Seminar № 1. English Literature: the Transition from the Middle Ages to Renaissance. Seminar №2. From Enlightenment to Early Romanticism. Seminar № 3. English RomanticismСтр 1 из 5Следующая ⇒ Seminar № 1 English Literature: the Transition from the Middle Ages to Renaissance 1. The Renaissance: historical background, main representatives and their works. How is it different from the Middle Ages? 2. William Shakespeare – the Renaissance genius. 2. 1. W. Shakespeare’s literary activity. 2. 2. Romeo and Juliet – conflict between human feelings, feudal customs and family prejudices. 2. 3. Hamlet – social contradictions of Shakespearian time. The character of Hamlet – a humanist a philosopher, a fighter for justice.
Seminar №2 From Enlightenment to Early Romanticism
1. The Period of Enlightenment: main ideas, historical background, representatives. 2. Robert Burns – a forerunner of Romanticism. 2. 1. Life story and literary activity of the poet. His love for Scotland. 2. 2. Revolutionary lyrics (Tree of Liberty, Is There for Honest Poverty, John Barleycorn, two dogs, Jolly Beggars). 2. 3. Love Lyrics. Burns’ contribution to the national and world literature. (My Heart’s in the Highlands, Red Rose). Seminar № 3 English Romanticism
1. Basic characteristics of Romanticism. British and European Romanticism (historical background, philosophical ideas, inspirations, main features). 2. Periodization of English Romanticism. Peculiar feature of each period, its representatives. 3. GeorgeByron: a man and a writer 3. 1. Oriental tales by Byron. 3. 2. The image of a romantic hero – a passionate fighter for happiness and justice. 3. 3. Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage – the plot, the message of the poem, the image of Childe Harold. Main hero and Byron – common features and differences. 4. Romantic novels. 5. LifeandliteraryactivityofWalterScott. Walter Scott – the creator of historical novel in the British literature. 5. 1. Classification of W. Scott’s novels according to the setting and the themes. 5. 2. Ivanhoe. The plot, the theme and the characters.