Информационно-коммуникационные технологии 1 страницаИнформационно-коммуникационные технологии 2-модуль
< question1> ______is refers to the symbols that represent people, events, things and ideas < variant> Data < variant> Computer < variant> Books < variant> Information < variant> Bits
< question1> What is designed for a handheld device? < variant> Mobile app < variant> Move app < variant> Web site < variant> Database < variant> PC
< question1> Product of “Apple” company < variant> Samsung < variant> Ipad < variant> LG < variant> Explorer < variant> Yandex
< question1> What designed to be started by users by the OC? < variant> Executable file < variant> App store < variant> Web file < variant> Profile < variant> Consumers
< question1> What guides you throught the installation process? < variant> Setup program < variant> App program < variant> App bstore < variant> Record < variant> Processor
< question1> Set of updates < variant> Service pack < variant> Packing < variant> Installation < variant> Pirated < variant> Copyright
< question1> What refers to any component that is required to perform work? < variant> Resource < variant> Bot < variant> Dot < variant> Font < variant> Label
< question1> What provides process and memory? < variant> Multitasking < variant> Multithreading < variant> Multiprocessing < variant> Multiplication < variant> Multi
< question1> What collects and holds data while the computer is busy with other tasks? < variant> buffers < variant> copy < variant> required < variant> processor < variant> HD
< question1> What helps people defined as the combination of hardware? < variant> User interface < variant> Internet < variant> Store < variant> Graphics < variant> Music
< question1> What does desktop include for louching applications? < variant> Taskbar or dock < variant> Applications < variant> Desktop < variant> Interface < variant> Language
< question1> Buttons can be arranged in a … < variant> Toolbar < variant> Menu < variant> Menu bar < variant> Tiles < variant> Icon
< question1> What computer displays after you make a selection from the main menu? < variant> Submenu < variant> Main menu < variant> Menu < variant> Interface < variant> Menu bar
< question1> hat displays the options associated with a command? < variant> Dialog box < variant> Specific box < variant> Click < variant> Item < variant> OS
< question1> Microsoft Windows is installed on more than … of the world’s PC < variant> 80% < variant> 50% < variant> 67% < variant> 70% < variant> 100%
< question1> What stores information about the data in the data fork? < variant> Resource fork < variant> Formulas < variant> Data fork < variant> OS < variant> decent
< question1> Android is a < variant> Mobile OS < variant> TV OS < variant> Data fork < variant> Computer OS < variant> Software
< question1> A section of a HD drive that is treated as a separate storage unit < variant> Disk partition < variant> Folder < variant> File < variant> Specification < variant> Path
< question1> What describes the file’s contents? < variant> File tag < variant> Service < variant> Mouse < variant> Metadata < variant> Mac
< question1> Similar to a folder only in the sense that it can be used to group similar files < variant> Library < variant> Liberty < variant> Book < variant> Sheep < variant> Software
< question1> Synonym “cluster”? < variant> Block < variant> One < variant> Two < variant> Dozen < variant> Peace
< question1> An important groups of files < variant> Windows registry < variant> Database < variant> Computer store < variant> Video < variant> Graphics
< question1> A small picture that represents a program < variant> Icon < variant> Tiles < variant> Button < variant> Menu < variant> Menu bar
< question1> A list of commands or options on a menu bar < variant> Menu < variant> Ribbon < variant> Icon < variant> Dot < variant> Word
< question1> File specification sometimes called < variant> A path < variant> Page < variant> List < variant> Paragraph < variant> Select
< question1> Web sites that offer storage space for backups are called online < variant> Backup service < variant> Flash drive < variant> Location < variant> Files < variant> Information
< question1> Key to delete the character to the left of the cursor: < variant> Backspace < variant> Shift < variant> Caps lock < variant> Tab < variant> Enter
< question1> What is a hard disk (HD)? < variant> A device for storing information < variant> Device to read information from a diskette < variant> The device for input and information management < variant> A device for displaying information on the screen < variant> The device for printing information
< question1> What information is not measured? < variant> In megahertz < variant> In bits < variant> In bytes < variant> In kilobytes < variant> In megabytes
< question1> Standard Windows programs < variant> WordPad, Paint, Calculator < variant> Paint, Windows Explorer, My Computer < variant> Explorer, My Computer, WordPad < variant> Calculator, Explorer, My Computer < variant> WordPad, Windows Explorer, My Computer
< question1> How many windows can be open at once? < variant> Many < variant> One < variant> Two < variant> One or two < variant> Can not run the following command
< question1> A processor unit that controlled by the control unit (CU) is used to perform arithmetic and logical transformations is…. < variant> ALU < variant> EBCDIC < variant> ASCII < variant> CPU < variant> Data
< question1> Based on an input processing output cycle is… < variant> Data processing < variant> File < variant> Input < variant> Operand < variant> Object code
< question1> Characterized by small standalone computer powered by local software is… < variant> Personal Computing < variant> Software < variant> Phone < variant> Digital data < variant> Unicode
< question1> A group of computer linked together to share data and resourced is… < variant> A computer network < variant> Character data < variant> Download < variant> Unicode < variant> Memory
< question1> A collection of linked documents, graphics and sounds that can be accessed over the internet is…. < variant> The Web < variant> User ID < variant> Storage < variant> Password < variant> Windows
< question1> The word computer is part of a….. language < variant> English < variant> France < variant> Kazakh < variant> Spain < variant> Chines
< question1> Microprocessor-based computing device designed to meet the computing needs of an individual is… < variant> A personal computer < variant> Data < variant> Information < variant> Digital data < variant> Character data < question1> Tip archiver:
< variant> WinRar, WinZip
< variant> WinZip, MS DOS
< variant> UNIX, MS DOS
< variant> Aidtest, Doctor, Web
< variant> Aidtest, UNIX
< question1> Translate the decimal system to hexadecimal: 555
< variant> 22B
< variant> 45B
< variant> 20B
< variant> A4
< variant> 145
< question1> What symbol replaces any number of any symbols?
< variant> *
< variant>?
< variant> \
< variant>?,
< variant> ()
< question1> How writes: " All files without exception"?
< variant> *. *
< variant>?.?
< variant> *.?
< variant>?
< variant>:
< question1> Whenusing a browser, you can access aWeb page by clicking a < variant> Hypertextlink < variant> local e-mail. < variant> Link popularity < variant> Keyword stuffing < variant> JavaScript
< question1> persistent HTTP connection < variant> reuses the same HTTP connection tosend and receive multiple requests. < variant> (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)provides a clever way of disguising digitalphotos, sounds, and other mediaas plain ASCII code that can travel over the Internet with text-based e-mail dat < variant> < variant> is online jargon for Internet etiquette. < variant> a cyberspace versionof the metal cart you wheel around a store and fill up with merchandise. < variant> sometimes called a P2P payment, an online payment, or a thirdpartypayment) offers an alternative to credit cards.
< question1> Smileys < variant> are symbols suchas: -) that represent emotions. < variant> encrypts the data transmitted between your computer and a Websit < variant> looks for your search terms in thesearch engine’s indexed database and returns a list of relevant Web sites. < variant> is software that pulls keywords from a Web page and stores themin an index databas < variant> symbol that describes a relationship between search terms and therebyhelps you create a more focused query.
< question1> Web < variant> (short for World Wide Web) is a collection of document, image, video, and sound files that can be linked and accessed over the Internet using a protocol called HTTP. < variant> (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol that encrypt data travelingbetween a client computer and an HTTP server. < variant> is one that is set by an affiliated site. < variant> (Transport Layer Security) protocol that encrypt data travelingbetween a client computer and an HTTP server. < variant> or HTML editors, which providestools specifically designed to enter and format Web page text, graphics, and links.
< question1> Web authoring software < variant> or HTML editors, which providestools specifically designed to enter and format Web page text, graphics, and links. < variant> (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol that encrypt data travelingbetween a client computer and an HTTP server. < variant> is one that is set by an affiliated site. < variant> (Transport Layer Security) protocol that encrypt data travelingbetween a client computer and an HTTP server. < variant> (short for World Wide Web) is a collection of document, image, video, and sound files that can be linked and accessed over the Internet using a protocol called HTTP.
< question1> Web page < variant> is the product or output of oneor more Web-based files displayed in a format similar to a page in a book. < variant> (commonlyreferred to simply as a search engine) is a program designed to help peoplelocate information on the Web by formulating simple queries consistingof one or more words called keywords or search terms. < variant> is an Internet-based computer that accepts requests from browsers. < variant> typically contains a collection of related information organized and formatted so it can be accessed using software called a browser. < variant> is a markup language very similar to HTML, but it can becustomized with tags that describe the data in databases.
< question1> What is designed for a handheld device? < variant> Mobile app < variant> Move app < variant> Web site < variant> Database < variant> PC
< question1> Product of “Apple” company < variant> Samsung < variant> Ipad < variant> LG < variant> Explorer < variant> Yandex
< question1> Key- for deleting the symbol to the left of the cursor:
< variant> Backspace
< variant> Shift
< variant> CapsLock
< variant> Delete
< variant> Space bar
< question1> What sign writes after formula in spreadsheet? < variant> after the sign =
< variant> after the space
< variant> after the number
< variant> after the sign #
< variant> after the sign " "
< question1> What program works with databases?
< variant> MS Access
< variant> MS PowerPoint
< variant> MS Word V
< variant> MS Explorer
< variant> MS Excel
< question1> What programs are anti-virus:
< variant> Kaspersky, Doctor Web, Aidtest
< variant> MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access
< variant> ARJ, ZIP, RAR
< variant> MS PowerPoint
< variant> Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator
< question1> Select the file name anketa with expansion txt.
< variant> Anket/txt
< variant> Anket//txt.
< variant> Anketa/txt.
< variant> txt.
< variant> Anketa-txt
< question1> program MS Excel is...
< variant> Spreadsheet
< variant> Database
< variant> Text editor
< variant> Graphics editor
< variant> Dictionary
< question1> What maximum number has a name of file or folder in Windows?
< variant> 255
< variant> 10
< variant> 8
< variant> 23
< variant> 256
< question1> E-mail is
< variant> Electronic mail.
< variant> Work with text.
< variant> Database.
< variant> A game.
< variant> Testing tool.
< question1> How many columns in Excel 2007 spreadsheet?
< variant> 16385.
< variant> 255.
< variant> 289.
< variant> 5.
< variant> 65536.
< question1> Worksheet. < variant> уou use spreadsheet software to create an on-screen. < variant> A feature which determines how your text flows from line to line by automatically movingwords down to the next line as you reach the right margin. < variant> Usually all the files needed for the new software, consolidate them into one large file, which is compressed to decrease its size and reduce the download time. < variant> A computer under the control of a bad bot is sometimes referred, because it carries out instructions from a malicious leader. < variant> usually arrives as an e-mail message containing dire warnings about a supposedly new virus on the loose.
< question1> Zipped < variant> Usually all the files needed for the new software, consolidate them into one large file, which is compressed to decrease its size and reduce the download time. < variant> A feature which determines how your text flows from line to line by automatically movingwords down to the next line as you reach the right margin. < variant> уou use spreadsheet software to create an on-screen. < variant> A computer under the control of a bad bot is sometimes referred, because it carries out instructions from a malicious leader. < variant> usually arrives as an e-mail message containing dire warnings about a supposedly new virus on the loose.
< question1> Analog data is < variant> represented using an infinite scale of values < variant> text, numbers, graphics, sound, and video that have been converted into discrete digits such as 0s and < variant> has only two digits: 0 and 1. < variant> requires only seven bits for each character. < variant> a superset of ASCII that uses eight bits to represent each character.
< question1> Digital data is < variant> text, numbers, graphics, sound, and video that have been converted into discrete digits such as 0s and 1s < variant> represented using an infinite scale of values < variant> has only two digits: 0 and 1. < variant> requires only seven bits for each character. < variant> a superset of ASCII that uses eight bits to represent each character.
< question1> The binary number system < variant> has only two digits: 0 and 1. < variant> represented using an infinite scale of values < variant> text, numbers, graphics, sound, and video that have been converted into discrete digits such as 0s and 1s < variant> requires only seven bits for each character. < variant> a superset of ASCII that uses eight bits to represent each character.
< question1> ASCII < variant> requires only seven bits for each character. < variant> represented using an infinite scale of values < variant> text, numbers, graphics, sound, and video that have been converted into discrete digits such as 0s and < variant> has only two digits: 0 and 1. < variant> a superset of ASCII that uses eight bits to represent each character.
< question1> Extended ASCII is < variant> a superset of ASCII that uses eight bits to represent each character. < variant> represented using an infinite scale of values < variant> text, numbers, graphics, sound, and video that have been converted into discrete digits such as 0s and < variant> has only two digits: 0 and 1. < variant> requires only seven bits for each character.
< question1> Unicode < variant> uses sixteen bits and provides codes for 65, 000 characters-a real bonus for representing the alphabets of multiple languages < variant> a superset of ASCII that uses eight bits to represent each character. < variant> represented using an infinite scale of values < variant> text, numbers, graphics, sound, and video that have been converted into discrete digits such as 0s and < variant> has only two digits: 0 and 1.
< question1> The term peripheral device < variant> designates input, output, and storage equipment that might be added to a computer system to enhance its functionality. < variant> is the case that holds the computer’s main circuit boards, microprocessor, memory, power supply, and storage devices. < variant> is an input device designed to manipulate on-screen graphical objects and controls. < variant> can output digital music, digitally recorded speech, and a variety of sound effects. < variant> is an output device that produces computergenerated text or graphical images on paper.
< question1> The system unit < variant> is the case that holds the computer’s main circuit boards, microprocessor, memory, power supply, and storage devices. < variant> designates input, output, and storage equipment that might be added to a computer system to enhance its functionality. < variant> is an input device designed to manipulate on-screen graphical objects and controls. < variant> can output digital music, digitally recorded speech, and a variety of sound effects. < variant> is an output device that produces computergenerated text or graphical images on paper.
< question1> A computer printer < variant> is an output device that produces computergenerated text or graphical images on paper. < variant> designates input, output, and storage equipment that might be added to a computer system to enhance its functionality. < variant> is the case that holds the computer’s main circuit boards, microprocessor, memory, power supply, and storage devices. < variant> is an input device designed to manipulate on-screen graphical objects and controls. < variant> can output digital music, digitally recorded speech, and a variety of sound effects.
< question1> An optical drive < variant> is a storage device that works with CDs, DVDs. < variant> designates input, output, and storage equipment that might be added to a computer system to enhance its functionality. < variant> is the case that holds the computer’s main circuit boards, microprocessor, memory, power supply, and storage devices. < variant> is an input device designed to manipulate on-screen graphical objects and controls. < variant> can output digital music, digitally recorded speech
< question1> A hard disk drive < variant> is the main storage device on many computer systems. < variant> designates input, output, and storage equipment that might be added to a computer system to enhance its functionality. < variant> is the case that holds the computer’s main circuit boards, microprocessor, memory, power supply, and storage devices. < variant> is an input device designed to manipulate on-screen graphical objects and controls. < variant> can output digital music, digitally recorded speech, and a variety of sound effects.
< question1> A tower unit < variant> can be placed on the desk or on the floor < variant> is often placed under the monitor < variant> is a small, lightweight portable computer that opens like a clamshell to reveal a screen and keyboard < variant> is an enhanced mobile phone that also functions as a portable media player and has the capability to access the Internet. < variant> is integrated into the case that holds the screen.
< question1> A horizontal unit < variant> is often placed under the monitor < variant> can be placed on the desk < variant> is a small, lightweight portable computer that opens like a clamshell to reveal a screen and keyboard < variant> is an enhanced mobile phone that also functions as a portable media player and has the capability to access the Internet. < variant> is integrated into the case that holds the screen.
< question1> An all- in- one model < variant> is integrated into the case that holds the screen. < variant> can be placed on the desk or on the floor < variant> is often placed under the monitor < variant> is a small, lightweight portable computer that opens like a clamshell to reveal a screen and keyboard < variant> is an enhanced mobile phone that also functions as a portable media player and has the capability to access the Internet.
< question1> A laptop computer < variant> is a small, lightweight portable computer that opens like a clamshell to reveal a screen and keyboard < variant> can be placed on the desk or on the floor < variant> is often placed under the monitor < variant> is an enhanced mobile phone that also functions as a portable media player and has the capability to access the Internet. < variant> is integrated into the case that holds the screen.
< question1> A smartphone < variant> is an enhanced mobile phone that also functions as a portable media player and has the capability to access the Internet. < variant> can be placed on the desk or on the floor < variant> is often placed under the monitor < variant> is a small, lightweight portable computer that opens like a clamshell to reveal a screen and keyboard < variant> is integrated into the case that holds the screen.
< question1> A tablet computer < variant> is a handheld computer that is essentially a large version of an enhanced media player. < variant> is often placed under the monitor < variant> is a small, lightweight portable computer that opens like a clamshell to reveal a screen and keyboard < variant> is an enhanced mobile phone that also functions as a portable media player and has the capability to access the Internet. < variant> is integrated into the case that holds the screen.
< question1> The PC platform < variant> is based on the original IBM PC. < variant> is based on a proprietary design for a personal computer called the Macintosh (or Mac), manufactured almost exclusively by Apple Inc. < variant> uses a standard PC or Mac to run operating system. < variant> processor powered the original IBM PC. < variant> is Intel’s chief rival in the PC chip market.
< question1> The Mac platform < variant> is based on proprietary design for personal computer < variant> is based on the original IBM PC < variant> is integrated into the case that holds the screen < variant> uses a standard PC or Mac to run operating system