Информационно-коммуникационные технологии 6 страница
< question3> Сell references < variant> (like D4 and D5), numbers (like 110), а formula, such as =D4-D5question2((D8/B2)*110. < variant> Like a spider in its web, the person who controls many bot-infested computers can link them together into a network. < variant> originated as the Berkeley Software Distribution license for a UNIX-like operating system. < variant> (like D4 and D5), numbers (like 110), а formula, such as =DDD4-D5question2((DDD8/B2)*110. < variant> is usually sold in retail stores or at Web sites.
< question3> Commercial software < variant> is usually sold in retail stores or at Web sites. < variant> Like a spider in its web, the person who controls many bot-infested computers can link them together into a network. < variant> originated as the Berkeley Software Distribution license for a UNIX-like operating system. < variant> in the grid can contain a value, label, or formula. < variant> (like D4 and D5), numbers (like 110), а formula, such as =D4-D5question2((D8/B2)*110
< question3> Сomputer virus < variant> is a set of program instructions that attaches itself to a file, reproduces itself, and spreads to other files. < variant> is a self-replicating program designed to carry out some unauthorized activity on a victim’s computer. < variant> is a form of legal protection that grants the author of an original work an exclusive right to copy, distribute, sell, and modify that work. < variant> Most software displays, such as © 2014 eCourse Corporation, on one of its screens. < variant> is simply a collection of data that is stored on one or more computers, іn the context of modern usage
< question3> Сomputer worm < variant> is a self-replicating program designed to carry out some unauthorized activity on a victim’s computer. < variant> is a set of program instructions that attaches itself to a file, reproduces itself, and spreads to other files. < variant> is a form of legal protection that grants the author of an original work an exclusive right to copy, distribute, sell, and modify that work. < variant> Most software displays, such as © 2014 eCourse Corporation, on one of its screens. < variant> is simply a collection of data that is stored on one or more computers, іn the context of modern usage
< question3> Сopyright < variant> is a form of legal protection that grants the author of an original work an exclusive right to copy, distribute, sell, and modify that work. < variant> is a set of program instructions that attaches itself to a file, reproduces itself, and spreads to other files. < variant> is a self-replicating program designed to carry out some unauthorized activity on a victim’s computer. < variant> Most software displays, such as © 2014 eCourse Corporation, on one of its screens. < variant> is simply a collection of data that is stored on one or more computers, іn the context of modern usage
< question3> database < variant> is simply a collection of data that is stored on one or more computers, іn the context of modern usage < variant> is a set of program instructions that attaches itself to a file, reproduces itself, and spreads to other files. < variant> is a self-replicating program designed to carry out some unauthorized activity on a victim’s computer. < variant> is a form of legal protection that grants the author of an original work an exclusive right to copy, distribute, sell, and modify that work. < variant> Most software displays, such as © 2014 eCourse Corporation, on one of its screens.
< question3> Device driver < variant> is software that helps a peripheral device establishcommunication with a computer. < variant> is distributed for free and often comes preinstalled on new computers, but it is limited in some way until you pay for it. < variant> refers to the way that all the elements of a document- text, pictures, titles, and page numbers-are arranged on the page. < variant> (end-user license agreement) is displayed on the screen when you first install software. < variant> The main component of a software package, designed to be started by users or automatically launched by the operating system.
< question3> Document formatting < variant> refers to the way that all the elements of a document- text, pictures, titles, and page numbers-are arranged on the page. < variant> is distributed for free and often comes preinstalled on new computers, but it is limited in some way until you pay for it. < variant> is software that helps a peripheral device establishcommunication with a computer. < variant> (end-user license agreement) is displayed on the screen when you first install software. < variant> The main component of a software package, designed to be started by users or automatically launched by the operating system.
< question3> EULA < variant> (end-user license agreement) is displayed on the screen when you first install software. < variant> is distributed for free and often comes preinstalled on new computers, but it is limited in some way until you pay for it. < variant> is software that helps a peripheral device establishcommunication with a computer. < variant> refers to the way that all the elements of a document- text, pictures, titles, and page numbers-are arranged on the page. < variant> The main component of a software package, designed to be started by users or automatically launched by the operating system.
< question3> Еxecutable file < variant> The main component of a software package, designed to be started by users or automatically launched by the operating system. < variant> is distributed for free and often comes preinstalled on new computers, but it is limited in some way until you pay for it. < variant> is software that helps a peripheral device establishcommunication with a computer. < variant> refers to the way that all the elements of a document- text, pictures, titles, and page numbers-are arranged on the page. < variant> (end-user license agreement) is displayed on the screen when you first install software.
< question3> Field < variant> holds one item of data relevant to a record. < variant> is a set of letters that share a unified design. < variant> text that you specify to automatically appear in the bottom margin of every page. < variant> works behind the scenes to tell the computer how to use the contents ofcells in calculations. < variant> is copyrighted software that-asyou might expect-is available for free.
< question3> Font < variant> is a set of letters that share a unified design. < variant> holds one item of data relevant to a record. < variant> text that you specify to automatically appear in the bottom margin of every page. < variant> works behind the scenes to tell the computer how to use the contents ofcells in calculations. < variant> is copyrighted software that-asyou might expect-is available for free.
< question3> Footer < variant> text that you specify to automatically appear in the bottom margin of every page. < variant> holds one item of data relevant to a record. < variant> is a set of letters that share a unified design. < variant> works behind the scenes to tell the computer how to use the contents ofcells in calculations. < variant> is copyrighted software that-asyou might expect-is available for free.
< question3> Formula < variant> works behind the scenes to tell the computer how to use the contents ofcells in calculations. < variant> holds one item of data relevant to a record. < variant> is a set of letters that share a unified design. < variant> text that you specify to automatically appear in the bottom margin of every page. < variant> is copyrighted software that-asyou might expect-is available for free.
< question3> Freeware < variant> is copyrighted software that-asyou might expect-is available for free. < variant> holds one item of data relevant to a record. < variant> is a set of letters that share a unified design. < variant> text that you specify to automatically appear in the bottom margin of every page. < variant> works behind the scenes to tell the computer how to use the contents ofcells in calculations.
< question3> Function < variant> уou can enter a formula from scratch by typing it into a cell, or you can use a built-in preset formula, provided by the spreadsheet software. < variant> so that the text is aligned evenly on both the right andleft margins. < variant> (General Public License) was developed for a free operating system called GNU. < variant> reads through your document and points out potential grammatical trouble spots, such as incomplete sentences, run-on sentences, and verbs that don’t agree with nouns. < variant> In computer lingo refers to any picture, drawing, sketch, photograph, image, or icon thatappears on your computer screen.
< question3> GPL < variant> (General Public License) was developed for a free operating system called GNU. < variant> so that the text is aligned evenly on both the right andleft margins. < variant> уou can enter a formula from scratch by typing it into a cell, or you can use a built-in preset formula, provided by the spreadsheet software. < variant> reads through your document and points out potential grammatical trouble spots, such as incomplete sentences, run-on sentences, and verbs that don’t agree with nouns. < variant> In computer lingo refers to any picture, drawing, sketch, photograph, image, or icon thatappears on your computer screen.
< question3> Grammar checker < variant> reads through your document and points out potential grammatical trouble spots, such as incomplete sentences, run-on sentences, and verbs that don’t agree with nouns. < variant> so that the text is aligned evenly on both the right andleft margins. < variant> уou can enter a formula from scratch by typing it into a cell, or you can use a built-in preset formula, provided by the spreadsheet software. < variant> (General Public License) was developed for a free operating system called GNU. < variant> In computer lingo refers to any picture, drawing, sketch, photograph, image, or icon thatappears on your computer screen.
< question3> Graphics < variant> In computer lingo refers to any picture, drawing, sketch, photograph, image, or icon thatappears on your computer screen. < variant> so that the text is aligned evenly on both the right andleft margins. < variant> уou can enter a formula from scratch by typing it into a cell, or you can use a built-in preset formula, provided by the spreadsheet software. < variant> (General Public License) was developed for a free operating system called GNU. < variant> reads through your document and points out potential grammatical trouble spots, such as incomplete sentences, run-on sentences, and verbs that don’t agree with nouns.
< question3> Нash value < variant> is a unique number derived from encoding one or more datasets, such as names, serial numbers, and validation codes. < variant> text that you specify to automatically appear in the top margin of every page. < variant> аpps are available from other sources, but using them requires an unauthorized change to the device’s software. < variant> popular with search engines such as Google, is simply a collection of words relevant to your search. < variant> is any text used to describe data.
< question3> Нeader < variant> text that you specify to automatically appear in the top margin of every page. < variant> is a unique number derived from encoding one or more datasets, such as names, serial numbers, and validation codes. < variant> аpps are available from other sources, but using them requires an unauthorized change to the device’s software. < variant> popular with search engines such as Google, is simply a collection of words relevant to your search. < variant> is any text used to describe data.
< question3> jailbreak < variant> аpps are available from other sources, but using them requires an unauthorized change to the device’s software. < variant> is a unique number derived from encoding one or more datasets, such as names, serial numbers, and validation codes. < variant> text that you specify to automatically appear in the top margin of every page. < variant> popular with search engines such as Google, is simply a collection of words relevant to your search. < variant> is any text used to describe data.
< question3> Кeyword search < variant> popular with search engines such as Google, is simply a collection of words relevant to your search. < variant> is a unique number derived from encoding one or more datasets, such as names, serial numbers, and validation codes. < variant> text that you specify to automatically appear in the top margin of every page. < variant> аpps are available from other sources, but using them requires an unauthorized change to the device’s software. < variant> is any text used to describe data.
< question3> Label < variant> is any text used to describe data. < variant> is a unique number derived from encoding one or more datasets, such as names, serial numbers, and validation codes. < variant> text that you specify to automatically appear in the top margin of every page. < variant> аpps are available from other sources, but using them requires an unauthorized change to the device’s software. < variant> popular with search engines such as Google, is simply a collection of words relevant to your search.
< question3> Leading < variant> The spacing between lines of text, (pronounced “LED ding”). < variant> refer to any computer program designed to surreptitiouslyenter a computer, gain unauthorized access to data, or disrupt normalprocessing operations. < variant> displays satellite, aerial, or street maps used to locate places and get directions between two addresses. < variant> spreads by sending itself to every address in the address book of an infected computer. < variant> such as the multiplication symbol (*), the division symbol (/), the addition symbol, and the subtraction symbol.
< question3> Мapping application < variant> displays satellite, aerial, or street maps used to locate places and get directions between two addresses. < variant> The spacing between lines of text, (pronounced “LED ding”). < variant> refer to any computer program designed to surreptitiouslyenter a computer, gain unauthorized access to data, or disrupt normalprocessing operations. < variant> spreads by sending itself to every address in the address book of an infected computer. < variant> such as the multiplication symbol (*), the division symbol (/), the addition symbol, and the subtraction symbol.
< question3> Мathematical operators < variant> such as the multiplication symbol (*), the division symbol (/), the addition symbol, and the subtraction symbol. < variant> The spacing between lines of text, (pronounced “LED ding”). < variant> refer to any computer program designed to surreptitiouslyenter a computer, gain unauthorized access to data, or disrupt normalprocessing operations. < variant> displays satellite, aerial, or street maps used to locate places and get directions between two addresses. < variant> spreads by sending itself to every address in the address book of an infected computer. < variant> Module < variant> refers to a component, suchas a word processing module. < variant> is designed for a handheld device, such as a smartphone, tablet computer, or enhanced media player. < variant> is priced per copy and allows the allocated number of copies to be used simultaneously. < variant> is a question stated in a language such as English, rather than anesoteric query language. < variant> is a collection of programsthat typically include word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, anddatabase modules.
< question3> Natural language query < variant> is a question stated in a language such as English, rather than anesoteric query language. < variant> is designed for a handheld device, such as a smartphone, tablet computer, or enhanced media player. < variant> refers to a component, suchas a word processing module. < variant> is priced per copy and allows the allocated number of copies to be used simultaneously. < variant> is a collection of programsthat typically include word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, anddatabase modules.
< question3> Оffice suite < variant> is a collection of programsthat typically include word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, anddatabase modules. < variant> is designed for a handheld device, such as a smartphone, tablet computer, or enhanced media player. < variant> refers to a component, suchas a word processing module. < variant> is priced per copy and allows the allocated number of copies to be used simultaneously. < variant> is a question stated in a language such as English, rather than anesoteric query language.
< question3> Open source software < variant> makes uncompiled program instructions-the source code-available to programmers who want to modify and improve the software. < variant> refers to the physical position of each element on a page. < variant> refers to the horizontal position of text-whether it is aligned at the left margin, aligned at the right margin. < variant> includes the alignment of text within the margins and the space between each line of text. < variant> (Portable Document Format) is a standard format for exchangingfiles, so most people will assume that your computer has PDF capability.
< question3> Page layout < variant> refers to the physical position of each element on a page. < variant> makes uncompiled program instructions-the source code-available to programmers who want to modify and improve the software. < variant> refers to the horizontal position of text-whether it is aligned at the left margin, aligned at the right margin. < variant> includes the alignment of text within the margins and the space between each line of text. < variant> (Portable Document Format) is a standard format for exchangingfiles, so most people will assume that your computer has PDF capability.
< question3> Paragraph alignment < variant> refers to the horizontal position of text-whether it is aligned at the left margin, aligned at the right margin. < variant> makes uncompiled program instructions-the source code-available to programmers who want to modify and improve the software. < variant> refers to the physical position of each element on a page. < variant> includes the alignment of text within the margins and the space between each line of text. < variant> (Portable Document Format) is a standard format for exchangingfiles, so most people will assume that your computer has PDF capability.
< question3> Paragraph style < variant> includes the alignment of text within the margins and the space between each line of text. < variant> makes uncompiled program instructions-the source code-available to programmers who want to modify and improve the software. < variant> refers to the physical position of each element on a page. < variant> refers to the horizontal position of text-whether it is aligned at the left margin, aligned at the right margin. < variant> (Portable Document Format) is a standard format for exchangingfiles, so most people will assume that your computer has PDF capability.
< question3> PDF < variant> (Portable Document Format) is a standard format for exchangingfiles, so most people will assume that your computer has PDF capability. < variant> makes uncompiled program instructions-the source code-available to programmers who want to modify and improve the software. < variant> refers to the physical position of each element on a page. < variant> refers to the horizontal position of text-whether it is aligned at the left margin, aligned at the right margin. < variant> includes the alignment of text within the margins and the space between each line of text.
< question3> Рirated software < variant> People who circumvent copyright law and illegally copy, distribute, or modify software are sometimes called software pirates, and their illegal copies are referred. < variant> Font size is measured, abbreviated pt. < variant> is designed to run from removable storage, such as a CD or USB flash drive. < variant> is a means of protecting software from illegal copying by requiring users to enter a product key or activation code before the software can be used. < variant> They are sometimes referred, because they offer features that really help get work done.
< question3> Рoint size < variant> Font size is measured, abbreviated pt. < variant> People who circumvent copyright law and illegally copy, distribute, or modify software are sometimes called software pirates, and their illegal copies are referred. < variant> is designed to run from removable storage, such as a CD or USB flash drive. < variant> is a means of protecting software from illegal copying by requiring users to enter a product key or activation code before the software can be used. < variant> They are sometimes referred, because they offer features that really help get work done.
< question3> Portable software < variant> is designed to run from removable storage, such as a CD or USB flash drive. < variant> People who circumvent copyright law and illegally copy, distribute, or modify software are sometimes called software pirates, and their illegal copies are referred. < variant> Font size is measured, abbreviated pt. < variant> is a means of protecting software from illegal copying by requiring users to enter a product key or activation code before the software can be used. < variant> They are sometimes referred, because they offer features that really help get work done.
< question3> Product activation < variant> is a means of protecting software from illegal copying by requiring users to enter a product key or activation code before the software can be used. < variant> People who circumvent copyright law and illegally copy, distribute, or modify software are sometimes called software pirates, and their illegal copies are referred. < variant> Font size is measured, abbreviated pt. < variant> is designed to run from removable storage, such as a CD or USB flash drive. < variant> They are sometimes referred, because they offer features that really help get work done.
< question3> productivity software < variant> They are sometimes referred, because they offer features that really help get work done. < variant> People who circumvent copyright law and illegally copy, distribute, or modify software are sometimes called software pirates, and their illegal copies are referred. < variant> Font size is measured, abbreviated pt. < variant> is designed to run from removable storage, such as a CD or USB flash drive. < variant> is a means of protecting software from illegal copying by requiring users to enter a product key or activation code before the software can be used.
< question3> Proprietary software < variant> has restrictions on its use that are delineated by copyright, patents, or license agreements. < variant> is not protected by copyright because the copyright hasexpired, or the author has placed the program in the public domain, makingit available without restriction. < variant> contains code that is suspected of being part of a virus іn the context of antivirus software. < variant> describes the information you want to find. < variant> QBE) simply requires you to fill out a form with the type of data you want to locate.
< question3> Public domain software < variant> is not protected by copyright because the copyright hasexpired, or the author has placed the program in the public domain, makingit available without restriction. < variant> has restrictions on its use that are delineated by copyright, patents, or license agreements. < variant> contains code that is suspected of being part of a virus іn the context of antivirus software. < variant> describes the information you want to find. < variant> QBE) simply requires you to fill out a form with the type of data you want to locate.
< question3> Quarantined file < variant> contains code that is suspected of being part of a virus іn the context of antivirus software. < variant> has restrictions on its use that are delineated by copyright, patents, or license agreements. < variant> is not protected by copyright because the copyright hasexpired, or the author has placed the program in the public domain, makingit available without restriction. < variant> describes the information you want to find. < variant> QBE) simply requires you to fill out a form with the type of data you want to locate.
< question3> Query < variant> describes the information you want to find. < variant> has restrictions on its use that are delineated by copyright, patents, or license agreements. < variant> is not protected by copyright because the copyright hasexpired, or the author has placed the program in the public domain, makingit available without restriction. < variant> contains code that is suspected of being part of a virus іn the context of antivirus software. < variant> QBE) simply requires you to fill out a form with the type of data you want to locate.
< question3> Query by example < variant> (QBE) simply requires you to fill out a form with the type of data you want to locate. < variant> has restrictions on its use that are delineated by copyright, patents, or license agreements. < variant> is not protected by copyright because the copyright hasexpired, or the author has placed the program in the public domain, makingit available without restriction. < variant> contains code that is suspected of being part of a virus іn the context of antivirus software. < variant> describes the information you want to find.
< question3> Web search engine < variant> (commonlyreferred to simply as a search engine) is a program designed to help peoplelocate information on the Web by formulating simple queries consistingof one or more words called keywords or search terms. < variant> is the product or output of oneor more Web-based files displayed in a format similar to a page in a book. < variant> is an Internet-based computer that accepts requests from browsers. < variant> typically contains a collection of related information organized and formatted so it can be accessed using software called a browser.