Answer correctly (R), false (F) or we do not know. (?) ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5
Say if the things happen in picture 1, 2, 3 or in all of them. It is winter. ( ) It's snowing. ( ) The trees are full of snow. ( ) The sun is shining. ( ) A girl is ice skating. ( ) People are skiing. ( ) A boy is snowboarding. ( ) There is a snowman. ( ) A boy is building a snowman. ( ) The ski resort is located in the mountains. ( ) People are wearing warm clothes. ( ) A skilift leads to the mountains. ( ) A boy is skating ( ) A girl is sliding down the hill. ( ) The pond is in a town. ( ) The sky is cloudy. ( ) The house is purple. ( ) The birds are looking for food. ( ) Answer correctly (R), false (F) or we do not know. (? ) Picture 1 This landscape is in Switzerland. ( ) People are playing winter sports. ( ) You can also sledge in this ski resort. ( ) It is late in the evening. ( ) Picture 2 The snowman is already done. ( ) It's midday. ( ) Today is Sunday. ( ) The boy in front can ski well. ( )
Picture 3 It is cold. ( ) The window of the house is closed. ( ) The mother calls the kids for lunch ( ).