Pyramid Lake (Nevada) 4 страницаCrystal hanging from the apex of the Pyramid through which the new Divine Blueprint flows, along with the new refined programmed frequencies of the Twelve God Rays for the Age of All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane Aquarius. There are also many crystal chairs circled around the great blazing Violet Flame in the center. More chairs will automatically be added as needed. What is different about this Pyramid is that the ceiling around the great Central Generator Crystal is domed, and it slopes down the sides of the walls. Imbedded within this domed ceiling are hundreds of smaller Generator Crystals in a great multitude of iridescent colors, and of various sizes. These crystals are composed of all variations of the individual attributes, qualities and virtues of our Mother/Father God that we wish to integrate as we progress on the upward Path. All we will have to do is to focus our Seed Thoughts on what we wish to integrate, and the appropriate crystal combinations will immediately activate, and begin to radiate a specifically designed formula into our Crown Chakra via our personal column of Light. (Isn’t that an amazing concept?) Also imbedded within the domed ceiling are millions of small, sparkling, twinkling pyramids (a larger version of the Apoplites that Archangel Michael found for us to be used as personal “Memory Seed Activator Crystals.”) These sparkling diamonds are constantly radiating Memory Seed Atom frequencies out into the great Pyramid. The amazing thing is that the appropriate Memory Seed Atoms will be drawn to you as you breathe in and integrate this Divine Light formula of the future. These encodings will facilitate activations and integrations for the whole group or for an individual person. The possibilities are endless. We are so blessed and privileged to be given this new, astounding information. New pathways, possibilities and opportunities are beginning to unfold at an amazing rate. All we must do is maintain our status as an aware Spiritual/human Being, as we move forward in trust and honor when each new opportunity is presented to us. Together, we shall prevail. Forever love and angel blessings, Ronna. ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* SPIRITUAL CHAKRA COLORS FOR OUR SOLAR SYSTEM * ONE THROUGH SEVEN * **SPIRITUAL COLORS FOR RAYS EIGHT THROUGH TWELVE THE FIVE HIGHER RAYS TO GALACTIC CONSCIOUSNESS** EXCERPTED FROM SCRIPTING YOUR DESTINY ARCHANGEL MICHAEL ** RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane AS WE CLEAR AND BALANCE THE SEVEN MAJOR CHAKRAS OF THE PHYSICAL BODY, AND BEGIN THE TRANSITION PROCESS OF REBUILDING THE LIGHT BODY, AND EXPANDING OUR DIVINE AWARENESS, SOMETHING MAGICAL BEGINS TO HAPPEN. THE EIGHTH CHAKRA IS NOW BEING CALLED THE “SOUL STAR” – THE LINK TO OUR HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS – OR THE “RAINBOW BRIDGE” OF EN-LIGHTEN-MENT. THE VIBRANCY OF CREATORCONSCIOUSNESS BEGINS TO FILTER DOWN INTO OUR CHAKRA SYSTEM, CREATING A RIPPLING EFFECT THROUGHOUT OUR FOUR-BODILY SYSTEMS; THEREBY, SPEEDING UP THE PROCESS OF RELEASING IMPACTED THOUGHT-FORMS OR THE NEGATIVE ENERGIES THAT WE HAVE CARRIED FOR AEONS OF TIME. THE MORE WE BALANCE, HARMONIZE AND STRENGTHEN OUR CHAKRA SYSTEM, THE MORE DIVINE LIGHT SUBSTANCE WE CAN ABSORB. REMEMBER LIGHT, SOUND AND COLOR ARE THE ENERGIES / MODALITIES OF CREATION. HERE ARE THE NEW COLORS OF THE SEVEN MAJOR PHYSICAL CHAKRAS AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN INFUSED WITH THE IRIDESCENCE OF CREATOR-LIGHT: PHYSICAL PLANE COLOR SPIRITUAL PLANE COLOR THE ROOT CHAKRA RED VIOLET THE NAVEL CHAKRA ORANGE PINK TINGED WITH ORANGE THE SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA YELLOW GOLD THE HEART CHAKRA GREEN PALE PINK / VIOLET THE THROAT CHAKRA BLUE DEEP BLUE VIOLET THE THIRD EYE CHAKRA INDIGO IRIDESCENT GOLDEN WHITE THE CROWN CHAKRA LT. BLUE VIOLET IRIDESCENT WHITE TINGED WITH VIOLET THE SOUL STAR IRIDESCENT WHITE IRIDESCENT WHITE ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* WE NOW HAVE ACCESS TO THE FIVE HIGHER GALACTIC RAYS AS WELL AS THE SEVEN RAYS OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM. HERE WE WILL RECAP OR GIVE A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF EACH RAY SO THAT YOU WILL EASILY BE ABLE TO RECOGNIZE AND INTEGRATE THE ACTIVITIES AND ATTRIBUTES OF EACH RAY: FIRST RAY * DIVINE WILL AND POWER * THE WILL TO CREATE * THE DIVINE FATHER RAY: Here you will find the leaders, pioneers, the dynamic types full of will and determination. It is important for First Ray types to balance their dynamic drive for action with Second Ray love/wisdom energy. The First Ray will enhance your courage and determination as you boldly go forth to manifest your version of the golden New Age. SECOND RAY * LOVE/WISDOM * THE DIVINE MOTHER RAY: Those who have a Second Ray God Spark or I AM Presence are seekers of truth and knowledge, and ultimately All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane illumination. The major focus of this Ray is to turn knowledge into wisdom and temper wisdom with love and compassion. The ideal Second Ray person is calm, intuitive, with sharp clear intelligence, a seeker of truth and spiritual wisdom. We are all influenced by the Second Ray, even if our God Ray is not of that Ray, because our solar system is OverLighted by the Second Ray. THIRD RAY * THE RAY OF ACTIVE INTELLIGENCE., THE SPOKEN WORD AND ABSTRACT INTELLECT * IT IS THE PLANE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE HIGHER CAUSAL MIND: Here you will find the sages, philosophers, dreamers and visionaries. Many of those who come forth on the Third God Ray under the Cosmic Divine architects are Third Ray Souls who can focus on a perfect thought until it is manifested on the physical plane. They are people with great patience and perseverance, but also usually action-oriented. The Third Ray strengthens tolerance, tact and patience, and tempers the desire for perfection and intellectual pursuit with common sense and sincerity. FOURTH RAY * THE RAY OF BEAUTY, HARMONY AND ARTISTIC ENDEAVOR * THE PLANE OF THE INTUITION: The Fourth Ray is often called the Ray of harmony through conflict or the Ray of struggle. In order to tap into our higher intuitive mind we must tame the ego and the emotional body, which most often results in years of struggle and frustration. This is the reason so many great artistic types have had such traumatic, unhappy lives. A Fourth Ray person needs to heal and harmonize the emotional body, and strengthen the mental body in order to allow the illuminated qualities of the intuition to manifest, thus creating a balance between the spiritual and physical worlds of reality. FIFTH RAY * THE RAY OF CONCRETE KNOWLEDGE * THE HEALING ARTS * MENTAL ABILITIES: Here you will find those with scientific minds, researchers, the great intellects or those who are more linear thinking, analytical types. If you are overly emotional, bringing in the energies of the Fifth Ray will help you to strengthen your mental focus and create balance. Remember Archangel Michael tells us it is time to integrate the science of spirituality as well as the emotions of spirituality. The Fifth Ray will help you to accomplish this. The Fifth Ray focuses on the scientific attributes of the laws of Creation, enhances concentration, healing abilities, a sense of justice and desire for truth. SIXTH RAY * THE RAY OF DEVOTION AND IDEALISM * THE ASTRAL PLANE: This is an emotionally-based Ray, and since it is energy brought forth from the astral plane, it is focused within the subconscious mind. This is the Ray that has ruled humanity for the past two or three thousand years, and which has created religious fervor. Its misuse brought about wars and crusades in the name of God, and it has created intolerance and bigotry. Here you will find the preachers, orators, or “religious” oriented people rather than “spiritually” oriented people. Use this Ray to enhance your devotion, tenderness, peace and tranquility. All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane Take the emotional intensity of the Sixth, and strengthen it with the mental focus of the Fifth Ray, then blend it with the transformative energy of the Seventh Ray, and you will be well on your way to mastery. SEVENTH RAY * THE RAY OF THE VIOLET TRANSMUTING FLAME * CEREMONIAL ORDER, FREEDOM, REDEMPTION AND PURIFICATION, RITUAL AND ORGANIZATION: The Seventh Ray is the Ray of invocation – manifesting in the highest form – and of service. It is the Ray of conscious transmutation, and the Violet Flame of transformation is also the flame of forgiveness. Use this Ray to enhance your abilities of invocation and visualization to develop diplomacy and refinement. ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* THE FIVE HIGHER GALACTIC RAYS ARE A COMBINATION OF THE FIRST SEVEN RAYS INFUSED WITH THE CREATOR-LIGHT. THERE ARE EVEN HIGHER COSMIC RAYS; HOWEVER WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO INTEGRATE OR EVEN UNDERSTAND THESE UNTIL WE MOVE INTO HIGHER-DIMENSIONAL AWARENESS. ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* THE EIGHTH RAY IS LUMINESCENT AQUAMARINE (SEAFOAM GREEN TINGED WITH VIOLET): Envision the Eighth Ray sweeping in a spiraling motion throughout your body as it assists in the Soul Merge, and initiates the process of cleansing and balancing the negative impacted energies within the physical vessel. The Eighth Ray attributes and virtues are composed of the Fourth, Fifth and Seventh Rays harmonized and brought to a higher octave of illumination. It cleanses the four lower bodily systems (physical, mental, emotional and etheric), and brings clarity. THE NINTH RAY IS LUMINESCENT TURQUOISE AND ACTIVATES THE SOLAR POWER CENTER AND THE LIFE-EXTENDING HEART/THROAT/THYMUS CHAKRA: The Ninth Ray further activates the process of cleansing and releasing old “dark crystal” energy so that the diamond crystalline Light Body energy can fill the “cleansed vessel.” This Ray is composed of the First & Second Ray energies, which are filled and vitalized with Divine Creator Light. THE TENTH RAY IS PEARLESCENT WHITE/GOLD AND IS A COMBINATION OF THE FIRST, SECOND, AND THIRD RAYS: The Tenth Ray further anchors the wisdom of the Soul, and the integration of the ego desire body into the Soul; eventually the Soul into the Higher Self; then with the OverSoul / Higher Self; and ultimately there will be a merging with our I AM Presence. See this Ray filled with billions of tiny diamond crystals pouring down through your chakra system, filling all the parts of your physical vessel, down to the core of your DNA and cellular level. As you become an anchor for the full measure of Creator Essence for our solar system, you also assist the Mother Earth to integrate and anchor her higher Light frequency All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane patterns. Remember, we are all moving forward and upward together, toward unity consciousness. THE ELEVENTH RAY IS IRIDESCENT PEACH TINGED WITH GOLD * IT IS THE BRIDGE TO THE CAUSAL MIND, AND THE RECONNECTION TO OUR DIVINE I AM PRESENCE / GOD SPARK FOR THIS ROUND OF ASCENSION: The Eleventh Ray brings forth the highest form of love/wisdom. It is a combination of the First, Second and Fifth Ray attributes. It is the bridge to the New Age, and it also activates, within the deepest level of our Beingness. the joy and recognition of our divinity. THE TWELFTH RAY IS AN OPALESCENT GOLD * A COMBINATION OF ALL THE OTHER RAYS (ALTHOUGH NOT IN EQUAL PROPORTIONS): The Twelfth Ray is the Golden Ray of the New Age, and the reconnection with our Father/Mother God. It is the Ray of the second coming. It is the Ray that will anchor the higher frequencies of Creator Consciousness – Adamantine Particles – within us and within the Earth as well. See this Ray radiating down from your Divine I AM Presence in the form of sparkling God-dust, and then see it surrounding you in a golden ovoid of protection. See it gradually filtering into your mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies; healing, balancing, harmonizing and en-Lighten-ing. This is the Divine gift for which we have yearned; even though we had no idea what it was. It is the spiraling path of Love/Light that will lead us home. ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* **FINE-TUNING YOUR SPIRITUAL AWARENESS** **SOUL-CONSCIOUSNESS VERSUS HUMAN-CONSCIOUSNESS** EXCERPTED FROM: THE MAGIC & MAJESTY OF ASCENDING HUMANITY ARCHANGEL MICHAEL ** RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE “TO THY INNER SELF, YOU MUST BE TRUE.” IT IS VITALLY IMPORTANT THAT YOU LEARN TO DISTINGUISH THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN: 1. INSTINCT AND INTUITION. 2. THE HIGHER SOUL MIND AND THE LOWER PHYSICAL MIND, WHICH CONSISTS OF A SEPARATE CONSCIOUS AND SUB-CONSCIOUS MIND. 3. EGO DESIRE VERSUS SPIRITUAL IMPULSES. 4. EGO PERSONALITY DESIRES VERSUS SOUL-INSPIRED PURPOSE. ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* *** Peace and serenity are not the same. Peace refers to the Third-/ Fourth-Dimensional energy field of emotions, and it is susceptible to disturbances from outer sources. Every step All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane forward on the Path of Light is marked by conditions or challenge and chaos, interspersed with periods of integration and a sense of peace. Serenity is a deep calmness within, which is free of any emotional disturbance. The emotional nature is focused within a very slim spectrum of duality. The highest choices are a rule for a Self-master, and a Self-master maintains a detached viewpoint under all circumstances. Peace is a lower frequency state of consciousness, whereby serenity is a Fifth-Dimensional, emotional quality. ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* THE SUPREME CREATOR IS PURE, WHITE FIRE, ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY, FOREVER IN MOTION, AND IN A CONSTANT STATE OF EXPANSION. ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* *** The Spirit / Essence of our Mother / Father God flows and works through the Seed- Atom of our individualized Soul Self. When we deny the whisperings of the Soul, we are denying our God-Self. ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* *** There are three points of sensitivity within the brain of a Self-master: the Pineal Gland, Pituitary Gland and an etheric Carotid Artery Gland. The Adamantine Particles of Divine Light Substance are transported throughout the bodily form via the blood stream. It is through these master glands that the higher frequencies of Divine Light ignite the Seed Atoms within the physical vessel, thereby activating the process of en-Lighten-ment. Remember, you are spiritually responsible for the Creator Light that you integrate. *** You are composed of UNITS OF ENERGY. You magnetize energy to you, and you radiate qualified energy from you in an Infinity pattern. It is important for you to learn to recognize the difference between manifested energy patterns, through the use of DIVINE WILL POWER, using pure Creator Light, versus the use of FORCE, which uses Primal Life Force Substance or the diminished spectrums of Light in the manifestation process within the lower frequencies of expression. There is a vast difference between the various types of energy. Humanity is in the midst of a redistribution of the potencies, qualities and aspects of all Rays. Knowledge and force are used by the personality in the Third- / Fourth-Dimensional world of form. KNOWLEDGE USED IS FORCE EXPRESSING ITSELF. *** When you are finally OverLighted directly by your God-Seed Atom, you may journey amongst the many streams of negative consciousness and not be affected in any way. You are totally sheltered by the Sacred Light of our Father/Mother God. *** The SACRED MIND is a storehouse for the history and complete journey of the many Facets of the Soul within the Third/Fourth Dimensions. Our Sacred Mind is our direct connection All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane to the multiple Facets of our OverSoul/Higher Selves, and eventually with the multiple Sacred Triads within the Fifth Dimension. Gradually, the Pyramids of Light, where our Etheric Replicas (Sacred Triads) are stored, will integrate each level of our Beingness from the lower Dimensions. Our current goal is for all of our Soul Fragments to be reintegrated within our Sacred Triads, and ultimately with our God-Seed Atom. Once there, we will bask in the joy of reunion with all the many precious Facets of our God-Self, in full conscious awareness, awaiting the time of the next Clarion Call – when we will once more journey forth out into the great void to fulfill a new, Divine Blueprint. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* THE THREE BASIC COMPONENTS OF THE UNIVERSE: * ADAMANTINE PARTICLES OF CREATOR LIGHT * LOVE * SPIRIT * ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* **SPIRITUAL SOUL / HUMAN SOUL ** CONSCIOUSNESS LEVELS: ASPECTS OR EXPRESSIONS. *** The brilliance of your physical vessel is determined by the grade of energy you have integrated. The aura is composed of the frequency patterns emanating from the Etheric Vessel – the rate of your vibrations or your Energetic Signature – and the purity and clarity of the colors you radiate. The head center is the custodian of Divine Purpose. You are a planetary Light Bearer. The Beings of higher realms are Celestial Light Bearers. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ HEAD CENTER: ** FIRST RAY HEART CENTER ** SECOND RAY THROAT CENTER ** THIRD RAY SOLAR PLEXUS ** PHYSICAL POWER / CREATIVE CENTER ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ HUMANITY IS GRADUALLY AWAKENING TO HIGHER SPIRITUAL VALUES: REVELATION * INTERPRETATION * INTENTION * WILL-POWER, WHICH RESULTS IN HIGHER FREQUENCY MANIFESTATION ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* ACCESSING THE ENTRY LEVELS OF THE FIFTH-DIMENSION OVERLIGHTED BY ARCHANGEL MICHAEL RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE We are all aware that we have a personal Pyramid stationed within the entry level of the Fifth Dimensional realms of Light. We left an Etheric Replica of ourselves there when we fragmented All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane into individual Soul Sparks and descended into the Fourth Dimension. Over the many ages, we gradually sank deep into the distorted environment of Third Dimension. Throughout the last several Ages, we have gradually begun our “Ascension Process of Return.” We, the StarSeed Souls, are now deep within the process of returning to harmony within the last three higher levels of the Fourth Dimension. During our journey throughout the Third- / lower-Fourth-Dimension environment, we created what is called our Energetic Signature, within our Auric Field / Etheric Body. The negative vibrational patterns we created affected our Etheric Body first, and then gradually infiltrated into and contaminated our physical vessel. It is important to realize that all of humanity that are still functioning within the Third-Dimensional environment, and the first three sub-levels of the Fourth Dimension, are existing on Primal Life Force Substance – or half-spectrum Light frequency patterns. This life-sustaining Light can be used positively or negatively: either activated by our Soul-Self via the energy of our four higher Chakras, or our ego-desire body and the energy of our three lower chakras. ** Example: 120 watts electromagnetic Life Force Energy versus 220 electromagnetic voltage. (In Magic and Majesty, Archangel Michael has named this God Seed Atom Light Power or GSALP). Remember, all of the Fragments that we have created, which resonate to a lower frequency than we do physically, must be balanced and integrated through our Solar Plexus Center. This is what creates all the trials, tests and challenges that we face as we begin our journey on the Spiral Path to en-Lighten-ment. As we move into the vibrational frequencies of the Higher Fourth Dimension, our Solar Plexus Chakra is incorporated into our SOLAR POWER CENTER, which consists of our Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra and Thymus. The fourth sub-level of the Fourth Dimension is a transition level, and as we complete the task of harmonizing the vibrational patterns of this level is when the magic begins to happen. By this time we have removed the membranes of energy that have kept us from accessing our Sacred Mind and our Sacred Heart. We are then ready to begin to receive the pure Creator Light called Adamantine Particles, which must be activated through our intentions within our Sacred Heart. We also must have cleared 51% of our negative Karma, so that we are sending out morebalanced, harmonious higher frequencies of Love/Light. Those of us who have been diligently striving to become Self-masters are now moving into or are existing in the originally designed pattern or spectrum of Light and shadow – duality / polarity. It is the narrow Path of Ascension, whereby, we must make good, better or best choices: ALWAYS FOR THE GREATEST GOOD OF ALL. After we have experienced our first “Soul-Merge” (integrating our initial Soul Spark / Higher Self, which resides within our Soul Star - approximately 6' to 8' above the crown of our head), the All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane process of integrating the many Facets of our Higher Self is initiated – and we begin to reactivate what is called our SOUL SONG. This is the cosmic vibrational frequency signature we were given when we first externalized into our Individual I AM Consciousness: our personal God Seed Atom. Once we begin our journey of reintegration through the three higher levels of the Fourth Dimension, and our Soul Song begins to resonate at specific frequencies, it begins to reverberate out into the Ethers of that particular Sub-Dimensional level. Thereafter, one by one, we begin the reintegration process with those Facets of our Higher Self, which resonates with our new, higher cosmic frequency patterns. I just recently received a vital missing piece to the puzzle of reintegration with our Soul Fragments. I did not understand how this process of “reintegration” worked. Each Facet of our Higher Self is on ITS own journey -- whether on Earth or in another higher realm – it makes no difference. When we attain a harmonious balance with another one of our Soul Fragments within our OverSoul Group, and our Soul Song attunes to theirs, and it makes a “Soul connection,” we automatically send a Memory Seed Atom – a Soul Sphere Fragment to them, and in turn, we receive a Memory Seed Atom back from them. Remember, there must always be an energy exchange; it is a Universal Law. So remember, as your Soul sends a Sphere of Light along your “Life/Light Line” to the person/Soul Fragment that you are resonating with, that person’s Soul-Self then sends back to you a Sphere of Light, which contains all of ITS past history that is vital for your understanding. It will be information that will help you attain the next level of en-Lighten-ment. That Sphere of programmed information settles into your Soul Star, and the Seed thoughts are gradually integrated into your Sacred Mind and body consciousness. Archangel Michael has told us that we do not have to experience everything during in our long journey throughout the material planes of consciousness. Any missing important information that you need from past history will be supplied by your Soul family, just as you will send your Unity consciousness information to the other members of your Soul Family. Dear hearts, this information helps us to understand why there are so many minor challenges, and so many puzzling, and often uncomfortable, things going on within our physical vessels at this time – because we have to adjust to and resolve any conflicting energy patterns as we download the new frequency patterns from our Soul-Fragment Selves. They activate any discordant negativity we may still embody (within those specific frequency patterns) that we still need to resolve. So, as we integrate and harmonize those higher vibrational patterns, our column of Light grows stronger and brighter. Also, as those five higher galactic Rays, which contain the new Divine Blueprint for humanity, come down through our Column of Light, and then flow down into the Earth, they will activate the Memory Seed Atoms within the great All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane crystal clusters, as well as activating all of the Violet Flames stationed statically around the Earth. The wondrous neutralizing energy of the Violet Flame, and the new empowering, uplifting energies of the New Divine Blueprint, will then radiate throughout the Earth’s passageways in concentric circles; thereby assisting Gaia to balance and heal her energy bodily system with the least amount of chaos. A small portion of this transforming crystalline energy will also flow back up our column of Light, into our Root Chakra, bearing new Memory Seed Atoms, which will further activate our new Divine Blue Print. It will flow up our spinal column into the pineal gland, and into our Sacred Mind (activating even more of our new Divine Blueprint), which will gradually be absorbed throughout all our four bodily systems. For those still imprisoned within the limitations of a Third-Dimensional Reality, it is impossible to comprehend the wonder of the future for those who have embraced the three godly qualities of Divine Will, Divine Love / Wisdom, and Divine Intuitive Intelligence. In the future, you will no longer have only one God Ray OverLighting you. Instead, ALL THREE GOD RAYS WILL BE ACTIVE AND FULLY FUNCTIONING at the appropriate frequency levels. Your consciousness will refine as you progress in Spiritual awareness, and you will also develop an acute awareness and sensitivity as the vibrations and rhythm of Sacred Love well up within your Sacred Heart. Sacred Love is the key which opens the doorway to the next level of higher evolution. As a Soul-infused personality, you will become an earthly SOLAR ANGEL – A RADIANT SUN of GOD. After we have completed the process of Soul integration with all of our Fourth-Dimensional Soul Fragments, we will begin to reconnect with the many Facets/Groups of our Fifth-Dimensional galactic Soul Family. We are moving into a whole new phase of existence, for we will no longer have an OverSoul or Higher Self; we will be directly connected to our Fifth-Dimensional Sacred Triad via our Ascension Column of Light, which contains the Three Cords of God Consciousness: THE LIFE FORCE ENERGY CORD, THE CONSCIOUSNESS CORD, and THE CREATIVE CORD. Our Sacred Triad will still send the cosmic Essence of Creator Light down through our Etheric Replica into our Fifth-Dimensional, first sub-level Sacred Triad Pyramid. We have already explained, in detail, in Magic & Majesty of Ascending Humanity, the process we experienced as we left the Fifth Dimensional environment and fragmented into Soul Sparks into the Fourth Dimension, and then even deeper into density. Now the process is being reversed. Once again, we will be directly connected with our Fifth-Dimensional entry-level Sacred Triad. It is a slow, ongoing process, and that is a good thing, for we must slowly adapt to higher level of vibrational patterns and a whole new Divine Blueprint. We must learn to maintain a balanced emotional nature, for our abilities to create on the material plane will be much more All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane powerful, and we can easily create a chaotic environment instead of a harmonious one. (Note: You’ll find more information on this topic in the book, Our Infinite Power, which is available on the StarQuest website. www.StarQuestMastery.com) The world as we have known it in the past no longer exists. From within the confines of the