Project 2045 5 страницаWe need to reckon with modern thoughts, characters, tendencies of peoples, so as not to make mistakes in politics and in the management of administrative affairs. The triumph of our system, the parts of the mechanism of which can be arranged differently, depending on the temperament of the peoples we meet along the way, cannot be successful if its practical application is not based on the results of the past in connection with the present. In the hands of modern states there is a great power creating the movement of thought in the people — this is the press. The role of the press is to indicate allegedly necessary requirements, convey complaints of the popular voice, express and create displeasure. The triumph of freedom of expression is expressed in the press. But states did not know how to use this force; and she found herself in our hands. Through it we gained influence, remaining in the shade ourselves, thanks to it we collected gold in our hands, despite the fact that we had to take it from streams of blood and tears ... But we paid off, sacrificing many of our people. Each sacrifice on our part is worth a thousand gentiles before God.
Protocol No. 3
The symbolic Serpent and its meaning. Instability of constitutional scales. Terror in the palaces. Power and ambition. Parliamentary talking rooms, pamphlets. Abuse of power. Economic slavery. "The truth of the people." Kulaks and aristocracy. Army of Freemasonry. The degeneration of the goyim. Hunger and the right to capital. The crowd and coronation of the "world sovereign". The main subject of the program of future Masonic public schools. The mystery of the science of the social system. General economic crisis. The safety of "ours." The despotism of Freemasonry is the kingdom of reason. The loss of the head. Freemasonry and the “great” French Revolution. Tsar despot of Zion blood. The reasons for the invulnerability of Freemasonry. The role of secret Masonic agents. Liberty. Today I can inform you that our goal is just steps away from us. A small space remains, and the whole path we have traveled is ready to close our cycle of the Symbolic Serpent, with which we depict our people. When this circle closes, all European states will be closed to them, like a strong vice. Modern constitutional scales will soon overturn, because we did not install them with precision so that they do not cease to hesitate until their holder is frayed. The goyim assumed that they bound him tightly enough, and everyone expected that the balance would come into balance. Modern constitutional scales will soon overturn, because we did not install them with precision so that they do not cease to hesitate until their holder is frayed. The goyim assumed that they bound him tightly enough, and everyone expected that the balance would come to balance. But the holder - the Reigns are overshadowed by their representatives, who are fooling around, carried away by their uncontrolled and irresponsible power. They owe this power to terror inspired by the palaces. Having no access to their people, in its very midst, the Reigns can no longer conspire with them and strengthen themselves against power-hungry people. The sighted Royal Power and the blind power of the people, divided by us, have lost all significance, for as a blind man without a stick, they are weak. In order to induce power-hungry people to abuse power, we opposed each other with all our forces, developing their liberal tendencies towards independence. We aroused all enterprise in this direction, we armed all parties, we set power as a target for all ambitions. Of the states we have made arenas in which troubles are played out ... A little more, and riots, bankruptcies will appear everywhere. Inexhaustible talkers turned into meetings of Parliament and Administrative Meetings an oratory. Brave journalists, unceremonious pamphletists daily attack administrative staff. Abuses of power will finally prepare all institutions for the fall, and everything will fly upside down under the blows of a mad crowd. Peoples are chained to hard labor by poverty more than they were chained by slavery and serfdom: one way or another they could be freed from them, they could be reckoned with, but they would not come off from need. We have included in the constitution such rights which are fictitious, and not valid, rights for the masses. All these so-called “rights of the people” can exist only in an idea that is never practicable. That for a working-class proletarian, bent over by hard work, crushed by his fate, getting talkers the right to talk, journalists the right to write all kinds of nonsense along with work, once the proletariat has no other benefit from the constitution, except for the miserable crumbs that we throw to them from our table for casting votes in favor of our orders and our henchmen, our agents? .. Republican rights for the poor are a bitter irony, because the need for nearly day labor does not give them real use of them, but it takes them away guarantee of constant and true earnings, making it dependent on the strikes of the owners or comrades. The people under our leadership destroyed the aristocracy, which was their natural defense and nurse for their own benefits, inextricably linked with the well-being of the people. Now, with the annihilation of the aristocracy, he fell under the oppression of the kulaks of unholy rogues who settled on the workers with a ruthless yoke. We will allegedly be the saviors of the worker from this yoke when we invite him to join the ranks of our army — socialists, anarchists, and communards, whom we always support from the supposedly fraternal rule of universal solidarity of our social Freemasonry. The aristocracy, rightfully using the labor of workers, was interested in ensuring that the workers were well-fed, healthy and strong. We are interested in the opposite - in the degeneration of the goyim. Our power lies in the chronic malnutrition and weakness of the worker, because he will not find the strength or energy to counteract it. Hunger creates the right of capital to the worker rather than the rightful imperial authority gave this right to the aristocracy. By unnecessary and envious hatred arising from it, we move in droves and with their hands we erase those who interfere with our path. When the time comes for our world lord to crown, then the same hands will sweep away everything that could be an obstacle.
The goys have lost the habit of thinking without our scientific advice. Therefore, they do not see an urgent need for what we, when our kingdom comes, will strictly adhere to, namely: that in the public schools it is necessary to teach a single true science, the first of all - the science of the structure of human life, social life, requiring the division of labor , and therefore the division into classes and estates. It is necessary that everyone knows that there can be no equality due to the difference in the purpose of the activity, that they cannot equally answer the law to those who compromise the whole estate with their actions and those that do not affect anyone except their honor. The correct science of the social system, in the secrets of which we do not allow goyim, would show everyone that place and work should be kept in a certain circle, so as not to be a source of human torment from the discrepancy between education and work. In the study of this science, nations will voluntarily obey the authorities and the system they distribute in the state. Under the current state of science and its direction created by us, people who blindly believe in the printed word, nourish, in their own errors, in their ignorance, hostility to all classes that he considers above himself, because he does not understand the meaning of each estate. This enmity is further increased on the basis of the economic crisis, which will stop exchange transactions and the course of industry. Having created by all means accessible to us with the help of gold, which is all in our hands, a general economic crisis, we will throw entire crowds of workers into the street at the same time in all European countries. These crowds will rush with pleasure to shed the blood of those whom they envy from childhood in the simplicity of their ignorance and whose property they can then rob.
They will not touch ours, because the moment of the attack will be known to us and we have taken measures to protect our own. We convinced that progress will lead all the gentiles to the kingdom of reason. Our despotism will be such, for it will be able to reconcile all unrest with reasonable rigor and eradicate liberalism from all institutions. When the people saw that in the name of freedom all sorts of concessions and concessions were being made to him, he imagined himself to be a lord and rushed into power, but, of course, like every blind man, he came across a lot of obstacles; he rushed to look for a leader, did not guess to return to the former and resigned at our feet. Remember the French revolution, which we gave the name of the “great”: the secrets of its preparation are well known to us, because it is all the work of our hands. Since then, we have been leading the people from one disappointment to another so that he will give up on us in favor of that Tsar despot of Zion blood that we are preparing for the world. At present, we, as an international force, are invulnerable, because when attacking us alone, we are supported by other states. The inexhaustible meanness of the goyim peoples, crawling before power, ruthless to weakness, merciless to wrongdoing and condescending to crimes, unwilling to endure the contradictions of the free system, patient to martyrdom before the violence of bold despotism - this is what contributes to our independence. They suffer and endure such abuses from the modern prime minister-dictators, for the lesser of which they would have beheaded twenty kings. How can one explain such a phenomenon, such an inconsistency of the masses in relation to their events, it would seem, of the same order? This phenomenon is explained by the fact that these dictators whisper to the people through their agents that they abuse the states to the detriment of the highest goal - the achievement of the good of the peoples, their international brotherhood, solidarity and equality. Of course, they are not told that such a union should be accomplished only under our power. And now the people condemn the right and justify the guilty, more and more convinced that he can do whatever he wants. Thanks to this state of affairs, people destroy all stability and create unrest at every turn. The word "freedom" exposes human societies to the struggle against all forces, against all power, even Divine and natural. That is why, at our accession, we will have to exclude this word from the human vocabulary, as the principle of animal power that turns crowds into bloodthirsty animals. True, these animals fall asleep every time they drink blood, and at this time they are easily chained. But if they are not given blood, they do not sleep and fight.
Protocol No. 4
The stages of the republic. External Freemasonry. Freedom and faith. International trade and industry competition. The role of speculation. The cult of gold. Every republic goes through several stages. The first of them is enclosed in the first days of the foolishness of a blind man, tumbling left and right, the second - in demagogy, from which anarchy will be born, leading inevitably to despotism, but no longer legitimate open, and therefore responsible, but invisible and unknown and yet sensitive the despotism of any secret organization, so unceremoniously acting, that it acts in disguise, behind the backs of various agents, whose change not only does not harm, but makes up for the secret power, which, thanks to this change, gets rid of the need for to raise their funds for the remuneration of early employees. Who and what can overthrow an invisible force?! And our strength is just that. External Freemasonry serves as a blind cover for her and her goals, but the plan of action of this force, even its very whereabouts, will always remain unknown to the people.
But freedom could also be harmless and exist in public life without prejudice to the welfare of peoples, if it rested on the principles of faith in God, on the brotherhood of mankind, outside the idea of equality, which the laws of creation themselves, which established subservience, contradict. With such faith, the people would be governed by the care of the parishes and would walk humbly and meekly at the hand of their spiritual shepherd, obeying God's distribution on earth. That is why we need to undermine faith, tear out the very principle of the Divine and the Spirit from the lips of the gentiles and replace everything with arithmetic calculations and material needs. So that the minds of the gentiles do not have time to think and notice, they must be diverted to industry and trade. Thus, all nations will seek their own benefit and, in the struggle for it, will not notice their common enemy. But in order for freedom to finally decompose and ruin the goy's societies, industry must be put on speculative ground: this will ensure that industry that is taken from the earth does not hold in its hands and goes on to speculation, that is, to our cash registers. A tense struggle for superiority, shocks in economic life will create, and indeed have already created, frustrated, cold and heartless societies. These societies will receive a complete aversion to high politics and religion. Their leader will be only settlement, that is, gold, to which they will have a real cult for the material pleasures that it can give. Then, not for the service of good, not even for the sake of society, but out of hatred for the privileged, the lower classes of goyim will follow us against our competitors to the power of goyim intellectuals.
Protocol No. 5
Create enhanced centralization of management. Ways to seize power by Freemasonry. Reasons for the impossibility of an agreement between states. "Pre-election" of the Jews. Gold is the engine of state mechanisms. Monopolies in trade and industry. The value of criticism. "Showy" institutions. Overwork from the orbits. How to pick up public opinion? The value of personal initiative. Supergovernment. What form of administrative government can be given to societies in which bribery has penetrated everywhere, where riches are reached only by dexterous surprises of half-fraudulent tricks, where licentiousness reigns, where punitive measures and harsh laws support morality, rather than voluntarily accepted principles, where feelings for the homeland and religion are locked cosmopolitan institutions? What form of government should these societies give, if not the despotic one that I will describe further? We will create enhanced centralization of management so that all social forces can be taken in hand. We will settle mechanically all the actions of the political life of our subjects with new laws. These laws will take away one after another all the concessions and liberties that were allowed by the gentiles, and our kingdom will be marked by such magnificent despotism that it will be able at any time and in any place to slam the opposing and dissatisfied goyim. They will tell us that the despotism I am talking about is not consistent with modern progress, but I will prove the opposite to you. In those days when the peoples looked at the reigning as a pure manifestation of God's Will, they meekly obeyed the autocracy, but from the day we inspired them with the idea of their own rights, they began to consider the reigning persons mere mortals. The anointing by Divine election fell from the head of the kings in the eyes of the people, and when we took away faith in God from him, the power of power was thrown out into the street into a place of public property and captured by us. In addition, the art of controlling the masses and individuals through a cleverly tailored theory and phraseology, hostel rules and all sorts of other tricks in which the goyim does not understand anything, also belongs to the specialty of our administrative mind, brought up on analysis, observation, on such subtleties of considerations in which we have no rivals, just as we do not in drawing up plans for political action and solidarity. Some Jesuits could be equal with us in this, but we were able to discredit them in the eyes of the senseless crowd, as an explicit organization, having remained in the shadow with our secret organization. But isn’t it all the same for the world, who will be its ruler - is it the head of the Catholic Church or our despot of Zion blood? To us, the chosen people, this is far from all the same. Temporarily a global coalition of goyim could deal with us; but from this side we are provided with those deep roots of discord between them, which cannot be pulled out already. We contrasted with each other the personal and national calculations of the goyim, the religious and tribal hatreds that we cultivated in their hearts over the course of twenty centuries. Thanks to all this, not a single state will find support from anywhere for its outstretched hand, for everyone should think that an agreement against us is unprofitable for himself. We are too strong - we have to reckon with. The powers of even a small private agreement cannot be drawn up without the secret involvement of us [2]. Per Me reges regnant - "Kings reign through Me." And the prophets told us that we were chosen by God himself to the kingdom over the whole earth. God rewarded us with a genius so that we can cope with our task. If he were a genius at the opposite camp, he would still fight with us, but the alien is not worth the old man in the street: the struggle would be merciless between us, which the world had never seen. Yes, and their genius would be late. An engine in our hands drives all the wheels of state mechanisms, and this engine is gold. The science of political economy, invented by our sages, indicates royal prestige over capital. For action without constraint, capital must achieve freedom for the monopoly of industry and trade, which is already being executed by an invisible hand in all parts of the world. Such freedom will give political power to the industrialists, and this will constrain the people. Now it is more important to disarm peoples than to lead them to war, it is more important to use the inflamed passions in our favor than to flood them, it is more important to capture and interpret other people's thoughts in your own way than to cast them out. The main task of our government is to weaken the public mind by criticism, to wean from reflections that cause resistance, to divert the forces of the mind to shoot out empty eloquence. At all times, nations, as well as individuals, took the floor for work, for they are satisfied with ostentatiousness, rarely noticing whether promises followed publicly. Therefore, we will establish ostentatious institutions that will eloquently prove their good deeds to progress. We will appropriate the liberal physiognomy of all parties, of all directions, and equip it with speakers who speak so much that they would lead people to overwork from speeches, to disgust from speakers. To take public opinion in hand, it is necessary to confuse it, causing so many conflicting opinions from different angles and until the goyim get lost in the labyrinth and understand that it is best not to have any opinion on political issues that society does not given to know, because only those who manage society know them. - This is the first secret. The second secret required for the success of management is to multiply the people's flaws - habits, passions, rules of dormitory so that no one could understand this chaos and people would therefore cease to understand each other. This measure will also serve to us to sow discord in all parties, to divide all the collective forces that do not want to submit to us, to discourage any personal initiative that might interfere with our cause in any way. There is nothing more dangerous than personal initiative: if it is ingenious, it can do more than what millions of people can do, among which we have sowed discord. We need to direct the education of the goy's societies so that before every business where initiative is needed, their hands would drop in hopeless impotence. The tension arising from freedom of action relaxes forces when meeting with someone else's freedom. From this come heavy moral shocks, disappointments, failures. With all of this we will tire the gentiles so much that we will force them to offer us international power, which, by its location, can absorb all the state forces of the world without breaking up and form a super-government [3]. In place of modern rulers, we will put a monster, which will be called the Supergovernmental Administration. His hands will be extended in all directions, like ticks, with such a colossal organization that it cannot but conquer all peoples.
Protocol No. 6
Monopolies; dependence on them of "goy" states. Landlessness of the aristocracy. Debt land. Trade, industry and speculation. Luxury. Raising wages and rising prices for essentials. Anarchism and drunkenness. The secret meaning of the promotion of economic theories. Soon we will begin to establish enormous monopolies [4] - reservoirs of colossal wealth, on which even large goyim fortunes will depend so much that they will sink with the credit of states the day after a political catastrophe ... Gentlemen, the economists present here weigh the significance of this combination! .. We need to develop the value of our Super-Government, presenting it as the patron and reward of us all voluntarily submitting by all means. The gentile aristocracy, as a political force, passed away - we have nothing to reckon with; but, as a territorial owner, it is harmful to us in that it can be independent in the sources of its life. Therefore, we need to de-land it at all costs [5]. To do this, the best way is to increase land duties - in land debt. These measures will delay land tenure in a state of unconditional understatement. Hereditary not being able to be content with the small, aristocrats of gentiles will burn out quickly. At the same time, it is necessary to patronize trade, industry, and most importantly, speculation [6], the role of which is to counterbalance industry: without speculation, industry will increase private capital and help raise agriculture, freeing land from debt established by land bank loans. It is necessary for industry to suck out both hands and capital, and through speculation to transfer all world money into our hands, and thereby throw all the gentiles into the ranks of the proletarians. Then the goyim will bow before us, only to gain the right to exist. In order to ruin the goy industry, we will help speculation to develop a strong demand among goys for luxury, all absorbing luxury. We will raise wages, which, however, will not bring any benefit to the workers, for at the same time we will raise the price of basic necessities, allegedly from the fall of agriculture and cattle breeding; Yes, in addition, we skillfully and deeply dig up the sources of production, accustoming workers to anarchy and alcohol, and taking all the necessary measures to expel all intelligent goyim forces from the earth. So that the true lining of things does not become noticeable to the goyim ahead of time, we will cover it with an alleged desire to serve the working classes and the great economic principles that our economic theories are actively promoting.
Protocol No. 7
The goal of armament tension. Fermentation, strife and hostility all over the world. Harnessing the counteraction of the "goyim" by wars and general war. Secret is the success of politics. Press and public opinion. American, Chinese, Japanese guns. Arms tension, an increase in police staff - these are all the essence of the necessary replenishment of the above plans. It is necessary to achieve that in addition to us, in all states there should be only the masses of the proletariat, several devoted millionaires devoted to us, police and soldiers. Throughout Europe, and with the help of its relations and on other continents, we must create fermentation, contention and hostility. There is a twofold benefit in this: firstly, in this we keep all countries in the rechpekt well aware that we are at the discretion of the authority to make unrest or put things in order. All these countries are used to seeing the necessary pressure in us; secondly, by intrigue we will confuse all the threads that we have extended to all state offices by politics, economic agreements or debt obligations. To achieve this, we need to arm ourselves with great cunning and sneakiness during negotiations and agreements, but in what is called the “official language”, we will adhere to the opposite tactics and will seem honest and accommodating. Thus, the peoples and governments of the gentiles, whom we have taught to look only at the ostentatious side of what we present to them, will take us even for benefactors and saviors of the human race. We must be able to respond to every opposition with a war with the neighbors of that country that dares to oppose us, but if these neighbors also plan to become collectively against us, then we must repulse the general war. The main success of the policy lies in the secret of its enterprises: the word should not be consistent with the actions of the diplomat. To take action in favor of a plan that we have broadly conceived, which is already approaching a longed-for end, we must force the goy's governments to allegedly be public opinion, secretly rigged by us with the help of the so-called “great power” - a press which, with a few exceptions, is not worth reckoning with, - all is already in our hands. In a word, in order to summarize our system of curbing the goy's governments in Europe, we will show one of them our strength in assassination, that is, terror, and if we allow them to rebel against us, we will respond with American, or Chinese, or Japanese cannons [7].
Protocol No. 8
The ambiguous use of legal law. Masonic staff. Special schools and over-educational education. Economists and millionaires. To whom to assign responsible posts in the government? We must enlist for ourselves all the tools that our opponents could use against us. We must look for excuses in the most delicate expressions and snags of the legal vocabulary for those cases when we have to make decisions that may seem prohibitively bold and unfair, for these decisions are important to express in terms that would seem to be the highest moral rules of a legal nature. Our government should surround itself with all the forces of civilization, among which it will have to act. It will surround itself with publicists, legal practitioners, administrators, diplomats and, finally, people trained by special over-education in our special schools. These people will know all the secrets of social life, they will know all languages composed of political letters and words; they will be acquainted with the entire lining side of human nature, with all its sensitive strings, on which they will need to be able to play. These strings are the structure of the minds of gentiles, their tendencies, shortcomings, vices and qualities, especially classes and classes. It is clear that the brilliant employees of our government, about whom I am talking, will not be taken from among the goyim who are used to doing their administrative work, not wondering what it needs to be achieved, without thinking about what it is needed for. The goyim administrators sign papers without reading them; they serve out of self-interest or out of ambition. We will surround our government with a whole world of economists. That is why economics is the main subject of teaching Jews. We will be surrounded by a galaxy of bankers, industrialists, capitalists, and most importantly, millionaires, because, in essence, everything will be resolved by the issue of numbers [8]. For the time being, it will not be safe to hand over responsible posts in the states to our Jewish brothers [9], we will entrust them with persons whose past and nature are such that there is a gap between them and the people, to such people who, in case of disobedience to our instructions It remains to wait for either trial or these links in order to protect our interests until their last gasp.
Protocol No. 9
The application of Masonic principles in the re-education of peoples. Masonic password. The Importance of Anti-Semitism. Dictatorship of Freemasonry. Terror. Who serves Freemasonry. Separation of the "sighted" and the "blind" forces of the goyim kingdoms. Communication of power with the people. Liberal arbitrariness. The capture of education and upbringing. False Theories. Interpretation of laws. Metro moves.