Pyramid Lake (Nevada) 3 страницаwith a great variety of flora and fauna, and it overlooked a great lake that teemed with fish. There was also a great variety of game and fowl on the plateau. And so all of you were guided All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane to take your beloved ones down into these caverns within the mountain, and this is where you stayed for many hundreds of years. Many other groups were sent to the south, and others went on to many different locations across the vast continent. Some were sent to what it is now Taos, Mexico, and to many other places of safety in the high mountains. Also, many other large groups were taken to safety within the great tunnels and caverns of the inner Earth. Still other groups were taken across the plains to the east. Along the Eastern coast of the United States, the groups that migrated there were from Atlantis. Those Beings who would eventually come to be known as the pure American Indian Races. Some of these were the mound builders, who built wonders all the way up as far as what is now called Wisconsin. It became heavily populated, but this was mostly those who embodied the Atlantean Race energy. We have been focusing on those who carried the encodings of the Lemurian Race; however, the mass migration was also taking place in a lesser form around the world. It was during that long era that all of the beautiful Lemurian Beings that were saved from the cataclysms were encoded with the DNA of all of the future Root Races. It was a time of coming together; the programmed Memory Seed Atoms were infused within your DNA at that time – they were programmed with an “Event Trigger” that would be activated at a time in the future when it was appropriate to begin to return to unity consciousness. In other words, the different Root Races, all the future different cultures, and the different, uniquely evolved Sub-Races were brought forth on the Earth and separated; different languages, different customs, different realities, so that each group could follow their unique path and play out their unique Divine Blueprint. And that is still continuing, as you can see, in many places on Earth where people are warring and are at odds with each other. All of those dear Souls are really warring with themselves, for they are in disharmony with the Facets of their own Being, and so they project it out onto others. The Divine Hologram containing all of the segments of the great cosmic plan were stored deep within the Earth’s caverns during those ancient beginning times. The Cosmic Memory Seed Atoms were infused with the Essence and the Divine Blueprint for each and every era of humanity’s and the Earth’s sojourn through to the completion of this great experiment in duality / polarity. This critical segment of the Divine Plan, which will catapult humanity and the Earth into the entry levels of the Fifth Dimension, is waiting to be activated by all of you, the STARSEED SOULS. Deep within the Earth’s great caverns are many clusters composed of the great crystalline spires of the five Higher Galactic Rays, along with the refined Seven Rays of consciousness for your Solar System. These magnificent sentient crystals are ready and waiting for humanity to activate them – to bring them to life so they may begin to radiate forth the more refined All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane frequencies of the New Age of Aquarius, and the Divine frequencies of Light needed for the ascension of humanity and the Earth. A Crystal Memory Seed Atom of Cosmic Energy was encoded within every Soul now residing on the Earth plane. However, you must achieve an auric vibrational level – an energetic signature – of at least the Mid-Fourth Dimensional frequencies of Light (so that you may begin to receive the refined Adamantine Particles of Creator Light), before your personal Memory Seed Atom can be activated. Can you not see why it is so critical that you strive to “return to balance and harmony” so that you may assist in the activation of the new Divine Blueprint, and also active your personal Memory Seed Atom of the future? You are sorely need, beloveds! Have you ever wondered, have you ever even thought about how there could be such great diversity in the population of the United States? There has been much conjecture, in the past, as to where the future inhabitants of North America came from. Over time, some different groups did migrate across the Bering Straits. It is also said they the came across the oceans: yes, perhaps a few, but not many. Some tribes of the Indian Race are almost white, some were tall, and some are short. They have distinctly different features, and a multitude of different physical expressions. How could that be? Where could they all have come from? They are earthlings. The Earth was their first physical embodiment for this cosmic round of physical expression. They were encoded with all the uniqueness or physical expression of the many Root and Sub-root Races, and they spread out across the land over the next many thousands of years. And so you see you are a part of that unique StarSeed Race that began as the Lemurian Race on this Earth Plane. It is time for all of you, and for the Indian culture, for all of the different cultures to realize that there is no separation: that you all are part of the whole. In all of those who came to this wonderful land there was placed a deep-seated feeling – there was a desire to own the land. Think of the hardships that were endured: to move into the desert land, or to move anywhere within this great land. Why were they driven, for what reason were they driven? There was something deep within them that they felt and desired. And it has always been the same way in Europe and Asia. In Africa, you will find that there was also a great diversity in the cultures, expression and the colors. There were also those that were placed there that had the DNA encodings of unity and harmony within them. And those precious Souls are also making a huge effort to evolve at this time. After the great land shifting and cataclysms finally subsided, and it was time for all of you to emerge, and to go forth and journey across the land, this great mountain was no longer needed, and so it came alive. It exploded and shattered, leveling it so that all that remained are the hills and the rocks you now see. These beautiful rocks that are scattered across the land hold the All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane energy – they hold the energy of future creation; that is why the ancient ones have always been drawn here. There is something magical here, there's magic in the rocks – in the energy of the rocks – it is energy of the new Divine Blueprint: the Seeds of new creation you are now bringing forth. Do you remember how in some of the ancient Indian legends, the Elders speak of their people, their ancestors, coming forth from within the Earth? And many of you have replied: “How could that be?” This is how it could be: They lived and survived within those caverns within the great mountains during the time of the turbulent cataclysms, and when it was safe, they gradually emerged. As the Earth settled into its new geological form, those of you who carried the wisdom and the higher frequencies – when your job was over, when your mission was finished – you returned to the higher realms. That was the beginning of a new era, for those who were left behind began to diminish in consciousness, as the Earth also sank into the lower frequencies of the Third and the three lowest planes of the Fourth Dimension. They sunk down into their base nature, existing mostly within the three lowest chakras, into their animal / human nature so that they could begin from that beginning, and to move upward once more. And that is a capsulization of what has taken place over these many thousands of years since the sinking of Lemuria. The great caverns, the great tunnels and labyrinths, many of them are now filled with water, but many of them are still open and are available. This is what you are helping to accomplish with this portal opening; this is what you were programmed to do at this time. You are assisting in the opening the passageways, and the clearing of the etheric bloodstream of the Earth, and we are opening the portal ways into the higher Dimensions. Many have been opened, but these that are now being opened are extending all the way to the God Source of this Sub-universe; not just to levels above levels, not just to and above the mid-Fourth Dimension, but up to and through the Fifth Dimension and beyond. See it as a vast geometric portal opening, and then envision it spiraling and narrowing as it goes farther and farther out into the cosmos. And then, envision a radiant column of Light as it begins to radiate the blessed Creator Essence back down through your atmosphere, thereby bathing the Earth and all humanity. This great activation will also assist in opening all the impaction that leads down into the energy system of the Mother Earth: that energy will radiate through all of the vast tunnels and labyrinths, and it will turn the density into Divine Light substance so that the passageways and great cathedral-like caverns will once again be clear. At that time, the transforming higher frequencies of Light will once more begin to radiate the Essence of Life outward and upward, thereby assisting in the healing the Earth and blessing all humanity with its radiance. You have been anchoring the Light and sending it forth through your physical vessels, and now it must be done in a greater measure and with our assistance. IT WILL BE SO! All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane You were the Record Keepers during those ancient times. You brought with you the memory of your origins and where you were from, along with the encodings of your Divine Mission from the higher realms. Now you are to be the Record Keepers for the Earth – recorders of the history of what has taken place down through all of these many, many aeons of time. You will forget the failures, the negativity, the pain, the suffering, and the feelings of abandonment and of being unloved. These will all be forgotten. What you will remember is the joy of expression, of creating, harmonizing, blending – your many accomplishments and successes – every Facet of your successful earthly experience. We are gathering, we are harvesting the beauty and magnificence of what you have created on Earth. The negativity and all discordant memories and actions are being dissolved into neutral Life Substance energy. That which cannot be transmuted into a higher frequency must be left behind, because it cannot go where you and the Earth are going. Many of you are experiencing various degrees of distress within the physical vessel, for you have agreed to incorporate or to carry so much more of the Essence of Creation than your physical vessel can comfortably accommodate. All that will gradually change as your body is refined and harmonized. And as you become accustomed to the higher frequency energy, you will become much more comfortable in your emerging body of Light. When we say your body of Light, understand that you will still have a physical vessel; however, it will radiate in such a way that there will be no mistaking that you bear a full measure of the Essence of the Creator. And so within each of you, that grand schematic, the new Divine Blueprint that was placed within your Root Chakra, is now being activated by an infusion of the Five Higher Galactic Rays in preparation for that next step. Terra/Gaia, the beautiful Earth, is swiftly moving into in the entry level of the Fifth Dimension. As it moves forward, it will become pristine and beautiful once more: it will be as it was in the beginning. And so now, beloved ones, if you will close your eyes, as you move into the Essence of your heart... begin to feel the expansion of the God Light as it fills your physical vessel. It gradually begins to permeate every Facet of your Being. In your mind's eye, envision the spiraling DNA within you, as it gradually begins to unfold; as it releases its secrets; as it integrates the magic elixir of Creator Essence. As it brings forth into your consciousness the Essence, the magnificence of Creation that has been brought forth to this Earth. As you become a living example personified: all of the love, harmony, purity, humility and compassion will begin to radiate forth from you, so that when others look upon you, they will see their own reflection. There will be an instant recognition, for it will seem as though, by looking into your eyes, you reflect to them the perfection of who they can be; their own great sacred potential. And now, as we join our consciousness together ‒ as we create a powerful vortex of energy, feel yourself spiraling up and out of your crown chakra. Sense how you are moving higher and All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane higher up into that Unified Energy Source, that vortex of swirling Light. Observe, as we all move into that wondrous diamond crystal Pyramid of Light. There are many of your brothers and sisters from around the world have joined us, and other Beings of Light from far distant corners of this universe are here as well. As you look down on the Earth from this lofty vantage point, watch as the great portal begins to open from the higher dimensions. See it begin to expand and expand, and as it expands, it telescopes and opens wider, moving farther, and farther, and farther out into the universe. Now focus on the Rays of Light, the golden and silver beams of Light, as the radiance begins to pour down from our Father/ Mother God as it filters down into our Pyramid. And now, feel yourself as you split your consciousness, and you feel yourself slowly move down onto the surface of the Earth. Sense that great Pyramid that was here; the great mountain, that pyramid-shaped mountain that was here, feel yourself move into those great caverns. It’s a most wondrous place, for it has retained the energy of home, even though it did not have the look of home. Walk through the tunnel, until you find your own special niche; the place that was your special place on this great mountain. It is there, seek it ... find it,.... for within that sacred space there is what you might call a gift of cosmic energy, an etheric crystalline Seed Atom is waiting for you. Know that there is a precious gift of remembrance that has been waiting for your return to this great cavern. You walk forth and you reach out into the niche, a special niche in the wall that only you can reach, that is only visible to you. There is one for each of you. Reach in and bring forth that gift that has been waiting for you ever since you left it there thousands and thousands of years ago. Hold it in your hand, and then watch as you touch it: sense it emerging and then slowly, it melds into your Sacred Heart center. This is a tiny Memory Seed Atom of your Soul Self. This is a part of you that you left behind when you began your journey down into the Third- Dimensional expression. And so now it is time to recapture all of those Facets of your Essence, in order to bring yourself back into wholeness – into unity – one with another. That is the beauty of the Ascension process that is now in progress on Earth. More and more often you are recognizing your Soul family, and you are swiftly moving beyond the confines of the illusion of the Third/Fourth Dimensions. You are clearing the way; you are harmonizing and healing the past so that you may easily and joyously move forward onto the Path of Light. That is why it is so important to merge with the many Facets of your own Divine Self within the Third and Fourth Dimensions. And so now beloved ones, suddenly we're back in that great crystalline Pyramid of Light in the Fifth Dimension. Together, let us radiate this Essence of the Creator down on all of those places on this Earth that are in much distress: to those places where this great dance of Light and dark are being played out. Radiate your Light down upon them, beloved ones. You do not realize how powerful you are. Make it a habit to daily radiate a share of your Love / Light into the World Pyramid, as you ask that the highest good for all. Join with us, unify with us, gain your strength from us, but also share your unique beauty and Essence with the World. One added to the All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane many, creates a dynamic force that will help to change this Earth in the best and most expedient way. Now, move back down, down through those Dimensions very swiftly, as you move back into your sacred physical vessel. Honor your physical vessel, beloved ones. See yourself firmly grounded to your Mother Earth. See yourself draw forth the Essence from deep within the Earth, up into your feet, and into the three lower chakras, in order to keep you stabilized as you become more and more radiant Bearers of Light. See that sword, that symbolic sword that you carry in your hand, as you wield it to sever any of the limitations, anything that is keeping you tethered to the illusion of the lower Dimensions. You are moving forward very quickly. It is a time of wonder. It is a time of joy and it is the time of unification and harmony. It is time to manifest all that you have desired and yearned, for such a very long time. Be bold, my brave ones. Stand firmly within your Column of Light, stay centered and focused within your Sacred Heart, as we go forward together, Lighting the way for those who follow. I surround you and enfold in an auric field of love and protection. You are profoundly loved, and you are most precious in our sight. I AM the Archangel Michael and I bring you these truths. And so it is. ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ STARSEED MEMORY SEED ATOM ACTIVATORS FOR THE AGE OF AQUARIUS NEW DIVINE BLUEPRINT ARCHANGEL MICHAEL ** RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL TELLS US: Since you are on the Earth Plane, and many of you are considered caretakers of the Earth, you came here to be a part the great transition into a new Age of en-Lighten-ment. There are MEMORY SEED ACTIVATIONS that began within the mid-plane realms of the Fourth Dimension; this process could not begin until the vibrational frequencies were attuned to the frequency patterns of the mid-Fourth Dimension. As the transition from the first four levels of the Fourth Dimension into the frequencies of the three higher planes of 4D occurred, there are many dear Souls who actually began to help activate the Violet Flames and the crystalline energy within the Earth. They also acted as the place holders of the initial process of anchoring the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light within the core of the Earth. There are a great number of people who are MEMORY SEED ACTIVATORS at many different levels. This is so that the different Memory Seed Atoms, the different crystalline structures, different Sacred Sites, or Ley Lines within the Earth can be activated at the appropriate time. This process has been designed so that at the appropriate time, the necessary energy can be supplied in order to activate these Sacred Energy Centers. It is a part of the Divine Blueprint; a core creative process designed to occur between humanity and the Earth. All of the activations, All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane which will initiate the necessary changes for the Earth and humanity, are a cooperative effort amongst Gaia, humanity and the Great Beings of Light, under the direction of our Mother/Father God. Now let us focus on those of you who are moving into and tapping into the Fifth-Dimensional frequencies / environment. This is the more advanced phase of this Cosmic Earth / humanity activation. So, as an example, let us say: There is a great energy source like Mt. Shasta, and there is another energy vortex like Lake Tahoe, and an ancient portal / Sacred Site such as Grimes point. There are many places like these around the Earth: many of them are intersected, many of them are purposely connected. When one of these Cosmic Energy Power locations is activated it immediately sends that energy to the other components; thereby, creating the triangles and geometric patterns that will assist each one to move forward or to integrate the higher frequency energy more quickly, and in a more dynamic way. What we wish to impress upon you at this time is that the STARSEED – THE GEOMETRIC PATTERN HOLDERS of the new Divine Blueprint – are now personally in the process of having their own PRIME MEMORY SEED ATOM more fully activated so that they may gradually be brought to their full potential. IT IS TIME! Due to the formidable negative events that are now occurring around the world, it is of vital importance that dramatic steps be taken to speed up the transition process for the Earth and for all sentient Beings on Earth. This Sacred process can be accomplished from afar; it is not restricted to the person’s presence at the physical location; you do not have to be physically at the site; however, it is much more powerful for the sacred location and for you if you are physically there for the activation. It is something that we can easily guide and assist you in accomplishing – we can ease and open the way. That is part of the process – the Divine dispensations that are being allowed at this time – for those who have made a commitment within the very depths of their inner Being (that is what it will take to accomplish this important mission successfully). So as you are aware, many of you are being brought together, and many of you are stepping out to claim and fulfill your Divine Mission. However, many have also fallen by the wayside. They are not to be condemned; their time will come at a later Clarion Call. There is always a brave Soul ready to take their place, for this process will not be denied. IT WILL BE COMPLETED! IT WILL SUCCESSFULLY TAKE PLACE! This Divine Activation is beginning to grow in intensity and it will coalesce. The higher, more powerful Rays of transformation are bombarding and infusing the Earth and humanity. It is of vital importance that this process begins to take place at this time. So the inspiration and the Divine discontent that many of you are feeling are because your Path of Destiny is being opened and activated. So be patient, beloveds, and allow it to unfold gradually. You will be All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane astounded as everything begins to fall into place. You have earned this Divine dispensation. Because of radiance that you are now projecting out into the world, you have earned it. The time that has been foretold is upon you, and you will prevail. You have proven that you are tried-andtrue. You are under my protection and you are loved most profoundly. I AM Archangel Michael. ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ **PRIME MEMORY SEED ACTIVATORS** ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE We would have you know that one of these brave Souls is the Light Warrior called Randall Monk. Yes, that is his purpose. He is one of the Geometric Pattern Holders of the Divine Blueprint for this coming Age. So let us call him a PRIME MEMORY SEED ACTIVATOR. Just as he has gone to Japan, South America, and several other different parts of the world, so have others that are of the same caliber. Each one was guided to be in those locations in order to supply his/her particular portion of the Geometric Pattern that is at that location. The Crystalline Memory Seed Atoms are activated when these Prime Activators go to each of these sacred sites -- in a pre-programmed way and to a pre-designed level – they supply a specific part of the Divine Blueprint. Then, over time, others add their Seed Atom frequencies, and so the Memory Seed Atom crystals begin to expand in Light Power, as they release more and more of the Divine Blueprint. It's like adding more power, more programmed energy power; or adding more electromagnetic wattage to the source that is waiting to be activated. In addition, as each person transmits their programmed Memory Seed energy to the Earth or to other Souls, they, in turn, will also receive the blessing of a Memory Seed energy activation. There must always be a mutual energy exchange; whether positive or negative. There are many of these sacred carriers, and their unique vibrational patterns coalesce and blend as they activate the different sacred sites around the Earth. The events on Earth and within humanity have progressed so that the time has arrived for the Prime Event to take place. The Prime Event is now ready to be PRIMED; it is time for all of the activations around the Earth and within humanity to take place. So the PRIME ACTIVATORS are now going to be inspirationally guided to go to these places in order to add the components that they contain: They will infuse the Earth with the higher frequencies of Creator Consciousness for the new Age of Aquarius. ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ All Rights Reserved. © 2017 Ronna Herman Vezane THE CONFIGURATION OF OUR SACRED TRIAD UNITY PYRAMIDS ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE ** AS A UNITY CONSCIOUS SPIRITUAL BEING, THERE ARE TWO NEW FIFTH-DIMENSIONAL PYRAMIDS AWAITING US ** THE FIRST PYRAMID IS OUR HIGHER FIFTH-DIMENSIONAL, PERSONAL, SACRED TRIAD PYRAMID OF LIGHT Those of us, who have completed the integration of the many Facets of our Soul-Self within in the higher Fourth Dimension, are at a major turning point. Up to now, we have been going into our entry level, Fifth-Dimensional Pyramid of Light, merging with our Etheric Replica there, in order to integrate and download the higher frequency “Light Formulas” that we have been receiving to help us through the last three levels of the Fourth-Dimensional imbalanced frequency patterns. After we have gone through the process of integrating all of our Higher Self / Soul Fragments, we gain access to the next higher level Fifth-Dimensional Pyramid, where our entry-level Sacred Triad will join us. We will exist and function from there in a more-refined form of our physical body (I have not received a clear picture of that as yet). However, in whatever form, we will begin to slowly integrate the next level of our Sacred Triad attributes within our Auric Field. From this new level, the “refined Light Quotient Frequencies” that we are to integrate will gradually “trickle down” into our Etheric Replica, which is stationed in our original personal Pyramid of Light; permeating it, and then gradually, this energy will stream down our column of Light into our physical vessel. I know this is a little confusing, but just envision adding one more, higher Pyramid on our Pathway of Ascension; whereby, we will gain access to everincreasing God Light frequency patterns. THE SECOND PYRAMID WE ARE GAINING ACCESS TO IS OUR HIGHER SUB-LEVEL FIFTH-DIMENSIONAL SACRED TRIAD UNITY PYRAMID OF LIGHT If you are familiar with the illustration of the World Server Pyramid, which contains many smaller pyramids, with one larger Power-Source Pyramid in the center, that is the way the Sacred Triad Unity Pyramid is configured. One of these smaller pyramids has been reserved for our closest Soul Family Group. We belong to many small and large Soul Groups, and we will interact with each unit at different times (more on that later). Each Pyramid is configured much the same: There is a huge double-terminated Generator