Project 2045 6 страницаWhen applying our principles, pay attention to the nature of the people in whose country you will be located and act; their common, the same application, previously re-educating the people in our own way, cannot be successful. But, walking carefully in their application, you will see that not even a dozen years will pass [10], as the most stubborn character will change, and we will enroll the new people in the ranks of those who have already submitted to us. The words of the liberal, in essence, our Masonic password - “freedom, equality, fraternity” - when we reign, we will replace with words not a password already, but only ideological ones: “the right of freedom, the duty of equality, the ideal of fraternity” - we will say ... and catch the goat by the horns ... De facto, we have already erased all rule except ours, although de jure there are many more. Now, if any states raise a protest against us, then this is for form and at our discretion and order, because we need their anti-Semitism to rule our lesser brothers. I will not explain this, for this has already been the subject of our repeated conversations. In reality, there are no obstacles for us. Our Super-Government is in such extralegal conditions, which are usually called an energetic and strong word - dictatorship. I can honestly say that now we are legislators, we are doing trial and reprisals, we are executing and merciful, we, as the chief of all our troops, are sitting on the leading horse. We rule by strong will, because we have in our hands the fragments of the once strong party now conquered by us. In our hands is an uncontrollable ambition, burning greed, merciless revenge, evil hatred. All-encompassing terror emanates from us. We serve people of all opinions, all doctrines: restorers of the monarchy, demagogues, socialists, communards and all sorts of utopians [11]. We harnessed everyone to work: each of them, for his part, undermines the last vestiges of power, tries to overthrow all established rules. By these actions all states are tortured; they cry out to peace, ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of peace; but we will not give them peace until they recognize our international Super-Government openly, with humility. The people screamed about the need to resolve the social issue through an international agreement. The fragmentation into parties made them all at our disposal, since in order to compete, you must have money, and we all have it. We might be afraid of a combination of the goya’s sighted power reigning with the blind power of the people, but we have taken all measures against this possibility: we have erected a wall between the two in the form of mutual terror between them. Thus, the blind power of the people remains our pillar, and we, only we, will serve as its leader and, of course, will direct it towards our goal. So that the blind man’s hands could not free himself from our leadership, we must at times be in close contact with him, if not personally, then through our most faithful brothers. When we are recognized authority, we will personally talk with the people in the squares and we will teach him about politics in the direction we need. How to check what he is taught in village schools? And what the envoy of the government or the reigning one himself will say, he cannot but become immediately known to the whole state, for it will quickly be spread by the voice of the people. In order not to destroy the goy institutions in advance, we touched them with a skillful hand and took the ends of the springs of their mechanism into our own hands. These springs were in strict but fair order, and we replaced it with liberal, random arbitrariness. We have touched upon jurisdiction, elective orders, the press, individual freedom, and most importantly, education and upbringing, as the cornerstones of free life. We fooled, stupefied and corrupted the gentile youth by educating us in principles that were obviously false to us, but inspired by us. Beyond the existing laws, without changing them significantly, but only distorting them with contradictory interpretations, we created something grandiose in the sense of the results. These results were expressed first in the fact that the interpretations masked the laws, and then completely closed them from the eyes of the government by the impossibility of knowing such confusing legislation. Hence the theory of the court of conscience. You say that they will rise against us with weapons in their hands if they figure out what's the matter ahead of time; but for this we have such a terrifying maneuver in store that the bravest souls will tremble: underground passages [12] - corridors will be held by that time in all capitals, from where they will be blown up with all their organizations and documents of the countries.
Protocol No. 10
Showy in politics. The "genius" of meanness. What does the Masonic coup promise? Universal vote. Self designation. Leaders of Freemasonry. The brilliant leader of Freemasonry. Institutions and their functions. The poison of liberalism. The Constitution is a school of party contention. Republican era. Presidents are a creature of Freemasonry. Responsibility of the Presidents. "Panama". The role of the Chamber of Deputies and the President. Freemasonry is a legislative force. New Republican Constitution. Transition to the Masonic "autocracy". The moment of the proclamation of the "world king". Vaccination of diseases and other intrigues of Freemasonry. Today, I begin by repeating what has already been said and I ask you to remember that governments and peoples are content with politics in ostentatious. And where can they see the lining of things when their representatives most importantly have fun. It’s very important for our policy to know this detail: it will help us in the transition to a discussion of the separation of powers, freedom of speech, the press, religion (belief), the right of association, equality before the law, inviolability of property, home, tax (the idea of hidden tax), reverse force of laws. All these questions are such that they should never be directly addressed to the people. In cases where it is necessary to touch them, it is necessary not to list them, but to declare without a detailed statement that the principles of modern law are recognized by us. The significance of this default lies in the fact that an unnamed principle leaves us the freedom of action to exclude one or the other from it inconspicuously: when enumerated, they are all as it were already bestowed. The people have a special love and respect for the geniuses of political power and answer all their violent actions: vile, vile, but clever! .. focus, but how played, how majestic, impudent! We expect to involve all nations in the work of erecting a new fundamental building that we have designed. That is why we first of all need to stock up and enlist the directly reckless retreat and the power of the spirit, which in the person of our leaders will break all the obstacles in our path. When we complete our coup d'etat, we will then tell the peoples: “Everything went terribly bad, everyone suffered. Of course, you are free to pronounce a verdict on us, but how can it be fair if it is approved by you before you experience what we give you ”... Then they will exalt us and bear in their unanimous delight the hopes and hopes. The voting that we made an instrument of our accession, having accustomed to it even the smallest units from among the members of humanity by drawing up group meetings and agreements, will serve its purpose and this time will play its last role by unanimity, in the desire to get to know us better before condemning us. To do this, lead everyone to vote, without distinction between classes and qualifications, in order to establish the absolutism of the majority, which cannot be achieved from intelligent qualification classes. By accustoming everyone to the idea of self-signification in this way, we will break down the meaning of the goy family and its educational price, eliminate the allocation of individual minds that the crowd, led by us, will neither advance, nor even speak out: she is used to listening only to us who pay her for obedience and Attention. By this we will create such blind power that will not be able to move anywhere, in addition to the leadership of our agents, put us in the place of its leaders. The people will submit to this regime, because they will know that earnings, handouts and all kinds of benefits will depend on these leaders.. A management plan should come out of one head, because you cannot hold it together if you allow it to be fragmented in numerous minds. Therefore, we can know the action plan, but not discuss it, so as not to violate its genius, the connection of its components, the practical strength of the secret significance of each of its points. If you discuss and change this work by a large number of votes, then it will bear the imprint of all mental misunderstandings that have not penetrated into the depth and connection of its intentions. We need our plans to be strong and purposefully conceived. Therefore, we should not throw the brilliant work of our leader at the mercy of the crowd or even a limited society. These plans will not be turned upside down in modern institutions. They will only replace their savings, and consequently, the whole combination of their procession, which, therefore, will go along the path outlined in our plans. Under different names in all countries, approximately the same thing exists. Representation, Ministries, Senate, Council of State, Legislative and Executive Corps. I do not need to explain to you the mechanism of relations between these institutions among themselves, as you are well aware of this; pay attention only to the fact that each of these institutions corresponds to some important state function, and I ask you to note that the word "important" I do not refer to an institution, but to a function, therefore, not their institutions are important, but their functions are important. Institutions divided among themselves all the management functions - administrative, legislative, executive, so they began to act in the state body as organs in the human body. If we damage one part in the state machine, the state will fall ill like a human body ... and die. When we introduced the poison of liberalism into the state body, its entire political complexion changed: the states fell ill with a deadly disease - blood decomposition. It remains to expect the end of their agony. From liberalism, constitutional states were born that replaced the autocracy that was saving for gentiles, and the constitution, as you well know, is nothing more than a school of discord, discord, controversy, disagreement, ethereal party agitation, party tendencies - in short, a school of everything that impersonates state activities. The tribune, no worse than the press, sentenced governments to inaction and powerlessness, and thus made them unnecessary, redundant, which is why they were overthrown in many countries. Then the emergence of the republican era became possible, and then we replaced the ruler with a caricature of the government — a president taken from the crowd, from among our creatures, our slaves. This was the foundation of the mines that we brought under the Goy people, or rather, under the Goy people. In the near future, we will establish the responsibility of the presidents. Then we will not become ceremonious in carrying out what our impersonal creature will be responsible for. What can we do if the ranks of those striving for power are scattered, that there will be confusion from the lack of presidents, confusion that will finally disorganize the country... To bring our plan to this result, we will fine-tune the election of presidents who in the past have some undisclosed a dark matter, some kind of “panama” - then they will be faithful executors of our prescriptions for fear of revelations and for every person who has attained power, the desire to retain privileges, predominantly and honor associated with the title of president. The Chamber of Deputies will cover, defend, and elect presidents, but we will take away from it the right to propose laws and change them, for we will be given this right to the responsible president, the kule in our hands. Of course, then the president’s power will become a target for all kinds of attacks, but we will give him self-defense in the right to appeal to the people, to his decision, in addition to his representatives, that is, to our blind servant, the majority of the crowd. Regardless, we will give the president the right to declare martial law. We will motivate this last right by the fact that the president, as the chief of the country's army, should have it at his disposal in case he defends the new republican constitution, which he has the right to defend, as the responsible representative of this constitution. It is clear that under such conditions the key to the sanctuary will be in our hands, and no one but us will already rule the legislative force. In addition, with the introduction of the new republican constitution, we will deny the right to request government measures on the pretext of preserving political secrets, and in addition, we will reduce the number of people’s representatives to a minimum by reducing the political and political passions. If, more than hopes, they will catch fire even at this minimum, then we will nullify them by appeal and appeal to the popular majority... The president will determine the appointment of presidents and vice presidents of the House and Senate. Instead of regular sessions of the Parliaments, we will reduce their sittings to several months. In addition, the President, as the chief executive, will have the right to assemble and dissolve Parliament and, in case of dissolution, extend the time until the appointment of a new parliamentary assembly. But so that the consequences of all these essentially lawless actions do not fall prematurely on the president’s responsibility for our plans, we will give ministers and other senior officials around the president the idea to circumvent his orders with his own measures, for which he should be held accountable instead ... We especially recommend giving this role to the Senate, the State Council or the Council of Ministers, and not to an individual. The President will, at our discretion, interpret the meaning of those existing laws that can be interpreted differently; moreover, he will annul them when he has indicated to us that need; in addition, he will have the right to propose temporary laws and even a new change in government constitutional work, motivating both of them with the requirements of the highest good of the state. With such measures, we will be able to destroy, little by little, systematically, everything that initially, when we entered our rights, we will be forced to introduce into state constitutions in order to proceed to the imperceptible removal of any constitution, when the time comes to turn all rule into our autocracy. The recognition of our autocrat may occur even before the destruction of the constitution: the moment of this recognition will come when the nations, exhausted by the turmoil and bankruptcy of the rulers, by us rigged, exclaim: “Take them away and give us one, world king, who would unite us and destroy the causes of discord - borders, nationalities, religions, government calculations that would give us peace and tranquility that we cannot find with our rulers and representatives... ”But you yourself know very well that for the possibility of a popular expression The desire for such desires must constantly stir up national relations and governments in all countries in order to overwork everyone with discord, hostility, struggle, hatred and even martyrdom, hunger, vaccination of diseases [13], the need for the goyim not to see a different outcome, how to resort to our monetary and complete dominion. If we give a respite to the peoples, then the desired moment will hardly ever come.
Protocol No. 11
The program of the new constitution. Some details of the alleged coup. Goi are rams. Secret Freemasonry and its “ostentatious" lodges. The State Council will appear as an emphasis on the power of the ruler: he, as the ostentatious part of the Legislative Corps, will be, as it were, a committee of editorial offices of laws and decrees of the ruler. So, here is the program for the upcoming constitution. We will create the law, Law and Court: 1) under the guise of proposals to the Legislative Corps; 2) by presidential decrees, under the guise of general decrees, resolutions of the Senate and decisions of the State Council, under the guise of ministerial decrees; 3) and in case of a convenient moment - in the form of a coup. Having installed approximately modus agendi, we will deal with the details of the combinations that we need to complete the revolution of the state machines in the above direction. By these combinations I mean freedom of the press, the right of association, freedom of conscience, an elective beginning, and much more that will have to disappear from the human repertoire or should be radically changed the next day after the proclamation of a new constitution. Only at this moment will it be possible for us to immediately announce all our decisions, because after any noticeable change will be dangerous, and here's why: if this change is brought with severe rigor and in the sense of strictness and limitations, then it can lead to despair caused by the fear of new changes in the same direction; if it is made in the sense of further concessions, they will say that we have acknowledged our wrongness, and this will undermine the halo of the infallibility of the new government, or they will say that they were afraid and forced to make concessions, for which no one would be grateful, for they would count them due ... Both are harmful to the prestige of the new constitution. We need that from the first moment of its proclamation, when the peoples will be stunned by the accomplished coup, will still be in terror and bewilderment, they should realize that we are so strong, so invulnerable, so full of power, that we will not under any circumstances reckon and not only do not pay attention to their opinions and desires, but are ready and able with unquestionable authority to suppress the expression and manifestation of them at every moment and in every place, that we all immediately took what we needed and that we in no case we will not share our power with them ... Then, out of fear, they close their eyes to everything and begin to expect what will come of it. The goyim are a flock of sheep, and we are wolves for them. Do you know what happens to sheep when wolves get into the shepherd? They still turn a blind eye because we promise them to return all their freedoms after pacifying the enemies of the world and taming all parties... Is it worth talking about how much they will wait for this return? Why did we come up with and inspire the goyim all this policy, inspired, not giving them the opportunity to see its lining, for which, if not in order to bypass to achieve what is unattainable for our dispersed tribe direct way. This served as the basis for our organization of secret Freemasonry, which they don’t know, and goals that the goyim cattle, attracted by us into the ostentatious army of Masonic lodges, do not even suspect, to divert their eyes to their fellow tribesmen. God [14] granted us, his chosen people, dispersion, and in this seeming weakness of ours all our strength was manifested, which now led us to the threshold of world domination. We now have a little left to finish building on the foundation.
Protocol No. 12
Masonic interpretation of the word "freedom." The future of the press in the Masonic kingdom. Control over the press. Correspondent agencies. What is progress in the concepts of Freemasonry? More about the press. Masonic solidarity in the modern press. Excitation of provincial "public" demands. The infallibility of the new regime. The word “freedom”, which can be interpreted in various ways, we define as follows: Freedom is the right to do what the law allows. A similar interpretation of this word at that time will serve us to ensure that all freedom will be in our hands, because the laws will destroy or create only what is desirable for us according to the above program. With the press we will proceed as follows. - What role does the press play now? It serves to fervently flare up the passions we need or to the selfish partisanship. It can be empty, unfair, deceitful, and most people don’t understand at all what it serves. We will saddle her and take her in strong reins, we will do the same with the rest of the press, for what is the point for us to get rid of the attacks of the press if we remain the target of a brochure and a book. We will turn the now-expensive publicity product, dear due to the need for censorship, into a revenue item for our state: we will levy it with a special stamp tax and security deposits when establishing press organs or printing houses, which should guarantee our government against any attacks from the press. For a possible attack, we will fine mercilessly. Measures such as stamps, pledges and fines secured by them will bring huge revenue to the government. True, party newspapers might not spare money, but we will close them on the second attack on us. No one will with impunity touch the halo of our government infallibility. The pretext for terminating the publication is the closure-de-body that excites the minds without reason or reason. I ask you to note that among the attackers we will also have bodies established by us, but they will attack exclusively the points that we intended to change. Not a single alert will penetrate society without our control. This is already achieved by us by the fact that all news is received by several agencies in which they are centralized from all over the world. These agencies will then be wholly our institutions and will only announce what we instruct them. If now we have managed to master the minds of goy's societies to the extent that they almost look at world events through the colored glasses of the glasses that we put on their eyes, if now for us in no state there are constipations that block us from access to state secrets called goya’s stupidity, then what will happen when we are recognized rulers of the world, in the person of our world king? Let's get back to the future of printing. - Everyone who wants to be a publisher, librarian or typographer will be forced to get an established diploma in this matter, which, in case of misconduct, will be immediately selected. With such measures, the instrument of thought will become an educational tool in the hands of our government, which will no longer allow the masses to err in the wilds and dreams of the good deeds of progress. Who among us does not know that these ghostly good deeds are direct roads to ridiculous dreams, from which the anarchist relations of people were born between themselves and to power, because progress, or rather, the idea of progress led to the idea of any kind of emancipation without establishing it borders ... All the so-called liberals are anarchists, if not affairs, then thoughts. Each of them pursues the ghosts of freedom, falling exclusively into self-will, that is, into the anarchy of protest for the sake of protest... Let's move on to the press. We will cover it, like the whole press, with vintage fees from the sheet and pledges, and books with less than 30 sheets in double size. We will write them in the category of brochures in order to reduce, on the one hand, the number of magazines that constitute the worst printed poison, and, on the other, this measure will force writers to write such long works that they will be scarcely read, especially at their high cost. The same thing that we ourselves will publish for the benefit of the mental direction we have planned will be cheap and will be snapped up. The tax will calm down an empty literary attraction, punishment will put writers in dependence on us. If there are those who want to write against us, then there are no hunters to print their works. Before accepting a work for printing, the publisher or typographer will have to come to the authorities to ask permission for it. Thus, we will be aware in advance of the intrigues preparing against us, and we will break them up, running ahead with explanations on the subject. Literature and journalism are the two most important educational forces, which is why our government will become the owner of most magazines. This will neutralize the harmful influence of the private press and gain a tremendous influence on the minds ... If we allow ten journals, we ourselves will establish thirty, and so on in the same way. But this should by no means be suspected by the public why all the magazines published by us will be of the most opposite directions and opinions in appearance, which will inspire confidence in us and attract our unsuspecting opponents, who, thus, fall into our trap and will be neutralized. Formal authorities will be in the foreground. They will always stand guard over our interests, and therefore their influence will be relatively insignificant. On the second - there will be officialdom, the role of which will be to attract indifferent and warm-hearted. On the third - we will put our opposition, as it were, which, at least in one of its bodies, will be our antipode. Our real opponents at heart will take this apparent opposition for their own and will reveal their cards to us [15]. All our newspapers will be in all sorts of directions - aristocratic, republican, revolutionary, even anarchist - as long as, of course, a constitution lives on ... They, like the Indian god Vishnu, will have one hundred hands, each of which will feel the pulse of any public opinion. When the pulse accelerates, then these hands will lead the opinion towards our goal, because the agitated subject loses his judgment and is easily amenable to suggestion. Those fools who think that they are repeating the opinion of the newspaper of their camp will repeat our opinion or that which we desire. Imagining that they are following the organ of their party, they will follow the flag that we will hang for them. In order to direct our newspaper police in this sense, we must organize this matter with particular care. Under the name of the central press office, we will establish meetings in which our agents will quietly give passwords and signals. Discussing and contradicting our undertakings always superficially, without affecting their substance, our bodies will conduct an empty skirmish with official newspapers just to give us a reason to speak in more detail than we could have done in the initial official statements. Of course, when it will be beneficial for us. These attacks on us will also play the role that subjects will be sure of complete freedom of freedom of speech, and this will give our agents an opportunity to assert that the bodies opposing us are empty talk, as they cannot find real reasons for a substantial refutation of our orders. Such inconspicuous for public attention, but true events will most successfully lead public attention and trust towards our government. Thanks to them, we will excite and calm the minds on political issues, convince or confuse, printing the truth, then the lie, the data or their refutations, depending on whether they are well or badly received, always carefully feeling the soil before stepping on it... We will surely defeat our opponents, as they will not have at the disposal of the press, in which they could speak out to the end, due to the above measures against the press. We do not even need to refute them to the base... The touchstones thrown by us in the third category of our press, if necessary, we will energetically refute in officialdom... Already today in the forms of at least French journalism there is Masonic solidarity in the password: all the press are connected between a professional secret; like the ancient augurs, not a single member of her will give out the secrets of her information, unless it is decided to notify them. Not a single journalist dares to betray this mystery, for not one of them is allowed into literature without the whole past having some shameful wounds ... These wounds would be immediately revealed. While these wounds are the secret of a few, the halo of a journalist attracts the opinion of the majority of the country - they march with enthusiasm. Our calculations especially extend to the province. In it, we need to arouse those hopes and aspirations with which we could always fall upon the capital, passing them off to the capitals as independent hopes and aspirations of the provinces. It is clear that their source will be the same - ours. We need that sometimes, while we are not yet in full power, the capitals are shrouded in the provincial opinion of the people, that is, the majority, rigged by our agents. We need that the capitals at the psychological moment would not have to discuss the fact that has already happened on the mere fact that it is accepted by the opinion of the provincial majority.