Английский язык с Винни-Пухом 8 страница
“Dear, dear,” said Pooh (ай-ай-ай, — сказал Пух), “I didn't know it was as late as that (я не знал, что /это/ так поздно: «так поздно, как то»).” So he sat down and took the top off his jar of honey (и он сел и снял крышку со своей банки меда; to take off — снимать). “Lucky I brought this with me,” he thought (мне повезло, /что/ я понес = взял это с собой). “Many a bear going out on a warm day like this would never have thought of bringing a little something with him (многие медведи, выходя /из дому/ в такой теплый день, никогда /не/ подумали бы о том, чтобы принести = взять с собой немного чего-нибудь = перекусить).” And he began to eat (и он начал есть). “Now let me see,” he thought (теперь дайте мне подумать, — подумал он), as he took his last lick of the inside of the jar (когда он последний раз облизал внутренность банки), “Where was I going (куда я собирался)? Ah, yes, Eeyore (ах, да, к Иа).” He got up slowly (он медленно поднялся). And then, suddenly, he remembered (и тогда, вдруг, он вспомнил). He had eaten Eeyore's birthday present (он съел подарок для Иа на день рождения; to eat — есть)! “Bother!” said Pooh (ах-ты! — сказал Пух). “What shall I do (что мне делать)? I must give him something (я должен ему что-то подарить).”
lucky ['lAkI], brought [brLt], last [lRst]
“Dear, dear,” said Pooh, “I didn't know it was as late as that.” So he sat down and took the top off his jar of honey. “Lucky I brought this with me,” he thought. “Many a bear going out on a warm day like this would never have thought of bringing a little something with him.” And he began to eat. “Now let me see,” he thought, as he took his last lick of the inside of the jar, “Where was I going? Ah, yes, Eeyore.” He got up slowly. And then, suddenly, he remembered. He had eaten Eeyore's birthday present! “Bother!” said Pooh. “What shall I do? I must give him something.”
For a little while he couldn't think of anything (некоторое время он не мог ничего придумать). Then he thought (потом он подумал): “Well, it's a very nice pot (ну, это очень миленький горшочек), even if there's no honey in it (даже если в нем нет меда), and if I washed it clean (а если бы я его чистенько вымыл), and got somebody to write 'A Happy Birthday' on it (и уговорил бы кого-нибудь написать на нем «Счастливого Дня Рождения»; to get smb. to do smth. — уговорить кого-нибудь сделать что-нибудь), Eeyore could keep things in it, which might be Useful (Иа мог бы хранить в нем вещи, что было бы Полезно).” So, as he was just passing the Hundred Acre Wood (поэтому, когда он как раз проходил через Сто-Акровый Лес), he went inside to call on Owl, who lived there (он вошел в него, /чтобы/ навестить Филина, который жил там).
even [Jvn], useful ['jHsful], pass [pRs]
For a little while he couldn't think of anything. Then he thought: “Well, it's a very nice pot, even if there's no honey in it, and if I washed it clean, and got somebody to write 'A Happy Birthday' on it, Eeyore could keep things in it, which might be Useful.” So, as he was just passing the Hundred Acre Wood, he went inside to call on Owl, who lived there.
“Good morning, Owl,” he said (доброе утро, Филин, — сказал он). “Good morning, Pooh,” said Owl (доброе утро, Пух, — сказал Филин). “Many happy returns of Eeyore's birthday,” said Pooh (/желаю тебе/ много счастливых повторов дня рождения Иа, — сказал Пух). “Oh, is that what it is (а, вот как)?” “What are you giving him, Owl (что ты ему подаришь, Филин)?” “What are you giving him, Pooh (/а/ что ты подаришь ему, Пух)?” “I'm giving him a Useful Pot to Keep Things In, and I wanted to ask you (я подарю ему Полезный Горшок для Хранения В Нем /Всяких/ Вещей, и я хотел попросить тебя)” “Is this it?” said Owl (это он? — спросил Филин), taking it out of Pooh's paw (взяв его из лапы Пуха).
return [rI'tWn], morning ['mLnIN], you [jH]
“Good morning, Owl,” he said. “Good morning, Pooh,” said Owl. “Many happy returns of Eeyore's birthday,” said Pooh. “Oh, is that what it is?” “What are you giving him, Owl?” “What are you giving him, Pooh?” “I'm giving him a Useful Pot to Keep Things In, and I wanted to ask you” “Is this it?” said Owl, taking it out of Pooh's paw.
“Yes, and I wanted to ask you— (да, и я хотел попросить тебя)” “Somebody has been keeping honey in it,” said Owl (кто-то хранил в нем мед, — сказал Филин). “You can keep anything in it,” said Pooh earnestly (ты можешь хранить в нем что угодно, — сказал Пух убедительно; earnest — серьезный). “It's Very Useful like that (он /такой/ Очень Полезный). And I wanted to ask you— (и я хотел попросить тебя)” “You ought to write 'A Happy Birthday' on it (тебе нужно написать на нем «Счастливого Дня Рождения»).” “That was what I wanted to ask you,” said Pooh (именно об этом я и хотел попросить тебя, — сказал Пух). “Because my spelling is Wobbly (потому что мое правописание Хромое; wobbly — вихляющий, шатающийся, шаткий; дрожащий; сравните также: his English is wobbly — его английский хромает). It's good spelling but it Wobbles (это хорошее правописание, но оно Хромает), and the letters get in the wrong places (и буквы попадают не на те места). Would you write 'A Happy Birthday' on it for me (будь любезен, напиши / ты не мог бы написать для меня «Счастливого Дня Рождения»)?”
ought [Lt], write [raIt], wrong [rON]
“Yes, and I wanted to ask you—” “Somebody has been keeping honey in it,” said Owl. “You can keep anything in it,” said Pooh earnestly. “It's Very Useful like that. And I wanted to ask you—” “You ought to write 'A Happy Birthday' on it.” “That was what I wanted to ask you,” said Pooh. “Because my spelling is Wobbly. It's good spelling but it Wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong places. Would you write 'A Happy Birthday' on it for me?”
“It's a nice pot,” said Owl, looking at it all round (это милый горшочек, — сказал Филин, разглядывая его со всех сторон). “Couldn't I give it too (не мог бы я тоже подарить его)? From both of us (от нас обоих)?” “No,” said Pooh (нет, — сказал Пух). “That would not be a good plan (это был бы неудачный план). Now I'll just wash it first (вот я его сначала вымою), and then you can write on it (а потом ты можешь написать на нем).” Well, he washed the pot out, and dried it (ну, он вымыл горшок и вытер его; to dry), while Owl licked the end of his pencil (в то время как Филин облизал кончик своего карандаша), and wondered how to spell “birthday (и спросил себя, как пишется «день рождения»).”
round [raund], wash [wOS], us [As]
“It's a nice pot,” said Owl, looking at it all round. “Couldn't I give it too? From both of us?” “No,” said Pooh. “That would not be a good plan. Now I'll just wash it first, and then you can write on it.” Well, he washed the pot out, and dried it, while Owl licked the end of his pencil, and wondered how to spell “birthday.”
“Can you read, Pooh (ты умеешь читать, Пух)?” he asked a little anxiously (спросил он обеспокоено). “There's a notice about knocking and ringing outside my door (снаружи /у/ моей двери есть объявление о том, /как/ стучать и звонить), which Christopher Robin wrote (которое написал Кристофер Робин; to write — писать). Could you read it (ты мог бы его прочесть)?” “Christopher Robin told me what it said (Кристофер Робин сказал мне, что оно гласит), and then I could (и тогда я смог).” “Well, I'll tell you what this says (ну, я скажу тебе, что это гласит), and then you'll be able to (и тогда ты сможешь /прочесть его/).” So Owl wrote (и Филин написал)... and this is what he wrote (и вот, что он написал):
wrote [rqut], read [rJd], says [sez]
“Can you read, Pooh?” he asked a little anxiously. “There's a notice about knocking and ringing outside my door, which Christopher Robin wrote. Could you read it?” “Christopher Robin told me what it said, and then I could.” “Well, I'll tell you what this says, and then you'll be able to.” So Owl wrote... and this is what he wrote:
Pooh looked on admiringly (Пух восхищенно посмотрел на /это/). “I'm just saying ‘A Happy Birthday’,” said Owl carelessly (я просто говорю = написал «Счастливого Дня Рождения», сказал Филин небрежно). “It's a nice long one,” said Pooh (это красивая длинная одна = надпись, сказал Пух), very much impressed by it (очень впечатленный ею; to impress — впечатлять, производить впечатление). “Well, actually, of course, I'm saying 'A Very Happy Birthday with love from Pooh (ну, на самом деле, конечно, я пишу = написал «Очень Счастливого Дня Рождения с приветом от Пуха»).' Naturally it takes a good deal of pencil to say a long thing like that (естественно, много карандаша уходит на то, чтобы выразить такую длинную вещь = фразу).” “Oh, I see,” said Pooh (а, понятно, — сказал Пух).
admiringly [qd'maIqrINlI], carelessly ['kFqlIslI], love [lAv]
Pooh looked on admiringly. “I'm just saying ‘A Happy Birthday’,” said Owl carelessly. “It's a nice long one,” said Pooh, very much impressed by it. “Well, actually, of course, I'm saying 'A Very Happy Birthday with love from Pooh. ' Naturally it takes a good deal of pencil to say a long thing like that.” “Oh, I see,” said Pooh.
While all this was happening (в то время как происходило все это), Piglet had gone back to his own house to get Eeyore's balloon (Пятачок вернулся к своему собственному дому за воздушным шариком для Иа). He held it very tightly against himself (он очень крепко прижимал его к себе), so that it shouldn't blow away (так чтобы его не унесло прочь /ветром/; to blow — дуть), and he ran as fast as he could so as to get to Eeyore before Pooh did (и он бежал так быстро, как /только/ мог, чтобы добраться до Иа раньше Пуха: «прежде чем Пух сделал»); for he thought that he would like to be the first one to give a present (так как он подумал, что он хотел бы быть первым, /кто/ подарит подарок), just as if he had thought of it without being told by anybody (просто как будто он вспомнил об этом /сам/, а не кто-то сказал ему: «без /того, чтобы/ быть сказанным кем-то = ему сказал кто-то»). And running along, and thinking how pleased Eeyore would be (и бежа = на бегу думая /о том/, как рад будет Иа), he didn't look where he was going (он не смотрел, куда он идет = несется)... and suddenly he put his foot in a rabbit hole (и вдруг он поставил свою ногу = попал ногой в кроличью норку), and fell down flat on his face (и упал плашмя / растянулся на свое лицо = прямо мордочкой вниз; to fall — падать).
blow [blqu], foot [fut], pleased [plJzd]
While all this was happening, Piglet had gone back to his own house to get Eeyore's balloon. He held it very tightly against himself, so that it shouldn't blow away, and he ran as fast as he could so as to get to Eeyore before Pooh did; for he thought that he would like to be the first one to give a present, just as if he had thought of it without being told by anybody. And running along, and thinking how pleased Eeyore would be, he didn't look where he was going... and suddenly he put his foot in a rabbit hole, and fell down flat on his face.
BANG (БАХ)!!!???***!!!
Piglet lay there, wondering what had happened (Пятачок лежал /там/, спрашивая себя, что произошло). At first he thought that the whole world had blown up (сначала он подумал, что взорвался весь мир; to blow — дуть; to blow /up/ — взрывать); and then he thought that perhaps only the Forest part of it had (а потом он подумал, что, возможно, лишь его Лесная часть); and then he thought that perhaps only he had (а потом он подумал, что, возможно, только он), and he was now alone in the moon or somewhere (и он теперь один на луне или где-то /еще/), and would never see Christopher Robin or Pooh or Eeyore again (и /он/ никогда снова = больше /не/ увидит Кристофера Робина и Пуха, и Иа). And then he thought (и тогда он подумал), “Well, even if I'm in the moon (ну, даже если я на луне), I needn't be face downwards all the time (/то/ необязательно все время лежать лицом вниз),” so he got cautiously up and looked about him (поэтому он осторожно встал и осмотрелся).
blown [blqun], downwards ['daunwqdz], cautiously ['kLSqslI]
Piglet lay there, wondering what had happened. At first he thought that the whole world had blown up; and then he thought that perhaps only the Forest part of it had; and then he thought that perhaps only he had, and he was now alone in the moon or somewhere, and would never see Christopher Robin or Pooh or Eeyore again. And then he thought, “Well, even if I'm in the moon, I needn't be face downwards all the time,” so he got cautiously up and looked about him.
He was still in the Forest (он был все еще в Лесу)! “Well, that's funny,” he thought (ну, это странно, — подумал он). “I wonder what that bang was (интересно, что это был за бух). I couldn't have made such a noise just falling down (я не мог бы создать такой шум, просто упав). And where's my balloon (и где мой шарик)? And what's that small piece of damp rag doing (и что /здесь/ делает этот маленький кусочек сырой тряпочки)?” It was the balloon (это был шарик)! “Oh, dear!” said Piglet (ах, батюшки! — сказал Пятачок). “Oh, dear, oh, dearie, dearie, dear (ай-ай-ай-ай-ай, ой-ой-ой-ой-ой)! Well, it's too late now (ну, теперь слишком поздно). I can't go back, and I haven't another balloon (я не могу вернуться, и у меня нет другого шарика), and perhaps Eeyore doesn't like balloons so very much (и, может быть, Иа не так уж сильно любит шарики).”
bang [bxN], noise [nOIz], piece [pJs]
He was still in the Forest! “Well, that's funny,” he thought. “I wonder what that bang was. I couldn't have made such a noise just falling down. And where's my balloon? And what's that small piece of damp rag doing?” It was the balloon! “Oh, dear!” said Piglet. “Oh, dear, oh, dearie, dearie, dear! Well, it's too late now. I can't go back, and I haven't another balloon, and perhaps Eeyore doesn't like balloons so very much.”
So he trotted on, rather sadly now (и он поспешил дальше, довольно грустно теперь), and down he came to the side of the stream where Eeyore was (и он спустился вниз к берегу ручья, где был Иа), and called out to him (и окликнул его). “Good morning, Eeyore,” shouted Piglet (доброе утро, Иа, — закричал Пятачок). “Good morning, Little Piglet,” said Eeyore (доброе утро, Маленький Пятачок, — сказал Иа). “If it is a good morning,” he said (если это доброе утро, — сказал он). “Which I doubt,” said he (в чем я сомневаюсь, — сказал он). “Not that it matters,” he said (не то, чтобы это имело большое значение, — сказал он). “Many happy returns of the day (много счастливых повторов этого дня[37]),” said Piglet, having now got closer (сказал Пятачок, подойдя теперь ближе). Eeyore stopped looking at himself in the stream (Иа перестал смотреть на свое отражение в ручье), and turned to stare at Piglet (и обернулся, /чтобы/ пристально вглядеться в Пятачка = и обернувшись, уставился на Пятачка).
said [sed], closer [klqusq], stare [stFq]
So he trotted on, rather sadly now, and down he came to the side of the stream where Eeyore was, and called out to him. “Good morning, Eeyore,” shouted Piglet. “Good morning, Little Piglet,” said Eeyore. “If it is a good morning,” he said. “Which I doubt,” said he. “Not that it matters,” he said. “Many happy returns of the day,” said Piglet, having now got closer. Eeyore stopped looking at himself in the stream, and turned to stare at Piglet.
“Just say that again,” he said (скажи-ка это еще раз = повтори-ка это, — сказал он). “Many hap— (много счаст = поздрав…)” “Wait a moment (подожди секундочку).” Balancing on three legs (балансируя на трех ногах), he began to bring his fourth leg very cautiously up to his ear (он стал подносить свою четвертую ногу очень осторожно к /своему/ уху). “I did this yesterday,” he explained (я делал это вчера, — пояснил он), as he fell down for the third time (когда /он/ упал в третий раз). “It's quite easy (это совсем легко). It's so as I can hear better (это чтобы я лучше слышал)... There, that's done it[38] (ну вот, это сделано = получилось)! Now then, what were you saying (ну, /так/ что ты говорил)?” He pushed his ear forward with his hoof (он выставил /свое/ ухо вперед с помощью /своего/ копыта).
fourth [fLT], third [TWd], forward ['fLwqd]
“Just say that again,” he said. “Many hap—” “Wait a moment ” Balancing on three legs, he began to bring his fourth leg very cautiously up to his ear. “I did this yesterday,” he explained, as he fell down for the third time. “It's quite easy. It's so as I can hear better... There, that's done it! Now then, what were you saying?” He pushed his ear forward with his hoof.
“Many happy returns of the day,” said Piglet again (поздравляю с днем рождения, — повторил Пятачок). “Meaning me (ты имеешь в виду меня)?” “Of course, Eeyore (конечно, Иа).” “My birthday (мой день рождения)?” “Yes (да).” “Me having a real birthday (у меня настоящий день рождения)?” “Yes, Eeyore, and I've brought you a present (да, Иа, и я принес тебе подарок).” Eeyore took down his right hoof from his right ear (Иа опустил свое правое копыто от /его/ правого уха), turned round, and with great difficulty put up his left hoof (повернулся и с большим трудом поднял свое левое копыто). “I must have that in the other ear,” he said (я должен иметь это = услышать это другим ухом, — сказал он). “Now then (ну же).” “A present,” said Piglet very loudly (подарок, — сказал Пятачок очень громко). “Meaning me again (ты снова имеешь в виду меня)?” “Yes (да).” “My birthday still (все еще мой день рождения)?” “Of course, Eeyore (конечно, Иа).”
difficulty ['dIfIkqltI], other ['ADq], brought [brLt]
“Many happy returns of the day,” said Piglet again. “Meaning me?” “Of course, Eeyore.” “My birthday?” “Yes.” “Me having a real birthday?” “Yes, Eeyore, and I've brought you a present.” Eeyore took down his right hoof from his right ear, turned round, and with great difficulty put up his left hoof. “I must have that in the other ear,” he said. “Now then.” “A present,” said Piglet very loudly. “Meaning me again?” “Yes.” “My birthday still?” “Of course, Eeyore.”
“Me going on having a real birthday (я продолжаю праздновать настоящий день рождения; to go on — продолжать)?” “Yes, Eeyore, and I brought you a balloon (да, Иа, и я принес тебе воздушный шарик).” “Balloon?” said Eeyore (шарик? — спросил Иа). “You did say balloon (ты сказал шарик)? One of those big coloured things you blow up (один из тех больших цветных штуковин, /которые/ вы надуваете = надувают)? Gaiety, song-and-dance, here we are and there we are (веселье, песни-пляски, вот /и/ мы, и вон /и/ мы)?” “Yes, but I'm afraid (да, но /я/ боюсь)—I'm very sorry, Eeyore (мне очень жаль, Иа)—but when I was running along to bring it you, I fell down (но когда я бежал, /чтобы/ принести его тебе, я упал; to fall down — упасть).”
coloured ['kAlqd], dance [dRns], afraid [q'freId]
“Me going on having a real birthday?” “Yes, Eeyore, and I brought you a balloon.” “Balloon?” said Eeyore. “You did say balloon? One of those big coloured things you blow up? Gaiety, song-and-dance, here we are and there we are?” “Yes, but I'm afraid—I'm very sorry, Eeyore—but when I was running along to bring it you, I fell down.”
“Dear, dear, how unlucky (ай-ай-ай, как не повезло)! You ran too fast, I expect (полагаю, ты слишком быстро бежал). You didn't hurt yourself, Little Piglet (ты не ушибся, Маленький Пятачок)?” “No, but I—I—oh, Eeyore, I burst the balloon (нет, но я-я-ой, Иа, я лопнул шарик = он-он-ой, Иа шарик лопнул)!” There was a very long silence (была = последовало очень долгое молчание). “My balloon?” said Eeyore at last (мой шарик? — спросил наконец Иа). Piglet nodded (Пятачок кивнул). “My birthday balloon (мой именинный шарик)?”
expect [Iks'pekt], hurt [hWt], burst [bWst]
“Dear, dear, how unlucky! You ran too fast, I expect. You didn't hurt yourself, Little Piglet?” “No, but I—I—oh, Eeyore, I burst the balloon!” There was a very long silence. “My balloon?” said Eeyore at last. Piglet nodded. “My birthday balloon?”
“Yes, Eeyore,” said Piglet sniffing a little (да, Иа, — сказал Пятачок, немного посапывая). “Here it is (вот он). With—with many happy returns of the day (со-со множеством счастливых повторов этого дня).” And he gave Eeyore the small piece of damp rag (и он дал Иа маленький кусочек сырой тряпочки). “Is this it?” said Eeyore, a little surprised (это он? — спросил Иа, немного удивленный). Piglet nodded (Пятачок кивнул). “My present (мой подарок)?” Piglet nodded again (Пятачок снова кивнул). “The balloon (шарик)?” “Yes (да).”
small [smLl], piece [pJs], rag [rxg]
“Yes, Eeyore,” said Piglet sniffing a little. “Here it is. With—with many happy returns of the day.” And he gave Eeyore the small piece of damp rag. “Is this it?” said Eeyore, a little surprised. Piglet nodded. “My present?” Piglet nodded again. “The balloon?” “Yes.”
“Thank you, Piglet,” said Eeyore (спасибо, Пятачок — сказал Иа). “You don't mind my asking,” he went on (ты не против, если я спрошу, — продолжал он), “but what colour was this balloon when it—when it was a balloon (а какого цвета был этот шарик, когда он — когда он был шариком)?” “Red (красного).” “I just wondered... Red,” he murmured to himself (мне просто было интересно…, красного, — прошептал он себе). “My favourite colour (мой любимый цвет)... How big was it (а какого размера он был)?” “About as big as me (приблизительно с меня: «такой большой, как я»).” “I just wondered (мне просто было интересно)... About as big as Piglet (приблизительно с Пятачка),” he said to himself sadly (сказал он себе грустно). “My favourite size (мой любимый размер). Well, well (так, так / ну, ну).”
mind [maInd], murmur ['mWmq], favourite ['feIvrIt]
“Thank you, Piglet,” said Eeyore. “You don't mind my asking,” he went on, “but what colour was this balloon when it—when it was a balloon?” “Red.” “I just wondered... Red,” he murmured to himself. “My favourite colour... How big was it?” “About as big as me.” “I just wondered... About as big as Piglet,” he said to himself sadly. “My favourite size. Well, well.”
Piglet felt very miserable, and didn't know what to say (Пятачок чувствовал себя очень несчастным и не знал, что сказать). He was still opening his mouth to begin something (он еще открывал /свой/ рот, /чтобы/ начать /говорить/ что-то), and then deciding that it wasn't any good saying that (и потом решил, что бесполезно / не стоит этого говорить), when he heard a shout from the other side of the river (когда он услышал крик с другой стороны реки), and there was Pooh (и там = это был Пух). “Many happy returns of the day,” called out Pooh (/желаю тебе/ много счастливых повторов этого дня, — крикнул Пух), forgetting that he had said it already (забыв, что он уже говорил это). “Thank you, Pooh, I'm having them (благодарю тебя, Пух, они у меня есть),” said Eeyore gloomily (сказал Иа мрачно). “I've brought you a little present (я принес тебе маленький подарок = подарочек),” said Pooh excitedly (сказал взволнованно Пух). “I've had it,” said Eeyore (я уже получил /его/, — сказал Иа).
miserable ['mIzqrqbl], already [Ll'redI], excitedly [Ik'saItIdlI]
Piglet felt very miserable, and didn't know what to say. He was still opening his mouth to begin something, and then deciding that it wasn't any good saying that, when he heard a shout from the other side of the river, and there was Pooh. “Many happy returns of the day,” called out Pooh, forgetting that he had said it already. “Thank you, Pooh, I'm having them,” said Eeyore gloomily. “I've brought you a little present,” said Pooh excitedly. “I've had it,” said Eeyore.
Pooh had now splashed across the stream to Eeyore (Пух прошлепал теперь через ручей к Иа), and Piglet was sitting a little way off (а Пятачок сидел немного в стороне / поодаль), his head in his paws, snuffling to himself (его голова в его лапах = обхватив лапками голову, сопя про себя). “It's a Useful Pot,” said Pooh (это полезный горшок, — сказал Пух; use — польза). “Here it is (вот он). And it's got 'A Very Happy Birthday with love from Pooh' written on it (и на нем написано «Очень Счастливого Дня Рождения с приветом от Пуха»). That's what all that writing is (вот что означает вся эта надпись). And it's for putting things in (и в него можно класть вещи: «он для положения вещей в»). There (вот)!” When Eeyore saw the pot (когда Иа увидел горшок), he became quite excited (он стал совсем взволнованным = совсем разволновался). “Why!” he said (опа! — сказал он). “I believe my Balloon will just go into that Pot (я думаю, в него как раз влезет мой Воздушный Шарик)!”
across [q'krOs], written ['rItn], believe [bI'lJv]
Pooh had now splashed across the stream to Eeyore, and Piglet was sitting a little way off, his head in his paws, snuffling to himself. “It's a Useful Pot,” said Pooh. “Here it is. And it's got 'A Very Happy Birthday with love from Pooh' written on it. That's what all that writing is. And it's for putting things in. There!” When Eeyore saw the pot, he became quite excited. “Why!” he said. “I believe my Balloon will just go into that Pot!”
“Oh, no, Eeyore,” said Pooh (ах, нет, Иа, — сказал Пух). “Balloons are much too big to go into Pots (Воздушные Шарики слишком велики, /чтобы/ влезать в Горшки). What you do with a balloon is, you hold the balloon— (что ты делаешь с шариком — это = с шариком поступают так, шарик держат)” “Not mine,” said Eeyore proudly (не мой, — сказал гордо Иа). “Look, Piglet (смотри, Пятачок)!” And as Piglet looked sorrowfully round (и когда Пятачок горестно оглянулся), Eeyore picked the balloon up with his teeth (Иа поднял шарик /своими[39]/ зубами), and placed it carefully in the pot (и положил его аккуратно в горшочек); picked it out and put it on the ground (вытащил его и положил его на землю); and then picked it up again and put it carefully back (а потом поднял его снова и положил его аккуратно назад /в горшочек/). “So it does!” said Pooh (/значит/ получается, — сказал Пух). “It goes in (/он/ входит)!” “So it does!” said Piglet (получается, — сказал Пятачок). “And it comes out (и /он/ выходит)!” “Doesn't it?” said Eeyore (не так ли / правда? — сказал Иа). “It goes in and out like anything (он прекрасно входит и выходит; like anything — чрезвычайно, очень, ужасно).”
sorrowfully ['sOrquflI], teeth [tJT], ground [graund]
“Oh, no, Eeyore,” said Pooh. “Balloons are much too big to go into Pots. What you do with a balloon is, you hold the balloon —” “Not mine,” said Eeyore proudly. “Look, Piglet!” And as Piglet looked sorrowfully round, Eeyore picked the balloon up with his teeth, and placed it carefully in the pot; picked it out and put it on the ground; and then picked it up again and put it carefully back. “So it does!” said Pooh. “It goes in!” “So it does!” said Piglet. “And it comes out!” “Doesn't it?” said Eeyore. “It goes in and out like anything.”