Seminar № 7. American Realism. Seminar № 8. American Literature of the second half of the 20th centurySeminar № 7 American Realism
1. General characteristics of the period. The development of American Romanticism. 2. LifeandcreativeworkofJackLondon. Jack London and the social movement for the rights of people. 2. 1. J. London’s stories about the north. The reflection of the theories of Spencer about biological selection. 2. 1. Love of Life. Dwell upon the idea of Man and Nature. 2. 2. Martin Eden. The plot, the theme and the characters. The artist and the society. 3. Life and literary work of Theodore Dreiser. 3. 1. An American Tragedy. The plot, the message, the characters. Man and society. 3. 2. The fate of woman in American society of the 1st half of the XX century (Carrie, Jennie Gerhardt, Roberta Alden, etc. ) Seminar № 8 American Literature of the second half of the 20th century
1. An outline of the American Literature of second half of the 20th century. 2. The Lost Generation Movement (historical background, major representatives and their works). 2. ErnestHemingwayandthe “lostgeneration”. 2. 1. A Farewell to Arms. The tragedy of the generation. The theme of war and love. 2. 2. The Old man and the sea – hymn to moral force, courage and dignity of man. 3. An author/ novel of the students’ choice. SUGGESTED LITERATURE: 1. Английская литература. 1945-1980 / [ Анджапаридзе Г. А., Аникин Г. В., Коренева М. М. и др. ]; отв. ред. А. П. Саруханян. – М.: Наука, 1987. – 512 с. 2. Аникин Г. В. Историяанглийскойлитературы / Г. В. Аникин, Н. П. Михальская. – М.: Высшая школа, 1975. – 528 с. 3. Аникин Г. В. История английской литературы / Г. В. Аникин, Н. П. Михальская. – М.: Высшая школа, 1975. – 528 с. 4. Балашов П. С. Писатели-реалисты ХХ века на Западе. – М.: Наука, 1984. – 256 с. 5. Венгеров Л. Зарубіжна література. 1871-1973 / Л. Венгеров. – К.: Вища школа, 1974. – 558 с. 6. Ивашева В. В. Судьбы английских писателей / В. В. Ивашева. – М.: Советский писатель, 1989. – 448 с. 7. История американской литературы / [под ред. проф. Н. Л. Самохваловой]. – М.: Просвещение, 1971. – 664 с. 8. Михальская Н. П. Историяанглийскойлитературы / Н. П. Михальская. – М.: Излательскийцетр «Академия». – 477 c. 9. Писатели США. Краткие творческие биографии / [сост. и общ. ред. Я. Засурского, Г. Злобина, Ю. Ковалева]. – М.: Радуга, 1990. – 623 с. 10. Bagatska O. V. OutlineofEnglishLiterature / O. V. Bagatska, M. V. Duka. – Суми, ВТД «Університетська книга», 2006. – 445 с. 11. Dudchenko M. Highlights of English and American Literature / M. Dudchenko. – Суми, ВТД «Університетськакнига», 2006. – 445 с. 12. Graham Greene. The Quiet American [Electronic Resource]. – Access mode: http: //www. e-reading-lib. com/book. php? book=1017739 13. Hemingway E. A Farewell to Arms [Electronic Resource]. – Access mode: http: //www. e-reading-lib. com/book. php? book=80121 14. Hemingway E. The old man and the sea [Electronic Resource]. – Access mode: http: //www. arvindguptatoys. com/arvindgupta/oldmansea. pdf 15. Perkins G. The American Tradition in Literature / G. Prekins, B. Perkins – McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2002– 2281 p. 16. Perkins G. The American Tradition in Literature / G. Prekins, B. Perkins – McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2002– 2281 p. 17. WilliamShakespeare: Selectedworks [Electronicresource]. – Access mode: http: //www. literaturepage. com/authors/William-Shakespeare. html 18. Works ofCharlesDickens [ElectronicResource]. – Access mode: http: //www. readbookonline. net/books/Dickens/15/ 19. Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow [Electronic Resource]. – Access mode: http: //www. readbookonline. net/books/Longfellow/145/ 20. Works of Jack London [Electronic Resource]. – Access mode: http: //www. readbookonline. net/books/London/49/ 21. Works of James Fenimore Cooper [Electronic Resource]. – Access mode: http: //www. readbookonline. net/books/Cooper/9/ 22. Works of John Galsworthy [Electronic Resource]. – Access mode: http: //www. readbookonline. net/books/Galsworthy/206/ 23. Works of Lord Byron [Electronic Resource]. – Access mode: http: //www. readbookonline. net/books/Byron/183/ 24. Works ofRobertBurns [ElectronicResource]. – Access mode: http: //www. robertburns. org/works/ 25. Works of Sir Walter Scott [Electronic Resource]. – Access mode: http: //www. readbookonline. net/books/Scott/218/ 26. Works of Theodore Dreiser [Electronic Resource]. – Access mode: http: //www. readbookonline. net/books/Dreiser/55/ 27. Works ofWilliamMakepeaceThackeray [ElectronicResource]. – Access mode: http: //www. readbookonline. net/books/Thackeray/131/