Pyramid Lake (Nevada) 2 страницаleft Telos and traveled through crystalline tunnels southward until we reached the crystalline city of Tahoe, within the great inverted pyramid-shaped valley now known as Lake Tahoe. In another message, we have described this crystalline temple/city in detail.
We remained at Tahoe for quite a while in this crystalline city, which was already inhabited by other groups. You might say the master teachers were the ones who stayed in Telos. And the groups that left there were the ones that gradually had the veils of forgetfulness placed over their memory. Gradually, over time, the groups who left Telos began to lose their ability to communicate telepathically with each other. As the ages passed, they forgot their origins as Lemurians, and they also forgot about their Soul Families living in the Inner Earth. Those who remained in Telos and the Inner Earth cities maintained their telepathic abilities, and were programmed as communicators with the higher realms, in order to bring in the higher frequencies of Light to nourish the Earth, to maintain the Violet Flames and the great generator Crystals – senders and receivers of Light and information from the Higher Beings of Light.
When our group of 144 left the crystal city of Tahoe, we migrated through the great tunnels to another volcano, which had a great plateau of land extending in a semi-circle for many miles to the south/east. This was what is now called the Grimes Point Sacred Site. We have already explained that part of the story. However there are other important areas that we experienced. We have mentioned Lake Lahontan, which was a vast lake that extended all the way to the Great Salt Lake and far to the south. After we were told to leave our home within the dormant volcano at Grimes Point, because it was about to erupt, we journeyed to the Wasatch Mountain range east of Salt Lake City in Utah. There are ancient stories telling about a great crystal cave deep within a mountain, where there is this vast fortune of precious gems, gold and artifacts and other ancient treasures. The stories predict that the treasure will be discovered one day – the appropriate StarSeed person will find it at the right time. It was in that mountain area that we settled. Over a long period of time, we created another beautiful inner Earth city – another place like Telos. Another group went to the Grand Tetons, in Wyoming, where some of the masters still reside – much like the inner Earth community at Telos. Much later, during the time we inhabited the Great Salt Valley, AA Michael related a story to me in which Randy and I perished in a great battle with some rogue Atlanteans; a conquering army brought up from the southernmost part of the continent. By then, we lived mostly on the surface of the Earth; however, we also were keepers of the great crystals and the Sacred Treasures that were kept in the great crystal cave deep within the mountains. It was another thriving inner Earth community, and we would come and go from there to our community on the surface. We have been told that there is a major portal way into the Inner Earth World there, which also leads to the Grand Teton Mountains. Our groups remained there for a very long time. I believe we began to scatter, and to be incarnated into many different tribes after that lifetime. It is now time for us to be reunited in the place where it all began: Mt. Shasta and Telos. All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ PERTINENT INFORMATION ABOUT ATLANTIS AND LEMURIA AND EARLIER EARTHLY ROOT RACES COMPILED FROM VARIOUS SOURCES RONNA /SACRED SCRIBE According to ancient teachings, the human evolutionary cycles on planet Earth comprise seven great stages, of which we are now in the fifth. This stage has lasted about a million years. Each of the evolutionary stages (called “Root Races”) is associated with a continent or a configuration of land masses on the surface of the Earth. The movement of land masses over the surface of the Earth, according to modern theory, has transformed the pattern of the continents over millions of years. Modern geologists believe the earth’s land surfaces were once a single mass called “Pangaea” that split into two land masses. The southern half of Pangaea (“Gondwanaland”) combined modern South America, Africa, Arabia, India, Australia and Antarctica. The northern half (“Laurasia”) later divided into North America and Eurasia, thus creating the Atlantic Ocean between them. There is not much historical information other than clairvoyant recollections of Lemuria or the early sub-races of Atlantis. The world’s progress during the period of the Fourth or Atlantean Race includes the history of many nations and records the rise and fall of many civilizations. Catastrophes on a scale never experienced by humanity since the present Fifth Root Race has been on Earth, took place during the eras in which the Lemurians (Third Root Race), and the Atlanteans (Fourth Root Race) inhabited the planet. Over the many thousands of years of Atlantean history, the red, yellow, black and white races were brought forth from many diverse Star Systems to incarnate on Earth. Remember, as Archangel Michael has told us many times in the past, all the diversity of this universe was brought forth to inhabit the Earth, and the experiment was to see how long it would take us to remember our heritage and return to balance, harmony and a sense of Oneness. Of the first sub-race of our Aryan Race, who inhabited India and colonized Egypt in prehistoric times, we know very little, and the same can be said of the Chaldean, Babylonian and Assyrian nations who composed the second sub-race. The Persian, who belonged to the third or Iranian sub-race, left some historical traces, however there are almost no records at all of the Celtic or fourth sub-race. All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane Only with the rise of the last family off-shoots of the Celtic lineage, (the Greek and Roman peoples), do we find historical facts. There is some historical confirmation passed down through legend by the Celts of Britain, in which they claim that part of their country once extended far into the Atlantic and was destroyed during a great catastrophic event. Such catastrophes are also mentioned in the Welsh traditions. We are presently completing the cycle of the fifth sub-race of the Fifth Root Race, and we are told, since the cycles of time and the evolutionary process is speeding up so much, we are experiencing both the sixth and the beginning of the seventh sub-race cycles at this time. These two cycles will focus on and will be developed on the continents of North and South America, respectively. ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ PYRAMID LAKE MESSAGE * 2000 SACRED SITES TOUR ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE THIS MESSAGE WAS GIVEN TO A LARGE GROUP OF SEMINAR ATTENDEES ON ONE OF OUR SACRED SITE TOURS TO GRIMES POINT, PYRAMID LAKE AND LAKE TAHOE. RONNA: Take a deep breath, as you move into your Sacred Heart center. Feel everything within your conscious at this time just melt away. Breathe deeply, as you move into that golden sphere called your Sacred Mind, which is located within the upper part of your brain. Also, envision that MerKaBa I showed you – that golden MerKaBa. Envision it spinning within your Sacred Heart Center, as it draws forth the Essence of your Soul Self that resides within that center. Watch as it begins to expand ....and expand.... and expand...until it completely encircles your physical body. It then expands even more as it blends and harmonizes this group’s energy. It surrounds us all until we are in-capsulated within this golden MerKaBa field of Light. Within this radiance, watch as each and every one’s personal Divine I AM Presence sends down a column of Light from the higher realms, completely surrounding us; it then radiates outward as far as is appropriate. Now watch as it turns into a swirling vortex, which gradually encompasses the whole lake. The column of Light then moves downward until it anchors within the core of the Earth. Continue to breathe naturally and relax within this sacred space. Relax as you move back into your Sacred Heart center, as I bring in the beloved Archangel Michael. Beloved Masters, you have come full circle. You are in the completion stages of a very long journey. This grand experiment, this great cycle, the Divine Blueprint of the Piscean Age is now coming to a close. And yes, you may now open your eyes, and gaze upon us, if you wish. We would have you understand that this Sacred Lake played an important part in your ancient history, and so we will take you on a journey of remembrance. All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane See yourself when you were still residing in the higher realms of Light; before you began your journey out into the great void, and then down into the many levels of density within the material realms of creation. You resided within a glorious realm – so far beyond your imagining. Oh, yes! In your meditations, you may get a glimpse of it now and again, and you may try to imagine what it was like; however, you cannot even begin to comprehend how magnificent the realms of your origins truly are. But, yes, we were all there together, and when there was a new clarion call put forth, you answered. You came forward and you said, "Yes, I wish to go. I wish to be among those who experience this new creative endeavor on the material planes." How excited, how joyous you all were. Some of you here now were among those who first stepped forward; those who agreed to be what we call the Wayshowers, the Vanguard of the great masses of precious Souls who would follow. Those who would make the journey out into the Cosmos, and would eventually inhabit the planet Earth. And so how did we accomplish this? How did you diminish your wondrous, glorious God Spark Self, so that you could safely journey into the realms of density? As you are now aware, it was difficult to diminish the vastness of who you truly are, to bring the Essence of your God Self down, even to the level of the Fifth Dimension. It was unnatural for you, you see, and it would have been far too uncomfortable for you. And so, in order to help you understand, we will give you a simplified explanation of how this took place. You see, in preparation for the journey, you were taken into a great chamber. (We will endeavor to explain this to you from a physical perspective, for your better understanding). And so you, the Light Beings, went into a great chamber. Each of you were then in-capsulated within a MerKaBa, an electromagnetic field of Light, which was infused with a detailed, specific formula – the Essence – the Divine Blueprint, for humanity’s journey on the planet Earth. This schematic was just a minuscule part of the great Plan; it was an overview, a condensed guide for you, the StarSeed Souls. What was also within this Sphere of God Light was what could be described as the amniotic fluid of our Mother God, which contained the Crystalline Memory Seed Atoms of our Father God. Within those Seed Atoms was the Divine Blueprint for the new Souls and their connection with the Earth, as well as the connection with each Soul’s personal God Spark of Divinity. This Creator Essence contained the DNA encodings for all the future Root Races, all the details of the grand design for the making and the transformation of the physical vessel from the beginning to the end of this great experiment into duality and polarity. Eventually, the Earth was approaching the time that it would be ready for human inhabitation. It shined like a radiant jewel in the skies. However, there was still much going on: the mountains continued to build and rise into the skies, and there was still much volcanic action taking place around the globe. There were many vast oceans, beautiful lakes and flowing streams of water around the world; however, for this remembrance, we will only focus on this particular lake, which is now called Pyramid Lake. During those ancient times this lake was much larger – it All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane covered the entire desert valley that extends a long way toward the southeast, and also a great distance to the west. It was known as Lake Lahontan. When it was determined that it was time for you, the StarSeed, to make your preparatory journey to the Earth, you made the journey in great Light Ships, enclosed within your individual Spheres of Light. Upon your arrival, you sank down into these waters. There were also Light Ships which took other groups of StarSeeds to the great lake called Lake Baikal, located in Siberia, Russia. It is the world’s deepest lake. There were other groups taken to South America, to Lake Titicaca, which straddles the borders of Peru and Bolivia. This is the world’s highest navigable lake. These beautiful, sacred lakes also carry the Essence, the amniotic fluid of your God Mother, which contained the Crystalline Memory Seed Atoms, the Divine Blueprint for the new Souls, their connection with the Earth, and with your Father/Mother God. All of you, the StarSeed, spent thousands of years attuning to your Mother Earth, as the Earth also attuned to the precious Souls who would inhabit the planet for many hundreds of thousands of years into the future. Are you familiar with the movie they called Cocoon? That movie was a somewhat simplified version of how you came to Earth during those ancient beginning times. Ah, you see, we use every means available to convey our information to you. And there are many dear, wise Souls who are working with us to help us accomplish our mission. And so you sank down in your Light bodies into the waters; you pulsated and you radiated, and you stayed therein for a very long time. Many of you are aware that the dolphins and the whales came with you even then. They are beautiful angelic beings who have made a great sacrifice. They carry the encodings of the ever-changing, progressing Divine Blueprint, and they relay the frequencies patterns though sound. They keep energies flowing; energies which carry the Divine encodings. They keep those refined frequencies moving and flowing throughout the great oceans even through great difficulty, for they are aware of the vital importance of this task. However, on occasion, you see, they do leave the Earth Plane in their etheric bodies – you might say, they take vacations; they come and go, for they cannot stay too long at one time ‒ they often change places. They are the true walk-ins. Much, much later on, the time arrived for you, the StarSeed, to return to your home bases. All of you left the Earth in the great Light Ships within your Spheres of Light. The harmonizing, initial preparations were complete. That part of the Divine Plan had been accomplished. And so, you went back to prepare for the next stage; when it was time for the new Souls to inhabit the Earth. As most of you are aware, the journey to reach the Earth plane was a very long and involved journey, but we must save that story for another time. At this time, we are only focusing on your journey from your lofty home among the stars to your new home on planet Earth. All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane When it was time for you, the StarSeed, to begin to come forth onto the Earth Plane in your beautiful, crystalline Light bodies, how and where did you arrive? You did not come and immediately walk upon the Earth. Once again, you sank into the great waters. You are not made of the soil of the Earth, as some of the ancient teachings claim. You are not made of the material substance of the Earth; you are made of the Essence of the Earth, the rarified Elixir of Creator Light. Does your body not consist of a great percentage of water? You breathed in the Essence of Life underwater. You attuned to the Soul Beat of your host planet while in the great waters. So many of you have memories of breathing underwater, and of course you could do so in those ancient times. You breathed in the sacred waters; you absorbed it, and you attuned to it. And when it was time, you emerged from the waters onto the land. Within your deepest memories, the water was your home. Yes, it is true. There was a parallel evolution of some other creatures who crawled out of the waters and began their evolution process; but that was not you, the StarSeeds. That was another Facet of creation – at another time. And so the momentous time finally arrived. It was time for the Holy Innocent Ones to come forth and inhabit the Earth. Those were the true Earthlings, all of the beautiful Divine Sparks of God Light who would inhabit the Earth. They may have experienced life within this Solar System, but their experiences as an individualize Spark of God conscious were few. They are called the Holy Innocent Ones because they had been contained in what we have called a “cosmic incubator,” awaiting the time when they would be brought forth and made ready for their “Soulconscious God Spark to be ignited.” You, the StarSeed, had been externalized into your God-consciousness many aeons ago. Not one of you in this group is from this universe. You are very ancient, even by our record keeping. And so within those incubators were all of those precious Souls waiting to be brought into their consciousness. In the personal messages we have relayed to many of you over the years, there are those we have told that they are what you might call “Earth parents,” for it was their duty to become Guardians of the new Souls who were born into a new Root Race; a new culture; a new phase of the Divine Blueprint brought to Earth and manifested in different eras. The very first Sub-Root Race had a blue tinge to their skin. They too came first into the sacred waters, for a time, and then moved out onto firm land. That ancient truth is the origin of the symbolism of the baptism; of being nourished, reborn, renewed within the pure waters; however, it has lost its true meaning. And so, beloveds, what do you do with all of this information? We know that you cannot share it with many, can you? No, because the masses are not ready. Anyone who looks at you with disdain, send them love, and walk past them and leave a trail of light. However, be aware that there are those who will be drawn to you, for they will sense your loving Essence. You are in the All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane process of integrating higher frequency energy that will transform you; energy that has transformed you. You are now planting Seed thoughts. You will be planting Seeds of transformation wherever you go. You are not here by coincidence. You are here because your Higher Self, your Soul, nudged you; you could not stay away. And yes, you will go home, and you will think you are no different; but you will be different. You will have activated Memory Seed Atoms that will affect and help you in the difficult times to come. And I will be nudging each and every one of you; with your permission, of course. And so we will leave you now. We will continue when you arrive at Lake Tahoe, and we will see what else there is to add. We will meet you there. I surround you and enfold you in an auric field of love and protection. You are profoundly loved, and you are most precious in our sight. I AM the Archangel Michael, and we bring you these truths. ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ YOUR LEMURIAN HERITAGE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGE AT GRIMES POINT RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE This channeling from Archangel Michael was presented many years ago to a gathering at Grimes point, about fifty miles east of Reno, Nevada. Archangel Michael brought forth this message about our Lemurian heritage, and there was also an activation which he called: PLANTING THE SEEDS OF NEW CREATION. RONNA: Breathe deeply. Consciously anchor yourself and feel the Earth beneath your feet...... Move around until you feel comfortable, and then just let everything go..... Envision a crystalline pillar of Light coming down and surrounding you. Your crystalline pillar of Light that comes down from your Divine I AM Presence completely surrounds you and it then goes down and anchors into the core of the Earth. And now feel this column of Light, the Essence of you, begin to expand…. and expand… and expand outward until it surrounds this group. Watch as it expands outward until it encompasses this sacred space. It expands as far as is appropriate.... And then, enfolded within this wonderful mix of energies that anchors and creates a new level of Divine Essence on Earth, call in your guides and your teachers and your beautiful angelic helpers. We also ask all the appropriate masters of Light and all the Divine beings to join us.... We ask the God Source to shower down upon us all levels of creation – all that is appropriate to be with us – to surround and enfold us and encompass this place, and to also participate in this wonderful transformation that is taking place. Focus, as you feel yourself breathe in and out – bask in this energy as it begins to transform all that needs to be balanced and harmonized. All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: Beloved masters, if you could see all of the wondrous Beings who have come to be a part of this important cosmic event, you might say it is a culmination of a segment of the Divine plan. In a sense, it is a coming together; coming full circle. It is a time of remembrance – a time of bringing into your awareness your particular part – to give you the vision of where you have been so that you can better understand where you're going. Each and every one of you that are here, as well as those who felt the call to be here, were here during that time so very long ago. We have talked about there being what you might call a “Cosmic or Divine incubator chamber” where the new Souls ‒ the “Holy innocent Ones” ‒ were brought forth and infused with the energy of each of the major Races and the Sub-Races. We have spoken often about the sacred places: the place you call Lake Tahoe, and the one you call Pyramid Lake. We have given you some of that information, and through your electrical mechanics, you can re-listen to those messages. But now, we will tie it all together in a way so that you will gain a better understanding of the full picture. We have talked about there being great caverns or great tunnels that lead from one place to the other, but to complete the story, we must go back now to that time of Lemuria. We have explained how the first two Golden Ages, that which have been named the Polarian and the Hyperborean Ages – a time when you were still in your Light bodies, and you were just beginning to adjust to the energies of the Fifth-Dimensional Earth. At that time, the Earth was in the higher frequency expression of the Fourth Dimension; however, there was not a firm demarcation, because as we have told you, there is a gradual blending and harmonizing of the Dimensions; there are no firm demarcation structures between the different dimensional levels. And so now, in your mind’s eye, see this great continent of Lemuria, with many, many scattered islands around it. It was a vast continent situated in what is now called the Pacific Ocean. It is important that you understand: the Earth and its geography did not look anything like it does now – there have been many major land shifts and changes down through the Ages. And so, the Lemurians, or you who were to be the Lemurians, that beautiful group of Souls, began to incarnate on Earth and to merge into a physical vessel. Developing the physical nature aspect of the Creator was their major focus, along with learning to use the Cosmic Light substance on the material planes of consciousness. You were all very innocent, very beautiful, radiant and joyous. We think you do not yet understand what a wondrous gift it is to be in the physical. Sometimes you may wonder, and sometimes you do get a glimpse; however, you still cannot comprehend that it is a most wondrous gift to be in the physical, material plane expression. And so this went on for many, many thousands of years, the blending and the harmonizing and the merging within the waters and the land – attuning with the Essence of everything that was around you, as you gradually acclimated to your new world experience. Much later, you created beautiful crystal temples, and many other wondrous things as you became proficient cocreators. All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane We have spoken of the inverted temple of the great basin of Lake Tahoe, which was like an inverted pyramid structure. There, the great crystalline energies rose up high into the skies, and you would go there − you would go there to be healed, to balance and harmonize your physical vessels, and to incorporate the next levels of godly expression, little, by little, by little, for it was a very slow process. There were other beautiful places where these magnificent temples were placed deep within caverns of the beautiful Mt. Shasta. We have also spoken of the sacred places within the Sierra Madre mountains, and down along the California coast mountain ranges. The Earth was and is being bathed in the Creator Essence as well, for its has its own Divine Blueprint, and those wonderful mountain peaks were designed to be receptors or projectors of the Cosmic Energy of Life from the Father / Mother God of this Solar System. That is why the mountain peaks have always drawn the masses, and why people have sought them as gathering places. In the ancient times, humanity could also go into those great tunnels and caverns within the mountains of the Earth, where the blazing Violet Flames and the great crystalline spires and structures were located. Now we come forward in time to the beginning of the end of the Lemurian continent. Over the many aeons of time, there were smatterings or small gatherings that had migrated along the western coast of what is now called the United States of America, into Mexico, and even up into what is known as Canada. This great span of land was not vastly populated at that time. It was known by the Guardians; you, the StarSeed ancient Ones. You were the ones that were there to support, to nurture, to help, to assist, to show the way, just as you’re showing the way now. And so the messages began to come forth from the higher realms that it was time to leave. Those who still had their telepathic connection with the Beings of the higher cosmic realms were informed that there would be a great cataclysm in the near future. It had been ordained – it must be so. And so in great groups of people, you, as the guardians, began to gather the beautiful Lemurians, and to migrate along the not too distant coastal areas we have mentioned before. We will tell you, that where you are now, this place called Grimes Point, if you look to the north, those of you who can see etherically, or can sometimes see into other dimensions, you will see an outline of a great pyramid mountain there, which was a great volcanic mountain. A very large group of you migrated here to that mountain. It was dormant; however, there was still great heat radiating up from deep within the Earth. There were many large, beautiful caves and outcroppings within and around the mountain. There was also a large curved plateau, which connected to the mountain on the south/east side and extended for many miles. It was verdant