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Authorities and management have been restored since 2010.01.25
All of Mankind, from the primordially created, to the latter in the human race; to all their Families, Clans, Tribes, Communities, Partnerships, Brotherhoods, Artels, Communities, Consents, Peoples, Osprey, Hordes, Humanity; all international authorities and governing bodies; all nations, peoples and states, all active and inactive, including: criminally acting and criminally inactive; all criminally not fulfilling their civil duties in their own state, but criminally fulfilling these duties in a foreign state, especially in a false state; all criminally not fulfilling their official duties: employees of the Institutes of state power and administration in their own state, but criminally performing official duties: Institute of state power and administration in a foreign state, especially in a false state Our warm greetings to dear Humanity, from the first-created Man (men and women), to the last in the human race, All their Families, Families, Tribes, Communities, Associations, Fraternities, Artels, Communities, Tribes, Peoples, Ospreys, hordes, Humanity and other here not named subjects of law, as well as All their living representatives on Earth! Our warm greetings to dear members, deputies, employees of international, national, state and other subjects of law and their authorities and management, including criminally active and criminally inactive! Our warm greetings to dear citizens and subjects of legal and illegal States of other subjects of law, including criminally not performing their duties in their own subject of law, but criminally performing these duties in someone else's! Our warm greetings to dear colleagues and employees of the Institutions of state power and management, including those who are criminally not performing their duties in their own subject of law, but who are criminally performing these duties in someone else's! Our warm greetings to dear colleagues, associates, associates standing on protection of the Earth and all listed above, including criminally not performing the official duties in the subject of the right, but criminally performing these duties in someone else's!
Entry If humanity has no integrity and unity, if each person wants to know about ancestors and the past, as well as the descendants and the future, does not want to know a single language, a single dialect, a single nation of their forefathers (ancestors), it is going to self-destruct. Self-destruction occurs when the whole is subjected to separatism (separatism, division) into many opposing parts. Moreover, scientific and technological progress with every hour rapidly accelerates the process of self-destruction of man and humanity, with incredible speed changing their preferences. Currently, the management of humanity is built on conflicts (collisions) and conflictology but not studying of the world (connection and unification). All these negative merits belong to the Parasites and Enemies of the human race. Thanks to the criminal actions of Parasites and Enemies of the human race, as well as the criminal inaction of humanity itself, not only humanity, the world, but also the Parasites and Enemies of the human race are put on the brink of their existence. Therefore, in the near future, or they will finally destroy the Planet and its surrounding space, if they continue their criminal acts and omissions of, or all will throw their criminal ambitions to unite at least to survive, as a maximum "to ensure a long and happy future not only on Earth, but in Dalcom Space", as proposed by Merkulov Vladimir Vasilievich, then everyone will have a chance not only to live like human beings, but also become an integral part of the cosmic humanity and sane in space.
Part I About planes of Parasites and Enemies of human race
Parasites and Enemies of the human race make their plans against humanity for a very, very long time, making them all sorts of secret documents. But the proverb says: "no matter how the rope is twisted, the end will still be", for this and other reasons, from time to time secret documents become apparent, thus, the secret plans of international conspiracies against humanity become known to him. Such conspiracy theory policy documents include: a) a multi-volume International Criminal Case under the General names: "Bible", "Torah", "Koran" and other similar documents of different religions and their currents, where the listed real (not fictional) wars, with the use of specific real (existing) weapons, indicating the number of real victims and victims that do not fit into the Criminal codes of all countries of the World, accompanied by testimony, confirmed by scientific discoveries in this field; b) Policy documents of a later period, claiming to become part of the International Criminal Case under the names: Appendix № 1: "25 principles of the Illuminati order" (1776), Appendix № 2: "Satan's New Testament "(1875), Appendix № 3: "the bankers' Manifesto "(1892), Appendix № 4: "Protocols of the elders of Zion" (1903), (texts); (C) late-period Keynote addresses claiming to be part of the International Criminal Case under the titles:
Appendix № 5: Menachem Schneerson's Keynote Speech On Jewish plans to destroy the Slavs (1994); d) Software sites, of the present period, claiming to become part of the International Criminal Case under the names: Appendix № 6: Project " 2045»;
e) Other Policy documents of different periods claiming to become part of the International Criminal Case under the names:
Appendix № 7: other secret documents reflecting the crimes of taking over the World and destroying humanity. All these sources describe specific war crimes of mass destruction of people on the Planet Earth with the use of known and even unknown modern military weapons, but they all describe specific destruction, damage, loss, including as wounded and killed, not to mention those who broke the fate. They also describe specific bullying, torturing, torturing, torturing and destroying the captured. We are not going to raise or consider the question: are these official documents or unofficial? Is this an original copy or a fake? We raise other questions: (a) Why are they said and similar documents executed with clockwork precision? (b) Who performs them? C) What legal or other basis they are executed on?
d) At the expense of whose funds and resources they are executed? e) Whose favor are they executed in? (e) is the execution of the above-mentioned and similar documents on the Ground, including in a particular country, so lawful by those who implement them in practice? And so on.
If the actions are illegal and criminal, the criminals should be punished, and the victims should be returned everything, including not only the principal (what was taken away), but also illegal enrichment (criminally acquired capital), as well as compensation (compensation) for physical, moral and other damage (damage, harm), loss of benefits. Everyone knows that Lenin planned the October revolution. The first, required, according to Lenin, the conditions for a successful uprising: "...To be sure were busy: a) telephone, b) Telegraph, C) railway stations and bridges...".[1] Lenin suggested taking places of control of means of communication and movement. Today, there are many more means of communication — Internet communication, satellite communication, cellular communication, radio transmitters in almost every service and cargo vehicle, radio-controlled (flying, floating, driving) toys and drones. Today, there are many more means of transportation or vehicles: river, sea, ocean, road, rail, air, two-wheeled, single-wheeled, and so on. Today, the entire world community knows that not only in the post-Soviet subjects of law, but also in all existing States, political parties, movements, religions, all places of control not only of the media, communications and movement, but also of the authorities and management, as well as the centers where decisions are made, have long been occupied by outsiders. For this very reason, almost no one can raise the necessary funds for a mass fight against them. Any attempt to concentrate forces will lead to large losses. It is possible to deal with them, but not by revolutionary methods, as they do, but by evolutionary or rather mutational methods, forcing them to observe the letter and meaning of the law, starting with their laws, and then imposing those that were previously as irremovable. In addition, fight not with the system and its blocks, but only with specific representatives-persons who violate the laws of the invaders. Humanity should realize that the earth Is not just their home, and their spaceship-a spaceship entrusted to them in the management. Therefore, humanity is concerned about the survivability of the ship and everything on Board. Humanity must realize that the Earth as a ship is an element of the system of ships inter-embedded in each other (like Russian dolls). Humanity should discard all revolutionary ways of development, tearing not only legal, but also genetic links, depriving their owners primordial and even natural Rights, and choose the evolutionary (mutational) Legal path, the restoration of all previously destroyed links, rights and everything else, using for the rights of claim acquired in a natural way. At the same time, giving up artificially imposed rights of claim related to the Holocaust, the supply of weapons and everything else, provided that the party is not involved in inciting discord, enmity, wars, as well as financing the enemy side. It may be necessary to create artificial (previously non-existent, without legal grounds) rights of claim, but only on a voluntary basis, in order to level the opportunities and rights of existing subjects, for their subsequent replacement by real rights. In order to prevent conflicts between the parties, it will be necessary first to create common authorities and administrations of the transition period to make a complete inventory of everything available on Earth. It is as senseless to make an inventory without power support, as it is senseless to start it without the information, which is in archives, libraries and other storages. These actions can be carried out in parallel. In principle, in each state, as a rule, inventories are carried out with a certain rhythm, and therefore they (States) seem to know what is and what is not. It is true here that each successive state ascribes to itself what belonged to the preceding, and it has never been transferred to the benefit of the succeeding, but the succeeding use it as their own. That's wrong. The meaning and Letter of the law must be respected, honored and respected. So the thief should be in jail. Example within the Country: the Moscow Kremlin was built during the Russian Kingdom (state). It was never transferred to the Russian Empire, and therefore, with the disappearance of its authorities and administration, it could not be transferred to either the RSFSR or the USSR, why neither the RSFSR nor the USSR could transfer it to the parliamentary Russian Federation, and the latter to the presidential Russian Federation. The question is, on what basis does the Russian Federation use the Moscow Kremlin and does not pay any of the previous subjects of law, at least for rent? Example outside the Country: International financial institutions from the Russian Empire and the USSR received serious assets in gold and gold equivalent. For the entire period of use of these assets, the People of our Country have not received anything. While asset holders are not going to return these assets under the pretext that no one who passed them, forgetting that they didn't, the owner and the authorized intermediary. The owner was, is and will be the People of the Country, and the King, Emperor, Secretary General, President or other leader is a hired authorized intermediary. Therefore, at the next stage of the inventory, it is necessary to check the legality of the occupation of the space (territory): - each group of persons: Humanity, Horde, Osprey, People, Community, Community, Artel, Fraternity, Partnership, Community, Tribe, Genus, Family, Man (man and woman), half-Man (man or woman); — each Power, Empire, Union, Federation, State, Region, District, City, Parcel,..., House, apartment, bed; - every Department, Ministry, commander-in-Chief, Trust, Management, Enterprise, Factory, Factory, ... Department. After that, you can begin to inventory the property. However, more on that later.
Section 1: about messages
In the USSR, messages trace their history from the "Letter to the Congress" (also known as "Lenin's Will") - a letter of Lenin, written at the end of 1922 and containing the assessment of his closest associates. I hope you remember that after the October revolution, also called the October revolution of 1917, which destroyed not the Russian Empire, but only its organs of power and administration, the unified and indivisible Russian Empire, according to paragraph 1 of the Code of Basic state laws of the Russian Empire, turned into a set of separatist territorial entities that began the unification process in 1922 with the creation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which practically ended by 1940. Thus, Lenin's merit in shaking the consciousness of the population of the Russian Empire from psychological sleep to protect their interests, in the elimination of the authorities and administration of the Russian Empire, and not in its transformation. It was the October revolution of 1917 that turned all the freemen and subjects of the Russian Empire into "Ivanov who do not remember their kinship" (those who do not know and do not want to know their history, culture, their ancestors...), into persons deprived of rights in their Country, robbed and left to live in a destroyed Country, where foreign intervention (1918-1921) "Merit" Trotsky "demon of the revolution" in the fact that he, as a representative of the nomadic ethnic group, stuffed hand in overthrowing rulers and conducting social experiments, Leiba Bronstein all his nature hated "Holy Russia", which was one of the main obstacles to the " nomads of the revolution." His work of the pre-revolutionary period is imbued with Frank and consistent Russophobe. Leiba Bronstein was part of the Masonic conspiracy that organized the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which caused the First World War and... "permanent revolution". Aaron Simanovich, a former private Secretary of Grigory Rasputin, quotes Leib Bronstein's words about the fate of Russia, which, of course, were not intended for the public: "We must turn it into a desert inhabited by white Negroes, to whom we will give a tyranny that has never dreamed of the most terrible despots of the East. The only difference is that this tyranny will not be on the right, but on the left, and not white, but red, for we will shed such streams of blood before which all the human losses of the capitalist wars will shudder and turn pale." Source: https://vena45.lиvejournal.com/614794.html The merit of Stalin was the consolidation of separatist territorial entities in 1922 by the creation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, victory in the civil war, the victory over the invaders, a victory over internal fragmentation, the creation of a network of external relationships, as well as a Major Victory not only in the Second World war of 1939-1945, but also the Foundation of the postwar world Foundation in the United Nations. The country under Stalin had twice to rebuild the Country after wars, to overcome the devastation, famine, and bring the Soviet People to the highest international level in all respects, ahead of the capitalists. Thanks to the reserve of that period, not only the Soviet Union managed to survive until 1991, but the next 28 years of active business intervention did not help to destroy these merits, but on the contrary, the process of restoring the authorities and management of not only the USSR, but also all previously existing subjects of law in the Country, left without authorities and management, manifested itself in the people. Events 1917 through 74 year (one of known cosmic cycles associated with destruction, where "the Number of of the Beast" - 9 cycles on 74 year, associated with years: ...— 1325 — 1399 — 1473 — 1547 — 1621 — 1695 — 1769 — 1843 — 1917 — 1991 — 2065 — ...) will be completely repeated in 1991 on the main events. Therefore, the next year associated with similar events will come in 2065 or 46 years. In addition, according to the predictions of the Italian Capuchin monk Padre PIO, who sent in 1950 to the Vatican a letter predicting a global catastrophe in 2060, in which all sinners will die, and true Christians will be saved and there will be peace and prosperity. In 1989, the Message of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR "Peoples of the world", laid the program of integration of the USSR into the world community up to self-destruction. It was after this "message" That the parade of sovereignties (read – intergovernmental separatism) began, followed by the dissolution of the authorities and administration of the USSR, which ended on December 25, 1991 with the resignation of Mikhail Gorbachev, the Law of the RSFSR of December 25, 1991. No. 2094-I "about change of the name of the state the Russian Soviet Federal" signed by Yeltsin Boris Nikolaevich which was followed by October events of 1993 on elimination of parliamentary and creation of the presidential Russian Federation. Thus, Gorbachev's «merit — is in the liquidation of the authorities and administration of the USSR, in the export of various assets abroad, in the destruction of the army, aviation, Navy, science and industry in the USSR, and not in the transformation of the USSR. He was who, speaking on television in 1989, promised that by 2025 the Country will achieve the results of 1989, thus laying 36-year stomping in place, when all the countries of the world on the resources illegally obtained from the USSR, actively developed. Mikhail Sergeyevich headed the program "Perestroika" of the Harvard project on the destruction of Russia. Mikhail Sergeyevich, despite his admissions to state secrets, as well as Vladimir Ilyich, Lev Davydovich and others did not know about the Phoenix Program and the fact that with their apparently negative actions for the Country and its Population, they all unknowingly laid a powerful economic Foundation for the People of the Country, because the Phoenix is obliged to burn itself, so that it can be reborn. Yeltsin's merit not only in the liquidation of the authorities and administration of the USSR and the interception of the USSR in international organizations, including the UN from December 24, 1991 (Until Gorbachev M. S. renounced his powers on December 25, 1991), but also in the liquidation of the authorities and administration of the RSFSR and the parliamentary Russian Federation, and not in their transformation. To his credit — in the export of various assets abroad, misappropriation of property of the USSR ("grabbing"), the "Reform" (read – the capture, destruction, and assignment) army, air force, Navy, science, and industry of the USSR and the section between the separatists (the conspirators) from the unconstitutional State Council of the USSR, the creation of pseudo-States satellite countries of NATO. It was Boris Nikolayevich who headed the "Reform" Program of the Harvard project on the destruction of Russia. In 1999, Boris Nikolaevich handed over the reins of the presidential Russian Federation to Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich, who, together with Medvedev Dmitry Anatolyevich, not only continued the activities of his predecessor, but also headed the program "Completion" of the Harvard project, aka the "Saturn Ring" program of the Houston project on the destruction of Russia. In this regard, in the Russian Federation from 1994 to 2019, The President's Messages to the Federal Assembly began to appear. The President's address to the Federal Assembly is a policy document defining the state's strategy for the next year. Always death honest ruler, if People not protects their interests, and all the more, when he protects interests those who him more pays, leads to power not simply dishonest, and false, misleading descendant of foreigners and Gentiles. Anyone who tracks events in the Country and the World, as well as knows how to read between the lines, easily reveals the secrets of the texts of the President's Messages to the Federal Assembly, for example, on the text of the Messages of 2018: 1. We read: "We have also gone through large-scale, difficult transformations, coped with absolutely new and very complex economic and social challenges, preserved the unity of the country, established ourselves as a democratic society on a free, independent path.". In fact, this phrase means: "we also went through large — scale, difficult transformations (Read — Plundered the entire state of the USSR, including the Soviet republics, all Peoples and all the population), coped with absolutely new and very complex economic and social challenges (Read-Presented it as the Program "Perestroika", "Reforms", "Completion" or stages of the Harvard and Houston Project to destroy Russia, the executors of which were not the generals of the Pentagon or NATO countries, but our elected Presidents – Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Putin) [2], preserved the unity of the country (read — Shattered the USSR into separate non-state territorial entity with the name and form of government, "Republic", which is already divided into districts, and the regions where each of the separated education, as directed in the service of the countries-NATO – enemy of the USSR in the Cold war and the beginning of the civil war), was established as a democratic (Read from the word Demon or Demonstration – a show with a liberal "tinge"), the society for free (Read — the Russian Federation is a satellite of the USA and NATO countries), independent (Ie fully dependent) path (Read — into oblivion, in a world ...).» 2. 2. We read: "we have ensured stability and stability in almost all spheres of life, and this is critically important for our huge multinational country, with a complex Federal structure, with a diversity of cultures, with the memory of historical faults and the most difficult tests that have befallen Russia.". In fact, this phrase means: "We have ensured stability in almost all spheres of life (I.e. income of the owners and their personal at the expense of the population), and it is critically important to our large multinational (Read — defunct nation – a multicultural nation [3]) countries with complex Federal (Read — from the word Federation or the phrase "FEDена radio" [4]) device, multiculturalism (Read — mix of cultures to barbarism), with the memory of the historical faults (Read — sabotage: the Collapse of the Soviet Union, the collapse of the Russian Empire, the collapse of the Russian Empire, the collapse of ancient Rus, etc.) and difficult trials (Ie, fighting with the guerrillas and patriots during wars and revolutions, organized by the enemies of the human race) that fell to Russia's share (Read — in connection with the constant presence of traitors, traitors, traitors of the state, traitors of the People, linguistic, ideological, religious and other enemies, saboteurs and criminals)."
Section 2: Prophecies or Plans of literary works
If you still do not understand that not only the Russian Federation, but all post-Soviet subjects of law is a country of liars, then watch the prophetic film by Giani Rodari "Gelsomino in the country of liars" (1959). Prophecy in terms of theft from the indigenous population of the Russian Empire, the USSR and even post-Soviet subjects of law, was spelled out in the Bible, which refers to the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt (Exodus book Chapters 1-15). The book of Exodus was written between 1440 and 1400 BC, therefore, the events are described for the Russian Empire-for 3357 years, and for the USSR-for 3431 years before the events. Prophecy in the collapse (collapse) of the Russian Empire, Soviet Union and post-Soviet human rights was written in a fairy tale of Alexander Pushkin "On mrtvol Princess and the seven knights" (text, cartoon, decoding), written in 1833, based on Russian folk tales (publication date of which is unknown). So the great Russian People knew about the collapse (disintegration) of the Russian Empire for at least 84 years (1917), the USSR-for 158 years (1991), the post — Soviet subjects of law-for 187-232 years (minimum 2020, maximum 2065). (See the 74-year Cycle in " Cycles in the history of civilization.") Prophecy regarding cowardice of the state and power structures, criminal default by them of the military oath, the professional duty, are shown in Korney Chukovsky's fairy tale "cockroach" (the text, a cartoon) written in 1921 for 70 years before events, repeatedly in his fairy tale "the Stolen Sun" (the text, a cartoon) written in 1933 for 58 years before events.