EXAM QUESTIONS1. Old English Literature. Characteristics of the Anglo-Saxon Literature. 2. Beowulf – an Anglo-Saxon epic poem. 3. Medieval Literature. The outline of the period. Characteristics of the Medieval Literature. Geoffrey Chaucer (The Canterbury Tales). 4. Geoffrey Chaucer and his Contributions. TheCanterburyTales – the panoramic view of medieval society. 5. English Literature of the Renaissance Period. William Shakespeare. 6. Life and literary activity of William Shakespeare. 7. Literature of the Restoration. John Milton (Paradise Lost). 8. Enlightenment in the English Literature. Historical Background, main characteristics. 9. Early English Novels. Daniel Defoe (Robinson Crusoe), Jonathan Swift (The Gulliver’s Travels). 10. Romanticism. The timeline of the period. Early, Mature and Later Romanticism (R. Burns, W. Wordsworth, G. G. Byron). 11. Robert Burns – the national bard of Scotland. 12. Lord Gordon Byron and his unyielding spirit (Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, Oriental Tales). The Byronic hero. 13. English novel of the Romantic Period. Walter Scott (Ivanhoe). 14. Victorian Age of English Literature. Main characteristics of the period, its representatives. 15. Realism in the English Literature. Ch. Dickens (Dombey and Son), W. M. Thackeray (The Vanity Fair). Main themes and characters. 16. LiteraryTrendsattheEndofthe 19Century. Aestheticism. Oscar Wilde (The Portrait of Dorian Grey). 17. The rise of science fiction novels. H. G. Wells ( The Time Machine, The War of the Worlds). 18. British Drama. G. B. Shaw (Pygmalion). 19. English Modernism: imagism (Richard Aldington), psychologicalfiction (D. H. Lawrence), streamofconsciousness (J. Joyce, V. Woolf). 20. AngryYoungMenMovementanditsmainrepresentatives (J. Osborne, J. Braine, J. Wain). 21. Dystopian novel (“1984” G. Orwell, “Brave New World” A. Huxley) 22. The American Enlightenment. Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine. 23. American Romanticism. Washington Irving (short-stories). James Fenimore Cooper (The Last of the Mohican). Edgar Allan Poe (short-stories). 24. Transcendentalism. Walt Whitman (A Song of Myself). 25. The Rise of American Realism. Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain). “Tom Sawyer”. 26. Naturalism in the American Literature. Jack London (Martin Eden, Love of Life). Theodore Dreiser (An American Tragedy). 27. Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961). A Farewell to Arms. The Old Man and the Sea. 28. The Lost Generation. Historical background, the origin of the term, main representatives. 29. The Lost Generation vs Angry Young Men Movement. 30. Contemporary British / American Literature (for example J. K. Rowling, Ch. Mielville, J. R. Grisham, S. E. King, G. R. R. Martin or any other writer of student’s choice).