Информационно-коммуникационные технологии 7 страница ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 9 из 9 < variant> is a markup language very similar to HTML, but it can becustomized with tags that describe the data in databases.
< question3> Web server < variant> is an Internet-based computer that accepts requests from browsers. < variant> is the product or output of oneor more Web-based files displayed in a format similar to a page in a book. < variant> (commonlyreferred to simply as a search engine) is a program designed to help peoplelocate information on the Web by formulating simple queries consistingof one or more words called keywords or search terms. < variant> typically contains a collection of related information organized and formatted so it can be accessed using software called a browser. < variant> is a markup language very similar to HTML, but it can becustomized with tags that describe the data in databases.
< question3> Query language < variant> such as SQL (Structured Query Language), provides a set of commands for locating and manipulating data. < variant> holds data for a single entity-a person, place, thing, or event. < variant> The process, but most consumers have no need to root their mobile devices. < variant> refers to software tools used to conceal malware and backdoors that have been installed on a victim’s computer. < variant> feature to hunt down mistakes that you habitually make in your writing.