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Ivan I. Ivanov Doctor of Engineering Sciences, professor, 64, Zukovsky st., Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69063 ORCID (19 марта 2018 г., 9:09) Phone: +7 (391-3) 12-34-56 Email: iii@zgtu.krs.ru
Petr P. Petrov PhD student, Department of Robotics and Explosive 64, Zukovsky st., Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69063 ORCID (if any) Phone: +7 (391-3) 12-34-56 Email: ppp@zgtu.krvv.ru
Sidor S. Sidorov Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Assistant Professor, 40, Lenina prosp., Tomsk, Russia, 634050 ORCID (if any) Phone: +7 (391-3) 12-34-56 Email: sss@pgtu.bpla.ru
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