you ever noticed that tree right over there (ты когда-нибудь обращала внимание на вон то дерево)?” “Where?” said Kanga (где? — спросила Кенга). “Now, Roo— (ну, Ру)“ “Right over there,” said Pooh (как раз вон там, — сказал Пух), pointing behind Kanga's back (показывая /куда-то/ за спину Кенги). “No,” said Kanga (нет, — сказала Кенга). “Now jump in, Roo, dear, and we'll go home (ну, запрыгивай, Ру, дорогой, и /мы/ пойдем домой).”
nudge [nAG], behind [bI'haInd], over ['quvq]
“Yes, it is, isn't it?” said Kanga, not waiting to hear what happened on Friday. “Just one more jump, Roo, dear, and then we really must be going.” Rabbit gave Pooh a hurrying-up sort of nudge. “Talking of Poetry,” said Pooh quickly “have you ever noticed that tree right over there?” “Where?” said Kanga. “Now, Roo—“ “Right over there,” said Pooh, pointing behind Kanga's back. “No,” said Kanga. “Now jump in, Roo, dear, and we'll go home.”
“You ought to look at that tree right over there,” said Rabbit (ты должна посмотреть на вон то дерево, — сказал Кролик). “Shall I lift you in, Roo (тебя подсадить, Ру)?” And he picked up Roo in his paws (и он поднял Ру в /своих/ лапках). “I can see a bird in it from here,” said Pooh (я вижу птичку на нем отсюда, — сказал Пух). “Or is it a fish (или это рыбка)?” “You ought to see that bird from here,” said Rabbit (ты должна увидеть эту птичку отсюда, — сказал Кролик). “Unless it's a fish (если это не рыбка).” “It isn't a fish, it's a bird,” said Piglet (это не рыбка, это птичка, — сказал Пятачок). “So it is,” said Rabbit (/да/ это так, — сказал Кролик). “Is it a starling or a blackbird?” said Pooh (это скворец или черный дрозд? — спросил Пух).
ought [Lt], starling ['stRlIN], here [hIq]
“You ought to look at that tree right over there,” said Rabbit. “Shall I lift you in, Roo?” And he picked up Roo in his paws. “I can see a bird in it from here,” said Pooh. “Or is it a fish?” “You ought to see that bird from here,” said Rabbit. “Unless it's a fish.” “It isn't a fish, it's a bird,” said Piglet. “So it is,” said Rabbit. “Is it a starling or a blackbird?” said Pooh.
“That's the whole question,” said Rabbit (в этом-то весь вопрос, — сказал Кролик). “Is it a blackbird or a starling (это черный дрозд или скворец)?” And then at last Kanga did turn her head to look (и тогда наконец Кенга все-таки повернула /свою/ голову посмотреть). And the moment that her head was turned (и в тот миг, как ее голова повернулась), Rabbit said in a loud voice “In you go, Roo (Кролик сказал громким голосом: прыгай вовнутрь = в карман, Ру)!” and in jumped Piglet into Kanga's pocket (и в карман Кенги прыгнул Пятачок), and off scampered Rabbit, with Roo in his paws, as fast as he could (а Кролик унесся с Ру в /своих/ лапках так быстро, как он мог = со всех ног). “Why, where's Rabbit (а где же Кролик)?” said Kanga, turning round again (спросила Кенга, снова обернувшись). “Are you all right, Roo, dear (ты в порядке, Ру, дорогой)?” Piglet made a squeaky Roo-noise from the bottom of Kanga's pocket (Пятачок сделал = издал писклявый звук, как Ру, со дна кармана Кенги).
last [lRst], fast [fRst], squeaky ['skwJkI]
“That's the whole question,” said Rabbit. “Is it a blackbird or a starling?” And then at last Kanga did turn her head to look. And the moment that her head was turned, Rabbit said in a loud voice “In you go, Roo!” and in jumped Piglet into Kanga's pocket, and off scampered Rabbit, with Roo in his paws, as fast as he could. “Why, where's Rabbit?” said Kanga, turning round again. “Are you all right, Roo, dear?” Piglet made a squeaky Roo-noise from the bottom of Kanga's pocket.
“Rabbit had to go away,” said Pooh (Кролику нужно было уйти, — сказал Пух). “I think he thought of something he had to do and see about suddenly (я думаю, он вдруг вспомнил о чем-то, что ему нужно сделать и о чем позаботиться; to see about — позаботиться о чем-либо, проследить за чем-либо).” “And Piglet (а Пятачок)?” “I think Piglet thought of something at the same time (я думаю, /что/ Пятачок вспомнил о чем-то в то же самое время). Suddenly (вдруг).” “Well, we must be getting home,” said Kanga (ну, нам надо идти домой, — сказала Кенга). “Good-bye, Pooh (до свидания, Пух).” And in three large jumps she was gone (и тремя большими прыжками он исчезла из виду; to be gone — пропасть, исчезнуть: «быть ушедшим»). Pooh looked after her as she went (Пух посмотрел ей вслед /когда она удалилась/).
must [mAst], get [get], jump [GAmp]
“Rabbit had to go away,” said Pooh. “I think he thought of something he had to do and see about suddenly.” “And Piglet?” “I think Piglet thought of something at the same time. Suddenly.” “Well, we must be getting home,” said Kanga. “Good-bye, Pooh.” And in three large jumps she was gone. Pooh looked after her as she went.
“I wish I could jump like that,” he thought (жаль, что я не умею так прыгать: «я желаю, чтобы я мог так прыгать»). “Some can and some can't (некоторые умеют, а некоторые нет). That's how it is (такие вот дела / так уж повелось).” But there were moments when Piglet wished that Kanga couldn't (но были моменты, когда Пятачок хотел, чтобы Кенга не умела /прыгать/). Often, when he had had a long walk home through the Forest (часто, когда он имел долгую прогулку = когда ему предстоял долгий путь домой через Лес), he had wished that he were a bird (он жалел, что он не птица); but now he thought jerkily to himself at the bottom of Kanga's pocket (но теперь он думал отрывисто про себя на дне кармана Кенги),
“If this is flying I shall never really take to it (если это /называется/ летать, я никогда, вообще говоря, /не/ привыкну к этому; to take to — пристраститься, увлечься, полюбить, привыкнуть).”
often [Ofn], walk [wLk], jerkily ['GWkIlI]
“I wish I could jump like that,” he thought. “Some can and some can't. That's how it is.” But there were moments when Piglet wished that Kanga couldn't. Often, when he had had a long walk home through the Forest, he had wished that he were a bird; but now he thought jerkily to himself at the bottom of Kanga's pocket,
this take “If is shall really to flying I never it.”
And as he went up in the air he said, “Ooooooo (и когда он взлетал в воздух, он говорил ууууууу)!” and as he came down he said, “Ow (а когда он спускался, он говорил ух!)!” And he was saying, “Ooooooo-ow, ooooooo-ow, ooooooo-ow” all the way to Kanga's house (и на всем пути к дому Кенги он говорил: уууууууууу-ух, уууууууу-ух, уууууууууу-ух). Of course as soon as Kanga unbuttoned her pocket (конечно, как только Кенга расстегнула свой карман), she saw what had happened (она увидела, что произошло). Just for a moment, she thought she was frightened (лишь на миг, ей показалось, что она испугалась), and then she knew she wasn't (а потом он знала = поняла, что нет): for she felt quite sure (так как она почувствовала полную уверенность в том) that Christopher Robin could never let any harm happen to Roo (что Кристофер Робин никогда /не/ позволит причинить вреда = обидеть Ру). So she said to herself (поэтому она сказала себе), “If they are having a joke with me (если они подшучивают = решили подшутить надо мной), I will have a joke with them (/то/ я подшучу над ними).”
air [Fq], pocket ['pOkIt], frighten ['fraItn]
And as he went up in the air he said, “Ooooooo!” and as he came down he said, “Ow!” And he was saying, “Ooooooo-ow, ooooooo-ow, ooooooo-ow” all the way to Kanga's house. Of course as soon as Kanga unbuttoned her pocket, she saw what had happened. Just for a moment, she thought she was frightened, and then she knew she wasn't: for she felt quite sure that Christopher Robin could never let any harm happen to Roo. So she said to herself, “If they are having a joke with me, I will have a joke with them.”
“Now then, Roo, dear,” she said (ну же, Ру, дорогой, — сказала она), as she took Piglet out of her pocket (когда /она/ вынула Пятачка из /своего/ кармана). “Bed-time (пора спать).” “Aha!” said Piglet (ага! — сказал Пятачок), as well as he could after his Terrifying Journey (так /хорошо/, как он смог после своего Ужасающего Путешествия). But it wasn't a very good “Aha (но это было не очень хорошее ага)!” and Kanga didn't seem to understand what it meant (и Кенга, казалось, не поняла, что оно означает; to mean — означать, иметь в виду). “Bath first,” said Kanga in a cheerful voice (сначала ванна, — сказала Кенга радостным голосом). “Aha!” said Piglet again (ага! — сказал Пятачок снова), looking round anxiously for the others (оглядываясь с беспокойством в поисках остальных). But the others weren't there (но остальных не было /там/). Rabbit was playing with Baby Roo in his own house (Кролик играл с Крошкой Ру в своем /собственном/ доме), and feeling more fond of him every minute (и чувствовал, как привязывается к нему все больше с каждой минутой; fond of — любящий, испытывающий нежные чувства к), and Pooh, who had decided to be a Kanga (а Пух, который решил быть Кенгой), was still at the sandy place on the top of the Forest, practising jumps (все еще был в песчаном месте в верхней части Леса, упражняясь в прыжках).
journey ['GWnI], every ['evrI], bath [bRT]
“Now then, Roo, dear,” she said, as she took Piglet out of her pocket. “Bed-time.” “Aha!” said Piglet, as well as he could after his Terrifying Journey. But it wasn't a very good “Aha!” and Kanga didn't seem to understand what it meant. “Bath first,” said Kanga in a cheerful voice. “Aha!” said Piglet again, looking round anxiously for the others. But the others weren't there. Rabbit was playing with Baby Roo in his own house, and feeling more fond of him every minute, and Pooh, who had decided to be a Kanga, was still at the sandy place on the top of the Forest, practising jumps.
“I am not at all sure (я вовсе не уверена),” said Kanga in a thoughtful voice (сказала Кенга задумчивым голосом), “that it wouldn't be a good idea to have a cold bath this evening (что это не была бы хорошая идея = была бы плохая мысль принять сегодня вечером холодную ванну). Would you like that, Roo, dear (ты бы хотел этого, Ру, дорогой)?” Piglet, who had never been really fond of baths (Пятачок, который никогда в действительности не испытывал любви к ваннам), shuddered a long indignant shudder (содрогнулся долгим возмущенным содроганием), and said in as brave a voice as he could (и сказал /таким/ смелым голосом, каким /только/ /он/ мог): “Kanga, I see that the time has come to speak plainly (Кенга, я вижу, что пришло время поговорить откровенно).” “Funny little Roo,” said Kanga (смешной маленький Ру, — сказала Кенга), as she got the bath-water ready (когда она готовила = готовя воду для ванны). “I am not Roo,” said Piglet loudly (я не Ру, — сказал громко Пятачок). “I am Piglet (я Пятачок)!”
thoughtful ['TLtful], evening ['JvnIN], indignant [In'dIgnqnt]
“I am not at all sure,” said Kanga in a thoughtful voice, “that it wouldn't be a good idea to have a cold bath this evening. Would you like that, Roo, dear?” Piglet, who had never been really fond of baths, shuddered a long indignant shudder, and said in as brave a voice as he could: “Kanga, I see that the time has come to speak plainly.” “Funny little Roo,” said Kanga, as she got the bath-water ready. “I am not Roo,” said Piglet loudly. “I am Piglet!”
“Yes, dear, yes,” said Kanga soothingly (да, дорогой, да, — сказала Кенга успокаивающе). “And imitating Piglet's voice too (и подражаешь голосу Пятачка)! So clever of him,” she went on (/он/ такой умница, — продолжала она), as she took a large bar of yellow soap out of the cupboard (когда она вытащила = вытаскивая большой кусок желтого мыла из буфета). “What will he be doing next (что он сделает еще)?” “Can't you see?” shouted Piglet (разве ты не видишь? — закричал Пятачок). “Haven't you got eyes (у тебя что нет глаз)? Look at me (посмотри на меня)!” “I am looking, Roo, dear,” said Kanga rather severely (я смотрю, Ру, дорогой, — сказала Кенга довольно строго). “And you know (и ты знаешь) what I told you yesterday about making faces (что я сказала тебе вчера по поводу гримасничанья; to tell). If you go on making faces like Piglet's (если ты будешь строить рожи, как Пятачок), you will grow up to look like Piglet (ты вырастешь и станешь похожим на Пятачка) —and then think how sorry you will be (и тогда подумай, как ты пожалеешь). Now then, into the bath (а теперь в ванну), and don't let me have to speak to you about it again (и не заставляй меня говорить тебе об этом опять = повторять).”
soothingly ['sHDINlI], severely [sI'vIqlI], yesterday ['jestqdI]
“Yes, dear, yes,” said Kanga soothingly. “And imitating Piglet's voice too! So clever of him,” she went on, as she took a large bar of yellow soap out of the cupboard. “What will he be doing next?” “Can't you see?” shouted Piglet. “Haven't you got eyes? Look at me!” “I am looking, Roo, dear,” said Kanga rather severely. “And you know what I told you yesterday about making faces. If you go on making faces like Piglet's, you will grow up to look like Piglet—and then think how sorry you will be. Now then, into the bath, and don't let me have to speak to you about it again.”
Before he knew where he was, Piglet was in the bath (не успел Пятачок оглянуться / опомниться: «прежде чем он знал, где он был», как /он/ оказался в ванне), and Kanga was scrubbing him firmly with a large lathery flannel (а Кенга сильно скребла его большой намыленной мочалкой; lathery — намыленный; пенящийся). “Ow!” cried Piglet (ай! — закричал Пятачок). “Let me out (выпусти меня)! I'm Piglet (я Пятачок)!” “Don't open the mouth, dear (не открывай рот, дорогой), or the soap goes in,” said Kanga (не то мыло попадет вовнутрь, — сказала Кенга). “There (ну, вот)! What did I tell you (что я тебе говорила)?” “You—you—you did it on purpose,” spluttered Piglet (ты — ты — ты сделала это нарочно, — пролопотал / пробулькал Пятачок; to splutter — говорить быстро и бессвязно, лопотать), as soon as he could speak again (как только он смог снова говорить)... and then accidentally had another mouthful of lathery flannel (и тогда случайно получил снова полный рот мыльной мочалки).
lathery ['lRDqrI], soap [squp], accidentally ["xksI'dentqlI]
Before he knew where he was, Piglet was in the bath, and Kanga was scrubbing him firmly with a large lathery flannel. “Ow!” cried Piglet. “Let me out! I'm Piglet!” “Don't open the mouth, dear, or the soap goes in,” said Kanga. “There! What did I tell you?” “You—you—you did it on purpose,” spluttered Piglet, as soon as he could speak again... and then accidentally had another mouthful of lathery flannel.
“That's right, dear, don't say anything (это правильно, дорогой, ничего не говори),” said Kanga, and in another minute Piglet was out of the bath (сказала Кенга, и в следующую минуту Пятачок был вне ванны), and being rubbed dry with a towel (и его насухо вытирали полотенцем). “Now,” said Kanga (теперь, — сказала Кенга), “there's your medicine, and then bed (вот твое лекарство, а потом в кровать).” “W-w-what medicine?” said Piglet (к-к-какое лекарство? — спросил Пятачок). “To make you grow big and strong, dear (чтобы ты вырос большим и сильным, дорогой). You don't want to grow up small and weak like Piglet, do you (ты же не хочешь вырасти маленькими и слабым, как Пятачок, не так ли)? Well, then (ну, итак)!”
towel ['tauql], medicine ['medsIn], grow [grqu]
“That's right, dear, don't say anything,” said Kanga, and in another minute Piglet was out of the bath, and being rubbed dry with a towel. “Now,” said Kanga, “there's your medicine, and then bed.” “W-w-what medicine?” said Piglet. “To make you grow big and strong, dear. You don't want to grow up small and weak like Piglet, do you? Well, then!”
At that moment there was a knock at the door (в этот момент раздался стук в дверь). “Come in,” said Kanga (войдите, — сказала Кенга), and in came Christopher Robin (и вошел Кристофер Робин). “Christopher Robin, Christopher Robin!” cried Piglet (Кристофер Робин, Кристофер Робин! — закричал Пятачок). “Tell Kanga who I am (скажи Кенге, кто я)! She keeps saying I'm Roo (она продолжает говорить = твердит, /что/ я Ру). I'm not Roo, am I (я ведь не Ру)?” Christopher Robin looked at him very carefully, and shook his head (Кристофер Робин посмотрел на него очень внимательно и покачал /своей/ головой).
knock [nOk], door [dL], who [hH]
At that moment there was a knock at the door. “Come in,” said Kanga, and in came Christopher Robin. “Christopher Robin, Christopher Robin!” cried Piglet. “Tell Kanga who I am! She keeps saying I'm Roo. I'm not Roo, am I?” Christopher Robin looked at him very carefully, and shook his head.
“You can't be Roo,” he said (не может быть, чтобы ты был Ру, — сказал он), “because I've just seen Roo playing in Rabbit's house (потому что я только что видел Ру, игравшего в доме Кролика).” “Well!” said Kanga (вот те раз! — сказала Кенга). “Fancy that (только подумайте)! Fancy my making a mistake like that (представьте себе, что я совершила такую ошибку).” “There you are!” said Piglet (ну вот / вот видишь! — сказал Пятачок). “I told you so (я тебе так и сказал). I'm Piglet (я Пятачок).” Christopher Robin shook his head again (Кристофер Робин снова покачал головой). “Oh, you're not Piglet,” he said (ты не Пятачок, — сказал он). “I know Piglet well (я хорошо знаю Пятачка), and he's quite a different colour (и он совершенно другого цвета).”
seen [sJn], told [tquld], different ['dIfrqnt]
“You can't be Roo,” he said, “because I've just seen Roo playing in Rabbit's house.” “Well!” said Kanga. “Fancy that! Fancy my making a mistake like that.” “There you are!” said Piglet. “I told you so. I'm Piglet.” Christopher Robin shook his head again. “Oh, you're not Piglet,” he said. “I know Piglet well, and he's quite a different colour.”
Piglet began to say (Пятачок начал говорить) that this was because he had just had a bath (что это потому, что он только что принял ванну), and then he thought that perhaps he wouldn't say that (а потом он подумал, что, возможно, лучше не говорить этого), and as he opened his mouth to say something else (и когда он открыл /свой/ рот, /чтобы/ сказать что-то еще), Kanga slipped the medicine spoon in (Кенга засунула ложку с лекарством вовнутрь = ему в рот), and then patted him on the back and told him (а потом похлопала его по спине и сказала ему) that it was really quite a nice taste when you got used to it (что это действительно очень приятный вкус, когда ты привыкнешь к нему). “I knew it wasn't Piglet,” said Kanga (я знала, /что/ это не Пятачок, — сказала Кенга). “I wonder who it can be (интересно, кто это может быть).” “Perhaps it's some relation of Pooh's,” said Christopher Robin (может быть, это какой-нибудь родственник Пуха, — сказал Кристофер Робин). “What about a nephew or an uncle or something (как насчет племянника или дяди или чего-то подобного)?”
taste [teIst], used [jHst], nephew ['nevjH]
Piglet began to say that this was because he had just had a bath, and then he thought that perhaps he wouldn't say that, and as he opened his mouth to say something else, Kanga slipped the medicine spoon in, and then patted him on the back and told him that it was really quite a nice taste when you got used to it. “I knew it wasn't Piglet,” said Kanga. “I wonder who it can be.” “Perhaps it's some relation of Pooh's,” said Christopher Robin. “What about a nephew or an uncle or something?”
Kanga agreed that this was probably what it was (Кенга согласилась, что это возможно так), and said that they would have to call it by some name (и сказала, что им придется назвать его каким-нибудь именем). “I shall call it Pootel,” said Christopher Robin (я назову его Путель, — сказал Кристофер Робин). “Henry Pootel for short (Генри Путель сокращенно).” And just when it was decided (и как раз когда это было решено), Henry Pootel wriggled out of Kanga's arms and jumped to the ground (Генри Путель вывернулся из рук Кенги и прыгнул на землю). To his great joy Christopher Robin had left the door open (к его великой радости Кристофер Робин оставил дверь открытой). Never had Henry Pootel Piglet run so fast as he ran then (никогда /раньше/ Генри Путель Пятачок /не/ бегал так быстро, как он побежал тогда / в тот раз), and he didn't stop running until he had got quite close to his house (и он не прекращал бежать, пока /он/ не добрался очень близко к своему дому). But when he was a hundred yards away he stopped running (но когда он оказался ярдах в ста /от дома/, он прекратил бег), and rolled the rest of the way home (и катился оставшуюся часть пути домой), so as to get his own nice comfortable colour again (чтобы приобрести снова свой собственный милый уютный цвет).
probably ['prObqblI], open ['qupn], hundred ['hAndrqd]
Kanga agreed that this was probably what it was, and said that they would have to call it by some name. “I shall call it Pootel,” said Christopher Robin. “Henry Pootel for short.” And just when it was decided, Henry Pootel wriggled out of Kanga's arms and jumped to the ground. To his great joy Christopher Robin had left the door open. Never had Henry Pootel Piglet run so fast as he ran then, and he didn't stop running until he had got quite close to his house. But when he was a hundred yards away he stopped running, and rolled the rest of the way home, so as to get his own nice comfortable colour again.
So Kanga and Roo stayed in the Forest (так Кенга и Ру остались в лесу). And every Tuesday Roo spent the day with his great friend Rabbit (и каждый вторник Ру проводил день со своим большим другом Кроликом; to spend — тратить, расходовать; проводить /о времени/), and every Tuesday Kanga spent the day with her great friend Pooh (и каждый вторник Кенга проводила день со своим большим другом Пухом), teaching him to jump (обучая его прыжкам), and every Tuesday Piglet spent the day with his great friend Christopher Robin (и каждый вторник Пятачок проводил день со своим большим другом Кристофером Робином). So they were all happy again (и они снова все были счастливы).