Ways to love both fashion and the planetWays to love both fashion and the planet The better you treat your clothing, the longer your clothes will last and look great. In general, we wash clothing much more than we need to. Laundry wastes water and energy, breaks down fabrics, fades colors and releases tiny microplastics into our oceans. It’s impossible to skip the washer all together of course, but it’s good to be conscious of what’s in your laundry basket and skip washing until it’s really needed. In general, we wash clothing much more than we need to. Laundry wastes water and energy, breaks down fabrics, fades colors and releases tiny microplastics into our oceans. It’s impossible to skip the washer all together of course, but it’s good to be conscious of what’s in your laundry basket. Lower the temperature on each wash. Most detergents contain enzymes which enable you to get your clothes clean even in cold water. If every household in Europe turns down the wash from 40 to 30 degrees Celsius, the difference would be equivalent to the CO2 output of 3 million cars a year. Dry clean less. Most wool is self-cleaning if you hang it outside for a while, or hang it in your bathroom while showering. The steam will help clean, and stains can be removed with a wet cloth. You could also decide to use your dryer less and let your favorite pieces air-dry (saving money on your electrical bill too).
If you’re "over" a piece of clothing, consider donating it, reselling it to a second-hand shop or contributing it to a take-back system like those that some retailers and aid organizations offer. Never just trash your clothes. Almost all textiles can be reused, down-cycled, up-cycled into new garments, or spun into new thread to be made into new fabrics. Finally, carefully consider your purchases, and buy quality designs that last longer, maybe even giving them a second life through second-hand shopping.