Project 2045 3 страницаThe recognition of the Charter Of Alexander the great by this Union as a legal document in relation to the Slavs allows it to return the space of our Country to the entire Northern hemisphere from the North Pole to the Northern Tropic (Tropic of Cancer) which now includes more than a hundred new model States. Based on the text of the Charter, no other Nation has such documentary evidence. On this basis, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics can assist all legal entities calling themselves a state on the planet Earth to legalize them and to bring the entire legal space into a natural, normal state. The territory of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which is home to most of the noble breed of Slavs, to recognize the main in the entire Northern hemisphere transferred to the noble breed of Slavs bogotodarno, for eternity by the Charter of Alexander The king of Macedon, Sovereign of the Monarchy (Annex No. 1). The state of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, to recognize the fundamental legal entity, which is entrusted with the function of revival and unification of all subjects of law, both existing and pre-existing. The activities of The United Nations (hereinafter - the UN) to recognize illegal, criminal at least from 24-25 December 1991, violating its own Charter, for which the previous international entity "League of Nations" was dissolved, therefore, it is necessary to dissolve the UN and transfer everything to a new organization with the working name of the Power of the United Nations. Just as the League of Nations handed over everything to the UN. To all subjects of law calling themselves "States", International organizations, Transnational corporations and all other similar institutions to provide information on what legal grounds they are in this territory, exploit resources, local population, where they store the results of their activities. To return to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Russian Empire, The Russian Kingdom and all previously existing subjects everything that ever belonged to them as well as everything they have gained by taking into account the emission turnover per year and lost profits during the absence of settlements between the parties. Each newly registered by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics subject of law to create a project on the territory of the USSR, allowing to restore and increase the welfare and power of a single Power, as well as to strengthen friendly relations between peoples and legal subjects of law on the whole Earth. To each newly registered by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics subject of the right to hand over to it the passport of the state, the budget, the law on the budget and all other legislative documents and other legal acts for creation of uniform legal base on the planet Earth. All guardians, administrators and persons holding information about the assets of our Country (in all countries: the USSR, the Union Republics in the USSR, Russian Empire, Russian Kingdom all the previous entities and all intermediate revived by the laws of war and wartime on January 25, 2010), in the form of databases, access keys and documents of primary sources on everything that left our Country and or transferred to other legal entities, to make a report about the willingness to use these assets for the revival of our Country while remaining the Soviet Union in the service, until the establishment of constitutional order or other decisions on each person individually, The government revived subjects of law. All military blocs to move into submission to the newly created Power with the reorientation of their goals and objectives to reflect alien and non-current threats and to perform police functions to restore legal and other order on the entire planet Earth. All Central banks to submit to the newly created Power to create a single financial system with the reorientation of their tasks to ensure the normal functioning of all Earthlings and the transformation of the entire banking system into a single clearing house. Each return of the assets of the USSR must be accompanied by the appropriate fee the amount of which is already identified in 10% of the cost vozvyshennoe, and for custodians and administrators created the conditions for their successful service for the benefit of our Motherland of the USSR and the proper reward of their deeds in the benefit of our Country in case of execution of this order. Everyone who has not fulfilled article. 62 of the Constitution of the USSR (1977) while in public office, who is involved in the collapse of the USSR, who for this collapse received in subsequent years additional payments from the occupation authorities, who until December 10, 2019 will not write a report recognizing their criminal actions and criminal inactions, and will not stand up for the protection of their homeland will be recognized under the laws of war and wartime as a traitor to the Motherland, a traitor to the People, a traitor to the state with confiscation of property, deprivation of all rights, powers, merits and awards. The decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.04.1996 № 467 (as amended on 31.12.2014) "On surcharge to pension to the persons replacing positions in state authorities and management of the USSR and the RSFSR" – a vivid example of the "jam jars" which famous movie character "Malchish-Kibalchish" received from the bourgeoisie for his cowardice and treachery. The Soviet Union had documented at the level of the People and the competent public authorities did not sign a recognition of the fact that lost world war III in the Cold war, and thus the recovery of indemnity or other payment in favor of "Winners" is a Criminal Offence traitors, traitors of the People, traitors of the state, as a criminal act and criminal inaction. It follows that everything taken out of the Country as such payment is illegal and criminal. Those guilty of this should be responsible as criminals "with confiscation", and those who received stolen goods as accomplices of criminals with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, everything illegally exported from the Country must be returned with the account of all the accumulated with the help of what was exported. Citizens of the USSR were misled numerous legal fraud, taken by the traitors of our Motherland and mistook the Russian Federation for the right successor of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, although in recent years it has become absolutely clear that the Russian Federation has a satellite administrative structures of the United States and NATO (North Atlantic Alliance), executing the will of the owners and managers of transnational corporations on the territory of the USSR. To authorities of the USSR to prepare decrees on establishment of awards for a victory in the Third world war and to transfer them to experts of Mint for production of awards for all persons who took part in revival of the Soviet Union. Separately to allocate categories of persons who despite occupation promoted and supported subjects of Revival of the USSR in cinema, on television, radio, published literature, performed songs, arranged various mass actions. They are certainly active citizens of the USSR, which should be specially noted for the victory in the Third world war. Each award must have the appropriate specialization in a particular area in which the actions of a citizen of the USSR were committed. Such actions, of course, include the return of property of the USSR, previously owned by various departments, ministries, army and security units of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and previous subjects of law. Citizens who during the complete de facto occupation of our territory have created something at the expense of their own strength, time and opportunities should not worry about this property – it certainly belongs to those who created it. Objects that have been illegally privatized from the property of the USSR to the property of newly formed criminal subjects of law should be subjected to deprivation. All illegal documents on their transfer to third hands are declared legally null and void. All property, assets, resources that left the borders of our Country during the existence of the Russian Federation and other illegal legal entities after March 17, 1991 are declared stolen from the USSR with all the ensuing consequences under the laws of war and wartime. All property, assets and resources of our Country that left its borders in earlier periods, not paid in kind, are declared stolen and subject to compensation, taking into account pennies, fines, lost profits, etc. Any payments by unsecured obligations of private Central banks are not accepted. I would like to say a few words about socio-economic formations. Modern science distinguishes the following economic formations: primitive communism, slave-owning, capitalist system, socialism and communism. As you know, primitive communal system many researchers still called primitive communism. It was during this formation that those cyclopean structures were created, the remains of which we now see. These are complex engineering structures, ancient observatories, many different architectural and technical artifacts that modern science can not give any clear scientific explanation. After society was divided into classes on the planet Earth there was a slave system. All kinds of production and human activity began to fade. We are informed by modern researchers that the alleged slave system passed into feudal and so on. But I want to assure you that in fact, the subsequent transitions of socio-economic formations did not happen. The feudal and capitalist system is a naturally modified continuation of the slave-owning system in another form, since physical force to compel people to work under the feudal and capitalist system was no longer used. Under feudalism and capitalism, this instrument was first money expressed in kind, and then paper money, which is now replaced in the era of the highest stage of development of slavery, came electronic money. The degree of exploitation of man in the change and modernization of these types of money has constantly increased and in recent decades under capitalism has reached its apogee. Currently, unsecured obligations, still accepted by ordinary people for money, circulate throughout the planet Earth.
In the hope of getting as much of these unsecured obligations in paper and electronic form as possible, people do all kinds of work for those who issue them.
Thus, the slave exploitation of all mankind and the appropriation of the product of its labor, characterized by an excessive concentration of the products of human labor in the hands of a narrow group of persons known as the heads and masters of transnational corporations, is now being carried out. Thanks to the work that they carried out with the consciousness of all mankind, most people joined the race for financial resources in all its forms and concentrated their attention only on solving this problem. This concentration of attention led to disastrous consequences, which can easily be traced to the example of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Everything that the Western elites planned on the territory of the USSR nurturing, financing and directing Hitler's Germany, the Wehrmacht and the Third Reich against our Country, is now carried out by the hands of the citizens of the USSR. The citizens of the USSR with their own hands almost completely destroyed the industry of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, destroyed the scientific and human potential, destroyed the health care system, social security, all those conquests for which our grandfathers laid down their heads in bloody wars. All this happened for one reason, the attention and consciousness of each of the citizens of the USSR was especially in the last 30 years focused only on ensuring their own needs. In pursuit of the elements of these needs, which are realized through the possession of empty bills (tickets) called money, the citizens of the USSR forgot almost everything that is associated with the performance of their duty to the Country, the state, the family, the Motherland. At the moment, the main task is to get out of the matrix of this destructive way of thinking. We should all be aware that the planet Earth makes its spiral flight as part of the starship Solar system at a speed of 828,000 km / h or 230 km / sec on the route around the center of the milky way Galaxy, making a revolution in 216 million years, which in turn rotates spirally around the center of the Universe, and that in turn spirally around the center of the Multiverse. I hope you don't get seasick in this flight and your ears don't pop. To prevent these phenomena, all comers are recommended caramel "Vzletnaya", which was distributed to all comers when flying on Airliners Aeroflot in the USSR. Only when we begin to recognize themselves as part of a single Space, of a single nature, when start live in harmony with each other and to everything around us macro - and microcosm, as a unified biosocial organism, only in this way will humanity be able to survive or it will disappear from the face of the Earth, as it has already vanished several civilizations who lived before us. Only by building a society in which our ancestors lived and in which, according to the primary sources, there was a single People and a single language, which is mentioned in Genesis 11:1 called the Golden age, we will be able to survive as an intelligent humanity. As the main source of financing of those or other actions and production cycles in the territory of the USSR and all subjects of the right revived by it will be the assessment of loss of life of the person expressed in the special certificate stored in Treasury of the USSR (provided that there will be no assessment of the Person, including rights claims including those related to the location of the Earth in space: Earth: Da'aria (Midgard, Terra) → Solar system → Local interstellar cloud → Local bubble → Gould Belt → Orion Arm → milky Way → milky Way Subgroup → Local group → local galaxy supercluster → Laniakea → fish-whale supercluster Complex → Observable universe → universe →? Multiverse →), then each Ministry Department, structure division, enterprise will be interested in the most complete provision of personnel consisting of citizens of the USSR and citizens of the newly revived subjects of law, previously participated in the work at this enterprise. Binding the whole situation to the cost of living of an individual and the number of people in the enterprise will be directly related to the well-being of the entire enterprise and each employee of the enterprise individually, as well as the territorial subject of law in which he lives. We have repeatedly reported on these certificates that the assessment of a person's life was made according to the precedent that happened in the United States of America, when the life of one person was estimated at 23.6 billion dollars. This sum was indexed by us through gold Soviet rubles and turned into the corresponding certificates which will receive not only all citizens of the USSR, but also all uniform Power. And at the expense of these funds will be carried out the development of the whole Country, Power and each enterprise and each person individually. Due to the fact that the current generation stands on the shoulders of previous generations who defended our Homeland in the First and Second World wars, built cities and villages, re-created the infrastructure after the serious cataclysms of the Second World war, launched ships into Space, we will definitely include in the balance of the state those persons who left us and are in another world, and we still use the products of their work. We live in the cities that our ancestors, the schurs, the ancestors built, we walk on the roads that they paved, we drink water from the canals that they dug, we have the knowledge that they extracted, we use the technologies that they developed and implemented in this territory and thus all living generations enjoy mainly the fruits of the labor of those, most of whom are no longer alive. All our ancestors will be put on the balance of the state in order to put all places of memory in order at the expense of these funds, to perpetuate them in parks and memorials, relevant information centers, to collect the most complete information about them and restore it as accurately as possible for transmission to future generations. As a result, ahead of us there is a prospect of industrialization of the Country the same as it was started by Joseph Stalin in the pre-war years. The only difference is that now this industrialization must take place on a completely different economic and technological basis. All of the above should lead us to a situation that we know as the Golden age. We have no other way. To do this, we must put aside all prejudices and reasons for conflict, together together to take up the Revival of our own Country and the entire Planet Earth in all its legal, social, industrial and natural beauty.
Section 6: controls
Humanity consists of blood-marriage-proper-spiritually related subjects of law: half-Humans (men or women), Humans (men and women), Families, Clans, Tribes, Communities, Partnerships, Bratchin, Artels, communities, Tribes, Peoples, ospreys, Hordes, Humanity. Therefore, every of these and even not listed, but the current levels is bound to have its own government and administration. These subjects of law are mutually invested in each other in organizational, legal and other terms. Consequently, their authorities and governments must also be mutually incorporated and not contradict each other, neither superior to inferior nor inferior to superior. As the superior organs of the administration of Mankind there were bodies of the type of the United Nations. The organization of the UN which in connection with the failure of its Constitution from 24 December 1991, will be disbanded and transformed into the organization with the working title the Power of the United peoples of the Soviet Union, which should protect the interests of the global oligarchy and all mankind. What will be the authorities and land management should decide the legal, authorized representatives of legal entities. Such currently is only Union Soviet Socialist Republics and all previously existing actors rights on his territory, which still 18 March 2010 created Union Northern Countries Planet Earth (draft name) he same with 24 March 2012 Union Slavic Forces Russias (draft name)
Section 7: protection Against internal and external threats
Every educated person knows that on any water, air, space ship there is a multiple team consisting of different specialists, but all of it and all the passengers of this ship are subject to only one commander, who is responsible for the ship, everyone and everything on this ship. The planet Earth of the Solar system is the same spacecraft, located in outer space, but there is no single team, and most importantly the commander. To be more precise, they are, but no one wants to recognize them, and each cabin of the ship considers itself a state not only with the right to vote, but also the right to destroy the ship. And there are many such cabins, both on the upper deck and on all the lower decks. In the open access of the Internet and printed publications, several documents referring to the right of Land management are mentioned: - Genesis 1: 26-28, where God created man (male and female), created them, and gave dominion (dominion) of the Earth and …; — Letter of Alexander the King of Macedonia, Emperor of the Monarchy handed Noble breed of Slavs all the Northern hemisphere from the North pole to the North tropic (tropic of Cancer) in perpetuity, at the same time mentioning the universes and that these letters no one of the people in the world. And this Charter is made on the basis of a set of more ancient. Therefore, the right to Land, to all property on the Land, to all trusts is only in the Noble breed of Slavs. It is possible to disprove it or confirm it provided full access to all archives and their zagashnik (storages) which are in all countries of the world, since Vatican, great Britain, Germany, Israel, Italy, Canada, Russia, the USA, France, Japan. External threats to the Earth include extraterrestrial aggressive factors that can disrupt the established balance of forces (biological, chemical, physical {natural}, spiritual, etc.) on the planet. The internal threats of the Earth include aggressive factors of earthly origin, which can disrupt the established balance of forces (biological, chemical, physical {natural}, spiritual, etc.) on the planet. Currently, these threats are not considered. Instead of the whole Earth, its parts are considered in the form of continents (continents) and countries (States). Therefore, external threats are from other continents or countries, and internal threats are from the peoples living on them. Army, intelligence agencies, law enforcement agencies of the entire planet Earth must act to protect the highest Human values and of the Families, Genera, PLMN, Communities, Associations, Brattin, Cooperatives, Communities, According, Peoples, osprey, Hordes of Mankind — blood-marriage-characteristic-spiritually related subjects of rights; Powers, Empires, Unions, States, kingdoms, Principalities, ... — public and territorial entities; Societies, Parties, trade Unions, ... — social and ideological entities; Scientific, Industrial and other Associations, Cooperatives, ... - socially productive subjects of law; and so on, the environment and conditions of their habitat. The army, special services and law enforcement agencies of the entire planet Earth should have not only centralized subordination to the leadership of a single Power of the planet Earth, but also decentralized, protecting all inhabitants of the Earth and all its subjects of law from the centralized seizure (interception) of power and management, as has happened many times on the Earth. The main internal threat to humanity is the creation of armies, weapons, technologies aimed not against the real enemies of the invaders of the Earth, but at the destruction of man as a biological species and replacing it with another species, for example, robots, zombies or Golems. Humanity, creating conditions for self-destruction can not be accepted into the community of intelligent civilizations of the Single Cosmos. Individuals and groups advocating for the production of weapons, and even more so, developing it, using it against Man and Humanity as a biological species should be recognized as incapacitated dangerous to others and subjected to special inpatient psychiatric treatment and unconditional isolation with lifelong control over them in order to control the spread of painful iterations of their consciousness in the society of healthy people.
Section 8: the Main stages of the transition to the Golden Era
1. The recognition of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as the only legal entity on the planet Earth, in which most of the noble breed of Slavs live, which, according to the Charter of Alexander Filippovich, the Macedonian Sovereign of the Monarchy, has the sole right to rule the planet Earth. The message about this is in all the media and on all international platforms. 2. Giving the status of the center of a Single Planetary Power to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 3. The transition of all mankind to a single language of communication in order to stop the language, semantic and other wars unleashed by the enemies of the human race. 4. Recognition of the need to transition to the sole management of the entire Planet Earth as a single space object on which humanity lives as a single biosocial organism with the announcement of a three-year transition period. 5. Translation of the United Nations, the status of acting for thirty-six months, until the start of the new international organization with the working title the Power Obyedinennyi peoples of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 6. Announcement of the beginning of registration, as regional subjects of a Single Planetary Power, of all previously existing subjects of law with the transfer from them of the necessary documents and powers in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which is its center. 7. Transfer all military, special, law enforcement agencies, organizations and units to any location on the planet Earth, under a single command, with headquarters in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to reflect extraterrestrial threats and counter-agents of other worlds and civilizations, as well as for the performance of their police functions on the Ground to restore a uniform legal order. 8. Transfer of all archives, repositories of documents reflecting the history and activities in all spheres of life of mankind and any other intelligent beings on the territory of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to create a unified information base of the entire planet Earth as a space object and an integral part of the intelligent Cosmos.
9. The writing of a single planetary Constitution, the creation of a single international judicial system of intelligent humanity for the purpose of entering into the community of intelligent civilizations of a Single Cosmos.
Acting: President (Head) of the USSR; S. V. Taraskin
" 07 " November 2019. Moscow
NO. 2019.11.07/12: 24: 48 / SU-MSK/PSL-TSV/00001
Appendix No. 1: “25 Principles of the Order of the Illuminati” (1776). Appendix 2: The New Testament of Satan (1875). Appendix No. 3: “The Manifesto of Bankers” (1892). Appendix No. 4: “Protocols of the Zion of the Wise Men” (1903). Appendix No. 5: Programmatic Speech of Menachem Schneerson On the plans of the Jews to destroy the Slavs (1994). Appendix No. 6: Project "2045". Appendix No. 7: Other classified documents.
Appendix No. 1
"25 principles of the Order of the Illuminati" (1776)
The Bill Cooper article lists 25 principles that should apply to the United States and other countries. These principles are step-by-step instructions on how conspiracy is organized in the Order of the Illuminati, and describes their long-term plans since the foundation of the order. The author of this list is Adam Weishaupt. The document was developed in 1776 - shortly after the Rothschilds joined the financing of the Order of the Illuminati. So, let's read: 1. (To use that) in general, people are more prone to evil than to good. 2. Preach liberalism. 3. Use the idea of freedom to provoke interclass wars. 4. Since the goals of the Illuminati are justified, to achieve them it is necessary to use absolutely all means. 5. The right to lie is legal. 6. Our resources and their strength must remain invisible until the very moment when they acquire such power that no power or intrigues can undermine them. 7. Distract the crowds based on her psychology with the goal of controlling the masses. 8. Use alcohol, drugs, corruption and all social vices to systematically corrupt young people. 9. In every way to seize property. 10. Use slogans such as equality, freedom, fraternity and put them in the mouths of the masses to wage psychological warfare. 11. To direct the course of the wars so that the peoples of both warring parties are even more entangled in debt, and hold peace conferences in such a way that none of the warring parties receives territorial rights. 12. Members (Order of the Illuminati) must use their wealth to ensure that candidates are allowed to power who are obedient to their requirements; they should be used as pawns in the backroom game. Their advisers should be brought up and trained in ways of managing the world from childhood. 13. Control the press. 14. After the formation of traumatic situations, (our) agents should appear and present themselves as saviors of the masses. 15. Create industrial crises and financial panic, unemployment, hunger, food shortages and use this to control the masses or the crowd in order to eliminate all those who stand in our way. 16. Penetrate secret Masonic organizations to use them for Illuminati purposes. 17. Explain the value of systematic deception, use high-sounding slogans and phrases, and give generous promises to the masses, despite the fact that they are not feasible. 18. Develop detailed plans for resolving problems, discuss the rules of street fighting, necessary for the rapid subjugation of the population.