Project 2045 8 страницаThe king of Judea will be the true pope of the universe, the patriarch of the international church. However, while we are re-educating young people in new transitional faiths, and then in ours, we will not affect openly existing churches, but we will fight them with criticism that provokes a split... In general, our modern press will expose state affairs, religions, the inability of the gentiles and all this in the most unprincipled terms, in every possible way to humiliate them, as only our brilliant tribe can do... Our kingdom will be the apology of God Vishnu, in which his personification is located - in our hundred hands will be the spring of the social machine. We will all see without the help of the official police, which, in the form of its rights that we have developed for the gentiles, prevents governments from seeing. Under our program, a third [22] of our subjects will observe the rest from a sense of duty, from the principle of voluntary public service. Then it will not be shameful to be a spy and a scammer, but commendable, but unreasonable denunciations will be severely punished so that the abuse of this right is not divorced. Our agents will be from among both high and low society, from the environment of a fun administrative class, publishers, printing houses, booksellers, clerks, workers, coachmen, footmen, etc. This is disenfranchised, not authorized to any arbitrariness, and therefore , the powerless police will only testify and report, and the verification of her testimony and arrests will depend on the responsible group of police supervisors, the gendarme corps and the city police will make the arrests themselves. Those who did not report on what they saw and heard on political issues would also be held liable for harboring if it was proved that he was guilty of this. Just as now our brothers, under their own responsibility, are obliged to inform the kagal against their apostates or those who have noticed anything else, the kagal, so in our world kingdom it will be obligatory for all our subjects to observe the duty of public service in this direction. Such an organization will eradicate the abuse of power, power, bribery - all that we have introduced with the advice of our theories of superhuman rights into the habits of goyim ... But how could we have done so to increase the causes of unrest among their administration, if not by these means ?! Among these paths, one of the most important is agents of law and order, who are placed in the opportunity to manifest and develop their evil tendencies in their destructive activities - self-will, self-rule and, first and foremost, bribery.
Protocol No. 18
Security measures. Observation among conspirators. Open guard - the death of power. Guard of the king of Judah. The mystical prestige of power. Arrest on the first suspicion. When we need to strengthen strict security measures, (the worst poison for the prestige of the authorities), we will arrange a simulation of riots or a manifestation of displeasure expressed with the help of good speakers. Sympathizers will join these speakers. This will give us a reason for searches and oversight on the part of our servants from among the goy police... Since most conspirators act out of a love of art, speaking for the sake of time, we will not disturb them until we act on their part, but only introduce observational elements ... We must remember that the prestige of power is diminished if it often reveals conspiracies against itself: this presumes the recognition of powerlessness, or, even worse, wrongness. You know that we have defeated the prestige of the reigning goyim with frequent assassination attempts through our agents, blind sheep of our herd, which are easy to use in several liberal sentences to commit crimes, if only they have a political connotation. We will force the rulers to admit their powerlessness in declaring open measures of protection and this will destroy the prestige of the authorities. Only the most inconspicuous guards will guard our ruler, because we will not allow the thought that there could be such sedition against him that he cannot fight and is forced to hide from it. If we had admitted this idea, as the goys did and do, then we would have signed the sentence, if not for himself, then for his dynasty in the near future. According to a strictly observed appearance, our ruler will use his power only for the benefit of the people, and not for his own or dynastic benefits. Therefore, in compliance with this decorum, his power will be respected and protected by the citizens themselves, it will be idolized in the consciousness that the well-being of every citizen of the state is connected with it, because the order of the social system will depend on it... To protect the Tsar openly means to acknowledge the weak organization of his strength. Our ruler will always be surrounded by a crowd of curious men and women, who will occupy the front ranks around him by sight by chance, and restrain the ranks of the rest out of respect, supposedly to order. This will sow an example of restraint in others. If there is a petitioner among the people who is trying to file a petition, making his way through the ranks, then the first ranks must accept this petition and pass it on to the ruler before the eyes of the petitioner, so that everyone knows that the petition arrives according to its intended purpose, and therefore there is control of the ruler himself. The halo of power requires for its existence that the people can say, “When the Tsar knew about it” or “The Tsar learns about it”. With the establishment of an official guard, the mythical prestige of power disappears: with the presence of certain courage, everyone considers himself the master on it, the seditious man recognizes his strength and, on occasion, guards the moment for an attempt on power... For the gentiles, we preached differently, but for the same we can see an example, before what the open guard measures brought them to! In our country, the criminals will be arrested at the first more or less justified suspicion: it’s impossible, out of fear of a mighty mistake, to provide escape opportunities for suspects in political misconduct revelation, to which we will be truly merciless. If it is still possible, with a certain exaggeration, to allow consideration of the motivating causes of simple crimes, then there is no apology for those who deal with issues in which no one except the government can understand anything ... And not all governments understand the true policy.
Protocol No. 19
The right to submit petitions and projects. Sedition. Jurisdiction of political crimes. Advertising of political crimes. If we do not allow independent engagement in politics, on the contrary, we will encourage all kinds of reports or petitions with suggestions at the government’s discretion of all kinds of projects for improving people's life: this will reveal to us the shortcomings or fantasies of our subjects, to which we will respond either by execution or by refutation which would prove the myopia of the reasoning wrong. Seduction is nothing but a barking pug at an elephant. For a government that is well organized not from the police, but from the public side, the pug barks at the elephant, unaware of its strength and significance. One has only to show with a good example the significance of one or the other, as the pugs stop barking and begin to wag their tail as soon as they see the elephant. To remove the prestige of valor from a political crime, we put him in the dock along with theft, murder and all sorts of heinous and dirty crimes. Then public opinion will merge in this view this category of crimes with the shame of every other and brand it with the same contempt. We tried and, I hope, achieved that the goys did not comprehend this way of dealing with sedition. To do this, through the press and in speeches, indirectly, in cleverly written history textbooks, we touted martyrdom, supposedly accepted by seditious people, as an idea of the common good. This ad increased the liberal contingent and placed thousands of goyim in the ranks of our living inventory.
Protocol No. 20
Financial program. Progressive tax. Vintage progressive collection. Stock office, percentage of paper and stagnation of money circulation. Reporting Cancellation of representation. Stagnation of capital. Money issue. Gold currency. Currency of labor value. Budget. Government loans. One percent series. Industrial papers. Goy rulers: temporary workers; Masonic agents. Today we will touch upon the financial program, which I postponed to the end of my report, as the most difficult, final and decisive point of our plans. Coming to it, I remind you that I used to tell you a hint that the outcome of our actions is resolved by the question of numbers. When we reign, our autocratic government will avoid, for the sake of the principle of self-preservation, sensitively burden the masses with taxes, not forgetting their role as father and patron. However, since the state organization is expensive, it is still necessary to obtain the necessary funds for this. Therefore, it is necessary to work out especially carefully the issue of balance in this subject. Our government, in which the Tsar will have a legal fiction of belonging to him everything that is in his state (which is easy to translate into business), can resort to the lawful withdrawal of all amounts to settle their circulation in the state. It follows that tax coverage is best done with a progressive property tax. Thus, taxes will be paid without hesitation or ruin in proportionate ownership. The rich should be aware that it is their duty to provide part of their surpluses for state use, since the state guarantees them the security of owning the rest of the property and the right to fair profit, I say - fair, because control over the property will eliminate the robberies legally. This social reform must go from above, for the time is coming - it is necessary as a guarantee of peace. The tax on the poor is the seed of the revolution and serves to the detriment of the state, losing large in the pursuit of small things. Regardless of this, a capitalist tax will reduce the growth of wealth in private hands, in which we have now pulled it as a counterweight to the government’s goyim power — public finances. A tax that increases as a percentage of capital will yield a much larger income than the current polls or qualifications, which for us is now useful only to arouse unrest or displeasure among the gentiles. The strength that our king will rely on is in balance of the guarantee of peace, for the sake of which it is necessary that the capitalists give up a share of their income, for the sake of the security of the state machine. Those who are not a burden and who have something to take should pay state needs. Such a measure will destroy the poor man’s hatred of the rich man, in which he sees the necessary financial support for the state, sees in him the organizer of peace and prosperity, since he will see that they are paid the necessary funds to achieve them. So that intelligent payers do not grieve too much about new payments, they will be given detailed reports in the purpose of these payments, except, of course, for such amounts that will be allocated to the needs of the throne and administrative institutions. The reigning one will not have his possessions, since everything in the state is his property, otherwise one would contradict the other: the fact of his own funds would destroy the right of ownership of universal ownership. Relatives of the reign, except for his heirs, who are also supported by state funds, must join the ranks of civil servants or work in order to obtain the right of ownership: the privilege of royal blood should not serve to steal the treasury. Purchase, receipt of money or inheritance will be paid by a progressive vintage collection. Not declared by this fee, necessarily registered, transfer of ownership of money or other will entrust the previous owner with payment of tax percent for the time from the transfer of these amounts to the detection of evasion of the transfer application. Transfer receipts must be submitted weekly to the local treasury with the name, surname and permanent residence of the former and new owners of the property. This nominal transfer should begin with a certain amount in excess of the usual expenses for the purchase and sale of the necessary, which will be paid only by the vintage collection of a certain percent per unit. Calculate how many times such taxes will cover the revenues of the goy states. The state stock office will have to contain a certain set of spare amounts, and everything that will be collected in excess of this set will have to be returned to circulation. Public works will be arranged for these amounts. The initiative of such works, coming from state sources, will firmly tie the working class to state interests and to the reigning. Of the same amounts, part will be allocated to the inventiveness and production awards. One should not, in excess of certain and widely calculated amounts, detain at least one unit in state treasuries, because money exists for circulation, and any stagnation of them stays fatal to the course of the state mechanism, for which they serve as a lubricant: stagnation of grease can stop the correct course of this mechanism. Replacing part of the exchange sign with interest-bearing securities caused just such a stagnation. The consequences of this circumstance are now quite noticeable. We will also establish a reporting yard, and in it the ruler at any time will find a complete report of state revenues and expenses, with the exception of the current, not yet compiled monthly report and the previous, not yet delivered. The only person who will not be interested in robbing the state treasury is their own ruler. This is why control will eliminate the possibility of loss and waste. Representation of the ruler’s precious time in receptions for etiquette will be eliminated so that the ruler has time for control and consideration. Then its power will not be divided into temporary workers, surrounding the throne for splendor and splendor, and interested only in their own interests, and not in their national interests. We produced economic crises for the goyim by nothing more than extracting money from circulation. Enormous capital stagnated, extracting money from the states, which were forced to turn to us for loans. These loans burdened the finances of the state with% payments and secured them with the named capital ... The concentration of industry in the hands of capitalists from the hands of artisans sucked out all the people's juices, and with them the state... The current release of money does not meet the general need at all, and therefore cannot satisfy all working needs. The issue of money should be consistent with population growth, and children must also be considered as their consumers from the day they are born. Revision of the issue is a significant issue for the whole world. You know that the gold currency was the ruin for the countries that accepted it, because it could not satisfy the consumption of money, especially since we removed gold from use as much as possible. We must have introduced the currency of the value of labor, whether it is paper or wood. We will issue money according to the normal needs of each subject, adding its amount with each born person, decreasing it with each dead person. Calculations will be in charge of each department (French administrative division), each district. So that there are no delays in the issuance of money for state needs, the amount and term of their issue will be determined by the decree of the ruler: this will eliminate the protectorate of the ministry over some institutions to the detriment of others. Income and expense budgets will be kept close by so that they are not obscured away from each other. The reforms of the Goy’s financial institutions and principles that we have designed will be clothed in such forms that they do not disturb anyone. We will point out the need for reform because of the erratic confusion that reached the financial unrest among the gentiles. The first disorder, we point out, is that they start with the appointment of a simple budget that grows from year to year for the following reason: this budget is reached up to half a year; then they require an adjustment budget, which is wasted after three months, after which they require an additional budget, and all this ends with a liquidation budget. In addition, since the next year’s budget is assigned according to the total calculation, the annual deviation from the norm extends to 50% per year, which makes the annual budget triple in ten years. Thanks to such tricks made by the carelessness of the goy states, their cash desks were empty. The next period of loans, which had accumulated the remainder, led all the gentile states to bankruptcy. You perfectly understand that such an economy, which the goyim inspired by us, cannot be conducted by us. Every loan proves state weakness and misunderstanding of state rights. Loans like a sword of Damocles hang over the heads of rulers who, instead of taking temporary tax from their subjects, go with outstretched hands to ask our bankers. External loans are leeches that cannot be taken away from the state body in any way until they themselves fall away or the state itself drops them. However, the goy states did not tear them away, but all continued to sit them down, so that they would inevitably die, expiring from voluntary bloodletting. In essence, what else is a loan, and even an external one?! A loan is the issue of government bills containing interest bearing in proportion to the amount of borrowed capital. If the loan is paid at 5%, then after twenty years the state pays in vain the interest amount equal to the loan taken: at forty it pays double the amount, at sixty the triple and the debt remains the same unsecured debt. From this calculation, it is obvious that with the general form of tax, the state draws the last pennies of the poor taxpayers to pay off the foreign rich people from whom it borrowed money, instead of collecting those pennies for their needs without interest payments. While the loans were internal, the goyim only moved money from the pocket of the poor to the pockets of the rich, but when we bribed someone to transfer the loans to external soil, all the state wealth flowed into our cash desks and all the goyim began to pay us a tribute of citizenship. If the frivolity of the reigning goyim regarding state affairs and the venality of ministers, or misunderstanding in financial matters of other ruling persons, pledged their countries to our cash registers with unpaid debts, then we need to know how much it cost us labor and money! We will not allow money to stagnate, and therefore there will be no government percentage of securities, except for a one percent series, so that %% payments do not give up state power to suck leeches. The right to issue interest-bearing securities will be exclusively granted to industrial companies, which will not be difficult to pay interest on profits, which the state does not generate for borrowed money, like these companies, because it takes on expenses, not on operations. Industrial papers will be bought by the government, which from the current payer of tribute on loans will turn into a lender at a rate. Such a measure will stop stagnation of money, parasitism and laziness, which were useful to us for independent goyim, but undesirable in our rule. How clear is the thoughtlessness of the purely animal brains of the gentiles, expressed in the fact that when they borrowed from us for %% payments, they did not think that the same money was all the same, and even with a surcharge of %% they would have to draw from their own state pockets for reckoning with us! What was easier to directly take the right money from your own?! This proves the genius of our chosen mind in the fact that we were able to imagine the business of loans in such a way that they even saw a profit in them. Our calculations, which we will present when the time comes, under the coverage of centuries-old experiments that we have done over the goy states, will be distinguished by clarity and certainty and will personally show everyone the benefit of our innovations. They will put an end to the abuses due to which we owned gentiles, but which cannot be allowed in our kingdom. We will arrange the settlement system in such a way that neither the ruler, nor the smallest official will be able to withdraw the smallest amount unnoticed from its destination or direct it in a different direction, except for that which will appear in a specific action plan. It is impossible to manage without a definite plan. Walking along a certain road and with an undefined supply, heroes-heroes die on the way. The goy governors, whom we once advised to distract from state activities by representative techniques, etiquette, amusement, were only screens of our rule. The reports of temporary workers, replacing them in the field of affairs, were compiled for them by our agents and each time satisfied short-sighted minds with promises that savings and improvements were anticipated in the future ... Why savings? With new taxes? - could read and did not ask those reading our reports and projects ... Do you know what such carelessness has brought them to, what financial frustration they have come to, despite the amazing hard work of their peoples…
Protocol No. 21
Domestic loans. Liability and taxes. Conversions. Bankruptcy. Savings banks and rent. Destruction of stock exchanges. Taxation of industrial values. I will add to your report at the last meeting a more detailed explanation of internal loans. I will not speak about external ones anymore, because they fed us goyim national money, for our state there will be no foreigners, that is, anything external. We used the venality of the administrators and the negligence of the rulers to receive double, triple and large sums, lending money to the Goy’s governments that were absolutely unnecessary to the states. Who could do the same with us? Therefore, I will give details of only domestic loans. By announcing the conclusion of such a loan, the state opens a subscription to its bills, that is, to interest-bearing securities. In order for them to be accessible to everyone, they are assigned a price from one hundred to thousands: at the same time, a discount is made for the first subscribers. The next day, the price for them artificially rises, allegedly because everyone rushes to buy them. After a few days, the treasury's cash desks seemed to be full, and there was nowhere to get the money (why take it?). The subscription supposedly exceeds many times the issue of the loan: this is the whole effect - that is what kind of trust in government bills. But when the comedy is played, then the fact of the resulting liability, and moreover, a very difficult one, arises. To pay interest, you have to resort to new loans, not absorbing, but only increasing capital debt. When the loan is exhausted, it is not necessary to cover the loan with new taxes, but only all percentage of it. These taxes are a liability used to cover liabilities... Then the time comes for conversions, but they reduce interest payments and do not cover debts, and they cannot be made without the consent of the lenders: when declaring a conversion, a refund is offered to those who do not agree convert your paper. If everyone had expressed their disagreement and demanded their money back, then the governments would have been caught on their own bait and were not able to pay the money offered. Fortunately, citizens of the goy's governments, who were not knowledgeable in financial matters, always preferred losses on the exchange rate and a reduction in% of the risk of new premises for money, which allowed these governments to lose several million liabilities. Now, with external debts, the goyim can no longer do such things, knowing that we will demand all the money back. Thus, recognized bankruptcy will best prove to countries the lack of a connection between the interests of peoples and their governments. I draw your special attention to this circumstance and to the following: now all domestic loans are consolidated by so-called volatile debts, that is, those whose payment terms are more or less close. These debts consist of money deposited in savings and reserve cash desks. Having been at the disposal of the government for a long time, these funds disappear to pay interest on foreign loans, and instead, rent deposits are put on different amounts. These are the last ones that cover all the gaps in the state box office of the goyim. When we ascend to the throne of the world, then all such financial twists, which do not correspond to our interests, will be destroyed without a trace, just as all stock exchanges will be destroyed, since we will not allow the prestige of our government to fluctuate by price fluctuations on our values, which we will declare by law in the price of their full value without the possibility of lowering or raising them. (The increase gives rise to a decrease, with which we began with regard to the values of the goyim). We will replace exchanges with grand treasury credit institutions whose purpose will be to tax industrial values in accordance with government considerations. These institutions will be able to throw on the market for five hundred million industrial papers in one day or buy up the same amount. Thus, all industrial enterprises will become dependent on us. You can imagine what power we will make up ourselves through this!
Protocol No. 22
The mystery of the future. Centuries-old evil as the foundation of the future good. A halo of power and its mystical worship. In everything that I have so far reported to you, I tried to carefully describe the secret of what is happening - the former and the current, striving into the stream of great events coming in the near future, the secret of the laws of our relations to gentiles and financial transactions. I have a little more to add on this subject. In our hands the greatest modern force is gold: in two days we can get it from our stores in any quantity. Should we still prove that our rule is from God?! Should we not prove with such wealth that the evil that we have been forced to do so many centuries in the end served the true good [23] - bringing everything to order ?! Although through some violence, but it will still be installed. We will be able to prove that we are benefactors who have returned to the torn land the true good and freedom of the individual, which we will allow to enjoy peace, peace, dignity of relations, provided, of course, that we comply with the laws established by us. We find out at the same time that freedom does not consist in licentiousness and the right to unbridledness, as well as human dignity and strength are not in the right of everyone to proclaim destructive principles such as freedom of conscience, equality and the like, that individual freedom is by no means the right to excite oneself or others, disgraceful in oratory in promiscuous congregations, and that true freedom consists in the inviolability of the person who honestly and accurately complies with all the laws of the hostel, that human dignity lies in the consciousness of one's rights and injustice, not only in one fantasizing on the subject of his "I". Our power will be glorious, because it will be powerful, it will rule and lead, and not trail behind leaders and speakers who shout insane words that they call great principles and which are nothing but in conscience, as utopia ... Our power will be the arbiter of the order in which all the happiness of people lies. The halo of this power is to inspire mystical worship of her and reverence for her peoples. Any right does not sacrifice true power, even divine: no one dares to approach it in order to rob her of at least an inch of her power.
Protocol No. 23
Reducing the production of luxury goods. Handicraft production. Unemployment. The prohibition of drunkenness. The murder of the old society and its resurrection in a new form. Chosen B (b) burns. In order for peoples to become accustomed to obedience, they must be accustomed to modesty, and therefore to reduce the industrial production of luxury goods. In this way, we will improve morals demoralized by luxury competition. We will restore handicraft production, which will undermine the private capital of manufacturers. This is also necessary because large manufacturers often move, although not always consciously, the thoughts of the masses against the government. The artisanal people do not know unemployment, and this connects it with the existing order, and therefore with the strength of power. Unemployment is the most dangerous thing for the government. For us, its role will be played as soon as power passes into our hands. Drinking will also be prohibited by law and punishable as a crime against the humanity of people who turn into animals under the influence of alcohol.