Pyramid Lake (Nevada) 1 страница
***activating the memory seed atoms of the future***
A new divine mission mandate for starseed souls a clarion call has gone forth for the legions of light to unite in order for us to complete our current earthly mission ********************** New advanced wisdom teachings from archangel Michael ronna / sacred scribe in his latest wisdom teachings archangel michael gives us vital information, which will allow us to complete the group divine misson we were assigned by our father / mother god of this sub-universe **********************
activating the memory seed atoms of the future - a new divine mission mandate for starseed souls
Table of contents
A mission statement for our lemurian starseed soul family
Lake Tahoe / Pyramid Lake / Grimes Point memory seed activation
Activating crystalline memory seed atoms for galactic consciousness
Sentient natural quartz crystals
Memory seed atom crystals and adamantine particles within the earth
The Human Body auric field
An overview of our units of 144 starseed soul groups’ journey from lemuria to north america before the great deluge sank that continent
Pertinent information about atlantis and lemuria and earlier earthly root races
Pyramid Lake message * 2000
Your lemurian heritage
Starseed memory seed atom activators for the age of Aquarius new divine blueprint
**Prime memory seed activators**
The configuration of our sacred triad unity pyramids
Spiritual chakra colors for our solar system * one through seven * **spiritual colors for rays eight through twelve ** The five higher rays to galactic consciousness **fine-tuning your spiritual awareness ** Soul-consciousness versus human-consciousness **Spiritual soul / human soul **
Consciousness levels: aspects or expressions
Accessing the entry levels of the fifth-dimension
Humans and their body elementals by iasos (pronounced ya' sos) accessing the earth’s memory seed atom crystals
Diamond core god cell meditation
Lemurian soul family memory seed activator crystals
Poem: soul family reunion
A MISSION STATEMENT FOR OUR LEMURIAN STARSEED SOUL FAMILY ARCHANGEL MICHAEL ** RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE A CLARION CALL has gone forth for us, our LEMURIAN SOUL FAMILY GROUPS from around the world, who came to Earth as members of ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S LEGIONS OF LIGHT. We are being called together once more in order to complete our current earthly mission. We have spent many lifetimes and endured tremendous trials and tests in order heal our past and harmonize our physical vessels so that the MEMORY SEED ATOM CRYSTALS that were encoded so very long ago, within our Sacred Hearts and Sacred Minds, could be activated. Keys and codes, which will allow us to complete the GROUP DIVINE MISSION we were assigned by our Father/Mother God of this Sub-Universe.
Beloved masters, you are now in the process of reuniting with your STARSEED SOUL FAMILIES. You are now ready to begin to form some of your many TRINITY SOUL UNITS − consisting of those Souls who have activated and are consciously using all three GOD Rays of Divine Will, Divine Love/Wisdom and Divine active Intelligence -- units composed of 3, 9, 12, 24 and 144 beloved Souls. Many of these Soul groups are now in the formation stages on the physical plane. You, the vanguard, are now in the process of creating these wondrously empowered Spiritual units. You are the brave spiritual pioneers who will become inspiring examples for humanity. You are also the ones who will provide the initial MEMORY SEED
ATOM CODES of Creator Light -- the new Divine Blueprints -- for the emerging CITIES OF LIGHT on the Earth Plane. In addition, there will also be many groups that will be formed within the new fifth dimensional Unity sacred triad pyramids who have never met on the material plane. However, these reunions and joint missions will be just as powerful and meaningful as the ones formed in person. Yes, my brave Warriors of Light, the long, foretold era that you have all yearned and striven for is upon you.
We of the Realms of Light rejoice in your victory. We stand steadfastly beside you as we all journey forth together to assure that the Divine Plan for the New Age is fulfilled. You are loved most profoundly, I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyramid_Lake_(Nevada) Pyramid Lake (Nevada)
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL ** RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE My dearest friends: Many years ago, in 1997, when I first moved back to Reno from San Diego, Ca. Archangel Michael asked me to do an activation of the “CRYSTALLINE ENERGY” at Pyramid Lake, which is about 30 miles north of Reno, Nevada (accomplished in November 1999), as well as at Lake Tahoe (accomplished June 17, 2000), and also at an ancient geological, sacred Indian site out in the desert. These three sites form a triangle or pyramid and create a vortex of energy which Lord Michael says will eventually become a City of Light. Many of you have heard me say that before I moved back to Reno in December 1996, Lord Michael asked me to envision an ascension column over the Reno area. I began to visualize and build this vortex of energy in my meditations five years before we moved back to Reno. Then, with much loving energy and help from all of my spiritual brothers and sisters in the area, I was told that we should build a Pyramid of Light in the etheric realms so that the column of Light could be firmly anchored. All of this was in preparation for the future city of Light. Many of us have a vision that this area will become a center for seminars/workshops in which all who wish to do so can participate, offering their own specialties and expertise. Also, we would like to give those who wish to visit our area an opportunity to experience the beauty, wonder and unique energy at Pyramid Lake and Lake Tahoe, as well as the sacred site at Grimes Point. , When AA Michael mentioned the site out in the desert, I had no idea where it was, but he said I would be told when the time was right. In July, 2000, there was a four-page article in the Reno Gazette Journal about the Spirit Cave Man found at Grimes Point (in the desert about 50 miles east of Reno). The first dating fixed the age of the mummy at about 2,000 years old, but later it was dated to be more than 10,630 years old. It has also been determined that the skull/remains are not linked to any known Indian tribe and there is much conjecture and argument about the origins of the Spirit Cave Man. It is interesting that the mummified remains were found in 1940 but were stashed way in the basement of a museum until 1994. The controversy and publicity are now heating up and it is “big news.” After I read the article, I knew this was the place and AA Michael validated it, saying, “It is time for the third activation to take place.” A large portion of the desert East of Reno was covered by a great lake in ancient times. Pyramid Lake is all that remains. At Grimes Point, there are huge boulders scattered all over the hillside and they are a deep brown with a shiny finish, almost as if they have been coated with shellac. There are hundreds of petroglyphs and pictographs in the area, many of them spectacular and seemingly drawn by someone with advanced knowledge of the cosmos. It is very hot in the desert in the summer, and so I scheduled the event for October 14, 2000.
AA Michael told me that there was a portal there, one which will give access to the higher dimensions, and another one from within the Earth that will be activated in due time. We went there as Record Keepers, not really knowing what that meant; however, we knew that we were to give our gift of Love/Light to our Mother Earth, and that we would receive a gift in return, pertaining to our ancient heritage, and important memories of our early inhabitation of this planet. So much has happened since that time. We have taken many people to the sacred sites in the Reno area, and a great portal to a City of Light in the Fifth Dimension has been revealed to us. Now it is time for the next, vital stage of our Divine Blueprint mission to take place. Some of the information I present in this eBook is repetitive; however, AA Michael asked me to share it, for it was given over time to many different groups and the messages contain some of the Keys and Codes of our Divine Blueprint. Welcome back in our midst, my beloved brother and sister STARSEED family. Forever love and angel blessings, Ronna
Great crystalline structures were strategically placed deep within the Earth’s surface when it was first formed. These great clustered spires contain the Divine Blueprint programmed by our Father/Mother God for each sub-cycle of the seven great Cosmic Ages for humanity’s sojourn within this Sub-Dimension. Our Earth, humanity and all sentient Beings are now integrating and processing the refined frequencies of the Five Higher Rays of galactic consciousness. The blueprints for Seven Rays of God Consciousness, for our solar system, have also been upgraded to incorporate the first three sub-levels of our Fifth-Dimensional consciousness. Just as we, the STARSEED Light workers have been consciously activating the semi-dormant crystalline structures and the Violet Flames in the great earthly caverns for many years now – the time has come for us to begin the process of activating the CRYSTALLINE MEMORY SEED ATOM programming for galactic consciousness, which is contained within these great sentient crystal structures.
We, as STARSEEDS, were also programmed with MEMORY SEED ATOMS within our SACRED HEART and our SACRED MIND. Some of us have gradually been activating these precious Seed Atoms over time, and we have been actively performing the service of “activating the MEMORY SEED ATOMS for those who are ready and also for the Earth,” without even knowing it. However, as Light workers, it is now time for this process to be understood and actively used by all of us: with intention.
A QUARTZ CRYSTAL is a formation of silicon dioxide with atoms internally arranged in a regular, repeating pattern, or a lattice. This usually results in a crystal with an external geometric form. NATURAL QUARTZ CRYSTALS begin their formation from a single point; they grow from a single organism, not expanding from within, but through accumulation from the outside. A crystal’s growth is slow, usually taking thousands of years, and yet, sometimes crystal growth can be observed on a day-to-day basis. Crystals are the flowers of the mineral kingdom, because of their fine symmetry and delicate colors.
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL has explained: At the time the Earth was formed, gigantic Sentient (aware/able to perceive) crystals were placed deep within the Earth. Many were placed within the huge labyrinths, which are scattered around Earth. Others were planted partially underground; however, they also protruded above ground, reaching high into the skies. These great crystals were the receivers of powerful Rays of Divine Cosmic Light Energy from our Father/Mother God of this Sub-universe. They also radiated signals and information from the Earth out into the galaxy. After externalization from our God-Seed Atom, our first solid form was a pure crystalline structure; comparable to a beautiful many-faceted Obelisk. As StarSeeds, many of us first experienced the Earth Plane in our crystalline form, before we began to build our physical vessels. We have also been told that many of the crystals we are drawn to are Fragments of those great Sentient crystals, which were placed deep within the Earth by us and other StarSeeds, as Record Keepers of the Earth’s history, and also to assist us to remember our Divine Heritage. These gigantic crystal structures were fragmented, enfolded and buried within various depths of the Earth during the many great cataclysms, down through the Ages.
NATURAL QUARTZ CRYSTALS radiate a measurable electrical pulse, which can be magnified or reprogrammed by our thoughts. Just as we are in the midst of a return to Unity consciousness, one with another, we are also gradually reuniting with the more subtle conscious nesses of the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms. As we integrate the more refined frequencies of God Light, we will become more sensitive and attuned to the energies of these diverse forms of Creation. We are gradually unbundling, two-by-two, the twelve strands of our DNA. We are in the beginning stages of returning to silicon-based (Crystalline) Spiritual/human Beings as we raise our frequency patterns and integrate the many Facets of our God-Seed Atom into our physical vessel. We became carbon-based human beings when we sank into the density of the Third and Fourth Dimensions.
While in deep meditation, AA Michael told me that there are historical / scientific / MEMORY SEED CRYSTALS stored within great subterranean caverns in strategic places around the world. These etheric SEED CRYSTALS are in the same caverns as the Eternal Violet Flames, and both have an integral part to play in our present ascension process.
The various Sacred Sites and holy places around the world have most often been built over or near one of these great caverns or where there is one of the great crystal spires / obelisks. You will also find portals to the inner world near some of these special Sacred Sites. When we are guided to visit one these special places, we may experience a most wondrous event, which we are not even aware of at the time. If your intentions are pure, and your Energetic Signature / Soul Song resonates at a higher Fourth-Dimensional level or above, you will automatically activate the appropriate Seed Crystals stored within the cavern below the Sacred Site you are visiting, for quite possibly, you have performed this service before; perhaps, many Ages ago or quite possibly in a more recent past life. In turn, you will be gifted with an activation of some of the Seed Crystals stored within your Sacred Mind. These will most likely be Memory Crystals, some of which hold advanced information that you will need in the future, or Seed Activation Crystals, which will trigger the activation of a particular talent, or perhaps Healing Crystals, which will help you overcome some affliction or release a troublesome, addictive habit. Throughout the Earth’s history there are stories of Masters and great Beings who accomplished amazing feats, won great battles, created many magnificent edifices and performed amazing miracles through their own, seemingly, super-human efforts. What has not been known, heretofore, is that these great Ones knew how to draw forth some of the Seed Atom Crystals from the great caverns within the Earth. They had the capacity to draw forth a full measure of the First Ray of Divine Will Power along with an added measure of Creator Particles of Light/Life from within the storehouse caverns deep within the Earth.
It is important that you understand that a good portion of the Adamantine Particles of Light allotted to the planet were stored within these great caverns of Light when it was first created. The balance was stored within the Earth’s Sacred Heart Core. Every planet, galaxy, sun, star system, Sub-universe and universe within the Omni verse have repositories of Adamantine Particles of Life/Light, just as every Soul ever created also has. Just as you must activate the Adamantine Particles you carry within, and the ones you draw forth from the unlimited supply of Creator Light, you are also the ones who must activate the Adamantine Particles stored within the Earth through your loving intention and action. We are now moving into the vibrational patterns of mastership, and we are being offered special gifts, talents and specific dispensations to assist us in assuming our role as a World Servers.
^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ The human body auric field - Archangel Michael’s wisdom teachings excerpted from: the magic & majesty of ascending humanity
^^ The Lemurian root-race integrated the physical vessel within the etheric lightbody, and the beginning stages of the physical emotional body natural instincts.
^^ The Atlantean root-race integrated the astral / emotional and lower mental body into the physical vessel.
^^ The present advanced souls of the aryan root-race are in the process of developing and enriching the mental body, as we begin to integrate the higher frequencies of divine light.
^^ the etheric body is our vehicle of vital energy.
^^ the astral body is affected by our feeling and emotional energy.
^^ the mental body provides intelligent energy seed atoms and the will power to create.
^^ the auric field: the auric field is a fragment of your overlighting soul essence, which is your connection to the many facets of your oversoul and your god seed atom. The auric field has several distinct components.
1, The auric field represents the physical body’s state of health and vitality.
2. The astral aura (emotional field) is the dominant auric force in the un-awakened human. The astral plane emotional nature is composed of selfish interests with an “I, me, my” focus.
3. The auric field of the over lighting soul-self contains the divine blueprint for your original Adam /Eve Kadmon light body. The unifying power of love will gradually raise the consciousness so that the emotional body auric field becomes composed of the frequencies of compassion and unconditional love.
4. The goal of an aspirant on the path is to balance and harmonize the seven major chakra centers so that his/her auric field is radiating, via the solar power center, a tangible force field of pure love/light, thereby allowing the light of the soul to shine forth.
Be aware that the Solar Fire of the Supreme Creator is permeating everything in this Universe. Nothing can escape the radiation and magnetic influence of the rarified Creator Light that is now permeating this galaxy, solar system, the Earth and humanity. Your chakras are like electromagnetic batteries (vortexes) within the body. The language of Light via the pulsation of electromagnetic frequencies, activate your multiple levels of consciousness. You must be harmonious with and attuned to the vibrational frequencies in order to access and integrate them. The higher frequencies of Light/ thought/ sound vibrate through your bloodstream, cells, tissue, organs, bones, muscles and DNA enriching your sense of well-being. The lower frequencies of humanity restrict the flow of life-giving energy and increase the density in your four lower bodily systems. Your blood carries your DNA genetic encodings of your earthly lineage and, more importantly, of your cosmic lineage.
**An overview of our units of 144 starseed soul groups’ journey from lemuria to north america before the great deluge sank that continent** Archangel Michael * Ronna / sacred scribe
RONNA: This article is a recap of the many stories that Archangel Michael has given me, over these many past years, about some of the Sacred Light Cities on Earth and within the Earth, that are to be activated as DIVINE BLUEPRINT GENERATING CITIES OF LIGHT for the AGE OF AQUARIUS. During the end of the great Age of Lemuria, a very long time ago, when it was time for the great cataclysm – the sinking of Lemuria to occur -- the Elders and guardians (later on called priests and priestesses), who were still connected telepathically to the higher realms and the Beings of Light, were told that as many of us as possible must leave. From what I understand, there was a portion of Lemuria which was still connected to what would become the United States of America, by something like a large peninsula or a land bridge. It was up in the area of Vancouver, Canada and the San Juan islands. There were two of these land bridges that led to the mainland: one to the South connected to what is now Mexico, and the one to the North connecting the continent of Lemuria with northern North America. There were many groups who were led to migrate from Lemuria in order to survive the great destruction that was to follow.
Others migrated to what would eventually become the country known as Japan. AA Michael has mentioned numerous times about the present Japanese Race embodying the DNA closest to the pure Lemurian Race, along with some of the Hawaiian people. Many, many of the Lemurian elders migrated to Japan, and many more came across the land bridges, which sank, leaving only small scattered islands. Eventually, there were a great number of groups who migrated to many different places. This happened over quite a long period of time. Just as it is being foretold in our present times that we are at the end of an era, and there is a new Divine Blueprint being radiated throughout this universe; so it was during the end times of the great Lemurian continent.
There was a large group of us that came across the northern land bridge into what is now Canada. We gradually made our way south to what is now known as Mount Shasta. It had been a very active volcano in the past, but it was rapidly becoming completely dormant. There were pockets of active lava, but it was all cooling down: there was not enough activity to create any kind of explosion.
The new Divine Blueprint was designed so that the Elder Lemurian Souls, who were guided to safety, would eventually inhabit this great land. This land, which would later become United States of America, would be the homeland for the “StarSeed Souls” whose DNA would be encoded with the Memory Seed Atoms of all the Seven Root Races: past, present and future.
(These StarSeed Souls would be embodied into a great variety of North American and South American Indians).
This was because, when the Age of Pisces was complete, and the Divine Blueprint for the Age of Aquarius was beginning to radiate forth onto the Earth, the Divine Plan decreed that the United States of America and South America would become the focal points for the evolutionary process of gradually moving through the last sub-planes of the Fourth Dimension, into the Age of Aquarius, and into the beginning levels of the Fifth Dimension. ** Mt. Shasta was a very sacred Lemurian outpost, and is destined to play an important part in the “ascension process of the Earth and humanity into the Fifth Dimension.”
** Also, we have been told that one of our Soul Sisters, Mokshapriya’s CITY OF LIGHT SANCTUARY in Upstate New York, which Archangel Michael guided her to seek out and purchase, was a Sacred Outpost on the northeastern coast of America for the Atlantean era. It is also destined to become another focal point for one of the DIVINE BLUEPRINT GENERATING CITIES OF LIGHT.
The Far Eastern world was the focal point for the Piscean Age, and for several Sub-Root Race incarnational rounds. It had been divinely ordained that the emerging Golden Age of Aquarius would be Seeded primarily in the United States, and then during the next Sub-Root Race -- the Meruvian Root Race – South America would be the focus.
And now, back to our migration from the Lemurian Continent to the area of Mt. Shasta. We were guided into the mountain, down into great crystalline caverns, into what would eventually become the great city of Telos. Over time – because of the high frequencies – the lava had been transformed into beautiful, crystalline caverns and passageways. We had assistance from benevolent Beings from many other Star Systems who were sent to assist humanity during a critical time of transition and transformation. They came to help us survive!
I have been told that we stayed there for quite a long time until the Earth and the chaos gradually settled down. I am not sure, but it could have been a very, very long time that we stayed there, and helped to create the great underground city of Telos. And then it was decided that the migration on upper Earth had to begin. It was time to move forward and we did – we traveled in our MerKaBah’s (a protective field/sphere of Light), which was a very efficient way to travel through the labyrinths or great underground tunnels that permeated the Inner Earth. The surface of the Earth was quite hostile, and it was very difficult to travel over great distances.
There were various groups who had made their way from Lemuria to Telos, and over time, an Elder Council was formed. The decision was made that not all of the groups of people could remain in Telos, because there was no way that everyone, all of the population, could be sustained there permanently. The Guardians who were there with us told us that some of us were meant to leave, and to establish other “Light communities” across this great virgin continent. Those of us who had been chosen to be the leaders were asked, and we felt compelled to agree -- we had to volunteer again – to be the ones to be the leaders who would guide the groups out onto the surface of the Earth. There were a number of different groups who were chosen to leave at different times. And so we left Telos, and began our long migratory journey across the virgin territory of North America.
Some time ago, Archangel Michael revealed to me that Randall Monk had been in training as a Lemurian priest/warrior, and I was a priestess. We were designated to lead a certain group from Telos into the outer world. We went forth in groups of 144, which is a sacred number, with many meanings. However, I was told that we were to oversee a group of 144 people. We left with another group of 144, another branch of our Soul Family, who left Lemuria at the same time. We