Английский язык с Винни-Пухом 14 страница“That's all right,” said Owl (хорошо, — сказал Филин). “I'll go (я слетаю). Back directly (/и/ немедленно назад).” And he flew off (и он улетел; to fly off — отлетать, слетать). In a little while he was back again (вскоре он снова вернулся). Pooh isn't there,” he said (Пуха нет там, — сказал он). “Not there (нет там = где там)?” “He's been there (он был там). He's been sitting on a branch of his tree outside his house with nine pots of honey (он сидел на ветке своего дерева снаружи /своего/ дома с девятью горшками меда). But he isn't there now (но сейчас его там нет).”
directly [dI'rektlI], flew [flH], silly ['sIlI]
“Do go and see, Owl. Because Pooh hasn't got very much brain, and he might do something silly, and I do love him so, Owl. Do you see, Owl?” “That's all right,” said Owl. “I'll go. Back directly.” And he flew off. In a little while he was back again. Pooh isn't there,” he said. “Not there?” “He's been there. He's been sitting on a branch of his tree outside his house with nine pots of honey. But he isn't there now.”
“Oh, Pooh!” cried Christopher Robin (ах, Пух! — воскликнул Кристофер Робин). “Where are you (где ты)?” “Here I am,” said a growly voice behind him (я здесь, — сказал ворчливый голос позади него). “Pooh (Пух)!” They rushed into each other's arms (они бросились в объятия друг друга). “How did you get here, Pooh (как ты сюда добрался)?” asked Christopher Robin (спросил Кристофер Робин), when he was ready to talk again (когда он был снова готов говорить). “On my boat,” said Pooh proudly (на моем корабле, — сказал гордо Пух). “I had a Very Important Missage sent me in a bottle (мне прислали в бутылке Очень Важное Сообчение), and owing to having got some water in my eyes (а из-за того, что мне попала в /мои/ глаза вода), I couldn't read it (я не мог прочесть его), so I brought it to you (поэтому я привез его тебе; to bring). On my boat (на моем корабле).”
growly [graulI], rush [rAS], owing ['quIN]
“Oh, Pooh!” cried Christopher Robin. “Where are you?” “Here I am,” said a growly voice behind him. “Pooh!” They rushed into each other's arms. “How did you get here, Pooh?” asked Christopher Robin, when he was ready to talk again. “On my boat,” said Pooh proudly. “I had a Very Important Missage sent me in a bottle, and owing to having got some water in my eyes, I couldn't read it, so I brought it to you. On my boat.”
With these proud words (с этими гордыми словами) he gave Christopher Robin the missage (он отдал Кристоферу Робину сообчение). “But it's from Piglet (но оно от Пятачка)!” cried Christopher Robin (воскликнул Кристофер Робин) when he had read it (когда он прочел его). “Isn't there anything about Pooh in it (разве в нем нет ничего о Пухе)?” asked Bear, looking over his shoulder (спросил Мишка, заглядывая через его плечо = ему через плечо). Christopher Robin read the message aloud (Кристофер Робин прочитал сообчение вслух). “Oh, are those 'P's' piglets (а, эти Пы пятачки)? I thought they were poohs (я думал, это пухи).”
shoulder ['Squldq], aloud [q'laud], piglet ['pIglqt]
With these proud words he gave Christopher Robin the missage. “But it's from Piglet!” cried Christopher Robin when he had read it. “Isn't there anything about Pooh in it?” asked Bear, looking over his shoulder. Christopher Robin read the message aloud. “Oh, are those 'P's' piglets? I thought they were poohs.”
“We must rescue him at once (мы должны его сейчас же спасти)! I thought he was with you, Pooh (я думал, он с тобой, Пух). Owl, could you rescue him on your back (Филин, ты мог бы спасти его на /своей/ спине)?” “I don't think so (/я/ /так/ не думаю),” said Owl, after grave thought (сказал Филин после серьезного размышления). “It is doubtful if the necessary dorsal muscles— (сомнительно, чтобы необходимые дорсальные мускулы = необходимое усилие дорсальных мускулов; dorsal — спинной, дорсальный)” “Then would you fly to him at once and say that Rescue is Coming (тогда не слетаешь ли ты к нему сейчас же, /чтобы/ сказать, что Помощь Идет)? And Pooh and I will think of a Rescue (а мы с Пухом придумаем Спасение = Как Спасти Его) and come as quick as ever we can (и прибудем /так/ быстро, как только /мы/ сможем). Oh, don't talk, Owl, go on quick (ах, не говори, Филин, лети же быстрее)!” And, still thinking of something to say (и все еще думая, что сказать), Owl flew off (Филин улетел).
doubtful ['dautful], necessary ['nesIsqrI], dorsal ['dLsql]
“We must rescue him at once! I thought he was with you, Pooh. Owl, could you rescue him on your back?” “I don't think so,” said Owl, after grave thought. “It is doubtful if the necessary dorsal muscles—” “Then would you fly to him at once and say that Rescue is Coming? And Pooh and I will think of a Rescue and come as quick as ever we can. Oh, don't talk, Owl, go on quick!” And, still thinking of something to say, Owl flew off.
“Now then, Pooh,” said Christopher Robin (ну же, Пух, — сказал Кристофер Робин), “where's your boat (где твой корабль)?” “I ought to say (/я/ должен сказать),” explained Pooh as they walked down to the shore of the island (объяснил Пух, когда они спускались к берегу острова), “that it isn't just an ordinary sort of boat (это не совсем обычный корабль). Sometimes it's a Boat (иногда он Корабль), and sometimes it's more of an Accident (а иногда он скорее Несчастный Случай). It all depends (это зависит от ; it all depends — как сказать!, поживем увидим).” “Depends on what (зависит от чего)?” “On whether I'm on top of it or underneath it (от того на нем / наверху ли я или под ним).” “Oh (а)! Well, where is it (ну, где он)?” “There!” said Pooh (вот! — сказал Пух), pointing proudly to The Floating Bear (гордо показывая на Плавучего Медведя).
shore [SL], depend [dI'pend], whether ['weDq]
“Now then, Pooh,” said Christopher Robin, “where's your boat?” “I ought to say,” explained Pooh as they walked down to the shore of the island, “that it isn't just an ordinary sort of boat. Sometimes it's a Boat, and sometimes it's more of an Accident. It all depends.” “Depends on what?” “On whether I'm on top of it or underneath it.” “Oh! Well, where is it?” “There!” said Pooh, pointing proudly to The Floating Bear.
It wasn't what Christopher Robin expected (это было не то, что ожидал Кристофер Робин), and the more he looked at it (и чем больше он смотрел на него), the more he thought what a Brave and Clever Bear Pooh was (тем больше он думал, что за Храбрый и Умный Медведь был Пух), and the more Christopher Robin thought this (и чем больше Кристофер Робин думал об этом), the more Pooh looked modestly down his nose and tried to pretend he wasn't (тем более скромно смотрел на свой нос = потуплял свой взор Пух и пытался сделать вид, что он не такой). “But it's too small for two of us (но он слишком мал для нас двоих),” said Christopher Robin sadly (сказал грустно Кристофер Робин). “Three of us with Piglet (для нас троих с Пятачком).” “That makes it smaller still (тогда он еще меньше: «это делает его еще меньше»). Oh, Pooh Bear, what shall we do (ах, Мишка Пух, что /же/ нам делать)?”
brave [breIv], us [As], shall [Sxl], [Sql]
It wasn't what Christopher Robin expected, and the more he looked at it, the more he thought what a Brave and Clever Bear Pooh was, and the more Christopher Robin thought this, the more Pooh looked modestly down his nose and tried to pretend he wasn't. “But it's too small for two of us,” said Christopher Robin sadly. “Three of us with Piglet.” “That makes it smaller still. Oh, Pooh Bear, what shall we do?”
And then this Bear, Pooh Bear, Winnie-the-Pooh (и тогда этот Мишка, Медведь Пух, Винни-Пух), F. O. P. (Friend of Piglet's) (ДП (Друг Пятачка) = ДТП (Друг и Товарищ Пятачка)), R. C. (Rabbit's Companion) (ПК (Приятель Кролика)), P. D. (Pole Discoverer) (ПОП (Перво-Открыватель Полюса)), E. C. and T. F. (Eeyore's Comforter and Tail-finder) (УИ и НХ (Утешитель Иа и Находитель Хвоста))—in fact, Pooh himself (в сущности, сам Пух = Пух собственной персоной)—said something so clever (сказал нечто такое умное) that Christopher Robin could only look at him with mouth open and eyes staring (что Кристофер Робин мог только смотреть на него с открытым ртом и выпучив глаза), wondering if this was really the Bear of Very Little Brain (удивляясь, действительно ли это Мишка с Очень Маленьким Умишком) whom he had know and loved so long (которого он так долго знал и любил).
companion [kOm'pxnjqn], comforter [kqm'fLtq], finder ['faIndq]
And then this Bear, Pooh Bear, Winnie-the-Pooh, F. O. P. (Friend of Piglet's), R. C. (Rabbit's Companion), P. D. (Pole Discoverer), E. C. and T. F. (Eeyore's Comforter and Tail-finder)—in fact, Pooh himself—said something so clever that Christopher Robin could only look at him with mouth open and eyes staring, wondering if this was really the Bear of Very Little Brain whom he had know and loved so long.
“We might go in your umbrella,” said Pooh (мы могли бы поехать = поплыть в твоем зонтике, — сказал Пух). “?” “We might go in your umbrella,” said Pooh (мы могли бы поехать = поплыть в твоем зонтике, — сказал Пух). “??” “We might go in your umbrella,” said Pooh (мы могли бы поехать = поплыть в твоем зонтике, — сказал Пух). “!!!!!!” For suddenly Christopher Robin saw that they might (так как вдруг Кристофер Робин понял, что они могли бы). He opened his umbrella and put it point downwards in the water (он раскрыл свой зонтик и положил его кончиком / верхушкой вниз в воду). It floated but wobbled (он поплыл, но закачался).
said [sed], point [pOInt], wobble [wObl]
“We might go in your umbrella,” said Pooh. “?” “We might go in your umbrella,” said Pooh? “??” “We might go in your umbrella,” said Pooh. “!!!!!!” For suddenly Christopher Robin saw that they might. He opened his umbrella and put it point downwards in the water. It floated but wobbled.
Pooh got in (Пух забрался вовнутрь). He was just beginning to say (он как раз начал говорить = собирался сказать) that it was all right now (что все в порядке), when he found that it wasn't (когда /он/ обнаружил, что это не так), so after a short drink (поэтому после короткого купания; drink — глоток, стакан, напиток, доза лекарства), which he didn't really want (в котором он, вообще говоря, не нуждался), he waded back to Christopher Robin (он вернулся вброд к Кристоферу Робину). Then they both got in together (потом они залезли оба вместе), and it wobbled no longer (и он = зонт больше не качался). “I shall call this boat The Brain of Pooh (я назову этот корабль Ум Пуха),” said Christopher Robin (сказал Кристофер Робин), and The Brain of Pooh set sail forthwith (и Ум Пуха отправился тотчас в плаванье; to set sail — отправиться в плаванье: «поставить парус») in a south-westerly direction, revolving gracefully (грациозно вращаясь, в юго-западном направлении; to revolve).
forthwith ['fLT'wIT], direction [dI'rekSn], gracefully ['greIsfulI]
Pooh got in. He was just beginning to say that it was all right now, when he found that it wasn't, so after a short drink, which he didn't really want, he waded back to Christopher Robin. Then they both got in together, and it wobbled no longer. “I shall call this boat The Brain of Pooh,” said Christopher Robin, and The Brain of Pooh set sail forthwith in a south-westerly direction, revolving gracefully.
You can imagine Piglet's joy when at last the ship came in sight of him (вы можете представить себе радость Пятачка, когда корабль попал наконец в поле его зрения). In after-years he liked to think (в последующие годы он любил вспоминать) that he had been in Very Great Danger during the Terrible Flood (что он был в Очень Большой Опасности во время Ужасного Наводнения), but the only danger he had really been in (но единственная опасность, /в которую/ он действительно попал) was the last half-hour of his imprisonment (были последние полчаса его заключения; prison — тюрьма, темница; to imprison — заключать в тюрьму), when Owl, who had just flown up (когда Филин, который только что подлетел; to fly up), sat on a branch of his tree to comfort him (сел на ветку его дерева, /чтобы/ утешить его), and told him a very long story about an aunt (и рассказывал ему очень длинную историю о тетушке) who had once laid a seagull's egg by mistake (которая однажды по ошибке отложила яйцо чайки), and the story went on and on (а рассказ продолжался и продолжался), rather like this sentence (в значительной степени, как это предложение), until Piglet who was listening out of his window without much hope (пока Пятачок, который слушал из /своего/ окна без особой надежды), went to sleep quietly and naturally (тихонько и естественно заснул), slipping slowly out of the window towards the water (медленно выскальзывая из окна в направлении воды) until he was only hanging on by his toes (пока он /не/ висел = свесился, держась лишь передней частью копытец; toe — палец ноги; передняя часть копыта), at which moment, luckily (к счастью в который = этот момент; luck — удача), a sudden loud squawk from Owl (неожиданный громкий вопль Филина), which was really part of the story (который был, по сути, частью истории), being what his aunt said (будучи тем, что сказала его тетушка), woke the Piglet up (разбудил Пятачка) and just gave him time (и дал ему как раз время) to jerk himself back into safety and say (/чтобы/ отдернуть/отбросить себя обратно в безопасность и сказать; to jerk — резко толкать, дергать; резко бросить /что-либо/, швырнуть), “How interesting, and did she?” when (как интересно, и она все-таки) —well, you can imagine his joy (ну, /вы/ можете представить его радость) when at last he saw the good ship, Brain of Pooh (Captain, C. Robin; 1st Mate, P. Bear) coming over the sea to rescue him (когда наконец он увидел надежный корабль Ум Пуха (Капитан, К.Робин; 1-й Помощник, П.Медведь), плывущий по морю, чтобы спасти его)... And as that is really the end of the story (и так как это действительно конец истории), and I am very tired after that last sentence (а я очень устал после этого последнего предложения), I think I shall stop there (я думаю, /я/ остановлюсь там = на этом).
sight [saIt], imprisonment [Im'prIznmqnt], squawk [skwLk]
You can imagine Piglet's joy when at last the ship came in sight of him. In after-years he liked to think that he had been in Very Great Danger during the Terrible Flood, but the only danger he had really been in was the last half-hour of his imprisonment, when Owl, who had just flown up, sat on a branch of his tree to comfort him, and told him a very long story about an aunt who had once laid a seagull's egg by mistake, and the story went on and on, rather like this sentence, until Piglet who was listening out of his window without much hope, went to sleep quietly and naturally, slipping slowly out of the window towards the water until he was only hanging on by his toes, at which moment, luckily, a sudden loud squawk from Owl, which was really part of the story, being what his aunt said, woke the Piglet up and just gave him time to jerk himself back into safety and say, “How interesting, and did she?” when—well, you can imagine his joy when at last he saw the good ship, Brain of Pooh (Captain, C. Robin; 1st Mate, P. Bear) coming over the sea to rescue him... And as that is really the end of the story, and I am very tired after that last sentence, I think I shall stop there.
Chapter 10, IN WHICH CHRISTOPHER ROBIN GIVES A POOH PARTY, AND WE SAY GOOD-BYE Глава 10, В которой Кристофер Робин устраивает Пуховую вечеринку, а мы говорим До Свидания
ONE day when the sun had come back over the Forest (однажды, когда солнце вернулось через Лес), bringing with it the scent of may (принеся с собой аромат боярышника), and all the streams of the Forest were tinkling happily to find themselves their own pretty shape again (а все ручьи Леса счастливо звенели, чтобы снова обрести /себе/ свою собственную прелестную форму), and the little pools lay dreaming of the life (а маленькие лужи лежали, мечтая о жизни) they had seen and the big things they had done (/которую/ они повидали, и о больших делах, /которые/ они совершили), and in the warmth and quiet of the Forest (и в тепле и тиши Леса) the cuckoo was trying over his voice carefully and listening to see if he liked it (кукушка осторожно опробовала свой голос и прислушивалась, /чтобы/ выяснить / определить, нравится ли он ей), and wood-pigeons were complaining gently to themselves in their lazy comfortable way (а лесные голуби кротко жаловались самим себе в своей ленивой расслабленной манере) that it was the other fellow's fault (что это была вина другого собрата), but it didn't matter very much (но это не имело большого значения); on such a day as this Christopher Robin whistled in a special way he had (в такой день, как этот Кристофер Робин свистнул по-особому, как он умел), and Owl came flying out of the Hundred Acre Wood to see (и Филин прилетел из Сто-Акрового Леса, /чтобы/ узнать) what was wanted (что нужно).
pretty ['prItI], warmth [wLmT], pigeon ['pIGIn]
ONE day when the sun had come back over the Forest, bringing with it the scent of may, and all the streams of the Forest were tinkling happily to find themselves their own pretty shape again, and the little pools lay dreaming of the life they had seen and the big things they had done, and in the warmth and quiet of the Forest the cuckoo was trying over his voice carefully and listening to see if he liked it, and wood-pigeons were complaining gently to themselves in their lazy comfortable way that it was the other fellow's fault, but it didn't matter very much; on such a day as this Christopher Robin whistled in a special way he had, and Owl came flying out of the Hundred Acre Wood to see what was wanted.
“Owl,” said Christopher Robin (Филин, — сказал Кристофер Робин), “I am going to give a party (я собираюсь устроить вечеринку).” “You are, are you?” said Owl (да, неужели? — сказал Филин). “And it's to be a special sort of party (и это должна быть особая вечеринка), because it's because of what Pooh did (потому что она в честь того, что сделал Пух) when he did what he did to save Piglet from the flood (когда он сделал то, что он сделал, /чтобы/ спасти Пятачка от наводнения).” “Oh, that's what it's for, is it?” said Owl (а, вот она ради чего, да? — спросил Филин). “Yes, so will you tell Pooh as quickly as you can (да, поэтому, пожалуйста, скажи Пуху, как можно быстрее), and all the others (и всем остальным), because it will be to-morrow (потому что она будет завтра)?” “Oh, it will, will it?” said Owl (а, вот так, да? — спросил Филин), still being as helpful as possible (все еще как можно услужливее).
party ['pRtI], special ['speSql], possible ['pOsqbl]
“Owl,” said Christopher Robin, “I am going to give a party.” “You are, are you?” said Owl. “And it's to be a special sort of party, because it's because of what Pooh did when he did what he did to save Piglet from the flood.” “Oh, that's what it's for, is it?” said Owl. “Yes, so will you tell Pooh as quickly as you can, and all the others, because it will be to-morrow?” “Oh, it will, will it?” said Owl, still being as helpful as possible.
“So will you go and tell them, Owl (ну так ты полетишь и скажешь им, Филин)?” Owl tried to think of something very wise to say (Филин попытался придумать что-нибудь очень мудрое, /чтобы/ сказать), but couldn't (но не смог), so he flew off to tell the others (поэтому он улетел, /чтобы/ рассказать другим). And the first person he told was Pooh (и первым: «первой персоной», /кому/ он рассказал, был Пух). “Pooh,” he said, “Christopher Robin is giving a party (Пух, — сказал он, — Кристофер Робин устраивает вечеринку).” “Oh!” said Pooh (ах! — сказал Пух). And then seeing that Owl expected him to say something else (а потом, увидев, что Филин ожидает, что он скажет что-то еще), he said, “Will there be those little cake things with pink sugar icing (он сказал: а будут те маленькие пирожные с глазурью из розового сахара)?” Owl felt that it was rather beneath him to talk about little cake things with pink sugar icing (Филин почувствовал, что беседовать о маленьких пирожных с глазурью из розового сахара, пожалуй, ниже его /достоинства/), so he told Pooh exactly what Christopher Robin had said (поэтому он сказал = передал Пуху в точности то, что сказал Кристофер Робин), and flew off to Eeyore (и улетел к Иа).
wise [waIz], person [pWsn], beneath [bI'nJT]
“So will you go and tell them, Owl?” Owl tried to think of something very wise to say, but couldn't, so he flew off to tell the others. And the first person he told was Pooh. “Pooh,” he said, “Christopher Robin is giving a party.” “Oh!” said Pooh. And then seeing that Owl expected him to say something else, he said, “Will there be those little cake things with pink sugar icing?” Owl felt that it was rather beneath him to talk about little cake things with pink sugar icing, so he told Pooh exactly what Christopher Robin had said, and flew off to Eeyore.
“Party for Me?” thought Pooh to himself (вечеринка для Меня? — подумал Пух про себя). “How grand (как грандиозно)!” And he began to wonder (и он стал спрашивать себя) if all the other animals would know (все ли остальные животные будут знать) that it was a special Pooh Party (что это специальная Пуховая Вечеринка), and if Christopher Robin had told them about The Floating Bear and the Brain of Pooh (и рассказал ли Кристофер Робин им о Плавучем Медведе и Уме Пуха), and all the wonderful ships he had invented and sailed on (и всех замечательных кораблях, которые он изобрел, и на которых /он/ плавал[55]), and he began to think how awful it would be (и он начал думать, как ужасно /это/ будет) if everybody had forgotten about it (если все забыли об этом), and nobody quite knew what the party was for (и никто в действительности не знает, ради чего /затевается/ эта вечеринка); and the more he thought like this (и чем больше он так думал), the more the party got muddled in his mind (тем больше портилась у него в мыслях вечеринка), like a dream when nothing goes right (как сон, когда = в котором все идет наперекосяк: «ничто идет правильно»).
grand [grxnd], wonderful ['wAndqful], mind [maInd]
“Party for Me?” thought Pooh to himself. “How grand!” And he began to wonder if all the other animals would know that it was a special Pooh Party, and if Christopher Robin had told them about The Floating Bear and the Brain of Pooh, and all the wonderful ships he had invented and sailed on, and he began to think how awful it would be if everybody had forgotten about it, and nobody quite knew what the party was for; and the more he thought like this, the more the party got muddled in his mind, like a dream when nothing goes right.
And the dream began to sing itself over in his head (и сон начал петься /прокручиваясь/ в его голове) until it became a sort of song (пока он /не/ стал песенкой). It was an
ANXIOUS POOH SONG (это была Тревожная Пухова Песня).
3 Cheers for Pooh (3 Ура за Пуха) (For Who?) (за Кого?) For Pooh— (за Пуха) (Why what did he do?) (почему, что он сделал?) I thought you knew (я думал, ты знаешь); He saved his friend from a wetting (он спас /своего/ друга от намокания)! 3 Cheers for Bear (3 Ура за Мишку)! (For where?) (за кого?) For Bear— (за Мишку) He couldn't swim (он не умел плавать), But he rescued him (но он спас его)! (He rescued who?) (он спас кого?) Oh, listen, do (ах, слушай же)! I am talking of Pooh (я говорю о Пухе)? (Of who?) (о ком?) Of Pooh (о Пухе)! (I'm sorry I keep forgetting) (извини, я опять забыл). Well, Pooh was a Bear of Enormous Brain— (ну, Пух был Медведем Огромного Ума) (Just say it again!) (просто скажи это снова = повтори это) Of enormous brain— (Огромного Ума) (Of enormous what?) (огромного чего?) Well, he ate a lot (ну, он много ел), And I don't know if he could swim or not (и я не знаю, умел ли он плавать или нет), But he managed to float (но ему удалось поплыть) On a sort of boat (как бы на корабле) (On a sort of what?) (на как бы чем?) Well, a sort of pot— (ну, как бы на горшке) So now let's give him three hearty cheers (поэтому сейчас давайте дадим = скажем ему три искренних ура) (So now let's give him three hearty whitches?) (поэтому сейчас давайте скажем ему три искренних чего?) And hope he'll be with us for years and years (и надеюсь, он будет с нами годы и годы = много лет), And grow in health and wisdom and riches (и возрастет здоровьем и мудростью и богатством)! 3 Cheers for Pooh (трехкратное Ура за Пуха)! (For who?) (за кого?) For Pooh— (за Пуха) 3 Cheers for Bear (3 Ура за Мишку) (For where?) (за кого?) For Bear— (за Мишку) 3 Cheers for the wonderful Winnie-the-Pooh (3 Ура за замечательного Винни-Пуха)! (Just tell me, somebody—WHAT DID HE DO?) (только скажите мне, кто-нибудь — ЧТО СДЕЛАЛ ОН?)
cheer [CIq], wetting [wetIN], enormous [I'nLmqs]
Три Ура за Пуха (За Кого?) Скажи мне громче в ухо. За Пуха. (А что за причина банкета?) Я думал, ты знаешь это. Он друга спас от воды! Трижды грянем Ура! (Для чего фейерверк и вспышки?) Ради Храброго Славного Мишки. Он плавать не умел, но враз Он Пятачка от смерти спас! (Кого он спас?) Узнаешь, щас! Но слушай! Коль у тебя есть уши. Я расскажу тебе о Пухе! (О Ком?) О Пухе! (Прости, проблема в слухе, И память хочет подвести). Ну, начинаю речь вести. Пух Мишкой был Огромного Ума. (Еще услышать раз приятно мне весьма!) Громадного Ума! (Еще хоть раз ты повтори. Ну, ладно, дальше говори.) Он много ел, Но я забыл, он плавать ли умел. Однако удалось ему поплыть На судне особого рода. (На чем?) Ну, на горшке от меда. Итак, Ура Три раза от души. (Опять не понял я, кого души?) Надеемся, что будет с нами он И возрастет здоровьем и умом! За Пуха Три Ура! (Да что такое! Мы за кого кричим, не ведая покоя?) Да за Медведя! Я уж говорил. Ура кричи за Пуха, что есть сил. (Ну, скажет мне хоть кто-то — ПОЧЕМУ?)
And the dream began to sing itself over in his head until it became a sort of song. It was an
3 Cheers for Pooh (For Who?) For Pooh— (Why what did he do?) I thought you knew; He saved his friend from a wetting! 3 Cheers for Bear! (For where?) For Bear— He couldn't swim, But he rescued him! (He rescued who?) Oh, listen, do! I am talking of Pooh? (Of who?) Of Pooh! (I'm sorry I keep forgetting). Well. Pooh was a Bear of Enormous Brain— (Just say it again!) Of enormous brain— (Of enormous what?) Well, he ate a lot, And I don't know if he could swim or not, But he managed to float On a sort of boat (On a sort of what?) Well, a sort of pot— So now let's give him three hearty cheers (So now let's give him three hearty whitches?) And hope he'll be with us for years and years, And grow in health and wisdom and riches! 3 Cheers for Pooh! (For who?) For Pooh— 3 Cheers for Bear